Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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Personally I feel the Pastor of the Baptist Church should reach out to CA/GA and offer to put some type of permanent LIVING memorial on the Churches property and then sit down and have long, lengthy talks - months/years whatever it takes, to get them to see and examine what damage they are doing. Damage not only to their souls and sanity but to the souls and sanity of the community.

Heck, I would send a check to cover it tomorrow if this Pastor and his congregation approved it immediately.
LanceLot...according to the article he was quoted as saying, he was there till 10pm and didn't know anything about the incident..


Caylee memorial taken

The makeshift memorial marks where a meter reader found Caylee's remains in December. People from across the country have left trinkets there for her. But to this day her grandfather has not been down there. He just can't do it. He says it’s just too hard. “I'm glad it’s cleared up. I know I'm going to catch some flack for that. The items down there were rotting...there was some kind of odor down there. It smelled.”
George Anthony asks whoever still wants to memorialize Caylee donate to a children’s charity or to Caylee's foundation.

HOW does George know the items "smelled" if he has never gone down there??
And BTW ..... a single wooden cross was not "rotting and smelling" .....
Whisperer quote " Cindy Anthony is an aggressive bully. She seeks out trouble."

You speak the truth my friend. Why would G and C in company with the M's go to this site and remove cross memorials again and again? What is motivating her? Is it control? Does she have a God complex? Is she a drama queen? Is she bored? I want this woman stopped, once and for all, I want her stopped. Whatever it takes. A jail cell or a padded room I don't care. Just "BE GONE!!" JMO

I agree - and her husband is her biggest enabler apparently! HE was driving the car!
LanceLot...according to the article he was quoted as saying, he was there till 10pm and didn't know anything about the incident..

Thank you! I must be reading the wrong articles.
Found it!
The Anthonys' attorney, Brad Conway, told WESH he knew nothing about the incident last night. Conway also told WESH that he was with the Anthonys until 10 last night.
Whisperer quote " Cindy Anthony is an aggressive bully. She seeks out trouble."

You speak the truth my friend. Why would G and C in company with the M's go to this site and remove cross memorials again and again? What is motivating her? Is it control? Does she have a God complex? Is she a drama queen? Is she bored? I want this woman stopped, once and for all, I want her stopped. Whatever it takes. A jail cell or a padded room I don't care. Just "BE GONE!!" JMO
Just one point where I differ...Cindy is not alone here....
she is just the louder and more abnoxiouse one. My eye is still on GA and yes his despicable questionable buddies too.
LanceLot...according to the article he was quoted as saying, he was there till 10pm and didn't know anything about the incident..

Most lawyers hang out in your house till 10:00PM :eek::eek:
This makes as much sense as the rest of the BS.
All this would be sooo laughable were it not for a dead child in the midst of these idiots. It also shows that the A's must have enjoyed the protesters, cause they thrive on this stuff. And people are going to send them money? To find lost children? Really? This is a joke, right?
When is the trial going to start, these wack job A's are soooooooooo losing it!
A lot has been said about how ugly and mean-spirited the protestors were. I totally agree. I had never seen anything like it, ever. At first I thought maybe it was because it was so odd to have the family of a "missing" child also be the same family as the person who was the suspect. But I really think now that had nothing to do with it. I think the public would have pretty much left them alone if they had behaved differently from the beginning. And they didn't start showing up en masse until after the Anthonys themselves had appeared on the media and shown their true colors.

From the very beginning I think the Anthonys behavior to the media was like an engraved invitation to angry nutballs. They snapped at reporters that the smell in the trunk was pizza, they got angry and yelled that the human remains in the trunk was somebody else's body. CA got on national TV and said, when asked pointedly if her daughter might be involved, that if Caylee was not found soon it would be the media's fault, she accused people of putting nails in her coffin. Their behavior toward normal questioning of their daughter's puzzling, bizarre and outrageous behavior was to defensively and angrily insist she didn't really lie to LE, that it was LE that was railroading her and not really looking for Caylee, that she was the mother of the year. They were told to get off their butts and look for Caylee.

I think the combination of their self-righteous and belligerent behavior toward the press (particularly when contrasted with some of the hypocrisy they began to show early on) if questioned at all about their daughter's strange behavior and angry insistence that early evidence was false and meant nothing acted like an emotional MAGNET and drew all kinds of people who were as negative and psychologically dysfunctional as they are. It made all kinds of normal people upset because they saw it as inappropriate and unnecessarily hostile.

I don't condone anything the protestors did, and think they are a hot mess, but I don't believe they would have ever showed up or even been attracted to the case like moths to a flame if they had not sensed at some level kindred spirits in the Anthonys. Anger and high drama attracts anger and high drama - and it brings out the worst in those who draw near.

Lois originally contacted CA, and CA encouraged a relationship with Lois' granddaughter and her own daughter. She did not turn it down because she apparently felt it would benefit KC in some way to have a young child on her side. KC was not supposed to have any contact with the public at that point, so imo, CA totally asked for that too because she didn't have the sense not to exploit a child for her own benefit. The fact that KC and Annie caught CA on KC's computer emailing with KC's name when she stayed overnight made me think that CA may have been the one encouraging that on KC's behalf.

As usual, the Anthonys stoke the fire and then complain when the flames get too high and the air gets too hot. And when the fire dies down of its own accord, they are off with their "friends" to find new ways to get in the limelight.
I was just studying the picture. Is that Cindy trying to duck her head next to George?


Good question! Is that a blonde head on the passenger side - in the area of the middle of the window - at George's chin level?
Lol, I've often wondered what it would be like to spend a night in that house. I'm pretty sure my sanity would start to slip listening to the word salad dinner convo and go downhill from there.
Well Darling; I would only want to be there as a fly on the wall. Place is toxic.

Good question! Is that a blonde head on the passenger side - in the area of the middle of the window - at George's chin level?
A picture is worth 1000 words now how will GA explain this? :waitasec:
A lot has been said about how ugly and mean-spirited the protestors were. I totally agree. I had never seen anything like it, ever. At first I thought maybe it was because it was so odd to have the family of a "missing" child also be the same family as the person who was the suspect. But I really think now that had nothing to do with it. I think the public would have pretty much left them alone if they had behaved differently from the beginning. And they didn't start showing up en masse until after the Anthonys themselves had appeared on the media and shown their true colors.

From the very beginning I think the Anthonys behavior to the media was like an engraved invitation to angry nutballs. They snapped at reporters that the smell in the trunk was pizza, they got angry and yelled that the human remains in the trunk was somebody else's body. CA got on national TV and said, when asked pointedly if her daughter might be involved, that if Caylee was not found soon it would be the media's fault, she accused people of putting nails in her coffin. Their behavior toward normal questioning of their daughter's puzzling, bizarre and outrageous behavior was to defensively and angrily insist she didn't really lie to LE, that it was LE that was railroading her and not really looking for Caylee, that she was the mother of the year. They were told to get off their butts and look for Caylee.

I think the combination of their self-righteous and belligerent behavior toward the press (particularly when contrasted with some of the hypocrisy they began to show early on) if questioned at all about their daughter's strange behavior and angry insistence that early evidence was false and meant nothing acted like an emotional MAGNET and drew all kinds of people who were as negative and psychologically dysfunctional as they are. It made all kinds of normal people upset because they saw it as inappropriate and unnecessarily hostile.

I don't condone anything the protestors did, and think they are a hot mess, but I don't believe they would have ever showed up or even been attracted to the case like moths to a flame if they had not sensed at some level kindred spirits in the Anthonys. Anger and high drama attracts anger and high drama - and it brings out the worst in those who draw near.

Lois originally contacted CA, and CA encouraged a relationship with Lois' granddaughter and her own daughter. She did not turn it down because she apparently felt it would benefit KC in some way to have a young child on her side. KC was not supposed to have any contact with the public at that point, so imo, CA totally asked for that too because she didn't have the sense not to exploit a child for her own benefit. The fact that KC and Annie caught CA on KC's computer emailing with KC's name when she stayed overnight made me think that CA may have been the one encouraging that on KC's behalf.

As usual, the Anthonys stoke the fire and then complain when the flames get too high and the air gets too hot. And when the fire dies down of its own accord, they are off with their "friends" to find new ways to get in the limelight.
Just maybe 1/2 of the protesters are from the neighborhood and knew these people are horrible. I do not think they started to be nasty just this year. :rolleyes:

I agree - and her husband is her biggest enabler apparently! HE was driving the car!

Just one point where I differ...Cindy is not alone here....
she is just the louder and more abnoxiouse one. My eye is still on GA and yes his despicable questionable buddies too.

You know what, I was going to write that CA had Ga down there with her on a leash but I have long since moved past giving GA a pass. You are correct---GA is a grown man, with a brain, he makes his own choices so he gets no pass----he was right along side CA, driving the get away car so yes I agree, he is just as responsible as she is for the decision they made to go down there and under the cover of darkness swipe the memorial cross left for Caylee. Sneaky sneaky sneaky---these two. Peas in a pod. JMO
They called LE repeatedly on the protesters; tried to file for a restraining order; and the records show called LE numerous times before this all happened. They know how to go through legal channels. They just now have this big sense of entitlement, imo, through their extra special grief.

They only listen to what they want to hear, they've also made clear. They've heard the criticisms, but as you pointed out, claim others 'just don't understand' and must 'not have children or grandchildren.' They surround themselves with 'yes men' and that's all they can stand to hear. I suspect CA has always been that way.
It is more then just entitlement it is an objective. If Caylee is not in our minds then they can proceed with their game plan.
They need caylee deleted in every way , to get MONEY and Casey out of jail. They have no allegiance to Caylee at all but use her name in vain to gain funds. :puke: It benefits them only.....
The less we see or hear of Caylee the better it is for their game plan. They disgust me to the moon and back. I would love to see them charged, love it!!!!! And I had so much compassion for them at the start.
"He said/She said," Brad said.
The only problem with this scenario, Brad, is your version of events make no sense.

Wait......did I miss an article that BC did after the A's were caught with their hands in the cookie jar?? Anyone got a link?
You know what, I was going to write that CA had Ga down there with her on a leash but I have long since moved past giving GA a pass. You are correct---GA is a grown man, with a brain, he makes his own choices so he gets no pass----he was right along side CA, driving the get away car so yes I agree, he is just as responsible as she is for the decision they made to go down there and under the cover of darkness swipe the memorial cross left for Caylee. Sneaky sneaky sneaky---these two. Peas in a pod. JMO

Doogiesgirl :blowkiss: I have changed my mind a few times myself. It just gets greasier, and slimier, every day.
These folks belong in a cell next to Casey. I call those types low lives. And I am very certain that the loud one is not the worst one. Cindy is abnoxiouse, and loud, GA is the thinking hat here.
Not changing my mind on him. To me he is transparent.
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