Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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So while we're discussing alternative ways to memorialize Caylee, I (just a personal prefernce) don't care how/where it's done. Big round of applause for you creative, thoughtful WS members who have come up with ideas! I really like lots of the suggestions, especially the ones about a living memorial, charitable donations in Caylee's name, and playgrounds/ parks. However, I couldn't erase the mental image of the ladies that had the run-in last night creating their own "living memorial" by chillin out at the remains site in lawn chairs and holding their momentos so that the A's can't do anything to remove them.... Just seems like the next step to take if they are really determined to keep the drama stirred up. I'm not suggesting that I think it's a good idea or that it's okay to do it. I actually think it's rediculous and terrible... It's just that nothing surprises me with this case anymore.

It's been very successful in taking the focus off of Baez's claims in his motion.
Conway is going to have to do some pretty quick backpedalaing as there was NOTHING said about George being OUT of his vehicle. So how could someone attempot to run him over? Look at the pictures taken of George's vehicle. Whoever took that picture was clearly in a smaller vehicle BY FAR than George's monstrous SUV

Yep! Brad's spin makes no sense. This is going to be very interesting. I almost posted a picture of Brad as the "Leave Britney Alone" guy. "Leave the Anthonys alone!"
I once worked in a company where our LAN Manager, age 28, died in a car accident while leaving work one day. He was a popular guy and everyone in the company knew and liked him. His boss and co-workers placed a memorial wreath on the median at the site where the accident occurred. One of my co-workers, who was distraught about our LAN Manager's death told me she couldn't participate in the placing of the wreath because to her it was "such an angry gesture" and our LAN Manager had been such a nice, sweet guy. I'm not sure the people placing the wreath were doing so out of anger, but out of grief, but that just goes to show how different people can interpret the same action very differently. I, on the other hand, didn't interpret it as grief, but I thought it was a rather unusual custom and had never seen it done before, so I didn't know what to think about it. I was just sorry our LAN Manager had died so tragically and so very young. A day or two later, the LAN Manager's family called the company and requested that the wreath be taken down as it was upsetting to them. Their wishes were respected and the wreath was removed. Our company also offered to plant a tree and place a memorial plaque at the base of the tree honoring our LAN Manager, but the family refused this offer as well. That's their prerogative, and this refusal was respected.

Different people feel differently about roadside memorials and that's OK. But I personally believe, after my experience with the LAN Manager's family, that it is the wishes of the family that should be primary in the decision as to whether one exists or not.
The anger is not displaced when it is in response to a specific stated opinion a person has and claims as fact about the motivation of others posting on a message board. Not to mention that the opinion has been proclaimed in a way that is not only angry and rude but is personally attacking other members of the message board. That, my friend, is a fine example of an angry person venting their own displaced rage on innocent people sharing opinions on a message board.
To claim people are displacing their anger by responding to a post like that is just silly... a person has every right to be upset by a personal attack made by another.

If you re-read my post, you'll see that I was clearly talking about the negative content of posts which I was reading here. Next, I volunteered myself as a martyr.
I said, If you all want to displace that rage [towards the As, Bs, Cs, etc.] onto me, that's O.K., coz I'll just turn my computer off (meaning I won't wallow in it).
I didn't accuse anyone of already having displaced anger onto me--yet, and computer's still running.

I just do not feel rage towards the As, Ls, Ms, and so on down the alphabet. If that gets me blackballed from the club, that's OK, coz I'm not going to
indulge in anything close to "Let's Hate the Anthonys."

Off button, where are you? By the way, OLG, your newest graphic is beautiful. . .and that's what I'm talkin' about, adding a healthy dose of good, beautiful, joy...
Yep! Brad's spin makes no sense. This is going to be very interesting. I almost posted a picture of Brad as the "Leave Britney Alone" guy. "Leave the Anthonys alone!"
I think People would be more than happy to leave the Anthonys alone, if they would just shut up and stay out of the news. But they just keep jumping in front of the camera or behaving like common thugs. I keep going back to Cindy saying "No one has the right" about everything. Cindy, I hate to tell you, but you don't have the right to threaten people or behave badly either.

I hope Conway gets smart and quits like Nejame did. I bet MN is thanking his lucky stars daily that he had the sense to get out from under these people.
Rocks at their windows?!!!! It was pennies at the garage door. If their was anything at the windows, it may have been gravel or a few pebbles....let's not get carried away here!

I don't care what they threw. go home and throw pennies or pebbles or at the very least don't whine when known angry lunatics come out of their house with a hose in the midddle of the night wanting to fight! Or chase you down the street and appear to want to attack you.
I'm sorry but I believe everyone in this world should be held accountable for their actions, their choices in life- good guys, bad guys, it doesn't matter to me. How much more do the Anthony's have to do to show people that they do not think the rules of society apply to them? That they will do whatever it takes to shut people up? Everyone is saying this- almost every post on this thread has talked about their seething rage, their low morals, their impulsivity, their willingness to protect their daughter at any cost yet no one seems to really believe it.

These people are nuts, if you choose to go to their house, go prepared to do battle, that's all I'm saying. I choose to stay away becuase I know I would not be able to remain peaceful, these people piss me off too bad. So it would be my own fault if I chose to go there and wind up getting arrested, IMO. Like I said, I believe everyone should be held accountable for their actions.

It's fine if you don't agree with me on this. I didn't expect anyone to, these are only my own opinions on the matter. I know many of my opinions are not shared by most here but I can live with that. :blowkiss: I have mad respect for you just the same!
How many times did these gals put a cross up and found it was gone the next day? Why were they at the site as often as they were to check? That borders on Extreme Obsessiveness, stalking and mental issues. Did they want to check out the facts that George and Cindy did indeed go to the site and get proof to show the world when they took the photograph of C&G? - that C&G were lying about going to the site.
Like I said we know the Anthonys are lying sacks of donkey doo. Did you all expect that the A's wouldn't slink over to the site when no one was looking? Werent they the ones that had the teddy bears donated to charities?
WHY DID THESE WOMEN hang around to see who was taking down their cross and then when they saw it was the Anthonys why did they TAKE PICTURES OF THE ANTHONYS. What did they expect to come from it?

I don't remember anything about that. I do know that when Caylee was "just" missing, they tossed out a bag full of donated stuff toys. I know Lee tore down a memorial started in front of the hosue. All in all, ONE donation to charity doesn't remove all the other poor choices by this family imo. I think they are just "trash" with a veneer.
The A's behavior is so weird, if I didn't know better I would think they were angry with Caylee for the trouble that KC now finds her lovely self in...:confused:

PS: I mean this in jest because I am sure the A's are grieving but I really don't understand their anger and contempt for people who are trying to memorialize Caylee (you know, the people who CA said should get off their azzes to find Caylee...)

I believe he was also ordered not to have badges. I can't remember the exact term used. But they have that official looking KFN badge all over their website, stationary and tshirts.

He was also ordered to repaint his fake police vehicle and remove all indications that it was an official vehicle and that included removing the flashing police lights he had and to get rid of his fake badges.
The woman he was stalking back then pressed charges against him and it was proven he was impersonating an officer.
I think People would be more than happy to leave the Anthonys alone, if they would just shut up and stay out of the news. But they just keep jumping in front of the camera or behaving like common thugs. I keep going back to Cindy saying "No one has the right" about everything. Cindy, I hate to tell you, but you don't have the right to threaten people or behave badly either.

I hope Conway gets smart and quits like Nejame did. I bet MN is thanking his lucky stars daily that he had the sense to get out from under these people.

See this is what gets me though, they obviously DO have the right because nobody is stopping this crazy a$$ behavior! That's what angers me the most- LE above everyone should see the danger these people present to the public. George SHOVED an elderly woman on VIDEO tape and nobody did anything! What is it going to take? When is their behavior going to be dealt with, AFTER they pull a gun out and shoot some innocent person paying tribute to their granddaughter?

LE, IMO, has indeed given the Anthony's the impression that they are above the law and that they can do whatever they want to whomever they want and will not be held accountable. They will hurt someone IMO if this is allowed to continue!
I agree OLG. This has the potential to escalate to someone being harmed or worse. JMHO
He was also ordered to repaint his fake police vehicle and remove all indications that it was an official vehicle and that included removing the flashing police lights he had and to get rid of his fake badges.
The woman he was stalking back then pressed charges against him and it was proven he was impersonating an officer.

yeah, him too! THAT guy is a time bomb! When is someone going to do something? I sure hope it's before they hurt someone. This has gone way too far, and been ignored way too long IMO
Yep! Brad's spin makes no sense. This is going to be very interesting. I almost posted a picture of Brad as the "Leave Britney Alone" guy. "Leave the Anthonys alone!"

Brad is no longer making sense because the A's lunacy is rubbing off on him. I don't understand why he is jeopardizing his career to lie and stick up for these loons.
If these two women had placed a cross in the front of the Anthony house, I would agree with you that there was taunting or stalking. However, choosing to place a memorial at the site she was found I don't see as taunting or stalking the Anthonys.
The fact that the Anthonys seem to be regular visitors who feel the need to desecrate that area is news. I would take a picture, too.

But what does taking pictures and handing them over to the press solve? We all know the Cindy and George can't be trusted and are liars. What is the pictures purpose? Does it change how we feel about the Anthonys. NADA! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT A PHOTOGRAPH OF SOMEONE STEALING A CROSS FROM A MEMORIAL SITE? It's not as if the Cross hung in the Vatican and is an artifact.
The fact that those women were driving around that neighborhood continually past the Anthony Home constitutes taunting. The Fact that they had a camera and took pictures of the Anthonys at the memorial site smells to high heaven. Would they have taken a picture of Joe Blow if he took the cross down then sell it to the newspaper? I highly doubt it.

The Anthonys and that other moron were stupid enough to chase after these ladies. Not very smart on their part.

Why didn't the gals just call the police when they had seen Cindy "stealing the cross" instead of taking a photograph of the A's .They could have asked the police to get the cross back for them which the police would then have had the opportunity to check the Anthony Car retrieving it. Cindy and George couldn't deny not taking it if the police searched their vehicle!

A lawyer might say the ladies were looking for trouble when they took that photograph then gave it to the media.

How are the Anthonys going to get prosecuted for chasing after the gals. The gals took the pix but the A's have witnesses that can say they didn't harm the gals. The police already brushed them all off when all of them were supposedly stopped and the cops told them all to go home.

For all we know the Anthonys could have told police they were chasing Zenaida and her accomplice.

Thanks for everyones imput. It will really help me sort and think out cases in class. We have got some brilliant minds here that should be lawyers. Your all amazing!
Gee, You guys were busy here since I went to sleep last night, I have not read the last 120 posts yet.
Soooo, are the Anthonys in jail yet?

ha, no such luck!:behindbar
Yep! Brad's spin makes no sense. This is going to be very interesting. I almost posted a picture of Brad as the "Leave Britney Alone" guy. "Leave the Anthonys alone!"

Now THIS I would pay to see. LOL
But what does taking pictures and handing them over to the press solve? We all know the Cindy and George can't be trusted and are liars. What is the pictures purpose? Does it change how we feel about the Anthonys. NADA! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT A PHOTOGRAPH OF SOMEONE STEALING A CROSS FROM A MEMORIAL SITE? It's not as if the Cross hung in the Vatican and is an artifact.
The fact that those women were driving around that neighborhood continually past the Anthony Home constitutes taunting. The Fact that they had a camera and took pictures of the Anthonys at the memorial site smells to high heaven. Would they have taken a picture of Joe Blow if he took the cross down then sell it to the newspaper? I highly doubt it.

The Anthonys and that other moron were stupid enough to chase after these ladies. Not very smart on their part.

Why didn't the gals just call the police when they had seen Cindy "stealing the cross" instead of taking a photograph of the A's .They could have asked the police to get the cross back for them which the police would then have had the opportunity to check the Anthony Car retrieving it. Cindy and George couldn't deny not taking it if the police searched their vehicle!

A lawyer might say the ladies were looking for trouble when they took that photograph then gave it to the media.

How are the Anthonys going to get prosecuted for chasing after the gals. The gals took the pix but the A's have witnesses that can say they didn't harm the gals. The police already brushed them all off when all of them were supposedly stopped and the cops told them all to go home.

For all we know the Anthonys could have told police they were chasing Zenaida and her accomplice.

Thanks for everyones imput. It will really help me sort and think out cases in class. We have got some brilliant minds here that should be lawyers. Your all amazing!
Re:bolded part...they were not at the Anthony's home, they were off of Suburban Dr., where the remains were found. Had they been on the Anthony's property I could understand better, but they were nowhere near their "property". How the Anthony's could chase these people down when they were no where near their home is beyond me.
But what does taking pictures and handing them over to the press solve? We all know the Cindy and George can't be trusted and are liars. What is the pictures purpose? Does it change how we feel about the Anthonys. NADA! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT A PHOTOGRAPH OF SOMEONE STEALING A CROSS FROM A MEMORIAL SITE? It's not as if the Cross hung in the Vatican and is an artifact.
The fact that those women were driving around that neighborhood continually past the Anthony Home constitutes taunting. The Fact that they had a camera and took pictures of the Anthonys at the memorial site smells to high heaven. Would they have taken a picture of Joe Blow if he took the cross down then sell it to the newspaper? I highly doubt it.

The Anthonys and that other moron were stupid enough to chase after these ladies. Not very smart on their part.

Why didn't the gals just call the police when they had seen Cindy "stealing the cross" instead of taking a photograph of the A's .They could have asked the police to get the cross back for them which the police would then have had the opportunity to check the Anthony Car retrieving it. Cindy and George couldn't deny not taking it if the police searched their vehicle!

A lawyer might say the ladies were looking for trouble when they took that photograph then gave it to the media.

How are the Anthonys going to get prosecuted for chasing after the gals. The gals took the pix but the A's have witnesses that can say they didn't harm the gals. The police already brushed them all off when all of them were supposedly stopped and the cops told them all to go home.

For all we know the Anthonys could have told police they were chasing Zenaida and her accomplice.

Thanks for everyones imput. It will really help me sort and think out cases in class. We have got some brilliant minds here that should be lawyers. Your all amazing!

Ya know, the way that I feel is.. Fine- if these ladies choose to go there several nights in a row and hide out because someone stole the cross and they want to know who it was and confront them, let 'em. I get that, I really do! I lived my whole life doing stuff like that, grew up with a mother who did stuff just like that. I get why everyone is angry, why people would want to go there and do just that- I am angry too. These people are vile excuses for human beings. But don't whine about it when they chase you down after you catch them in the act (picture) of stealing. Nobody expected them to quietly go on home and retire for the evening- these people have proven time and again that this is what to expect from them.

So what do people expect from them?!
Ya know, the way that I feel is.. Fine- if these ladies choose to go there several nights in a row and hide out because someone stole the cross and they want to know who it was and confront them, let 'em. I get that, I really do! I lived my whole life doing stuff like that, grew up with a mother who did stuff just like that. I get why everyone is angry, why people would want to go there and do just that- I am angry too. These people are vile excuses for human beings. But don't whine about it when they chase you down after you catch them in the act (picture) of stealing. Nobody expected them to quietly go on home and retire for the evening- these people have proven time and again that this is what to expect from them.

So what do people expect from them?!

Fantastic OneLostGrl. You summed it up nicely. Do you mind if I discuss your answer with one of my professors?
I strongly suspect that G&C drive by thar location daily just so they can remove anything that reminds them of Caylee. If Caylee had not died at the hands of her mother, I have no doubt she would eventually be thrown under the bus along with everyone on the earth who does not agree with Cindy.

I agree
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