Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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Everything you say is what I would have said. I find it amazing that there was a time when so many people were in the A's corner and making excuses for their behavior, but now most of those same people have seen the light. I can't even imagine what the A's are going to do next to outshine this last doozie.:crazy:

George will throw himself under the bus for Cindy? (opps, I mean, uh.. Casey) because Cindy certainly doesn't care enough about anyone to be the one who takes any blame in this.
But what does taking pictures and handing them over to the press solve? We all know the Cindy and George can't be trusted and are liars. What is the pictures purpose? Does it change how we feel about the Anthonys. NADA! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT A PHOTOGRAPH OF SOMEONE STEALING A CROSS FROM A MEMORIAL SITE? It's not as if the Cross hung in the Vatican and is an artifact.
The fact that those women were driving around that neighborhood continually past the Anthony Home constitutes taunting. The Fact that they had a camera and took pictures of the Anthonys at the memorial site smells to high heaven. Would they have taken a picture of Joe Blow if he took the cross down then sell it to the newspaper? I highly doubt it.

The Anthonys and that other moron were stupid enough to chase after these ladies. Not very smart on their part.

Why didn't the gals just call the police when they had seen Cindy "stealing the cross" instead of taking a photograph of the A's .They could have asked the police to get the cross back for them which the police would then have had the opportunity to check the Anthony Car retrieving it. Cindy and George couldn't deny not taking it if the police searched their vehicle!

A lawyer might say the ladies were looking for trouble when they took that photograph then gave it to the media.

How are the Anthonys going to get prosecuted for chasing after the gals. The gals took the pix but the A's have witnesses that can say they didn't harm the gals. The police already brushed them all off when all of them were supposedly stopped and the cops told them all to go home.
For all we know the Anthonys could have told police they were chasing Zenaida and her accomplice.

Thanks for everyones imput. It will really help me sort and think out cases in class. We have got some brilliant minds here that should be lawyers. Your all amazing!

Much like the case with KC, while no single act or element of the incident seem damning. Taken in agrogate they start to paint a compelling picture. At the end of the incident a State Police officer did witness the A's pursuing the ladies. The ladies have a picture taken from earlier in the incident clearly referencing at least some of the participants. The ladies own story is at least in partly coraborated by the A's. (ie "she almost ran GA down" well that then indicates that GA was in fact in the street, approaching the ladies car and attempting to block it.. ie menacing if not kidnapping). The ladies give clear descriptions of some very specific details concerning the incident. In particular the flashing police type headlight strobes used by one of the vehicles. This is a rather uncommon feature on vehicles. Typically only reserved for LE, ES and publicly owned road hazzard response vehicles. It is also something that is not observable unless the strobes are turned on. These are not a police lightbar. They are small strobes mounted inside the vehicles headlights. When the system is off they are completely unnoticeable. if the ladies described the strobing headlights that means the strobes were turned on. A fact that is easily corraborated by simply noting whether any of the vehicles involved has such a strobe system installed. (Gee? I wonder who has one of those systems?)
See this is what gets me though, they obviously DO have the right because nobody is stopping this crazy a$$ behavior! That's what angers me the most- LE above everyone should see the danger these people present to the public. George SHOVED an elderly woman on VIDEO tape and nobody did anything! What is it going to take? When is their behavior going to be dealt with, AFTER they pull a gun out and shoot some innocent person paying tribute to their granddaughter?

LE, IMO, has indeed given the Anthony's the impression that they are above the law and that they can do whatever they want to whomever they want and will not be held accountable. They will hurt someone IMO if this is allowed to continue!
LE, as a rule, do not want to charge the victims of crimes for anything. I am curious as to how MUCH bad behavior they will tolerate from this family before they do something. The Anthonys have pushed the envelope too many times - George shoving that woman, Lee speeding on the highway, Cindy pointing her finger and threatening a reporter, Dennis Milstead CLEARLY pushing a cameraman for a few examples. I jsut hope some of this bad behavior by the family and their blatant lying makes it into the courtroom. Their credibility will be toast and that will not look good for their daughter - their "mistruths" that they have told the public. All of their interviews could turn around to bite them in their butt.
Fantastic OneLostGrl. You summed it up nicely. Do you mind if I discuss your answer with one of my professors?

lol- not at all, discuss away! :blowkiss:
George will throw himself under the bus for Cindy? (opps, I mean, uh.. Casey) because Cindy certainly doesn't care enough about anyone to be the one who takes any blame in this.

he bigger fear is that with every insane incident on the part of the A's, it opens up some chanceof reasonable doubt for KC. After all GA and CA had constant contact with Caylee, and they obviously have such violent temperments.
yeah, him too! THAT guy is a time bomb! When is someone going to do something? I sure hope it's before they hurt someone. This has gone way too far, and been ignored way too long IMO
A man with that kind of history has no business being in charge of a so-called charity that deals with missing children. He and his wife also have multiple cases against them for financial debts he and hsi wife haven't paid. All this organization does is put up moving billboards that are made by a for profit company HE OWNS, and now, they do identity packages for children. The police in more jurisdictions already do that. I am sure if you follow the money on that source, they will also be the people who are profiting from that.

Dennis Milstead is clearly a dangerous man. He is definitely a walking time bomb and I would fear if he were chasing me also.
Does anyone know if a new cross was put up? If so, is it still there?

I think the womens' motive for staking out the area was to catch CA and GA in the act of taking the cross. Knowing that the As would deny taking it, even with an eyewitness, they took a picture. This served two purposes for the women. They get their name and picture on the news and maybe CA and GA will leave the crosses alone if they're caught in the act of removing them.
Verité;3827193 said:
Ohh, I am up to speed, and I'll stay right at speed-level lest I get into a high speed chase and have to turn my computer off.
(In fact, I posted on the earliest pages in this thread.)

I still see it as incredibly intrusive to question where someone sleeps in someone's private home. Where is the respect for personal boundaries?
As websleuthers, we don't have blanket cyber search warrants.
Sheesh, and I thought it was just adding a little "late night" brevity to the thread.
LE, as a rule, do not want to charge the victims of crimes for anything. I am curious as to how MUCH bad behavior they will tolerate from this family before they do something. The Anthonys have pushed the envelope too many times - George shoving that woman, Lee speeding on the highway, Cindy pointing her finger and threatening a reporter, Dennis Milstead CLEARLY pushing a cameraman for a few examples. I jsut hope some of this bad behavior by the family and their blatant lying makes it into the courtroom. Their credibility will be toast and that will not look good for their daughter - their "mistruths" that they have told the public. All of their interviews could turn around to bite them in their butt.

Ohh, I know how LE is with victims and believe that is why the Anthony's behavior is being allowed. I just happen to think that if you make a habit of commiting crimes like assault, you should pay for those crimes- even if you happen to be considered a "victim of a crime". Laws are laws, nobody should get special treatment, not to this extent! if they would charge ME (or any one of us) with a crime like the ones these people continue to commit- charge them too! These people pose a threat to others.

And before everyone gets on my case about whare I stand on this issue, know that I have been both victim and perp of crimes thoughout my life- Neither should make a person untouchable. "Victim's" like these people only wind up creating more victims, I'm sorry.
A man with that kind of history has no business being in charge of a so-called charity that deals with missing children. He and his wife also have multiple cases against them for financial debts he and hsi wife haven't paid. All this organization does is put up moving billboards that are made by a for profit company HE OWNS, and now, they do identity packages for children. The police in more jurisdictions already do that. I am sure if you follow the money on that source, they will also be the people who are profiting from that.

Dennis Milstead is clearly a dangerous man. He is definitely a walking time bomb and I would fear if he were chasing me also.

ITA- I get what each of these people are. Which is what makes me so angry about them being allowed to continue their behaviors.
Well, maybe, just maybe, we'll see one or all of them in jail. That would be fine with me.
Milstead was SPECIFICALLY ordered to remove anything from his vehicles that would make them appear to be LE vehicles.

His felony charge was IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER. which is a felony. Sure doesn't sound like he complied with the Judge's order.

He was pursuing a woman in a vehicle and followed her into a gated community pretending to be a police officer. Sure doesn't sound like he's changed his MO, does it?

Milstead know's that since he is part of the Antony entourage,he will not be held accountable for his actions. You know Entitlement.:bang:
Summerizing what my prof said:

Regardless of where people want to put up a cross for Caylee the land is owned by someone be it a private citizen, corporation or government agency and as such written permission needs to be obtained to put up signs/crosses.

Also on top of that local laws concerning the posting of signs/crosses must be observed.

Just because the women were in front of the no trespassing sign doesn't give them any more right to post a sign there than it does to come to someones home and post a sign in their yard without permission.

Even though permission is needed to post signs anyone taking a sign that does not belong to them and is not posted on their property, is stealing/theft.

If the two women are intent on posting a cross where Caylees remains were found they should first get written permission from the owner/corp or government. Then once that is in place they can request an officer to patrol the area to keep an eye on the sign.

In essence if the women have pictures of Cindy Anthony taking the cross and putting it in her vehicle then she and her accomplice/s can be arrested and charged with theft and spend time in jail.
Plus Written Permission should be carried on said person when following procedure to post signs in case authorities are called.
I don't understand why the women would need written per. to post the cross. That memorial site was set up almost a year ago and it hasn't been forbidden from any court of law. Peeps put up those types of memorials in lots of areas and are allowed. This site was larger than the average site but wasn't against the law or it would have long been removed by the proper peeps.
A man with that kind of history has no business being in charge of a so-called charity that deals with missing children. He and his wife also have multiple cases against them for financial debts he and hsi wife haven't paid. All this organization does is put up moving billboards that are made by a for profit company HE OWNS, and now, they do identity packages for children. The police in more jurisdictions already do that. I am sure if you follow the money on that source, they will also be the people who are profiting from that.

Dennis Milstead is clearly a dangerous man. He is definitely a walking time bomb and I would fear if he were chasing me also.

You mix that with the Anthonys and you get complete madness I can see the four of them prolly having a few drinks and work each other into a frenzy...I bet they will start to turn on each other ..
Summerizing what my prof said:

Regardless of where people want to put up a cross for Caylee the land is owned by someone be it a private citizen, corporation or government agency and as such written permission needs to be obtained to put up signs/crosses.

Also on top of that local laws concerning the posting of signs/crosses must be observed.

Just because the women were in front of the no trespassing sign doesn't give them any more right to post a sign there than it does to come to someones home and post a sign in their yard without permission.

Even though permission is needed to post signs anyone taking a sign that does not belong to them and is not posted on their property, is stealing/theft.

If the two women are intent on posting a cross where Caylees remains were found they should first get written permission from the owner/corp or government. Then once that is in place they can request an officer to patrol the area to keep an eye on the sign.

In essence if the women have pictures of Cindy Anthony taking the cross and putting it in her vehicle then she and her accomplice/s can be arrested and charged with theft and spend time in jail.
Plus Written Permission should be carried on said person when following procedure to post signs in case authorities are called.

Since the city/landowner has already set a precedent by allowing objects to be placed at the site, implicitly condoning these actions for many months, do the people who leave them now need written permission to continue to do so?
Wouldn't all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of people who placed items in memory of Caylee be trespassing?
I guess intent is important...I was thinking more in line of being on site to "steal". I also thought the property owner gave permission for the memorial to stay...but I guess it was the County (?).
Isn't this the same woman who had to put her granddaughter in the hospital because of this case? This in no way excuses what the A's and M's did last night. Doesn't matter who was placing the cross, just thought it was interesting that it was Lois.

What the A's did is so very wrong and their attorney BC has got to be on his last nerve with these people. Having said that, I have to wonder about this woman and her daughter. If this case affected my daughter in the same way, I would do everything possible to divert her attention elsewhere. Perhaps it is a way for her daughter to deal with the grief over Caylee, but to stake out the site, take pictures of the A's and then run from them in a vehicle? Wouldn't this be a little traumatic for this child who has already been so adversely affected by this tragedy? I don't know, I'm just asking...
respectfully snipped

To me these actions suggest rage and anger ... perhaps even at God. If you subscribe to the theory of grief cycle, (Kubler-Ross) you know that anger is only the second stage ... just after denial. This makes clear that the A's progression through the grief/coping process is incredibly protracted and possibly self-inhibited. There is a theory that some people get stuck in a particular stage of grief and never progress through the cycle, in order to protect themselves from the pain. Grief avoidance is how it is described in the literature. These people sometimes become martyr-like, avoiding grief by turning their pain into purpose. They often talk of their duty to the deceased. It sounds well meaning and even noble ... and for people who have progressed through the grief cycle and reached acceptance, it is. But for those experiencing chronic grief, it is a protective behavior and not an unselfish act.

I oscillate between loathing and sympathy for the A's ... but one thing that remains constant for me, is the awareness that these people need professional help!

I agree and have often said the A's grief is compounded with KC's involvement with Caylee's death. So have they even been able to go through the stages of grief over Caylee, before entering the grieving cycle with KC? I think their process of grieving must be very convoluted, with the stages overlapping and twisting throughout each other. They do need professional help STAT.
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