Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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lin, I think you are right about Cindy - it's her way. But this is probably the worst possible thing that somebody could ever face, so it's important to get a good grip on one's emotions and act accordingly, whether that may involve pharmaceutical relief, counseling, etc. You can't fly off the handle on camera time and again and not have it negatively impact your stance in the matter, whatever it may be. At least KC had the sense to listen to counsel and STFU. If I were BC, I would call a Come to Jebus meeting with my clients and lay down the law of the way it was going to be if they wanted my continued representation. Somebody on here, can't remember who, too late to look, mentioned they As need an intervention, and that's exactly how I see it too. They are falling into the precipice, and they need to get hauled back into reality. It is not the World According to Cindy with George in tow. I try to put myself in their shoes, and I do empathize, but they have to change the way they react to the public, the media, LE, everybody.

That's the thing, I think it's always been CA's way or the highway in that house, with GA in tow even. I don't think she's changed at all. That behavior just seems to be too knee-jerk, automatic. While I 100% agree there needs to be a come to Jesus meeting, I strongly suspect that MN had one, at least, before he quit. He seemed quite frustrated.

I have put myself in their shoes and stuck up for them to the point of strong debates with some of those closest to me. But their get-out-of-outrageousness-and-lying-their-tails-off card expired with me many moons ago. Like many others, I wanted to see them for the victims they refuse to be. Instead, they are intent on abusing and manipulating all who have tried to help them; mistreating the public; and complying with laws when/if it's convenient and/or not in conflict with anything else on CA's to-do list.
So, per Brad C. the Anthony's and the Milsteads were just out patroling the neighborhood late at night ? I thought George was "unable" to go to the site on Sububan, where the remains were found ?

But Brad Conway, the lawyer representing the Anthonys, told another version of the events.

He said the car was driving around the neighborhood suspiciously, with the lights off. The people inside had ducked to try to avoid being detected.

Conway said George Anthony got out of his car to tell the others they need stop and he was going to call police. That's when, Conway said, George Anthony was nearly run over by the other car.

"I think they were being reckless," Conway said.,0,389982.story

Don't forget, no as yet known 911 call from the A's or M's about the 'suspicious vehicle' and how on earth could Lois and company watch to see who removed the cross and snap the pic if they were out driving around? BC's story is almost as lame as the imaginanny. Even if it were a suspicious vehicle, the A's and M's do not have the authority to institute a high speed chase or detain the driver solely upon their "suspicions". And I suppose CA needed to rip up that cross and throw it in the back to protect herself from the 'suspicious vehicle activity' right? lol

Those people need to STAY HOME and quit looking for trouble.
I think I'd feel a little more of the outrage if it was anyone other than Lois involved. She knew exactly what she was doing, and knew the reaction she would get from it. She set them up and they fell for it giving her yet another opportunity to insert herself in the limelight of this case. I've been waiting for her to do something like this, and she sure didn't disappoint! The behavior of both parties is true to form and pathetically predictable.

How could she know the reaction if the A's never go there and would have no idea she does?
I don't care for Lois' actions concerning her GD-But-she didn't do anything illegal! God-I hope she has pictures!:)

Yes they do. From my understanding the lady who put the cross out Friday is someone else that I chat with, how Lois got in the mix not sure yet. On Friday the lady did not have her camera but saw Cindy take the cross down so she said she was going to put up another one and this time would be prepared to snap the pic of who is taking the items from the site So, they do have pictures and a 911 call on file and a local trooper sent them home.
Don't forget, no as yet known 911 call from the A's or M's about the 'suspicious vehicle' and how on earth could Lois and company watch to see who removed the cross and snap the pic if they were out driving around? BC's story is almost as lame as the imaginanny. Even if it were a suspicious vehicle, the A's and M's do not have the authority to institute a high speed chase or detain the driver solely upon their "suspicions". And I suppose CA needed to rip up that cross and throw it in the back to protect herself from the 'suspicious vehicle activity' right? lol

Those people need to STAY HOME and quit looking for trouble.
Yes, I would think the A's would have called police had a car come close to hitting George, as Brad claims. I expected a little more from BC, but I shouldn't have. This makes me wonder how many crosses the A's have taken from that site, how many times have they driven down there in the middle of the night. George's claims, on camera, that he can't bring himself to go down there, look pretty silly now. If they really believed their daughter was innocent and Caylee was placed there by someone else, they would have no reason to pull this "security surveilance" at night.
Isn't it also illegal to trespass on someone else's land...forget about removing stuff?!

Don't get me wrong, I don't like what's going on here with Lois, but trespassing is trespassing.

Wouldn't all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who placed items in memory of Caylee be trespassing?
Isn't it also illegal to trespass on someone else's land...forget about removing stuff?!

Don't get me wrong, I don't like what's going on here with Lois, but trespassing is trespassing.

ITA!! I have learned much in the last few years.. a couple of those things are- Follow the laws and chances are you won't come across situations that will more than likely get you in trouble with the law! and that if you don't place yourself in what you know could very well turn into an ugly situation, an ugly situation/outcome is very unlikely.

These people are lunatics- stay the hell away from them! What more proof do people need that the Anthony's are unstable, combative and to put it plainly, have no moral compass? Do they have to actually HURT someone before people honestly realize this?!?! IMO anyone who continues to play games near or with these people as we (IMO) see here (My g0d, take your toys and go home- is it worth being chased and putting everyone in the vehicle in very real danger over?) are knowingly and by choice placing themselves (and any minor children they may have in their custody, who happen to have no choice whatsoever) in a volatile situation and have no right to cry "victim" when/if something does happen.

I can hear the responses to this post now "They should be able to go down that road and put up an cross without being in danger".. or "if the anthony's would just be arrested no one would have to worry" or "The anthony's have no right to take down any cross or go on anyones property but their own"

and my response to those kinds of statements is- ITA and You are 100% correct... but obviously LE, land owner, etc have chosen not to put a stop to the behavior so it's up to us to protect ourselves. The best way to do that is to stay the hell away from these people! You run into traffic your bound to get hit by a car, don't cry about it and blame everyone else for it, stay out of the friggin road- it's not all that difficult!
This case has gone on for so long now.....there have been so many twists and turns that at some point the very essence of the reason why I felt such an affinity to Caylee got lost underneath the chit piled on by the A's. But this act, this removing of a memorial cross to Caylee in the spot she was dumped brought it all back to me. I am a crime victim---20 years ago and I still cannot go into the details, I still cannot say more than a little about it. In real life I never mention it, when someone else brings it up I refuse to speak about it. When you are a crime victim and your family does not treat the person who commited that act against you like the they causes unbelievable pain. For me the pain of my family not rejecting him caused MORE pain than the ugly vile crime he commited against me. He was my daughter's father, my ex, and for that reason I decided to not press charges, probably a mistake--I still don't know. And that is why I have to see this through for add my voice to all of yours to do all we can to make sure she receives justice. Because while Caylee would forgive and still love her family in spite of their supporting her murderer, she would also feel betrayed and incredable pain over that also.

This is just my two cents but the A's had NO right to remove any soggy stuffed animal or any cross or any sign. They do not own this property-They do not own Caylee anymore, they failed her. I hope they are prosecuted for this (at the very least this) I have NO more sympathy for them. :cow:
Wouldn't all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who placed items in memory of Caylee be trespassing?

If they ignored or disregarded a sign that clearly states "no trespassing" then yeah, they were trespassing.

I get why they trespassed and don't feel the "hundreds or thousands" of people who left stuff there meant any harm whatsoever.. which is why IMO the land owner and LE had largly ignored the tresspassing issue and have kindly let the stuff stay there. and rightfully so, IMO.
Wouldn't all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who placed items in memory of Caylee be trespassing?

I think a very reasonable arguement could be made that the owner has given his implied consent for people to be there for the purpose of the memorial.
This case has gone on for so long now.....there have been so many twists and turns that at some point the very essence of the reason why I felt such an affinity to Caylee got lost underneath the chit piled on by the A's. But this act, this removing of a memorial cross to Caylee in the spot she was dumped brought it all back to me. I am a crime victim---20 years ago and I still cannot go into the details, I still cannot say more than a little about it. In real life I never mention it, when someone else brings it up I refuse to speak about it. When you are a crime victim and your family does not treat the person who commited that act against you like the they causes unbelievable pain. For me the pain of my family not rejecting him caused MORE pain than the ugly vile crime he commited against me. He was my daughter's father, my ex, and for that reason I decided to not press charges, probably a mistake--I still don't know. And that is why I have to see this through for add my voice to all of yours to do all we can to make sure she receives justice. Because while Caylee would forgive and still love her family in spite of their supporting her murderer, she would also feel betrayed and incredable pain over that also.

This is just my two cents but the A's had NO right to remove any soggy stuffed animal or any cross or any sign. They do not own this property-They do not own Caylee anymore, they failed her. I hope they are prosecuted for this (at the very least this) I have NO more sympathy for them. :cow:

I'm sorry for what you had to live through, you are an inspiration to many! :blowkiss:

Bold is mine- I agree with you 100% but I seriously doubt anyone is going to do anything about these people and their actions, sadly. They will be allowed to continue and they will continue, probably worsen in time, IMO. I'd stay the heck outta their neighborhood unless I was looking for a fight- We know how they are.
Could it be that some of the players in this case do not want another glorious build up of offerings at the dump site by the time June 15th-16th rolls around? That's what I think. I think they would hate for someone to have a vigil at the dump site on that date complete with a big fresh build-up of toys, flowers and balloons.
That's the thing, I think it's always been CA's way or the highway in that house, with GA in tow even. I don't think she's changed at all. That behavior just seems to be too knee-jerk, automatic. While I 100% agree there needs to be a come to Jesus meeting, I strongly suspect that MN had one, at least, before he quit. He seemed quite frustrated.

I have put myself in their shoes and stuck up for them to the point of strong debates with some of those closest to me. But their get-out-of-outrageousness-and-lying-their-tails-off card expired with me many moons ago. Like many others, I wanted to see them for the victims they refuse to be. Instead, they are intent on abusing and manipulating all who have tried to help them; mistreating the public; and complying with laws when/if it's convenient and/or not in conflict with anything else on CA's to-do list.

Bold is mine-

ITA- this is not new behavior, not even close and I'll say it until I am blue in the face, they and their lack of morals, their raging anger, blame and lies created the Casey we see before us. Cindy is a SICK woman... IMO far sicker than Casey!
That assumes that the A's had any idea Lois put up the crosses and/or that Lois knew in advance that it was the A's vandalizing the memorial; the crosses, destroying rosaries etc., and removing the entire memorial as it now appears they did, despite their denials.

Remember, that memorial is basically on a dead end street; it only goes to the school. The A's wouldn't be at the site in the normal course of events; they must purposefully go there where there is nothing but the memorial.

I have no doubt they do just that! These people search for things and people to be angry at. lunatics I tell ya! LOL
***Bolded by me***

I don't know the law in Orlando, but where I live we are not allowed to post signage, advertisements, etc. in this area. It is considered to be litter and the poster or business or candidate for office can be fined and is responsible for its removal. It's likely that Orlando has a similar code violation status for any unauthorized displays like these crosses. We, too, get the roadside crosses erected at fatal crash sites here. I assume that they are assembled by the family or friends of the deceased, or with their tacit approval. But I know of one case on Interstate 12 where the display was signifigantly larger than most and somebody complained to the DOT and it was removed. I think the Anthonys would be well within their rights to make such a request for removal, and that should take the matter permanently out of their hands. If people wish to memorialize Caylee, they can erect their own on their property. Or they may simply wait until - if and when - any official memorial is designated and make their tributes there. But if this nonsense is allowed to continue, somebody is going to get hurt during one of these incidents. We've already seen that protesters and cross-placers do not always execute the best judgment and allow impressionable minors to be present during these activities, to their detriment (boy with arm slammed in car door). So city code officials and LE need to step up and enforce whatever needs to be enforced before we are faced with yet another tragedy in Orlando.

As always, MOO.

Bold is mine-

ITA!! IMO, they will hold some of the blame (for allowing the anthony's behavior to continue) if/when the anthony's finally hurt someone!
Excellent post! While some of the A's actions do seem questionable, it's necessary to look at the entire situation and the stress they've been under if one feels the need to judge them. They did not ask for any of this and would, I'm sure, give their own lives to change what's happened if that was possible. I find the actions of those who intentionally inserted themselves into this case, and continue to do so, to be much more questionable. The A's react, and not always wisely. IMO, that doesn't make them bad people. The ones who instigate those reactions, who set the A's up for the fall, they're the ones who I judge harshly.

The Anthony's are indeed victims. Their granddaughter was murdered. But, this does not give them a pass to be belligerent and obnoxious. Do you believe Lois and whoever else was involved in this have never suffered a loss? Perhaps they too are still grieving. Maybe this helps them deal with their stress. I agree that everyone should just back off. Don't poke the Anthony's and give them the attention they crave. But, if I compare placing a cross where a little girl's body was found to chasing someone in vehicle, I conclude that the Anthony's behavior is far more worthy of criticism. If they continue to feed the media fire with their public behavior, the fire will continue to grow. If there is no news, the media goes away. They move on to the next big thing. I wish George and Cindy would realize this.
I think a very reasonable arguement could be made that the owner has given his implied consent for people to be there for the purpose of the memorial.
Okay, here goes. If the memorial is in fact on the public easement, then is this like when you set your trash on the curb - it no longer belongs to you. If this is the case, then anyone has the right to place whatever there, and anyone also has the right to remove it as it now belongs to nobody or everybody. Huh?
I see signs in those areas all the time in FL, including for candidates for Sheriff. It is not illegal here. So far, as far as I know, the only problem and danger has been from the A's going where they say they never go and vandalizing property left by others on property own by others. Maybe they should just stay home?

Folks like to go on and on about the boy with his arm in the door. Well, I saw that video slightly differently. And I notice those same folks rarely mention the dog lady who was sitting quitely when accosted and had her property stolen from her, including her dog's water dish and the water it contained 'destroyed' by dumping it out. Her sign was deliberately damaged, vandalized. To be honest, initially I thought about joining those protesters. And I would have considered taking my children to learn a lesson about democracy and our rights for peaceful protest. I was not the only one that considered it and discussed meeting up there with others. Before I got there, however, the A's were endangering, antagonizing and attacking protesters which caused, imo, protesters of the same ilk as the A's to start attending. And believe me, I'd have gone absolutely nuts if LA had roared into a driveway my child was standing in, regardless if he barely brushed her or not. That was ridiculous and again, endangerment that I don't think I should have to think about in advance unless I ADMIT that the people in that house are just as dangerous as their progeny/sibling. Were they normal, law-abiding people I shouldn't have to be concerned about my child being run over by one of them and have that A family member then state on camera they did it deliberately.

PS: Sorry to take it out on you, akashanna, but there have been a few references tonight and I had to speak up. No offense meant and I do enjoy your posts.

That's the whole point- we know they are NOT "normal, law-abiding people". We all know they have the potential to become quite dangerous ( if throwing your father through a plate glass window isn't enough to convince people that George could really hurt someone, i don't know what will!)

If a person wanted to show their children anything "peaceful" they would not take them to the hammer swinging, cross bashing, rocks being thrown at windows, dog water stealing, old lady shoving, crazy driving, out of control Anthony home, that's for sure! I'm sorry but children had no place there, we are supposed to PROTECT our children from people like this.. not drag them to their homes!

I get what you are saying about The Anthony's and I agree! I'd go to their house myself and peacefully "protest" but only if I was willing to go back to jail!! The Anthony's and peace are strangers and something bad is bound to happen when you hang out in their yard when they are pissed off!
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