Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #6

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I just found this.. Interesting.

Here's the part that we care about:

Servini de Cubria is also investigating the location of a third child, the son of María Vásquez Ocampo y César Amadeo Lugones. Both Vásquez Ocampo and Amadeo Lugones were seen at the ESMA. Vásquez Ocampo was two months pregnant when she was kidnapped, and gave birth to a baby boy in December 1976, according to the testimony of former navy captain Alfredo ScilingoServini de Cubria is also investigating the location of a third child, the son of María Vásquez Ocampo y César Amadeo Lugones. Both Vásquez Ocampo and Amadeo Lugones were seen at the ESMA. Vásquez Ocampo was two months pregnant when she was kidnapped, and gave birth to a baby boy in December 1976, according to the testimony of former navy captain Alfredo ScilingoServini de Cubria is also investigating the location of a third child, the son of María Vásquez Ocampo y César Amadeo Lugones. Both Vásquez Ocampo and Amadeo Lugones were seen at the ESMA. Vásquez Ocampo was two months pregnant when she was kidnapped, and gave birth to a baby boy in December 1976, according to the testimony of former navy captain Alfredo ScilingoServini de Cubria is also investigating the location of a third child, the son of María Vásquez Ocampo y César Amadeo Lugones. Both Vásquez Ocampo and Amadeo Lugones were seen at the ESMA. Vásquez Ocampo was two months pregnant when she was kidnapped, and gave birth to a baby boy in December 1976, according to the testimony of former navy captain Alfredo Scilingo
RE: Vásquez Ocampo was two months pregnant when she was kidnapped, and gave birth to a baby boy in December 1976, according to the testimony of former navy captain Alfredo Scilingo


I still think it is very possible that the navy captain was mistaken, as there was another Maria kidnapped the same day from the same location. Or, he may have fabricated the story for who knows what reason, maybe he was told to. There was so much corruption involved, nothing would surprise me. JMO, of course.
I have not heard back from the Argentina group that I had made contact with a few weeks ago. I checked with the current coroner's office in Sumter County, SC and they have a phone number, but do not have an email address. I think I will compose a letter with the pictures and supporting information we have and just snail-mail it to the Sumter County Coroner's office. If I could get them involved, we could move faster to check the DNA from the Mystery Couple with the DNA database that is being created for the Argentina missing people.
Has anyone seen this before??? I found it on a psychic website that we are not permitted to mention here, but the lady who submitted it is looking for a lost family member. This made me curious because the man was named Jock, he was Canadian, he disappeared in 1968 (same year as the watch was made), athletic, a ladies man who loved to travel, etc. I know the ages are off a bit, but sometimes athletic people can appear younger. The noses seem very similar, too, in my opinion. It seems his family speculated he left in '68 of his own free will to travel the country and be free. There is more on the psychic site.

"I had sent this to you and I havent seen it on your pending request.

We have reason to believe Jock may still be alive or someone may have "stolen" his identity. Your our best hope for a glimmer of information to help find him.

I would like to request a reading for a missing person. His name is John "Jock" Gwynne-Craig, his nickname is Jock, Jock Craig. He was born in N Vancouver BC April 1936 . However at the time of his disappearance he had a united states SS# and lived in Aspen Colorado. He was very athletic and he liked to ski, sail and fly and rock climb. He was a Ladys Man, He disappeared in 1968, he left behind his small baby, his wife, and a business. His family has not seem or heard from him since. However, there have been several sightings of Jock in the lates 70's in and around Europe. He would be 72 yrs old today. His family wants to know what happended to him, it hurts them just not knowing if he is alive or dead. It would help ease their mind just knowing either way. Based on his SS# he has Not been reported as deceased.

His mother passed away a few years ago, without ever giving up hope of someday finding her son. It is unknown if he left on his own or ???

This picture is of Jock in his Late 20's


Thanks so much

Has anyone seen this before??? I found it on a psychic website that we are not permitted to mention here, but the lady who submitted it is looking for a lost family member. This made me curious because the man was named Jock, he was Canadian, he disappeared in 1968 (same year as the watch was made), athletic, a ladies man who loved to travel, etc. I know the ages are off a bit, but sometimes athletic people can appear younger. The noses seem very similar, too, in my opinion. It seems his family speculated he left in '68 of his own free will to travel the country and be free. There is more on the psychic site.

Tried to edit the above post, but couldn't. Admins, feel free to remove both the above post and this one.

That search feature on here is very handy. Someday I will learn to use it before posting.

The Jock I mentioned was discussed on this board in thread two. Apparently, there is no connection and this Jock has been found alive and well. Bad lead.

Sorry for the inaccurate posting.
I have not heard back from the Argentina group that I had made contact with a few weeks ago. I checked with the current coroner's office in Sumter County, SC and they have a phone number, but do not have an email address. I think I will compose a letter with the pictures and supporting information we have and just snail-mail it to the Sumter County Coroner's office. If I could get them involved, we could move faster to check the DNA from the Mystery Couple with the DNA database that is being created for the Argentina missing people.

County Seat - Sumter


Phone: (803) 436-2111
Cell: (803) 983-9995
Fax: (803) 436-2495 or (803) 469-3401


* Deputy Coroner:
o Demma Truell

County Home Page:
County Seat - Sumter


Phone: (803) 436-2111
Cell: (803) 983-9995
Fax: (803) 436-2495 or (803) 469-3401


* Deputy Coroner:
o Demma Truell

County Home Page:

Thanks Bowler! I spent some time this weekend putting together a letter for the coroner which explains my interest in the case (my obsession really). I am basically telling him that I have contact information for the Argentina group that is managing the database for missing people from the Dirty War. I would need his help in getting a DNA comparison done. I also put together a montage of the pictures of the Mystery Couple [FONT=&quot]compared to pictures of Maria Vazquez Ocampo De Lugones and Cesar Amadeo Lugones. I have also included the information Redmeli had found. I am mailing it tomorrow, but I might send an email now that I have one as well. It just makes basic sense to rule out the Argentina couple..... and to run the Mystery Couple's DNA profile through the Argentina database. The Argentina angle makes so much sense to me and just feels "right".
Reannan, thank you so much for this site. I spent forever there last night looking at photos. I wish I spoke the language. I also kept a look out for names similar to "Jock".

I wonder if a couple leaving Argentina in the 70's would speak english? Maybe it was taught in school? "Jock" had an accent.

In re to your last sentence, it was never determined that "Jock" had an accent. I don't know if LE never thought to ask the KOA guy who claimed to have met "Jock", or if this information was just never reported to the public, but as far as I know we do not know whether "Jock" had an accent or not.

This possible connection with the Dirty War is interesting, but the fact of the matter is that a local man, Lonnie George Henry, was stopped for a DUI and tests found on a gun under his front seat proved it was the murder weapon. He admitted he had filed the serial number off the gun in the previous six months. This, to me, indicates that Lonnie George Henry, a local drunk and ne'er do well, or someone very close to him like a family member, someone who had access to his gun and was able to 'borrow' it and then replace it, murdered this couple. So to me at least the issue of who killed this couple isn't so much a mystery - it's who they are that is the mystery.

So the murderer was most likely Lonnie Henry or one of his family members. Again, all of these theories are interesting but I'm thinking it's much more simple than that. This couple were outsiders. They were travelers, so either they did or were probably assumed to have had considerable cash on them. IMO, Jock and Jane Doe were robbed by a member of Lonnie Henry's family or someone close to him (or less likely, Lonnie Henry himself, since he was purported to be at a Monroe, NC hospital visiting his sick wife at the time of the killings).

I don't think we will find Jock or Jane Doe on any missing person's site. Although I wasn't born yet, from what I have heard and read the 70s were a very different time. This young couple may not have had the best relationships with their families, and who knows how long it had been since they had been in touch with their families even before they were killed. The families probably assumed they had just gone and started their own lives somewhere else, and maybe never even filed missing person's reports. I do believe they have family out there - cousins, siblings, nieces and nephews - but I don't believe these people are actively looking for Jock or Jane. And let's face it, we have heard about this couple because we are Websleuthers and follow missing people and the unidentified cases, but if you walked up to 100 random people on the street (outside of the SC area where this happened, of course) and asked them if they had heard about this case, I'm sure at least 99 of them would say no, they hadn't. So Jock and Jane's surviving families, wherever they are, are probably not looking for Jock and Jane, nor do they know we are looking for them, or that this case even exists.

Mia, I certainly do not disagree with anything you said!! Here is what gnaws at the periphery of my mind late at night, however.... This couple were apparently not some hippie homeless couple from a family of other hippies that was traipsing around the US and got killed by some redneck jerk on the side of a rural road in the state I call home. They just DO NOT have that look about them!!! The expensive dental work from John Doe says that he is from a family that had access to good dental care. If it was a single person missing then I could buy into a situation where no one was really looking for them. In my opinion, with this case,... we have TWO people who appear to have been prosperous members of society that were murdered on the side of a rural South Carolina road in 1976. I DO believe that someone, somewhere, is looking for this couple or at the very least remembers this couple and wonders what happened to them. I DO believe that the right mix of circumstances has just not happened to result in an identity. I DO believe that this couple can and WILL be identified!!!! I am obsessed with it. Thus..... I trudge on - happy to have a new avenue to chase. If this one ends in a dead end - I will turn in a different direction and dog that angle down to either a resolution or another dead end!!! I am SO thankful to all of you here at WS's to bounce ideas off of, and to discuss cases like this!!!
IMO, Jock and Jane Doe were robbed by a member of Lonnie Henry's family or someone close to him (or less likely, Lonnie Henry himself, since he was purported to be at a Monroe, NC hospital visiting his sick wife at the time of the killings).

If they were robbed, why leave Jock's watch and gold ring though?
This might mean nothing to this case, but thought I'd mention it, just in case.
It's Wednesday Feb. 23rd and I'm listening to Blogtalkradio.

They are talking about a 17 yr. old girl that had a mole on her cheek and blue eyes .
She went missing in 1974.
Case Type: Non Family Abduction
DOB: May 31, 1957 Sex: Female
Missing Date: Dec 4, 1974 Race: White
Age Now: 53 Height: 5'0" (152 cm)
Missing City: SPOKANE Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)
Missing State : WA Hair Color: Blonde
Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Blue
Case Number: NCMC603391
Circumstances: Laurie's photo is shown aged to 53 years. She was last seen on her way home from school at 37th and Havana Streets. She has a brown mole on her right cheek. FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED.

Laurie's mole is higher on her cheek and on the opposite side than this Jane Doe.

You guys are the best!!! Thank you SO much Mysterylover for finding that link and noticing the similarities to the SC Jane Doe. Thank YOU Nola for a picture. The jaw line just looks way too off to be her IMHO. I personally will not let this case rest until I KNOW FOR A FACT that DNA has been tested with the missing people from Argentina - especially with Maria Vazque Ocamp De Lugones and Cesar Amadeo Lugones.[FONT=&quot] If I don't hear back from the coroner, I am going in search of a good investigative reporter. If nothing else, it would make a GREAT story for a journal with international connections and people who "think". This "Myster" is one that can be solved!!!! It HAS to be or I will go insane!!! [/FONT]
This girl's face really haunts me, as well. Such a young and beautiful person with very recognizable features. I recall one of the reports that I have read during the past year describing her as having extremely long eyelashes. The lashes and the facial moles should make her stand out. It's so hard to understand how these children can go a life time without being identified. It does makes good sense to think that they were from a different country. I do see a strong likeness to many of the Argentina missing. Terrifying, what those couples were subjected to during this same time period. This also makes it completely believable that at least one couple would perhaps escape or be released. I hope that you get some response from the coroner soon. I'm cheering you on!
Hi there, have just been reading through all the previous work on this case. Everyone here is so dedicated. I just thought I'd put in my two cents worth. I don't think the man could have been a drug runner or a criminal or if he was he was not doing it for very long. I think this because he seems naive and innocent. He hasn't learnt to keep things close to his chest like a long time criminal would have. Presuming the husband of the camping owners husband was telling the truth, then the man was very friendly and open to talking to people. If he was a criminal he would have been keeping to himself and have been alot more tight lipped. I get the feeling this might have been his first big trip away from home and that he'd come from a community where everyone had known him and liked him. He seems to be to trusting and willing to get close, than for example someone from a large city who is more wary of strangers. He also seems to have not quite learned the value of money. He has a big wad of it that he is flashing around. I don't know about everyone else but I like to keep my money hidden:p This suggests in my things have been paid for him up until now. That he is from a wealthy family and has been well looked after. A thought about where the money came from is perhaps he had a trust fund of a sort? that he was using to travel? The girl seems to be more mysterious because the main eye witness did not mention her much. She was carrying a large suitcase, perhaps a runaway? I think if anyone out of the two had criminal leanings it might be her, just because she kept to the background alot more. Anyhow just my first thoughts. It's important to know their personalities and how their minds worked to try and trace them.
Also quickly the Florida thing. The man said they had come back from Florida because they liked this place better. That sounds to me like they'd run into some trouble in Florida and come back quickly to what appeared to be a nice, friendly neighbourhood. Has anyone followed up a possible Florida connection for the couple? Perhaps the girl was from Florida? They say you are attracted to what you know. In trying to locate this man I would probably be looking for a small country town, similiar in temperature and appearence to where they were found. Also is it possible they were looking for a place to settle down together? House hunting? Perhaps they went to Florida thinking it might be a good place to settle, but preferred the place they'd been. That would explain why they spent so much time there and came back?
Welcome to WS's Rcoope23! It is always helpful to get new thoughts and perspectives. I totally agree with the man seeming to have been from a good background. It may seem crazy to think this about someone who you only know from a morgue photo, but his dental work was expensive, and that is typically associated with a quality life style. I am stuck on the Argentina angle until I find something else that makes more sense to me. Keep looking, though!!
Thanks Reannan:) Your Argentian theory seems plausible enough, espessially where leads seem to be thin in this case. Any further luck with the Maria Vazque Ocamp De Lugones and Cesar Amadeo Lugones connection?
I am submitting him for consideration because though he went missing earlier when he was young, he looks like the older John Doe, espessially around the eyes and nose. Not sure how to add the picture so here is the link.

The Doe Network:
Case File 894DMCA

Sammy Lloyd Jackson
Missing since December 14, 1968 from Monterey, Monterey County, California.
Classification: Endangered Missing


Vital Statistics

•Date Of Birth: July 8, 1955
•Age at Time of Disappearance: 13 years old
•Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 4'8"; 75 lbs.
•Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Brown hair; brown eyes.
•Dentals: Not available


Circumstances of Disappearance
Jackson was last seen fishing with Alfred Grimes on December 14, 1968 in Monterey, California.


If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:

Monterey County Sheriff's Office
Email Form

Agency Case Number:

NCIC Number: M-228286147
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
California Department of Justice

I agree...Sammy does look like our John Doe. Here's the pic:


Sammy Lloyd Jackson
Missing since December 14, 1968 from Monterey, Monterey County, California.

Vital Statistics

•Date Of Birth: July 8, 1955
•Age at Time of Disappearance: 13 years old
•Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 4'8"; 75 lbs.
•Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Brown hair; brown eyes.
•Dentals: Not available
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