MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/5/11

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And Debbie said nothing else was missing that early drawers which held B Lisa's clothes were open, or did the kidnappers close the drawer on the way out, but forget to turn the lights off? Or maybe those clothes were in the pile of dirty laundry out in the open?

Did she? I thought she said she didn't know, didn't check, and didn't care.
IMO, if it isn't the outfit DB said she changed Lisa into after she "bathed her, put fresh clothes on her & gave her a bottle" before putting her to sleep, then I have serious doubts that any *kidnapper* tossed it aside whilst walking down the street with the baby.

I mean - what'd this *kidnapper* do? Pack an overnight bag for the baby & then decided to lighten the load by throwing away a garment or two?

If this report is true - if clothing of Baby Lisa's was found by searchers (in the very area of the least reliable witness account) - it sounds like planted evidence @ this point.

I look forward to hearing from LE.

:waitasec: maybe DB forgot what Lisa was wearing?
I know what you're saying, but given that Baby Lisa disappeared in the autumn, roots would be unlikely, since plant growth in that climate zone @ this time of year would not be occurring.

Nevertheless, I'm sure there are other botanical forensic tests that can be performed to help determine how long it's been there, for instance: the amount of leaf litter covering it (especially since it's autumn).

Yes! And in my understanding they can tell a lot more based on the conditions underneath (degeneration of grass, bug population, discoloration of ground, etc. I'm so glad we have forensics, because after this time we will know if it was a plant.

Correction: LE will know. WE will continue to be in the dark. :innocent:
Did she? I thought she said she didn't know, didn't check, and didn't care.

On another video interview, I believe she named what wasn't missing because I remember mom saying Lisa's pacifier and bottle was left behind.
Well now...if this isn't an interesting tidbit. Since the motorcycle guy has been interviewed in that spot what seems like dozens of times, it's amazing that "the outfit" wasn't found before. [coughcough]
Right, you would think she would check to see if anything other than her baby and cell phones were missing before now.

I'm not sure I'd be able to remember every outfit my baby had enough to notice if it was missing.

Do you all think LE would have pictures of everything in BL's bedroom to be able to tell if this outfit was removed after the big search at the home? Or do you think, IF it were planted evidence, BS or whoever would have had enough foresight to remove it before that?
Well this would prove it then! Whoever "kidnapped" baby Lisa, they walked around with Lisa in their arms from midnight to 4:00 am and then decided to strip Lisa and throw her clothing on the ground. That totally makes sense! NOT!
A new search was conducted by locals and cops didn't know about it?

The outfit shouldn't have been touched except by cops with gloved hands.
In my best Ricky Ricardo voice..............Aye yai yai yai.
We do not know that they didn't call LE immediately. They very well could have.
Felt that earthquake here. Just the thought of Baby Lisa's body lying on the ground somewhere out here is more than I can handle now.
<snipped by me>

Reporter Jim Spellman said a spokesman for the Kansas City Police Department confirmed that the neighbor has been cleared of any involvement in the disappearance of baby Lisa. The spokesperson said the department "has moved on from him," according to CNN.

(Of course, some people are going to reply to this post insisting that by "cleared", LE is most likely referring to JB's dinner dishes.) ;)

bbm= those are the words of kctv, JS acutally said that the LE did not and do not normally use the word cleared as that COULD potentially cause issues later. Moved on is correct.
Well this would prove it then! Whoever "kidnapped" baby Lisa, they walked around with Lisa in their arms from midnight to 4:00 am and then decided to strip Lisa and throw her clothing on the ground. That totally makes sense! NOT!

All dressed in white no less. Perfect outfit for baby kidnapping. I don't see many men walking around all dressed in white. Add a baby and the guy like this would stand out as a sore thumb.
Yes! And in my understanding they can tell a lot more based on the conditions underneath (degeneration of grass, bug population, discoloration of ground, etc. I'm so glad we have forensics, because after this time we will know if it was a plant.

Correction: LE will know. WE will continue to be in the dark. :innocent:

I believe your right. Experts should have an idea how long clothing has been laying outside on the ground. A recent drop (last day or so) would seem obvious even to an untrained eye if you ask me.
Well now...if this isn't an interesting tidbit. Since the motorcycle guy has been interviewed in that spot what seems like dozens of times, it's amazing that "the outfit" wasn't found before. [coughcough]
It was found several blocks north of there. It wouldn't be found if nobody was looking there either.
Well this would prove it then! Whoever "kidnapped" baby Lisa, they walked around with Lisa in their arms from midnight to 4:00 am and then decided to strip Lisa and throw her clothing on the ground. That totally makes sense! NOT!

It makes sense tha Motorbike dude saw someone carrying a baby in a T-shirt, if I was the abductor and some one saw me, there would be a very good chance I would want to change the baby's ID'ed clothing in case he reported the sighting asap, unfortunately he did not. The clothing could have been grabbed off the top of a dresser, tucked under the baby and fell to the ground while going through that area. There are more possibilities than someone planted the evidence (clothing) or the baby wsa stripped and/ or the closes were thrown on the ground.
It makes sense tha Motorbike dude saw someone carrying a baby in a T-shirt, if I was the abductor and some one saw me, there would be a very good chance I would want to change the baby's ID'ed clothing in case he reported the sighting asap, unfortunately he did not. The clothing could have been grabbed off the top of a dresser, tucked under the baby and fell to the ground while going through that area. There are more possibilities than someone planted the evidence (clothing) or the baby wsa stripped and/ or the closes were thrown on the ground.

Why in the world would someone kidnap a baby and then walk with that baby for hours? Makes no sense whatsoever.
Based on this article, DB is definitely able to drive (even if she can't drive legally).

Really? That's not all i got from that article. I thought it was nicely done but wait it paints DB in a good light so of course it's not important.

What I got from that article is that this family is very torn and being torn apart for no reason. Yes she made a mistake and drank way too much however there are millions of parents doing that right now and they will wake up in the AM and none of their kids are missing...but to's DB's fault for the baby missing....

If what he says is the truth and LE said that to her and JI I think it would be hard for me to interview with them...especially if I was innocent. If they have tunnel vision and are convinced that DB or JI did something with Lisa what good would it do to continue talking to them? They interviewed them for hours...I think it's time that they "move on" from the parents.

I also wish the parents were not being torn apart on every blog, message board or comment section...but because of CA that will never be the case again...sad actually because I do not feel these parents are strong or have (had) a clue as to what to do....I also do not think that either of them are involved with Lisa missing....I agree with opinions however I do not agree with tearing them apart for everything that they do/wear/or act...tear them away with facts and so far the only facts we have is she was drinking/she has problems remembering (be it that she was drunk or she could just be under stress)...we do not have any facts that she (they) were bad parents IMO.

My heart truly breaks for them :(
I never claimed that's all I got from the article. Considering we have been discussing for while whether DB knows how to drive, this article clearly indicates she does.
Why in the world would someone kidnap a baby and then walk with that baby for hours? Makes no sense whatsoever.

Kidnapping a baby makes no sense to me, but they do it all the time. Why do some bank robbers write a note on the back of their own personal checks? Because criminals are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer.
Why do people who get caught with narcotics in their pocket claim they have on someone else's pants? Again, same answer.
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