Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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Wouldn't all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who placed items in memory of Caylee be trespassing?

Yes it would be trespassing unless they got permission from the owner of the land to continue to place the items at the site as a memorial. In NY at the site of different crashes, etc people and organizations " adopt" that part of the roadside area and are responsible for maintenence of the area. Some plant flowers or small trees and put ribbons on the tree in support of those who died or were found deceased on that land. These memorials are usually put on the side of the road which is state property.
It seems those two women were on the land putting up an ungodly looking cross that just screamed " trouble." The owner of that land can turn around and charge them with destruction of property along with illegally trespassing on the property.
The cross placers have an agenda which now has nothing to do with Caylee or her memory.
Even though I think the Anthonys are liars they certainly don't need nut jobs stalking them over taking down makeshift memorials to their granddaughter.
The Anthonys should have just went back home after they took the cross down. Instead they and their friends chose to chase down those women and try to confront them.
Those women had a camera, they took a picture, now will the National Enquirer be the highest bidder for the picture and the story from these two.
When will the Anthonys learn.
re: bold

I'm not a G and C fan but I just have to try to imagine a hoard of people lined up in front of my house after my granddaughter is missing (remember, this is before the remains were found) yelling at me and my family (peacefully of course). This is beyond peaceful protest, this is harrassment of a family in crisis in my opinion. I think at the first yelling of "babykiller" or other phrases like that they should have been disbursed by LE or made to remain peaceful protestors. I don't like the A's responses either, but if my family were being attacked in this way, I don't know how me or my husband would have responded either. I really think this lady who keeps putting the crosses there is enjoying this way too much (this from observing her self righteous expression in her interview). Yes the Anthony's are angry (one of the stages of grief), but they don't need people baiting them and giving them more to be angry about. Feel free to disagree.

I dislike them very much (every time I LOOK at Cindy I can see my own mother and want to vomit!), however, I can be honest about my own emotions and reactions to others actions-

I have already admitted that if I were in their shoes I'd be in jail by now, I have NO doubt! I have anger issues and I know I would not have been able to contain that anger if some a$$holes came to my house in the middle of the night throwing rocks at my windows! Aww hell no- we are gonna fight LOL!
I think we covered this a couple of pages back. Nobody is trespassing since it is on the public right of way (easement).

Thank you. I am aware of the easement around the property lines and that it being "public right of way". I was just asking a question to a posters comment earlier about "trespassing being trespassing". :)
If you are referring to the PI sent in November 08 to Suburban, I believe he was sent by the A's because they had reason to believe Caylee was there. The spot was marked by the pavers. PI confirmed the bag was there as described and the campaign elevated at that point to find a missing Caylee. They took the show on the road, sealing a deal with Larry King.

The Anthonys have known all along that Caylee had died. They have cost the taxpayers millions, do they care? No, it is all about them and their public perception. You will not convince them they are wrong. They believe they are right about everything they do.
You know what would be nice if the people who want to pay tribute would plant a butterfly bush or some sort of flowers that would grow there with a simple cross. That way it would be something nice that would last a long time. I think that would be a good way to honor Caylee with a beautiful butterfly garden.

That is a really GREAT idea!!!!
You know what would be nice if the people who want to pay tribute would plant a butterfly bush or some sort of flowers that would grow there with a simple cross. That way it would be something nice that would last a long time. I think that would be a good way to honor Caylee with a beautiful butterfly garden.

They would destroy anything people put there, IMO. You could build a house as a memorial, they will burn the DOWN!
Rocks at their windows?!!!! It was pennies at the garage door. If their was anything at the windows, it may have been gravel or a few pebbles....let's not get carried away here!
Thank you. I am aware of the easement around the property lines and that it being "public right of way". I was just asking a question to a posters comment earlier about "trespassing being trespassing". :)

Sorry Patty! So I guess we can say that trespassing is trespassing unless it's not trespassing.
As much as I don't like they way the A's handled this, the women that put up the cross were clearly looking for trouble. It's one thing to put up a memorial, say a little prayer and then move on. But to stay there waiting for someone to take down or tamper with the cross, they are waiting for a confrontation. It is pretty clear to me that this wouldn't have happened had the women put up the memorial and drove away.

I'm not saying the Anthony's did the right thing. They should just ignore this stuff. Why bother creating more trouble for themselves. This potentially could have turned very bad, and they would have been to blame. Do they really need more legal problems?
How it looked is one thing...The heart felt messages from strangers is another thing. When asked if the Real Estate Broker took it down they said "NO" when the "A"s were asked they too said "NO". :liar:
It benefits the "A"s to have it cleaned up I am hoping the photos these women took will come out clear after all it was night time. They have deleted poor CAYLEE in every way for a cause that will support their fat azzes.
Point being no matter what the "A"s say - they are never telling the truth :liar: :liar: :liar: no matter what is asked of them.
NOW I am thinking why did they send their PI to take photos there? Did they remove a package one night get him to take pix. and then replace the package? I do not know what to think anymore....
But they sold their soul to the devil and I hope they too go to hotel stay a while :behindbar:

Everything you say is what I would have said. I find it amazing that there was a time when so many people were in the A's corner and making excuses for their behavior, but now most of those same people have seen the light. I can't even imagine what the A's are going to do next to outshine this last doozie.:crazy:
This is my opinion too, the Anthony family are afraid to have any sort of burial for Caylee for the same reason.

They are unable to acknowledge the date of death, for doing so will acknowledge that KC is responsible for her demise.

The recent rage is simply the simmer before the boil, as June 16th draws nearer we will likely see more anger and vitriol.
The Milsteads are probably at the Anthony household attempting to plan an event to overshadow the JBP memorial/vigil that is being planned.

If the Anthonys shout loud enough, they hope you will be distracted from what is truly important (to them) the DATE of death.

Exactly, NSS! The date is looming more and more close. Suddenly, the huge memorial (which was becoming soppy, stinky and neglected) miraculously vanished overnight leaving only a forgotten (likely unnoticed) tiny statue in the leaves to the right. The area was essentially sanitized in the dark of the night...

Immediately, was it not the next morning, that a man was shown dropping off a small brown teddy bear and comment was made on camera about the missing memorial. Slowly but surely people starting dropping stuff off again for the area to be clear in the mornings. Why now?

In less than two weeks Caylee's death date will be upon us. I just know people will gather there, pray, drop of mementos, and even looky-loo. I bet dollars to doughnuts the media will also be on hand since it is an anniversary date.

Imagine Orlando Media on June 15th-16th, 2009 standing at the dump site with camera crew:

"One year ago to this day, young Orlando toddler Caylee Marie Anthony is believed to have gone missing from her suburban Orange County home. We are here today at the site where her skeletonized remains were discovered months later..."

Imagine how this scene would play with TONS of memorial background footage of clean balloons, toys, candles, prayer cards, etc., with people standing around looking at the memorial. Let me tell you, it gets a lot of airtime.

But, if the area is neutralized and santized then it doesn't get so much airtime and replay on the national scale.

This is the reason I think they keep removing the memorial in the dark of the night...I think they want it to be as drab, uninteresting, and sanitized as possible as the anniversary date looms. Maybe they can hold a presser instead in the A's driveway, park the SS Caylee Marie there for a day, and hold the Caylee bears.
Yes it would be trespassing unless they got permission from the owner of the land to continue to place the items at the site as a memorial. In NY at the site of different crashes, etc people and organizations " adopt" that part of the roadside area and are responsible for maintenence of the area. Some plant flowers or small trees and put ribbons on the tree in support of those who died or were found deceased on that land. These memorials are usually put on the side of the road which is state property.
It seems those two women were on the land putting up an ungodly looking cross that just screamed " trouble." The owner of that land can turn around and charge them with destruction of property along with illegally trespassing on the property.
The cross placers have an agenda which now has nothing to do with Caylee or her memory.
Even though I think the Anthonys are liars they certainly don't need nut jobs stalking them over taking down makeshift memorials to their granddaughter.
The Anthonys should have just went back home after they took the cross down. Instead they and their friends chose to chase down those women and try to confront them.
Those women had a camera, they took a picture, now will the National Enquirer be the highest bidder for the picture and the story from these two.
When will the Anthonys learn.

They were not trespassing. Unfortunately the Anthony's will never learn. It's the only way of life they know. Drama and upset is what they thrive on.
It bothers me that people can say putting the cross there was wrong. I suggest those that do are coming from athinking it was not placed there out of love but out of hate (or some other feeling) and that is why they consider it wrong.

Well, then what is the reason for the Anthonys taking it down...? Was it out of love or hate? Some suggest they are doing it because the people who put it up were trespassing? Did they remove it because they thought it wasn't pretty enough? Did they remove it because they don't want anyone placing things on another's property? Now, after they removed it, let's say for the benefit of all, why did they chase the people who placed it there? Was it because the wanted the LE to know there were some criminals in the bushes and they were going to help LE? Or was it self-serving.

The facts are:
1. The Anthonys got caught removing a cross with the words "Caylee Marie"
2. They wanted to retrieve the picture taken of them doing it, so no one would know.
3. They feel entitled to it.
4. They feel justified in taking down a memorial anywhere they like.
5 They feel entitled to pursue anyone that crosses the line they have drawn for themselves and any of their causes.
6. They feel entitled to pursue and trap people that take their picture unless they approve it or it is favorable to their cause.

The Anthonys reasons and behavior far exceed any questionable reasons of the people that place a cross at the site where Caylee was found. For those to say that both parties are wrong to the same degree are not weighing both parties behavior and actions in a fair and logical way.
Whisperer quote " Cindy Anthony is an aggressive bully. She seeks out trouble."

You speak the truth my friend. Why would G and C in company with the M's go to this site and remove cross memorials again and again? What is motivating her? Is it control? Does she have a God complex? Is she a drama queen? Is she bored? I want this woman stopped, once and for all, I want her stopped. Whatever it takes. A jail cell or a padded room I don't care. Just "BE GONE!!" JMO
As much as I don't like they way the A's handled this, the women that put up the cross were clearly looking for trouble. It's one thing to put up a memorial, say a little prayer and then move on. But to stay there waiting for someone to take down or tamper with the cross, they are waiting for a confrontation. It is pretty clear to me that this wouldn't have happened had the women put up the memorial and drove away.

I'm not saying the Anthony's did the right thing. They should just ignore this stuff. Why bother creating more trouble for themselves. This potentially could have turned very bad, and they would have been to blame. Do they really need more legal problems?

It's a duel of the crazies. This entire circus has been so for a long time. In large part because the A's keep feeding the trolls.

The whole memorial thing could have been very very easily resolved to everyones satisfaction ages ago with just a little tact. I could easily have pictured MN (before the insanity drove him off) coming out and making a polite impassioned plea that while the outpouring of love and mourning for the departed Grandaughter is deeply appreciated, the constant physical reminder of what happened to her is becoming more then the grieving family can bear, and in leiu of building such memorials could the grieving public please donate a toy or stuffed animal in Caylee's name to a local childrens hospital, etc etc etc.

I mean going out to harrass and chase off little old ladys in a car rigged with illegal police lights? EGADS! (and yes those headlight strobes are HIGHLY illegal unless you have the permit for them, (ie it is a legitimate public safety vehicle), and even then only LE and Emergency Services can use them with the vehicle in motion)
Whisperer you and I posted the same thought at the exact same time 11:39..LOL

You know you owe me a coke now! :)

Motivations----that's the heart of it isn't it? I wish I had a crystal ball so I could know what their motivations are. Because like I said on another thread--the A's are human anomalys. :cow:
What was Brad Conway doing at their house till 10pm? He must live there now as a "Life Coach"......don't think that career is working very well for him.

Since he hasn't jumped ship and continues on their behalf, he has become part of their charade. He and Baez must be buddies and they are working together. The Anthonys do need a full time attorney (life coach) who likes to hang out with them and not want any money. Who would like to hang out with the Anthonys? Yikes!!
"He said/She said," Brad said.
The only problem with this scenario, Brad, is your version of events make no sense.
What was Brad Conway doing at their house till 10pm? He must live there now as a "Life Coach"......don't think that career is working very well for him.

Since he hasn't jumped ship and continues on their behalf, he has become part of their charade. He and Baez must be buddies and they are working together. The Anthonys do need a full time attorney (life coach) who likes to hang out with them and not want any money. Who would like to hang out with the Anthonys? Yikes!!

Was Brad there as well?
DoogiesGirl.... I certainly do owe you a drink, see if I can get one.

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