MSM Coverage 11/2/11

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in all fairness, we're promised juries that don't have a preconceived idea that we're guilty. So maybe it's more "leveling the jury pool".

IMO this whole thing is muddied waters... it's not like it was all crystal clear until these last "sources" spoke up.

Hopefully LE is getting a more direct and consistent idea of all that went on. Surely they must be.
It was reported in the media today, SB went to the liquor store at 6:40. Don't make me go find it. :floorlaugh: I found it very odd. :innocent:

I just happened to have this link open:

6:00 p.m.
-Neighbor, who checked on baby earlier returns for a moment, then leaves to purchase additional alcohol.

6:30 p.m.
-Neighbor returns and neighbor’s daughter sees Baby Lisa apparently safe.
-Deborah Bradley puts Lisa in crib

P.s. there might be a different time line about it, it's getting out of control.
So lets see, the important times during that day.

2:30 JI gets home from first job...even though he said he was home two hours with the kids...
4:30 PM DB goes on the wine run with brother, PN, and returns by 5:00 ish
Neighbor comes over...with her 4 yo... One source says neighbor, SB saw lisa in her crib

5:30 (and it used to be 5:20) JI leaves for 2nd shift (that makes three hours home with the kids and a half hour alone with them) Supposedly has time to play with them and to "eat with his family."

brother supposedly leaves about the same time as JI

6:00 PM neighbor goes on her own alcohol run...leaves 4 yo to play with the twi Irwin boys.

6:30 or some sources say 6:40 neighbor returns and suggest that DB this is when Lisa is put to bed.

7:30 PM the two ladies go outdside to party on the concrete stoop.

8:30 PM One of DB's reportedly non-functioning/restricted phones calls Jersey/JT's ex gf's communal cell phone. Neighbors say they saw Jersey in the neighborhood that day & night.

10:30 they call it a night...DB to bed...SB to sit on her stoop with another neighbor until 11:30 PM

12:15 LP's hubby, on Chelsea, is about to leave for work and he sees man with baby...tall, thin balding man. On her second interview she says she peeked out her blinds and saw the man, too.

2:30 AM White Blob shows up crossing the street at an intersection a few miles from the home...swinging arms and looking like it's wearing a dress...DT says it's a man coming out of the woods. Locals tell us there are no woods at the intersection.

3:30 or 3:45 JI returns home from work...weeks into the investigation we learn that he was expected home at 10:30 PM...five hours later he comes home to a fully lit house, windows open, door unlocked, one boy in mom's bed, one boy in his own bed, and no baby in the crib...wakes mom, they run screaming through the house, screaming wakes the boys who start crying...JI runs to neighboers knocking on doors before calling inquiring where the cell phones are and finding them gone remembers he has a work phone and calls 911.

4:00 AM as police are no doubt en-route to the neighborhood, motorcycle man, MT, sees short man, in white tee shirt with he says baby girl.

Just after 4:00 AM JI calls 911

Did I forget anything?

Please feel free to add to this list all the variations on a theme.
I just happened to have this link open:

6:00 p.m.
-Neighbor, who checked on baby earlier returns for a moment, then leaves to purchase additional alcohol.

6:30 p.m.
-Neighbor returns and neighbor’s daughter sees Baby Lisa apparently safe.
-Deborah Bradley puts Lisa in crib

P.s. there might be a different time line about it, it's getting out of control.

How much alcohol did these people need? Or DB just didn't want to share her box-of-wine?
Where am I looking? I don't see any lights go on and off. :waitasec:

But then, I'm not very observant either. (and that's an understatement!)
This is an edited version...I'm still looking for the whole video that shows when the lights came on and go off and then come on again. IIRc, it was a windy night in the past few days and the reporter is the same guy as in this link.
I never saw the lights go off in this segment, however, it is good to know that there is a flood light on the left corner of the house, that could light up the pathway to the front door. Now only if we knew if it was a motion light or a flood light turned on by a light switch.

I'll keep looking there is a video that shows the dark house behind the newsman...a little light in the ground starts to go on and off...almost like a search lamp...then the flood light comes stays on a little while and goes out and IIRC...comes on another time while the reporter is speaking...I feel like it was the night they left with BS...the night MW's story hit the airwaves.
How many more people were at this house that night? The guest list keeps growing.
Yep, I looked at every picture of the front of that house and was pretty sure that there were motion triggered spotlights on the driveway corner of the house. The ones in the back were easy to see but I was having trouble finding a real good pic that shows the front near the roof. Then two or three nights ago, one of the local newscasters was doing a story, at night, from in front of the house, when something triggered the motion lights and they came on. I was so happy to see that. Didn't save the link...but it was either KMBC or NBC action news...night time shot...maybe Saturday or Sunday night.
Not sure but that light has been on every night for a while with nobody out there. It was on just a little while ago when I drove by and nothing is there to trigger it that I could tell. I didn't notice if it was on or not before all of this though.
How much alcohol did these people need? Or DB just didn't want to share her box-of-wine?

Imo, there were more than 2 people drinking. Possibly people in the house, and the stoop was the smoking section. Maybe Monday Night Football or just hanging out partying. This has always been my gut feeling so there's no link, but as we learn more (like the additional alcohol run and the earlier time Lisa was put in her bed), I feel more strongly that there was more activity than the stoop drinking going on at the house. JMO...

It continues to puzzle me as to why the family took days after "no comment" to simply confirm that the young man in the store video was Debbi's brother and why they said that Debbi bought the wine for a "family event". I think the brother or other family member(s) may have been at the house for a while that night. It also wouldn't surprise me to find out that Debbi had left the house after the neighbor called it a night.

I just wish someone would talk since the parents refuse to do so without restrictions. LE needs to know who was in and out of the house to find out what happened to Lisa, imo. We've learned in the last 2 days that the neighbor was there longer than previously known, and that the brother must have been there to confirm Debbi's level of drunkeness. Lisa is waiting to be found; I hope someone with information steps up and helps her very soon.

ALL JMO (sorry for going O/T - a little heavy hearted tonight - where is Lisa?)...
So she is saying she saw the baby at 10:30? Because that is the only way she can say there was a baby in that bed.

The last time anyone claims to have seen that baby was 6:40 and Deb said that on tv.

11:30 to 3:45 is 4 hours and 15 minutes.

I wonder if since DB was so out of it...maybe SB checked in on Lisa. Just thinking outloud here. moo
HLN ... Vinnie Politan 11-2-11

Showing old video of DB and JI about what happened the night BL "disappeared" ... [video footage from KSHB/WDAF]

Going over Original Timeline :

4:51 DB buying wine

6:40 DB puts Lisa in crib

4:00 JI comes home and reports BL missing

NEW DETAILS Vinnie is going over :

5:30 Brother PN LEAVES home

6:40 Neighbor buys MORE liquor

7:00 Neighbor returns

10:30 Neighbor leaves and DB to bed

3:45 JI leaves work and ji bangs on neighbor's door before Baby missing

4:00 Reports Baby Lisa missing

I am having a hard time with ANY timeline at this time ;)
Quoting 'a source' could mean anyone gave them that info, whether true or hearsay or remembered wrong. I think too many things happened at too many different times for too many different 'sources'. Instead of being confused, I am going by the basic stories, changed and all, that were originally (or shortly thereafter) told. Every time a new event/situation happens I'm doubtful. And the wording... "6:40 Neighbour buys more liquor" Really??? They couldn't have said 'went to liquor store', 'left house for a while'?? Sensationalism at it's most disgusting
Showing the first video of DB freaking out crying. I'm just noticing that she said "I haven't even checked around the house. I don't even care about that right now, I still don't."

But, to be clear, she meant about anything else being taken from the home.
What time did DB say she checked on Lisa, Lisa was standing in crib, DB made her lay back down....
Tomorrow is a month since Lisa was last reportedly seen in her home.

Feeling sad that Lisa has been out there, somewhere, waiting to be found for so long.

May tomorrow's MSM news be that Lisa has been found.

I seriously doubt Jeremy would say he was told he didnt need to take a poly if he hadnt been told so by LE. And this was BEFORE they quit talking to LE.

He was at work for gods sake.


I agree with you. I wonder though if they will want him to take one now?
I really feel for reporters such as Jim Spellman (NG) who seem to be trying to report the story and what is flung back at them is IMO sensationalistic spin.
He also called the "baby" a "she," when he originally called it just a baby and he also said the baby didn't have anything on but a diaper at first and then changed to her wearing a T-shirt. I think this guy is just looking for his 15 minutes.

I think calling the baby a 'she' would be automatic and natural at this point. With all the publicity and questioning he has endured because of BL's disappearance, I think anyone would be saying it that way, except when they caught themselves. As for the T-shirt, the ONLY interview I have seen where he didn't say a t-shirt was the first one and maybe he just meant 'only a diaper' as in 'no long pants' on? I am just guessing, but I do know that this isn't new and I've heard him mention the T-shirt before. Maybe at some point, someone said 'naked except for a diaper' and he said, 'well no, she had a shirt on, just her legs were bare'.??!! Again, just a thought.
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