Mt REDOUBT, Alaska, about to BLOW

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Hello Scandi ! :blowkiss:

I have been watching this for a while but trying to stay off the AVO site as much as possible - they have been having some server issues because of the number of people getting on. Figure it is best to leave the site for those who live in Alaska so they can be forewarned.

The two webcams at Redoubt are not exactly live - they are updating every 10 minutes so kinda sorta live :crazy: Some beautiful shots today, especially when the steam started coming out. Short daylight hours up there this time of the year though so only a few hours to look and see.

I read up on this volcano - seems the 89 eruption distributed ash as far as Montana. WOW. I hope it just goes back to sleep and causes no problems for those folks. I doubt it will but will hope so anyhow.

Good to see you sweetie !

Here is a link to the seismic chart -

Awe Charlie, it is really great to see you too. I often have visions of dancing horses in my dreams thinking of you.

I hope the ash blows elsewhere too as it is nasty stuff. Gritty and plugs everything up like car engines and plants so they can't breathe.

With all the hoopala I do think it is just a matter of time. What I wonder about now is if this activity is connected to the swarms of earthquakes at Yellowstone and those in the ocean off the Oregon Coast. All these plates are connected underground, but how they jive together I don't know. i think I am going to have to buy the book KAT told us about. It would be one interesting read.

WOWSERS As of half an hour ago "Seismicity levels have increased since yesterday evening and have also risen markedly over the last hour." From the AVO Alaska site.

Thanks for the USGS site Charlie.

Gee, it is 8:56pm Pacific time here and that report was from 21:20 which would be 9:30pm in Alaska, right? They must be an hour ahead of Pacific time. They are sure keeping it up to date. WOW
I recently learned that Alaska has the most active volcanoes in the Western hemisphere. I know, nerdy. :loser:

Check out the pictures at the link! WOW

Story Highlights:
  • NEW: "Volcanic tremor" increasing in "amplitude," observatory says
  • The 10,200-foot Mount Redoubt is about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska
  • Volcano last erupted in December 1989
  • Eruption could spawn huge mudflows, disrupt flights with ash
-- Mount Redoubt, the Alaskan volcano expected to erupt at any time, is getting a bit more edgy.
The Alaska Volcano Observatory said in a statement Friday "volcanic tremor" has increased in "amplitude."
The activity on the 10,197-foot peak is "more energetic than that of the previous several days. However, it is still less vigorous than that observed last weekend," the observatory said.
Peter Cervelli, a research geophysicist with the observatory, told CNN that "every indication is that we're heading toward an eruption."
Cervelli said scientists don't know exactly when it will happen, but if it does happen, it could be days or weeks -- or even hours.
"I would not be surprised to see it erupt at anytime," Cervelli said. "We're going to know it when we see it."

more at Link

Hi MrsG, It is nice to meet 'cha and don't think anything is nerdy about geology.

Hey, I hear Gov Sarah Palin is in DC tonight to meet with the Pres over the weekend. She'll probably just die for want to being there if it does BLOW over the weekend. :) xox
From AVO as of 5 am (Alaskan time) a little quieter:

2009-01-31 05:21:10

Since late Friday afternoon, seismic activity has been relatively low at Redoubt; however, it is still above normal background levels. The volcano is in a state of unrest.

AVO continues to observe potential activity with seismic, satellite and radar data. The volcano has not erupted.

Neat sunrise this morning over Redoubt:

From KX Net { news from a Kentucky service } a little blurb this morning:

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) Geologists say a hole in a glacier on Alaska's Mount Redoubt has doubled in size overnight. Water is streaming down the glacier, indicating heat from magma is reaching higher elevations of the mountain. That points to an imminent eruption, and nearby residents are buying up dust masks and car air filters".

:crazy: I woke up this early morning to the Weather Channel blaring news of Mt Redoubt, saying it is closer than ever to an eruption and something having grown to the size of 2 football fields since last night.

I ran to the 'puter to see if they show any changes on AVO, and nope, and it is still ORANGE. I guess the reporter has FOOTBALL on his brain :eek: LOLOLOL

I just found this from 6 min ago:

Redoubt Volcano: Classical Gas Marks Alasaka's Hot Spot

"Alaska's Mount Redoubt Volcano continues in a period of what volcanologists call "seismic unrest." This photo from the Alaska Volcano Observatory shows steam rising from from a new melt depression at the mouth of the summit crater near the vent area of the 1989-90 eruption.

Also observed during yesterday's overlights:

....continued melting at the summit area. Holes in the ice continue to grow exposing more steaming rock. Volcanic gases continue to be detected . . ."

From KX Net { news from a Kentucky service } a little blurb this morning:

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) Geologists say a hole in a glacier on Alaska's Mount Redoubt has doubled in size overnight. Water is streaming down the glacier, indicating heat from magma is reaching higher elevations of the mountain. That points to an imminent eruption, and nearby residents are buying up dust masks and car air filters".

:crazy: I woke up this early morning to the Weather Channel blaring news of Mt Redoubt, saying it is closer than ever to an eruption and something having grown to the size of 2 football fields since last night.

I ran to the 'puter to see if they show any changes on AVO, and nope, and it is still ORANGE. I guess the reporter has FOOTBALL on his brain :eek: LOLOLOL

I just found this from 6 min ago:

Redoubt Volcano: Classical Gas Marks Alasaka's Hot Spot

"Alaska's Mount Redoubt Volcano continues in a period of what volcanologists call "seismic unrest." This photo from the Alaska Volcano Observatory shows steam rising from from a new melt depression at the mouth of the summit crater near the vent area of the 1989-90 eruption.

Also observed during yesterday's overlights:

....continued melting at the summit area. Holes in the ice continue to grow exposing more steaming rock. Volcanic gases continue to be detected . . ."

Wow :eek:

"The seismic unrest observed over the past few days is unusual for Redoubt and has not been seen since just prior to the 1989-90 eruption."

Should be any day now..
Good morning Ms. Scandi.

Don't know if you have seen these or not but some of the pictures of Redoubt taken yesterday (and some previous days) during the overflight are available here:

Some very good shots of the new fumaroles, mud streams, and steam plumes. The seismic charts are up from 3 different sensors and they are interesting.

Thanks Charlie, Really interesting. I didn't realize it blew in 2008 and thought the last eruption was in '89:confused:

Jamie on FOX just likened what is happening now as the volcano has burned a huge hole in the glacier. In a minute they have a segment on how they think this eruption could impact the globe.

Well, we know the ash will be carried by the jet stream which comes from the SW up over the mtn and will kind of swoop over Anchorage wwhich is to Redoubt's NE, and from there continue on a path around the world. Of course that depends on how much ash is blown out, but with St Helen's that is what happened.

Back to the sack for a bit. LOLOLOL
Wow :eek:

"The seismic unrest observed over the past few days is unusual for Redoubt and has not been seen since just prior to the 1989-90 eruption."

Should be any day now..

Hi MeoW, Nice to meet 'cha :)

I just found this which is pretty interesting on how the volcano is impacting immediate area

"Oil Terminal sits in harm's way of Redoubt

SECRECY: Citing homeland security, officials give out little information about the plant's status.


Published: January 30th, 2009 05:29 PM
Last Modified: January 31st, 2009 03:58 AM

When Mount Redoubt erupted 20 years ago, massive floods and raining pumice raised immediate alarms over the Drift River Oil Terminal, with its storage tanks of crude oil sitting at the foot of the volcano. . ." more at link

In the article it says they are keeping the oil levels low in the tanks due to the seismicity of the mtn.

Also, the TV announcer pronounced the name like Re-Do, not Re-Doubt as I had been thinking of it. ;}
Hi MeoW, Nice to meet 'cha :)

I just found this which is pretty interesting on how the volcano is impacting immediate area

"Oil Terminal sits in harm's way of Redoubt

SECRECY: Citing homeland security, officials give out little information about the plant's status.


Published: January 30th, 2009 05:29 PM
Last Modified: January 31st, 2009 03:58 AM

When Mount Redoubt erupted 20 years ago, massive floods and raining pumice raised immediate alarms over the Drift River Oil Terminal, with its storage tanks of crude oil sitting at the foot of the volcano. . ." more at link

In the article it says they are keeping the oil levels low in the tanks due to the seismicity of the mtn.

Also, the TV announcer pronounced the name like Re-Do, not Re-Doubt as I had been thinking of it. ;}

Hi Scandi, nice to meet you too! :)
It is very interesting to read about Mount Redoubt, it's my first reading about it in all honesty, so it's even more interesting for me.
I believe all these acts of Mother Earth affect the globe, like a butterfly effect even the smallest. I think when most people think of volcanoes, first thing that comes to mind is hot places, having one in Alaska is something, since it's so cold there; and that there is a volcano where it is so cold seems likely to have a bigger reaction (being near snow, ice, glaciers make it an even bigger impact).

The website states: "Holes in the ice continue to grow exposing more steaming rock. Volcanic gases continue to be detected. Clear web camera views currently show a steam plume rising from the area of the 1989-90 lava dome."
What can Alaskans expect if Redoubt blows for the first time since 1989-90?
It depends on their proximity to the 10,197-foot peak (see below map) and direction and velocity of wind.
However, it could be ugly and uncomfortable. When Redoubt erupted sporadically during a five-month period 20 years ago it sent a column of ash at least eight miles high, perhaps into the stratosphere.
It nearly caused the crash of a commercial jet by destroying its engine blades, and led to the establishment of the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, which informs pilots of new eruptions and possible related dangers.
As for health and environmental hazards, they could be significant. Johan "Joop" C. Varekamp, a Wesleyan University professor who studied fallout after the 1989-90 eruption, said breathing volcanic ash may cause discomfort and lung damage."

Alaska has a failry large number of volcanoes. Redoubt falls into the category of a "super volcano". Note attached from the Smithsonian:

Good Lord, Alaska has so many! I was unaware, learning everyday something new :D

I found an article telling how the glacier hole has doubled in size since yesterday:

"ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Geologists monitoring Mount Redoubt for signs of a possible eruption noticed that a hole in the glacier clinging to the north side of the volcano had doubled in size overnight - and now spans the length of two football fields.
Scientists with the Alaska Volcano Observatory on Friday flew close to Drift Glacier and spotted vigorous steam emitted from a hole on the mountain. By Saturday, they had confirmed the area was a fumarole, an opening in the earth that emits gases and steam, that was increasing in size at an alarming rate.
They also saw water streaming down the glacier, indicating heat from magma is reaching higher elevations of the mountain.
"The glacier is sort of falling apart in the upper part," research geologist Kristi Wallace said."

This is the official monitoring site for Redoubt:

About half way down on the right you will a section for webcams with 2 thumbnails - you can click on them to see Redoubt from 2 different angles. You made need to refresh them after you open one just so you can see the most recent photo - date & time in the upper left of the photo. Not live streaming but seem to change every 10 to 20 minutes.

Below that section is the Webicorders - show the seismic activity. Note the one for RDN in particular - shows a lot of activity.

I have just been checking this site periodically as they have had some server trouble due to too many people. Figured it was best to visit periodically so folks who live up there can get on the site.

The sun will be coming up soon over Redoubt - the past 3 mornings have been really beautiful. As are the sunsets.


This is the official monitoring site for Redoubt:

About half way down on the right you will a section for webcams with 2 thumbnails - you can click on them to see Redoubt from 2 different angles. You made need to refresh them after you open one just so you can see the most recent photo - date & time in the upper left of the photo. Not live streaming but seem to change every 10 to 20 minutes.

Below that section is the Webicorders - show the seismic activity. Note the one for RDN in particular - shows a lot of activity.

I have just been checking this site periodically as they have had some server trouble due to too many people. Figured it was best to visit periodically so folks who live up there can get on the site.

The sun will be coming up soon over Redoubt - the past 3 mornings have been really beautiful. As are the sunsets.


Thank you for the link, Raisincharlie, when i click it's such a dark picture, i have tried the refreshing the page also. I'm going to have to wait til the sunrise there i guess :) It's coming up as Sunday 8:15 on them, there might be a lot of traffic to their server, most likely.
That RDN is redlining, the REF one too.
Thank you for the link, Raisincharlie, when i click it's such a dark picture, i have tried the refreshing the page also. I'm going to have to wait til the sunrise there i guess :) It's coming up as Sunday 8:15 on them, there might be a lot of traffic to their server, most likely.
That RDN is redlining, the REF one too.

That time is about right - they are 3 hours behind CST so adjust for your time. The sun comes up about noon CST time - 9 or so their time - about half an hour from now you will be able to see it coming up on the Redout Hut camera link. The CI link is a camera on a platform out in Cooks Inlet looking north toward Redoubt. Might see a polar bear or 2 on the ice flow. :)
That time is about right - they are 3 hours behind CST so adjust for your time. The sun comes up about noon CST time - 9 or so their time - about half an hour from now you will be able to see it coming up on the Redout Hut camera link. The CI link is a camera on a platform out in Cooks Inlet looking north toward Redoubt. Might see a polar bear or 2 on the ice flow. :)

It's updated the photos now :) such a beautiful sunrise is right! No polar bears yet though
I am catching up on the reports... they are worried because the magma is starting to rise higher in the mountain... when it blows, it has a potential to be far more violent they they are expecting. :(

Though, the ash and debris in the atmosphere could help to lower climate by half a degree, in the world.
Thanks for everyone that keeps updating this thread. I have been reading.

That might have a significant impact on agriculture, in the long run, elphaba don't you think? Also, I wonder what impact on the weather patterns that half a degree could have?

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