Mystery Man Surveillance

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

O’Brien, a law professor who briefly represented the couple during the Oct. 8 interview, said Bradley and Irwin’s strained relationship with police stems, in part, from investigators’ pursuit of them as suspects. Police also have not kept the family informed about the search for Lisa, which has been a strain on the family, he said.

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JT was officially on board on the 17th but he had been unofficially talking to the family for longer. I'm pretty certain CS as well. The morning of one of BS's pressers, a reporter said on GMA (I think, not completely certain) that two high powered attorneys were joining the team. The presser ended up stating no such thing but some days afterwards we got Tacopina and "local attorney", so it's apparent (to me at least) that they were working behind the scenes in for a while. JT even said some things that could be interpreted that way.
I remember a recent case when the grandmother gave a toothbrush not belonging to the child, but the dog to LE for a DNA match.

I'm quite certain, LE is better off comparing the parents DNA. In fact, I am sure they might have baby Lisa's DNA profile and might now if Jeremy is in fact the father to baby Lisa.

I would hope that LE has DNA profiles on Debbie,Jeremy and baby Lisa. If they don't they need to.
O’Brien, a law professor who briefly represented the couple during the Oct. 8 interview, said Bradley and Irwin’s strained relationship with police stems, in part, from investigators’ pursuit of them as suspects. Police also have not kept the family informed about the search for Lisa, which has been a strain on the family, he said.

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It also makes it sound like only for this one interview. Briefly
This is a very bizarre case imo. After seeing the complete layout of the street the home is on it's difficult to imagine someone so bold as to climb in that front window and the neighbors not see anything or the perp not worry about being seen. However, the car was broken into and no one seemed to see that. Then there's the possibility of the door as entry. A homeless, high, meth head is the only culprit that fits for me if I am to believe this baby was kidnapped and the sightings that have been reported of the man with the half naked baby. Possible but definitely peculiar.

I hate to say it, but I don't know that I'd know if someone broke into my neighbors' homes. In fact, one of our neighbor's car was stolen and nobody in the neighborhood saw anything.
The most sensationalized things in this case hasn't come from LE. The wine video/man wasn't broken by LE. As a matter of fact LE actually downplayed the importance of that. The drinking was publicized by the mother, LE hasn't even commented. The failing of the lie detector test was also pubicized by the mother, and LE isn't commenting. IIRC it was also DB who said that she wasn't allowing the children to be interviewed by LE. Again LE isn't commenting.

All LE has said about the parents are that they aren't cooperating with the investigation. I don't know why they did release that little tidbit. Perhaps to put pressure on the parents to get them to cooperate. And it did work, as the parents reportedly did get back in touch with LE, though I don't know how much they are actually cooperating.

Has this been made into a sensational case? Yes I think so. Is LE sensationalizing the case? IMO they are not. Is media sensationalizing the case? IMO yes. As a matter of fact, the latest release from GMA IMO is the creation of a story. Are the parents senationalizing the case? IMO yes, though that may be unintentional on their part, at least I haven't seen any evidence that they are purposely trying to be sensational at this point.

The worst thing the parents could do would be to set up a 'deal' with a 'national news network'. That almost guarenteed that the case would be sensationalized.

Actually LE did comment on the lie detector test. They told Megan Kelly FXN that DB didn't just fail, she failed miserably. When the wine video was released and the media was speculating about the relationship of the man and how it related to the case LE said no comment. Later they said the video was not relevant to the case. When Jersey was arrested and the media was speculating about him LE immediately said he had been cleared. LE discounted the diapers pretty quick too. LE also told the media that the parents had an attorney before it was true.

I agree that the parents have definitely contributed to the sensationalism but LE has done it's part by putting out negative info or refusing to clear up things that make the parents look bad.
Actually LE did comment on the lie detector test. They told Megan Kelly FXN that DB didn't just fail, she failed miserably. When the wine video was released and the media was speculating about the relationship of the man and how it related to the case LE said no comment. Later they said the video was not relevant to the case. When Jersey was arrested and the media was speculating about him LE immediately said he had been cleared. LE discounted the diapers pretty quick too. LE also told the media that the parents had an attorney before it was true.

I agree that the parents have definitely contributed to the sensationalism but LE has done it's part by putting out negative info or refusing to clear up things that make the parents look bad.
MK "states" law enforcement said DB failed the polygraph. Unless you have a media link where LE does in fact make a statement about DB failing the lie detector test, I would like everyone to stop stating this a factual.

LE has not made many statements, other than the parents aren't cooperating as much as they would like them to cooperate. Period.
Actually LE did comment on the lie detector test. They told Megan Kelly FXN that DB didn't just fail, she failed miserably. When the wine video was released and the media was speculating about the relationship of the man and how it related to the case LE said no comment. Later they said the video was not relevant to the case. When Jersey was arrested and the media was speculating about him LE immediately said he had been cleared. LE discounted the diapers pretty quick too. LE also told the media that the parents had an attorney before it was true.

I agree that the parents have definitely contributed to the sensationalism but LE has done it's part by putting out negative info or refusing to clear up things that make the parents look bad.

BBM: IMO, LE cannot help the parents, they are making themselves look bad.
MK "states" law enforcement said DB failed the polygraph. Unless you have a media link where LE does in fact make a statement about DB failing the lie detector test, I would like everyone to stop stating this a factual.

LE has not made many statements, other than the parents aren't cooperating as much as they would like them to cooperate. Period.

That's an excellent point. TV journalists have ways of saying things to make them sound a certain way, when they are completely saying something else. I analyzed on Fox report that totally sounded like LE told the reporter that they didn't know anything about Debbie's drinking. The problem is that the reporter actually never said that. You had to listen to the tape and dissect it to realize that he was actually saying that some unknown investigator somewhere said that this was a bombshell, and that someone at KCPD told him "if they didn't know it before, they know it now" about the drinking. the thing is he used his tone and inflection, along with emphasis on certain words to make it sound like he talked to someone at KCPD who said that this was a bombshell and they didn't know about it before.

As much as i would like to be able to trust the media, I just can't. They have a job to do - get viewers to get ratings for their station. They may have a moral obligation to be honest and help find this child, but they have no legal one. And, sadly, too many people are willing to just ride over morals to get ahead in the media business.
MK "states" law enforcement said DB failed the polygraph. Unless you have a media link where LE does in fact make a statement about DB failing the lie detector test, I would like everyone to stop stating this a factual.

LE has not made many statements, other than the parents aren't cooperating as much as they would like them to cooperate. Period.

I did not say it was an LE statement. I said that MK quoted LE stating specifically that LE said "DB didn't just fail, she failed miserably." LE has not gone on air stating that, but I doubt someone in MK's position would directly quote them if not true. Usually the media says "our sources tell us".

LE said the parents are refusing to cooperate.
MK "states" law enforcement said DB failed the polygraph. Unless you have a media link where LE does in fact make a statement about DB failing the lie detector test, I would like everyone to stop stating this a factual.

LE has not made many statements, other than the parents aren't cooperating as much as they would like them to cooperate. Period.


And unless someone here has a media link where LE does in fact make a statement about DB being "drunk", I would like everyone to stop stating this as factual.

Interesting, this WS site is. Out one side of the mouth, many here refuse to believe anything that DB has to say... out the other, they accept what she has to say as long as it fits with their "Deb Did It" theory. Hmmmm....

I did not say it was an LE statement. I said that MK quoted LE stating specifically that LE said "DB didn't just fail, she failed miserably." LE has not gone on air stating that, but I doubt someone in MK's position would directly quote them if not true. Usually the media says "our sources tell us".

LE said the parents are refusing to cooperate.

The problem is LE hasn't confirmed DB took a poly, nor confirmed she failed the test, LE isn't saying a darn thing to the public or to the media. In fact, they are begging the media to stop with their speculation and rogue investigation. MK interviewed the family extensively. It is the families statements she is referencing. I believe MK has misspoke about LE telling her a darn thing about the poly, especially DB failed it miserably. MK isn't so special that she is the only person LE is speaking too. On this one, I think she misspoke. :twocents: Now, I do believe IF DB took a poly, she did fail it, but I don't believe LE has said a word about it other than, "that's what SHE said", or something like that. :seeya:

And unless someone here has a media link where LE does in fact make a statement about DB being "drunk", I would like everyone to stop stating this as factual.

Interesting, this WS site is. Out one side of the mouth, many here refuse to believe anything that DB has to say... out the other, they accept what she has to say as long as it fits with their "Deb Did It" theory. Hmmmm....

I keep saying that DB is the one stating she was drunk, not LE. Who knows if she was really drunk? I don't believe a word that has come out of her mouth as she has been consistent in ONE thing, changing her story.

I won't believe anything until LE puts it into a warrant, or states it as fact. Period.
Oh please. This is standard in investigations like this. Three witnesses saw him. A composite is often created with details provided by one. A sketch is a sketch, not a camera-phone likeness. If they HAD taken a photo with camera phone, people would be whining that the likeness wasn't clear enough, or yadda yadda yadda.

Dear LE, provide a sketch, please, or shut up about how little or much you think the parents aren't appearing to be harangued by you.

Also, the next time you release to the media that dogs "hit" on the carpet, you might want to be convincing enough to take the carpet for testing. Young thinks the public are total dupes.
How is LE going to release a sketch unless witnesses saw enough of the guy's face to describe it? Next thing you are going to say police needs to release a sketch of the "blob." And by the way, do you seriously believe some dude walked around for hours carrying a 30 pound baby? Who is going to kidnap a baby and then walk around with it for hours?
How is LE going to release a sketch unless witnesses saw enough of the guy's face to describe it? Next thing you are going to say police needs to release a sketch of the "blob." And by the way, do you seriously believe some dude walked around for hours carrying a 30 pound baby? Who is going to kidnap a baby and then walk around with it for hours?
Why is it assumed he walked the entire time?
How is LE going to release a sketch unless witnesses saw enough of the guy's face to describe it? Next thing you are going to say police needs to release a sketch of the "blob." And by the way, do you seriously believe some dude walked around for hours carrying a 30 pound baby? Who is going to kidnap a baby and then walk around with it for hours?

The witnesses saw enough to be discussing it now? How do you know LE has even tried, has even asked them? This is a question I would like reporters to ask both witnesses and police: why no sketch? If the witnesses say they couldn't possibly, that's one thing. But why the silence on this?

And yes, I think with FBI enhanced technology, they may already have quite a good picture of the man walking. It may be possible to have a sketch there. This is routinely what other police departments do - put out a sketch so the person can be identified by someone who knows them, and ruled out as a suspect.

As to who, many here have offered scenarios that would fit. As just one, a junkie without a car looking to sell the child, who might go from dealer to dealer, looking for a buyer and their next fix.
The witnesses saw enough to be discussing it now? How do you know LE has even tried, has even asked them? This is a question I would like reporters to ask both witnesses and police: why no sketch? If the witnesses say they couldn't possibly, that's one thing. But why the silence on this?

And yes, I think with FBI enhanced technology, they may already have quite a good picture of the man walking. It may be possible to have a sketch there. This is routinely what other police departments do - put out a sketch so the person can be identified by someone who knows them, and ruled out as a suspect.

As to who, many here have offered scenarios that would fit. As just one, a junkie without a car looking to sell the child, who might go from dealer to dealer, looking for a buyer and their next fix.

How do you know LE hasn't? By the way the female witness and the guy on the motorcycle were asked to describe the man-neither one mentioned a single facial feature. You are also assuming for whatever reason they saw the same man 4 hours apart. And FBI are not miracle workers. They might be able to enhance the blob somewhat but it will still be a blob.
I thought LE did take a huge piece of (red?) carpet out of the house on the last search that was done????????

Footage of their attorney touring the house shows that the bedroom carpet that the dog supposedly "hit" on is untouched. No piece appeared cut out.

This was purely a tactic by LE - include it in the filing that they know will be made public, but this never gets used as evidence, they're not even really pursuing it. They just want to pressure the parents. They're trying to see if they can play one against the other.
Footage of their attorney touring the house shows that the bedroom carpet that the dog supposedly "hit" on is untouched. No piece appeared cut out.

This was purely a tactic by LE - include it in the filing that they know will be made public, but this never gets used as evidence, they're not even really pursuing it. They just want to pressure the parents. They're trying to see if they can play one against the other.
LE is not going to put something into a warrant to a JUDGE that is not factual! No way, no how. They have a career ahead of them and would not risk it.

So, in your opinion, LE put the "hit" into the warrant to put pressure on the parents, thus playing one against each other. I have a question...if their daughter was kidnapped, how would that work? :innocent:

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