"My gut feeling is she is OK"

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I think everyone is reading WAY too much into all this. There was no code, no intended meaning, no nothing. KC is a lying, manipulating killer - plain & simple. She told people what they wanted to hear, which was that Caylee was OK. IMO, she wasn't speaking of Caylee's spirit or her soul, she was just telling her mother what was the most convenient lie at the time.

The only hidden meaning in there was that she thought her hiding place for the body was safe and that everyone would just keep looking until they finally gave up, and she'd be able to get away with it.

I don't think she is smart enough to double-speak that well.

You may be right, but, after all she is handing to her family, THEY NEVER SEARCHED FOR CAYLEE. Never. Scary.
She uses references to "gut feelings" several times. The first time she says it to LA in their taped phone conversation (when she's in jail) and she says something to the efffect of "mom will know what I mean..." I have always felt that this phrase gives KC a little "kick" and that she uses it to throw egg on her mother's face. It sounds like a phrase that CA would use and I think she probably finds it amusing that she could use to assist in yet another chitface lie to her mother about KC's well-being.


Hmm.. I've thought about that "gut feeling" I agree, I think it's a kick to CA.

THEORY ONLY... She told her mother some things long ago that her mother did not believe. It was about her other child and her "gut feeling" said it wasn't possible her child would do that.

Not being believed by a Mother, one doesn't forget a stab like that. And if what she told her bother was what the rumor said.. then that "gut feeling" comment would always stick with Casey. That and alot of other stuff. Including a resentment that her Mother protected her other child over her.

Whither or not she was telling the truth might not be an issue. She might have lied, and resented that her Mother quickly dismissed it. That would be shocking and wondering what would happen if it was true and Mommy did that. Hence, even if it was a lie.. KC would always remember how Mommy responsded.

And such guilt might also be why CA would go as far as she has in this mess. To the 'mistruths', etc.
I think she was playing the odds. Even in the most asinine sitcom, the main character when caught telling the lie will go to great lengths to cover it up and add a lie on top of a lie- Until forced to come clean with hilarious results.

She was hoping that it would eventually work out- the way it ALWAYS had. In the past EVERYONE bought her BS, her family, her friends-she always had a valid excuse or reason for what she did.

Some one suggested the theory that she wanted the car stolen to claim kidnapping and poss cause of the little ones demise-but the lie had to change and change and change again to fit the circumstance.

She played the odds that it would eventually work out in the end. She never thought the body would be found-now she has to lie again to explain that.

Just like a sitcom-only this time with tragic results.

jmo-Hi everyone 1st time poster, long time lurker.
She was certainly spinning fantasies in those jail house visits:

“In my gut I know she’s still okay, I can feel it Mom. I know she’s still okay. We’re going to get our little girl back...and she’s going to be just as she was.”
(Casey Anthony jail visit July 30, 2008)

A particularly cruel fantasy, as she knew full well Klee was never going to be "just as she was" ever again. :furious:

Now that in itself is so wierd, who talks like that???Reminds me when the detectives asked KC if Klee wouldn't be the way her family remembers her.
Translated from KCspeak, could this really be saying that as long as she hadn't been found, I'm OK?

It's possilbe. In several instances she talks about Caylee but actually refers to herself, in my opinion. The one that sticks out in my mind is her reply to CA's question, "What do you want to tell Caylee?" The tart mom says, "Mommy loves her. She's the most important thing in the world to me. Tell her to be brave." (not her exact words, but very close) She cries real tears as she says this because these are the words she wants CA to say to her. When one considers the symbiotic nature of the CA/KC/Caylee relationship, it's not so far-fetched.

I'll post more examples later after I've had coffee.
I hope that CA will soon realize that KA did this to SPITE her mother. Yes, she is a spiteful *advertiser censored*. Didn't she say I could have dropped her off with her parents anytime? CA wanted custody? CA, your daughter is your enemy.

I agree, IMO, THIS WAS DONE IN SPITEOF, AND TO HURT CA. The trouble had been coming for a long time. The fight that happened on 6/15, was the straw that broke the camels back. Remember KC saying to LA on the night 911 was called, something about being a spiteful b*$%#, and a terrible mother. I don't think anything to do with this case is accidental. I also don't think CA and GA should take all the blame for the way KC turned out.
I think that Casey harbored a real hatred for the life that she HAD to live raising Caylee. I also think that her parents mostly CA was putting all kinds of pressure on her to be a better mom. I know that GA and CA spout off out the mouth about how great Casey is but what have they said to her behind closed doors? Looks to me like there was a turmoil inside that house long before this tragedy occurred. And I think she dreamed about hurting Caylee at TonE's, referring to the bad dreams at TomE's. But, during the day, she can separate all that she has done by simply blocking it out and ANYONE who feeds in to her beliefs helps her believe it al the more.

Hatred for the life she had, yes. But I have always believed that she HATED her mother so badly she wanted to exact the ultimate pain on her. I don't think she killed Caylee to make her life better...

I think she killed Caylee to make her mother miserable for the rest of her life. It's about HATE for Cindy, maybe even 'payback' like you say...some kind of abuse her mother didn't protect her from?
I am SO SICK OF HEARING "MY GUT FEELING" or "my gut tells me"

I want to rip my guts out.



Its all so falseeeeeee

Don't you mean, "I want to rip her guts out."? Don't go hurting yourself on account of this "spiteful b****".
Casey had to give some kind of an explanation for her lack of emotion. After all, any normal mother would have been having a nervous breakdown worrying about the fate of her missing child. I believe she invented her "gut feeling" (that Caylee was being well cared for) to avoid having to act consistently distraught. I've seen this in other missing children's cases and I'm convinced it should be studied as a possible red flag for future cases.

She really tried to cover everything didn't she. So smart..... yet so stupid.
I usually lurk BUT this post "spoke" to me........why do we always put the blame on parents or else where at least, when a crime like this occurs? :waitasec:Just because we assume she killed Caylee.......does not mean that she was abused! Maybe it does.......... and maybe it doesn't!! I think she needs to (for the FIRST time,) take responsibility for her actions without placing the blame else where. If at a later date it is proved she was abused then ok, maybe that could be a reason but until I see that proof I am not giving her any excuses!She makes up enough with out my help! Sorry don't mean to affend......jmoo:rolleyes:


There is no legal defense other than postulating, that the "cause" of Casey having committed these (alleged) acts has its source in her upbringing. To do this, the defense must admit their client committed the act. Psychologists work this angle to find reason that leads a person to commit violent acts, but it does not offer a defense. Casey can make the claim that she was raised in a house with ambiguous rules (which I fully agree) where one day this action has this consequence, and the next day it has a different one. Removing the stability of consequences removes the need to operate with the understanding that there ARE consequences. Making the claim for incest, and telling her mother about it, only to be ignored (which I fully agree took place) doesn't mean that one is absolved from actions in the future. One can only then see that from far back, Casey was ill-equipped to be a decent human being, let alone a mother of a child. Pinpointing the "how did Casey get this way" then is only a way to garner sympathy. Casey had a craptastic upbringing. Caylee died because Casey (allegedly) took steps to end that life. All the pathos of the story of how she got to that point ends at the killing of her daughter. That is a crime, and she should face the music.

I'm very sorry if I have the wrong information (I have a hard time keeping all the facts straight in this case, I think I have something and it turns out it was wrong....LOL) but didn't KC sign a form at some time, listing her profession as Nanny? Am I completely off in left field? Wouldn't that indicate that she at least at one time, considered herself a Nanny? Maybe a little "Zany" Nanny?

IWannaKnow, in Cindy's FBI interview, she made the statement that Casey put Nanny down as one of her job occupations.
Translated from KCspeak, could this really be saying that as long as she hadn't been found, I'm OK?

what about what she said to TonE: "if they NEVER find her guess who will spend Eternity in jail"..( may not be exact quote)
that has always bothered me and there was quite a bit of confusion in the beginning about whether the word she used was "EVER" or "NEVER".
I actually wanted to start a thread about this one sentence but it was discussed a bit here and there AND I am very leery of starting a thread. LOL
I still wonder if it is not very important somehow OR is it just "KC SPEAK"?:confused:
I think everyone agrees that she is a crafty and well practiced liar. In order for your lies to be believed, there has to be some credibility or the ability to make someone doubt the facts before their eyes. In order for someone like her to function, they might have to compartmentalize parts of their personality, such as naming a part of herself Zanny and blaming that part.
I think part of the ability to keep it all together is to speak "truth", even if that truth is couched in lies. On some level she is speaking the truth, absolutely, at least to herself if she is the only one able to translate her code.
Translated from KCspeak, could this really be saying that as long as she hadn't been found, I'm OK?

The defense could acutally use this as "Casey was SO distraught that she went into denial. She really didn't think Zanny would hurt Caylee. This was her way of dealing with this. She just couldn't face that Caylee might be in danger."
Translated from KCspeak, could this really be saying that as long as she hadn't been found, I'm OK?

Why can't they see that this is just like when Casey was pregnant and she was denying it with the lie that she had never had sex. She lies and goes with it until the bitter end until the inevidable happens.

The lies that she has told up until the body was found was just more of the same...her MO. Lie and deny until the truth smacks everyone in the puss!
Hatred for the life she had, yes. But I have always believed that she HATED her mother so badly she wanted to exact the ultimate pain on her. I don't think she killed Caylee to make her life better...

I think she killed Caylee to make her mother miserable for the rest of her life. It's about HATE for Cindy, maybe even 'payback' like you say...some kind of abuse her mother didn't protect her from?

I agree with this. I think she killed Caylee because she is a "spiteful ."

In a previous post, someone said that Cindy has something to hide, even if it's not about Caylee's death. I agree. Cindy has to hide that she abused Casey.

Cindy's way of saying to Casey "You're crazy. I was a wonderful mom, and you turned out to be a brat anyway." was to be an excellent grandmother to Caylee.

This happened in my family. I was very close to my grandmother, who protected me from my mother's rages as best as she could. In talking with my mother in later years, she never came out and said that my grandmother was abusive, but she dropped hints that I could believe from talking to other family members. My grandmother wanted a boy so bad (she had the first surviving son in two generations) that my uncle was doted on and my mother was treated second class. And then i turned out to be the only granddaughter. In my generation, I was the special one.

So I was kind of a pawn between my mom and her mom. I think Caylee played the same role. I was just lucky that my mom didn't actually kill me during one of her rages. I think the best revenge my mother could have had on her own mother would have been to kill me. (and I'm sitting here feeling guilty for making this post, like I'm betraying both my gma and my mom!)
i dont think it is that deep.

i think she is plain old lying.
One can tell in the videotapes, especially the one where Cindy asks her what her 'gut' tells her, that Casey is not even LISTENING or INTERESTED in what's going on. She's looking at her goop in her eyes and acting like she can't wait for the call to be over.

I have to get my life back and stop obsessing with this case. :mad:
I guess she was leaving all the obsessing about the case for trial time, she sure as hell isn't going to be able to negate TRIAL TIME.
I do pity her family, nobody should be put through this, even if they are not the most likable people.
You may be right, but, after all she is handing to her family, THEY NEVER SEARCHED FOR CAYLEE. Never. Scary.

Their position was that Caylee was alive. The arguments can go ad infinitum that the evidence showed that she was not. In all things, I can allow them this blind obsession with avoiding the truth without proof position. I would have a hard time thinking Princess PeePee was gone and that people were going to stop looking for her. Their behavior was to say that she was alive.

The problem that I have with the behavior of the Anthonys is that at NO TIME did they ever make an emotional plea to the kidnappers. This behavior has no excuse. In defense of their desire to believe she is alive, they did nothing other than to gather monies in order to fly hither and yon to get on national television. Tell me one time they traveled to a big city where they didn't also make a press appearance. Point to me the time that they called for people to release their granddaughter. Give me one symbol of being distraught that their granddaughter was kidnapped. I saw plenty of anger and venom toward people saying Caylee was dead. I saw an almost peaceful acceptance that she'd been stolen.

Even in the world of upside-down emotions, this does not make sense.
'she is ok'.....kc meaning I hid her well!!! = I'm ok.............by kc
Casey doesn't have "feelings" like normal people so this is her pretending to have "maternal instincts" because she has heard other people (probably Cindy) mention them.

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