Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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While I would hate to see a soggy, stinky memorial for Caylee it still makes me sad that now there is none.

It reminds me of how I felt about all the flags we Americans displayed with so much pride after the 9/11 attacks. Remember how so many houses flew them? Almost all of our businesses and some people even had them (or ribbons) on their autos. I hated it when I realized they were slowly disappearing. It was as if the collective memory of that horrid day was fading right along with the patriotic displays. Now we line our streets with files of people holding flags as the funeral processions pass by carrying our many men and women who defended us from a repeat of 9/11. Instead of the ground-swell display of flags at the beginning we now have parents and spouses who display their coffin flags privately in their homes.

I don't want to see any soggy stuffed animals or faded flags or artificial flowers ~ but I sure understand the need for people to demonstrate/express their thoughts and emotions. I'm praying there will be a more suitable, permanent way to do this very, very soon. Sigh.

re BOLD which is mine: I would love to see people put rocks at the former memorial site. Rocks are natural, and wouldn't a pile of rocks, a HUGE pile of rocks appaering there be a great way to say "we are still thinking of you Caylee" - "Now try and dispose of ME"
You know what, I was going to write that CA had Ga down there with her on a leash but I have long since moved past giving GA a pass. You are correct---GA is a grown man, with a brain, he makes his own choices so he gets no pass----he was right along side CA, driving the get away car so yes I agree, he is just as responsible as she is for the decision they made to go down there and under the cover of darkness swipe the memorial cross left for Caylee. Sneaky sneaky sneaky---these two. Peas in a pod. JMO
What else have these 2 very verifiably sneaky people done?
That's the question of the day.
Ya'll know, a lot of focus is being placed on the "he said, she said" chase.

Again, manipulate and deflect is part of the A's legacy. The chase is only the aftermath of the incident and lying.

Bottom line is this is simply another lie, stacked up with the umpteen hundreds, that have been told by the A's and their camp.

The A camp has consistently stated they will not go down to the memorial, yet they did. Not only did they go but they went in the dark of night like thief's and murders do and like thief's and murders commonly do, they :bang: return to the scene of THEIR crime until they are caught red handed.
I think we covered this a couple of pages back. Nobody is trespassing since it is on the public right of way (easement).

I said this last night and I'll say it dare we forget that the A's have the right to do whatever they want, remove whatever they want and destroy whatever they want on all public right of ways. Donthca know???

And I really think that as long as its kept out there that Caylee is dead, let alone existed, the more they are faced with the loss of KC. Not Caylee, KC. If Caylee never exisited, which is how they act sometimes in my opinion, they certainly don't stand up for her, then their beloved KC would be free and at home for Cindy to dote on. Sick. They are all sick.

And someone arrest DM already. These people aren't above the law. Why do they keep getting by with it???
As dishonest as the Anthonys are that does not give those women the right to taunt the Anthonys with their actions. Its a clear case of those ladies trying to stir the pot and apparently it is working because Cindy and George got caught in yet another lie.
Incidently does anyone know for a fact that those women were not trespassing? Did they get permission to be on the land and place the cross there??? How long will their story take to get in the National Enquirer. They can make some bucks off the Enquirer.
Caylees memory can be honored in other ways. Butterfly Gardens, Church Memorials or other types of respectable monuments with a plaque can be made for Caylee. Our posters on here who suggested them are thinking on the right track.
You all know If anyone buys that land do you think the new owners will allow those crosses to remain on the site... I doubt it. Someone here was correct when they said that the women should have left after they put the cross up. For them to go back to the site to see who is stealing the crosses is a form of stalking. What did they think they were going to do when they caught the thief or thieves? Make a Citizens arrest! These women have an agenda!
No memorial can take the place of the loss of that beautiful baby girl Caylee. The greatest memorial we can have for her is in our hearts and prayers always remembering her. I need no visual enticement to think of Caylee because as a mother of a daughter who was killed, Caylees name is imbedded in my heart and mind. My prayers and Thoughts are my memorial to Caylee.
If you want to have a memorial for Caylee donate money to plant a tree or flowers in childrens parks in your area and have a little plaque made. Donate flowers to the elderly in nursing homes in Caylees name. Give money to St. Judes Cancer Center for Children or any other Childrens Hospital in the name of Caylee. Donate to Mark Klaas and his foundation in Caylees Memory or any other Childrens Foundation.
These donations work tenfold and keep giving in Caylees Honor unlike the cross or teddy bears that are forgotten in time. Don't sweat over these women or the Anthonys ten minutes of fame. It's not worth the aggrevation. They won't change. But we as a group can change things here and we ALL can make sure Caylee is never forgotten.
I'm curious to see what LE does with Lois's complaint. She attempted in the past to get a restraining order against Cindy using false information - and brought a media crew along to film the process. LE is liable not to take her very seriously in this matter as a result.

That's really disappointing to know.
Exactly, NSS! The date is looming more and more close. Suddenly, the huge memorial (which was becoming soppy, stinky and neglected) miraculously vanished overnight leaving only a forgotten (likely unnoticed) tiny statue in the leaves to the right. The area was essentially sanitized in the dark of the night...

Immediately, was it not the next morning, that a man was shown dropping off a small brown teddy bear and comment was made on camera about the missing memorial. Slowly but surely people starting dropping stuff off again for the area to be clear in the mornings. Why now?

In less than two weeks Caylee's death date will be upon us. I just know people will gather there, pray, drop of mementos, and even looky-loo. I bet dollars to doughnuts the media will also be on hand since it is an anniversary date.

Imagine Orlando Media on June 15th-16th, 2009 standing at the dump site with camera crew:

"One year ago to this day, young Orlando toddler Caylee Marie Anthony is believed to have gone missing from her suburban Orange County home. We are here today at the site where her skeletonized remains were discovered months later..."

Imagine how this scene would play with TONS of memorial background footage of clean balloons, toys, candles, prayer cards, etc., with people standing around looking at the memorial. Let me tell you, it gets a lot of airtime.

But, if the area is neutralized and santized then it doesn't get so much airtime and replay on the national scale.

This is the reason I think they keep removing the memorial in the dark of the night...I think they want it to be as drab, uninteresting, and sanitized as possible as the anniversary date looms. Maybe they can hold a presser instead in the A's driveway, park the SS Caylee Marie there for a day, and hold the Caylee bears.

The 16th June 2008 is the date Caylee went "missing" in Anthony land.

Following the discovery on Dec 11th and the reports from earlier tests, June 16th became much MORE, it is now the date that Caylee died.

The Anthonys are fighting to keep their version of the date as the one we see and hear. In order for their 'foundation' to move forward, WE have to believe that Caylee was a missing child, and the June 16th date is all they have to promote that.

It isn't "the day she went missing", it is "the day she died", and that is what the Anthonys are up against. Staying angry helps them stay afloat whilst swimming against the tide.

The memorial site is linkage between June 16th and death, they are struggling to break that chain.
I too am praying the picture is what does it this time.. nothing else seems to convince LE! :(

I really believe that LE knows they are full of BS, that they did a huge clean up, cover up...
I am really praying they are holding something close to the vest and will nail them at the right time.
Maybe LE is waiting for them to keep doing chit and get more pictures LOL
But I think we are all really sick of the "A"s. I hope they make them get up on the stand. So far they have said everything many different ways that conflict. To call them liers is generous, they are immoral. IMO
It's almost like they said, "Well, let's go down and see if anyone tried to put anything else up at the memorial," and voila ~ There it was . . . Someone sure as heck had the nerve to put something there.

They look for things to make themselves more angry, give themselves more excuses and (they hope) more control.

Bold mine.

That's very true.
As dishonest as the Anthonys are that does not give those women the right to taunt the Anthonys with their actions. Its a clear case of those ladies trying to stir the pot and apparently it is working because Cindy and George got caught in yet another lie.
Incidently does anyone know for a fact that those women were not trespassing? Did they get permission to be on the land and place the cross there??? How long will their story take to get in the National Enquirer. They can make some bucks off the Enquirer.
Caylees memory can be honored in other ways. Butterfly Gardens, Church Memorials or other types of respectable monuments with a plaque can be made for Caylee. Our posters on here who suggested them are thinking on the right track.
You all know If anyone buys that land do you think the new owners will allow those crosses to remain on the site... I doubt it. Someone here was correct when they said that the women should have left after they put the cross up. For them to go back to the site to see who is stealing the crosses is a form of stalking. What did they think they were going to do when they caught the thief or thieves? Make a Citizens arrest! These women have an agenda!
No memorial can take the place of the loss of that beautiful baby girl Caylee. The greatest memorial we can have for her is in our hearts and prayers always remembering her. I need no visual enticement to think of Caylee because as a mother of a daughter who was killed, Caylees name is imbedded in my heart and mind. My prayers and Thoughts are my memorial to Caylee.
If you want to have a memorial for Caylee donate money to plant a tree or flowers in childrens parks in your area and have a little plaque made. Donate flowers to the elderly in nursing homes in Caylees name. Give money to St. Judes Cancer Center for Children or any other Childrens Hospital in the name of Caylee. Donate to Mark Klaas and his foundation in Caylees Memory or any other Childrens Foundation.
These donations work tenfold and keep giving in Caylees Honor unlike the cross or teddy bears that are forgotten in time. Don't sweat over these women or the Anthonys ten minutes of fame. It's not worth the aggrevation. They won't change. But we as a group can change things here and we ALL can make sure Caylee is never forgotten.

IF these women have more heart toward a child that has been deleted by the family and all they do is put up a cross. That is not called taunting IMO - the cross they put up was taken down so they put up another that is CARING for a child that has been deleted. REMINDING THE WORLD this is about CAYLEE...They just were smart enough to have cameras this time. Not taunting. But SMART.
Now we know that the "A"s do things in the dark.
What else have they done in the dark :confused:
I'm way behind on this thread, but taking into consideration George's previous suicide attempt, I'd be surprised that he would still be allowed to own a firearm. When I was hospitalized for postpartum psychosis I had to sign a paper that said the state I reside in would be informed of my hospitalization and I would not be allowed to purchase a license for or an actual firearm.

I would think LE confiscated his firearms. But, I'm not familiar with FL laws regarding mental health and the ownership and licensing of firearms either. I could be way off base.

It is the same here. If you have ever been 5150's or attempted suicide you are not allowed to own a firearm. However, George had it BEFORE the suicide attempt so I imagine he seill has it.
Oh snap! I wasn't expecting to see that bear when I opened the website. Good Lord. That's all I can think to say. Just Good Lord.
Well, I've come to the conclusion that I don't believe either side of this new episode... I think L was yet again screwing with the A's and the A's fell for it. In the Sentinel video L says straight out that they were driving around the neighborhood (ie: loitering, IMO, wasting time til dark) , that she only saw Cindy at the trunk of that vehicle, (NOT that she was seeing Cindy with the cross in hand) and she says she snapped A shot... not "some", not "few", not "many"... "A" shot. Ok, we have seen "a" shot... and all it is, is George looking out of the car window.

Throw all of them in jail... something is seriously wrong with L to keep her crap up in this case and hauling innocent people into it, and heck we have long known that something is wrong with the A's and the M's. They all need to be put somewhere and the load taken off of LE's back.

Caylee's memory deserves far more respect than what these nasty players are producing from all of their shenanigans. Shame on ALL of them...
IF these women have more heart toward a child that has been deleted by the family and all they do is put up a cross. That is not called taunting IMO - the cross they put up was taken down so they put up another that is CARING for a child that has been deleted. REMINDING THE WORLD this is about CAYLEE...They just were smart enough to have cameras this time. Not taunting. But SMART.
Now we know that the "A"s do things in the dark.
What else have they done in the dark

bold by me:

Exactly my point I raised in this thread. The A camp has a history of "stunts" being pulled then lying about them. Most we are exposed to, know and have discussed.

I don't believe for one moment that this is the FIRST attempt at "attempting to be discrete". They had 31 days to be discrete and go out under the cover of darkness. They had 31 days to create a story.

Enough is enough for us and Orlando folk but the A's aren't finished yet, unfortunately. I give it 12 days max.

Thank you LL.

You are very welcome. I just heard a reporter on My Fox Orlando state that the women were trying to run George and Cindy down?
This must be after GA and CA and DM and SM had them boxed in and were approaching their vehicles. But how will he explain George and cindy and the Milsteads going after this car in the first place? The idea is preposterous.

Also, I need to ask abbra about the assertion these women were stirring up things and taunting George and Cindy. How do you explain this, since George and Cindy never go down to the site. How could these women have knowingly set out to taunt GA and CA by placing a memorial on property down the street and around the corner?

Thank you LL.

I agree. The Anthony camp is saying that the women tried to run G&C off the road. GMAB. You can tell from the angle of the pics that the car was MUCH smaller than George's HUGE SUV. I hope Milstead is still on some kind of probation or parole and can be re-arrested for violation of same.

I jsut remember seeing that man accost a camerman in JB Park. He is clearly a very violent individual.
IF these women have more heart toward a child that has been deleted by the family and all they do is put up a cross. That is not called taunting IMO - the cross they put up was taken down so they put up another that is CARING for a child that has been deleted. REMINDING THE WORLD this is about CAYLEE...They just were smart enough to have cameras this time. Not taunting. But SMART.
Now we know that the "A"s do things in the dark.
What else have they done in the dark :confused:

How do we know that George and Cindy have " deleted " Caylee from their memories? You, I and no one knows what goes on behind closed doors at the Anthonys. You and I songline and others know the public side of George and Cindy and what lying sacks of donkey doo that they are. Most of us don't believe a word of crap that they spew.
Anyone who knows me knows I won't put up with dishonesty and I stand firm when I say those women who put the cross at Caylees Memorial Site had an agenda and it wasn't an honest agenda. They should have just left the cross, said their condolences and left the site.
It was wrong for C&G and their buddies to follow these women I wholeheartedly agree but at the same time they asked for it by taking the photograph of George in the car.
WHAT WAS THEIR PURPOSE IN TAKING THE PHOTOGRAPH??? What was the dad blame honest truth about why they took that photo! What did the women plan on doing with the photo???? If I were the police I would ask those gals those questions and see what their answers are about taking the photograph of G&C. We already know the Anthonys are deceitful. Thats not news.
Well, I've come to the conclusion that I don't believe either side of this new episode... I think L was yet again screwing with the A's and the A's fell for it. In the Sentinel video L says straight out that they were driving around the neighborhood (ie: loitering, IMO, wasting time til dark) , that she only saw Cindy at the trunk of that vehicle, (NOT that she was seeing Cindy with the cross in hand) and she says she snapped A shot... not "some", not "few", not "many"... "A" shot. Ok, we have seen "a" shot... and all it is, is George looking out of the car window.

Throw all of them in jail... something is seriously wrong with L to keep her crap up in this case and hauling innocent people into it, and heck we have long known that something is wrong with the A's and the M's. They all need to be put somewhere and the load taken off of LE's back.

Caylee's memory deserves far more respect than what these nasty players are producing from all of their shenanigans. Shame on ALL of them...

bold and underlined by me:

What???? Did these people, including Lois, who left items at the memorial site since Dec 11, 08 alert the A's and their camp they were doing it and would be there at a given time? Just how would the A's know this unless CA/GA or their camp buddies were there to personally witness when, who and what was being left?

Other than this, I agree with ya.
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