Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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To me it isn't so much about the rights of anyone to go onto the public right-of-way. Go out in the light of day and do the thing you're proud of if you must, and don't try to police an area you don't own. You can't be sure your tribute will stay. You can't be sure no tribute will be placed. But I still say why engage the A's? They aren't exempt from judgment and can behave just as awfully as protesters or whoever. But I think they like it. I also think it creates a bad situation for LE. Citizens maybe need to stop trying to "force" them to "do something" to or about the A's right now. LE has to accept the status the A's hold as relatives of Caylee and their willingness to invoke it when it might get them a pass. LE doesn't want to be the bully here and would rather deal with the actual killer getting punished as a priority. Patience.
That's the whole point- we know they are NOT "normal, law-abiding people". We all know they have the potential to become quite dangerous ( if throwing your father through a plate glass window isn't enough to convince people that George could really hurt someone, i don't know what will!)

If a person wanted to show their children anything "peaceful" they would not take them to the hammer swinging, cross bashing, rocks being thrown at windows, dog water stealing, old lady shoving, crazy driving, out of control Anthony home, that's for sure! I'm sorry but children had no place there, we are supposed to PROTECT our children from people like this.. not drag them to their homes!

I get what you are saying about The Anthony's and I agree! I'd go to their house myself and peacefully "protest" but only if I was willing to go back to jail!! The Anthony's and peace are strangers and something bad is bound to happen when you hang out in their yard when they are pissed off!
re: bold

I'm not a G and C fan but I just have to try to imagine a hoard of people lined up in front of my house after my granddaughter is missing (remember, this is before the remains were found) yelling at me and my family (peacefully of course). This is beyond peaceful protest, this is harrassment of a family in crisis in my opinion. I think at the first yelling of "babykiller" or other phrases like that they should have been disbursed by LE or made to remain peaceful protestors. I don't like the A's responses either, but if my family were being attacked in this way, I don't know how me or my husband would have responded either. I really think this lady who keeps putting the crosses there is enjoying this way too much (this from observing her self righteous expression in her interview). Yes the Anthony's are angry (one of the stages of grief), but they don't need people baiting them and giving them more to be angry about. Feel free to disagree.
Gee, You guys were busy here since I went to sleep last night, I have not read the last 120 posts yet.
Soooo, are the Anthonys in jail yet?
That's the whole point- we know they are NOT "normal, law-abiding people". We all know they have the potential to become quite dangerous ( if throwing your father through a plate glass window isn't enough to convince people that George could really hurt someone, i don't know what will!)

If a person wanted to show their children anything "peaceful" they would not take them to the hammer swinging, cross bashing, rocks being thrown at windows, dog water stealing, old lady shoving, crazy driving, out of control Anthony home, that's for sure! I'm sorry but children had no place there, we are supposed to PROTECT our children from people like this.. not drag them to their homes!

I get what you are saying about The Anthony's and I agree! I'd go to their house myself and peacefully "protest" but only if I was willing to go back to jail!! The Anthony's and peace are strangers and something bad is bound to happen when you hang out in their yard when they are pissed off!

All this anger the Anthony's are showing is misguided.
IMO, they should be showing this anger towards their daughter, not strangers. Ugly coping comes to mind..~snorts~
Is this part of the *Script*?


all of them

IMO G&C, along with the Mz are getting dangerous. One thing about the memorial that really bothers me is that since everything put there belonged to Caylee, it has become a battle as to who has rights to keep, or remove, her things. I do realize the land belongs to the owner, but I see no need to remove crosses for Caylee. I understand the stuffed animals are now ruined from the weather. In fact, (I forget who) said the odor from the worn items was terrible. Was it G who said that? If so, IMO that shouldn't bother him considering Caylee had no choice except to lay in there with a worse odor.
I'm sorry for what you had to live through, you are an inspiration to many! :blowkiss:

Bold is mine- I agree with you 100% but I seriously doubt anyone is going to do anything about these people and their actions, sadly. They will be allowed to continue and they will continue, probably worsen in time, IMO. I'd stay the heck outta their neighborhood unless I was looking for a fight- We know how they are.

Thank you OLG, you don't know what that means to me. I am so inspired and full of admiration by all of you who are able to speak out about all you've been through. I am hoping that one day by learning from all you brave posters that I too will get there.

Back at cha! :blowkiss:
BTW--I totally got what you were saying about when you can't change others behavior(the A's and the M's) you can change your own (don't provoke a mad cow and expect it to not respond). I just get so angry at them sometimes but you are right...anger doesn't usually help one think straight. :cow:
Gee, You guys were busy here since I went to sleep last night, I have not read the last 120 posts yet.
Soooo, are the Anthonys in jail yet?

Oh my goodness, when that day comes, when I wake up to the headline "Anthonys Jailed" that will be a date to remember! :) (Yes checking WS is the first thing I do after getting my son to school! LOL) JMO
Why do these people not want a cross or something for that baby girl? I mean what does it hurt for someone to honor Caylee in this way? The general public cares more for Caylee than her own family does.

There is no reason for the A's to be taking down things meant for this sweet baby girl who never stood a chance with this crazy family.

I just do not understand the reasoning behind their resentful actions towards Caylee and all things done in her honor. There is a special place in H*ll for this family.

If I owned the property a memorial would be there for Caylee and the A's would be arrested for tresspassing if they tried to come take anything.
Wouldn't all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who placed items in memory of Caylee be trespassing?

I think we covered this a couple of pages back. Nobody is trespassing since it is on the public right of way (easement).
Verité;3827162 said:
I respectfully disagree with your initial statement. There is one Anthony who should not have had to earn respect from any of us, but it has been earned big time!
And she deserves to be treated with respect and all that entails. Despite strong negative feelings against her grandparents, stop with the antagonizing, challenging,
belittling, provoking, despising, hating. Enough is enough!

Now if y'all want to displace that rage and resentment onto me, that's OK, coz I'll just turn my computer to "off."

The anger is not displaced when it is in response to a specific stated opinion a person has and claims as fact about the motivation of others posting on a message board. Not to mention that the opinion has been proclaimed in a way that is not only angry and rude but is personally attacking other members of the message board. That, my friend, is a fine example of an angry person venting their own displaced rage on innocent people sharing opinions on a message board.
To claim people are displacing their anger by responding to a post like that is just silly... a person has every right to be upset by a personal attack made by another.
If they ignored or disregarded a sign that clearly states "no trespassing" then yeah, they were trespassing.

I get why they trespassed and don't feel the "hundreds or thousands" of people who left stuff there meant any harm whatsoever.. which is why IMO the land owner and LE had largly ignored the tresspassing issue and have kindly let the stuff stay there. and rightfully so, IMO.

I thought it was been established that no one was trespassing. That the memorial was on County property.

I think we might be going back to what was wrongfully thought about the protesters as well. A property owner in that county does not own the property all the way out to the road.
Could it be that some of the players in this case do not want another glorious build up of offerings at the dump site by the time June 15th-16th rolls around? That's what I think. I think they would hate for someone to have a vigil at the dump site on that date complete with a big fresh build-up of toys, flowers and balloons.

This is my opinion too, the Anthony family are afraid to have any sort of burial for Caylee for the same reason.

They are unable to acknowledge the date of death, for doing so will acknowledge that KC is responsible for her demise.

The recent rage is simply the simmer before the boil, as June 16th draws nearer we will likely see more anger and vitriol.
The Milsteads are probably at the Anthony household attempting to plan an event to overshadow the JBP memorial/vigil that is being planned.

If the Anthonys shout loud enough, they hope you will be distracted from what is truly important (to them) the DATE of death.
I am very UPSET that they see something wrong with the publics mourning for Caylee. It really does disgust me. I felt bad for GA and CA, NOT anymore. They make me sick to my stomach......I agree with alot on here that the whole family belongs here :behindbar
Cindy Anthony is an aggressive bully. She chased a protester to her car with a bat in her hand. She seeks out trouble. None of the Anthonys respect authority. They will do what they want, when they want. Casey grew up with out learning respect for anyone nor her community.

How many times have we seen Cindy outside on her lawn with a hammer. I wonder how often she actually goes out and works on her front lawn? Most likely very rarely. They were there and egged on the protesters. They were told to remain in the house or in the yard....did they? Of course not, they love the thrill of possible danger.

The A's are trouble with a capital "T". They will sue you or any company in a heartbeat. They feel entitled. George lies as much as Cindy; he does so in a different way so he appears to more engaging. If you notice, he went along with the chase. He is addicted to the excitement and danger of living with Cindy. This family thrives on the action and will seek it out. Just wait for the trial....we will get all the drama we can handle from these two.

Cindy is the one who gets everyone moving. She is the instigator. There is one person she fears though....Casey!
Verité;3827072 said:
If the above is accurate--and I'd never doubt your word, dear Chilly--then it borders on more rabble rousing. To initiate provocations against grandparents
who were loved dearly by their little granddaughter is no way to honor that child. Let's let her have Peace, Pax, Paz . . .in whatever language.
I like the Spanish pronunciation of paz which sounds almost like "pause." And that's what's required to truly memorialize this little girl--an occasional
pause for a moment of quiet respect and reflection for all she held dear, even if it includes a quiet blessing for grandparents in turmoil.

Personally I thought those crosses looked makeshift and tacky, and I cringe at the hostlity behind the threat of the person who intends to keep making them.
To place those crosses on private property without the owner's permission is a form of trespassing and probably some other infringement of local statutes.
To place a cross on government property (if that area is owned by the County) has been ruled unconstitutional in San Diego, California, where
there used to be two enormous public crosses in different areas of the County. Not everyone embraces the cross as a symbol of good over evil.
But, if a cross is used, let's make sure it's only with that purpose in mind, to ensure the common good of all who loved Caylee.
How it looked is one thing...The heart felt messages from strangers is another thing. When asked if the Real Estate Broker took it down they said "NO" when the "A"s were asked they too said "NO". :liar:
It benefits the "A"s to have it cleaned up I am hoping the photos these women took will come out clear after all it was night time. They have deleted poor CAYLEE in every way for a cause that will support their fat azzes.
Point being no matter what the "A"s say - they are never telling the truth :liar: :liar: :liar: no matter what is asked of them.
NOW I am thinking why did they send their PI to take photos there? Did they remove a package one night get him to take pix. and then replace the package? I do not know what to think anymore....
But they sold their soul to the devil and I hope they too go to hotel stay a while :behindbar:
I thought it was been established that no one was trespassing. That the memorial was on County property.

I think we might be going back to what was wrongfully thought about the protesters as well. A property owner in that county does not own the property all the way out to the road.

I live in FL and this is true where I live as well. There is a 10 ft easement around our property line in both the back and front of the house. The reason is that if a person owns property where a road needs to expand for example the county does not have to pay the homeowner for the property just any additional property used beyond the 10 ft easement. The location of the current memorial is on the above mentioned easement and the same can be said about the protesters.
All this anger the Anthony's are showing is misguided.
IMO, they should be showing this anger towards their daughter, not strangers. Ugly coping comes to mind..~snorts~

I know- ITA- They are screwed up human beings and I hope they will be dealt with properly (jail cells next to Casey come to mind) but it doesn't seem they will ever be, sadly.
How it looked is one thing...The heart felt messages from strangers is another thing. When asked if the Real Estate Broker took it down they said "NO" when the "A"s were asked they too said "NO". :liar:
It benefits the "A"s to have it cleaned up I am hoping the photos these women took will come out clear after all it was night time. They have deleted poor CAYLEE in every way for a cause that will support their fat azzes.
Point being no matter what the "A"s say - they are never telling the truth :liar: :liar: :liar: no matter what is asked of them.
NOW I am thinking why did they send their PI to take photos there? Did they remove a package one night get him to take pix. and then replace the package? I do not know what to think anymore....
But they sold their soul to the devil and I hope they too go to hotel stay a while :behindbar:

I too am praying the picture is what does it this time.. nothing else seems to convince LE! :(
You know what would be nice if the people who want to pay tribute would plant a butterfly bush or some sort of flowers that would grow there with a simple cross. That way it would be something nice that would last a long time. I think that would be a good way to honor Caylee with a beautiful butterfly garden.
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