Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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Each city has a sign ordinance which indicates what types of signs may be posted and where.

Snipped for space:
where did you get this info from because when I lived in Florida and where I live now I have never read such codes, except from HOA's. Link please.
It is more then just entitlement it is an objective. If Caylee is not in our minds then they can proceed with their game plan.
They need caylee deleted in every way , to get MONEY and Casey out of jail. They have no allegiance to Caylee at all but use her name in vain to gain funds. :puke: It benefits them only.....
The less we see or hear of Caylee the better it is for their game plan. They disgust me to the moon and back. I would love to see them charged, love it!!!!! And I had so much compassion for them at the start.

Yes, you did and I'm so glad you saw the light!:blowkiss:

BTW, which atrocity caused you to change your mind?
Ah, not being a smarty here but what is the animal species that eats their own? Anyone know? Anyway, I can envision this happening between the four of them and the last one standing will go insane. They need their own island to run.

haha!! love it!
Snipped for space:
Are you a resident of Orlando and where did you get this info from because when I lived in Florida and where I live now I have never read such codes, except from HOA's. Link please.

And I'm thinking they passed up a golden opportunity to fine all of the people who left signs there over the months. Probably could have recouped some of the cost for the trial.
He's a spinner. They chase these women and he begs for people to leave them alone.

Match made in heaven. Deny, attack, deny, attack... repeat as needed or until you are about to be held accountable. THEN- cry, lie and play victim!

Where is that "vomit" smilie kept anyway?
To me all this comes down to is intent. If Lois et al are so interested in honoring Caylee's memory, perhaps they could could do something really proactive and take some of the money they spent on wood, paint, etc. to make the crosses and make a donation to CASA or an abused children's group in their area. Or involve themselves with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and actually try to be a positive interest in an at-risk child's life. To me, doing so in Caylee's name would be a very honorable choice that would be above all criticism and would cause Caylee's family no additional pain, anger or grief.

If their intent is to merely provoke the knee-jerk Anthonys into making unwise retaliatory gestures on camera to peddle to the media for another shot at their waning 15 minutes, by all means, carry on.
Ohh, I know how LE is with victims and believe that is why the Anthony's behavior is being allowed. I just happen to think that if you make a habit of commiting crimes like assault, you should pay for those crimes- even if you happen to be considered a "victim of a crime". Laws are laws, nobody should get special treatment, not to this extent! if they would charge ME (or any one of us) with a crime like the ones these people continue to commit- charge them too! These people pose a threat to others.

And before everyone gets on my case about whare I stand on this issue, know that I have been both victim and perp of crimes thoughout my life- Neither should make a person untouchable. "Victim's" like these people only wind up creating more victims, I'm sorry.
I agree. Sinply put, there is NO EXCUSE for bad behavior if you are a victim or not. The world is full of victims who behave correctly and who do it gracefully and with dignity. The Anthonys are not part of this list, however.

Sandra Cantu's family
Mark Hacking'a family (even tho it was Mark who did that crime)
Lori Hacking's family
Laci Peterson's family
Polly Klaas's family
Adam Walsh's family

Those are just a few off the top of my head
I can't think of one good reason for him to have these strobe light's on his "Kid Finder's truck"...but, neither can I think of a good reason for them to own a "search and rescue"/fishing boat. I also can't think of a good reason for the title "Kid Finder's" when they haven't found one kid as of yet. I think the OCSO needs to step in here given Dennis's criminal history.

Maybe the IRS needs to do an audit ...let the feds get em
Verité;3827072 said:
If the above is accurate--and I'd never doubt your word, dear Chilly--then it borders on more rabble rousing. To initiate provocations against grandparents
who were loved dearly by their little granddaughter is no way to honor that child. Let's let her have Peace, Pax, Paz . . .in whatever language.
I like the Spanish pronunciation of paz which sounds almost like "pause." And that's what's required to truly memorialize this little girl--an occasional
pause for a moment of quiet respect and reflection for all she held dear, even if it includes a quiet blessing for grandparents in turmoil.

Personally I thought those crosses looked makeshift and tacky, and I cringe at the hostlity behind the threat of the person who intends to keep making them.
To place those crosses on private property without the owner's permission is a form of trespassing and probably some other infringement of local statutes.
To place a cross on government property (if that area is owned by the County) has been ruled unconstitutional in San Diego, California, where
there used to be two enormous public crosses in different areas of the County. Not everyone embraces the cross as a symbol of good over evil.
But, if a cross is used, let's make sure it's only with that purpose in mind, to ensure the common good of all who loved Caylee.
What happened to the Mt. Soledad crosses?
I know we have discussed and asked why these women would place the cross, but what would compel GA and CA and the Milsteads to go to the site and rip the cross out of the ground?
Flashing one's headlights is NOT impersonating LE.

Maybe not… but the lights were flashed & flashed to intimidate & harass someone into stopping their vehicle, and that IS illegal and extremely dangerous. If they had actually detained these women, that would be a charge of false imprisonment at the very least. And we can't forget that Dennis Milstead has been convicted of this very activity, flashing his lights at someone to get them to stop their vehicle.

Should put them all on polygraphs to prove Dennis Milstead and George Anthony chased these women, there should be prosecution for their dangerous actions. (I’d bet a billion dollars that the A’s and Milsteads would refuse the tests because they did what they are accused of.)

So basically, the woman cannot post a cross in a city easement at all. If they post a cross, it must be on the owned part of the property and that can only be done with the permission of the owner of the property AND, since this is in a residential area, if any person living in the area complained about it, the cross would have to be removed by the city. Which begs the question, why didn't Cindy and George just place a call to the sign department of their city? Perhaps they are unaware of the law in regards to this.

Honestly, Lois is lucky that her cross was not witnessed by a city worker because they could have fined her.

As to the memorials in other areas, the only reason they are there is because either they are in a rural area or no one has complained to the city about them.
None of this is applicable to the current situation, Because:
The memorial has been in place since Caylee's remains were found in Dec.
The city nor the property owner has EVER complained about crosses. bears, cards, toys, or letters being there.
A few neighbors "may" have complained about the huge memorial site for Caylee but neither the owner or the city did anything about it.
Perhaps the cities you are citing are more strict or they have more public servants to send out on trivialities.
I agree. Sinply put, there is NO EXCUSE for bad behavior if you are a victim or not. The world is full of victims who behave correctly and who do it gracefully and with dignity. The Anthonys are not part of this list, however.

Sandra Cantu's family
Mark Hacking'a family (even tho it was Mark who did that crime)
Lori Hacking's family
Laci Peterson's family
Polly Klaas's family
Adam Walsh's family

Those are just a few off the top of my head

Emma Barkers family
Quite honestly, I commend Lois. Once she realized what was really going on and FINALLY managed to extricate her grandaughter, she's been hell bent to expose these people. Once again, I commend her. Stay safe, Lois!

My opinion only

***MY BOLD***

If that were true, IMHO she would not have taken her granddaughter along for the midnight wild ride. Lois is intent on thrusting herself and the minor child again and again into this case, when they clearly have no real connection at all.
I agree. Sinply put, there is NO EXCUSE for bad behavior if you are a victim or not. The world is full of victims who behave correctly and who do it gracefully and with dignity. The Anthonys are not part of this list, however.

Sandra Cantu's family
Mark Hacking'a family (even tho it was Mark who did that crime)
Lori Hacking's family
Laci Peterson's family
Polly Klaas's family
Adam Walsh's family

Those are just a few off the top of my head

Beautifu list- I agree! As an aside, I hold a special place in my heart for Marc Klaas!
I know we have discussed and asked why these women would place the cross, but what would compel GA and CA and the Milsteads to go to the site and rip the cross out of the ground?

Maybe they feel that certain people are not worthy of grieving Caylee's death? Just like their childish DISinvite list to the big staged memorial at the church.
To me all this comes down to is intent. If Lois et al are so interested in honoring Caylee's memory, perhaps they could could do something really proactive and take some of the money they spent on wood, paint, etc. to make the crosses and make a donation to CASA or an abused children's group in their area. Or involve themselves with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and actually try to be a positive interest in an at-risk child's life. To me, doing so in Caylee's name would be a very honorable choice that would be above all criticism and would cause Caylee's family no additional pain, anger or grief.

If their intent is to merely provoke the knee-jerk Anthonys into making unwise retaliatory gestures on camera to peddle to the media for another shot at their waning 15 minutes, by all means, carry on.

This constructive post deserves repeating. I was trying to think of something along those lines which they could do with the wood to really benefit those in need, and your CASA suggestion is right on target. Caylee would smile down from heaven for sure!
***MY BOLD***

If that were true, IMHO she would not have taken her granddaughter along for the midnight wild ride. Lois is intent on thrusting herself and the minor child again and again into this case, when they clearly have no real connection at all.

I imagine she would have wanted to be there to place the cross. I can agree she shouldn't have been taken if there was any chance of meeting the Anthonys, but since they never go down there. . .

My opinion only
My Bold

I'm certainly not offended! I like civil debates, and you are more than civil. What I mean is that I don't think it's appropriate to take young or otherwise fragile children to something associated with something as tragic and haunting as a demonstration outside the home of a murdered child. Emotions will be at their highest, frayed nerves and hot tempers will abound on both sides as feelings are equally high. That to me is a recipe for instability and possible violence. Even if it's not directed at the person or minor, there could be collateral damage that is totally avoidable. I took my daughter as a child to political rallies and to at least one peaceful antiwar demonstration when she was probably about 8 or 9. I agree that it's important for kids to understand they have a voice and can use it to right a perceived injustice. But I'm not sure that's something a child needs to witness, to mull over as they lie in bed at night, contemplating the fate of the little girl whose mommy killed her. With the world we have today and all-access media, kids grow up and learn so fast all the seamy sides of life. I tried to teach my child the better things of the world. She wasn't overprotected; neither was she overexposed.

I know we have to skirt this subject broadly, so I'll make my allusion as cryptic as possible to stay within TOS. A child was present on the alleged wild ride. Four angry adults were in pursuit. There are so many different ways that could have ended badly for that child, even if nothing had befallen him or her directly. Simply witnessing an altercation, assault, arrest, being involved in a wreck could have negative repercussions. I don't think it's the place for a child to be.

Re the protesters at the house last summer, I personally was against that because it just seemed mean-spirited. As much as we all can say we were honoring Caylee's memory, none of us knew her in life. The Anthonys loved her; I think that is demonstrated clearly. And they were grieving her loss from their lives, no matter if they knew definitively at that point that she was dead. They knew she was gone, had been gone, it wasn't looking good. I would never heap more pain on somebody in that situation. I would worry about my karma if I did that! I also have to consider the vast inconvenience/inconsideration to the Anthony's neighbors, who simply have the misfortune to own property on that block. I don't think they deserved the circus, which was certainly reinforced by the media.

But that's just me and what I personally would be comfortable doing. I try to remain non-judgmental towards others, and it usually works for me.
How is it mean-spirited when the subject of their protest was that Casey was bonded out and allowed to live at home? At that point, noone knew for 100% that Caylee was dead- her remains had not yet been found, and I too would have brought my 7-year-old to protest that fact too!
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