Name A Scenario Where KC's Actions Would Be Justified...

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Like Cindy said, some of Casey's friends were involved in some bad stuff-- maybe drugs or something. Casey's friends introduced her to their friends who were REALLY bad. Casey didn't know that though, so she hung out with them sometimes and one of the new friends would babysit. Yeah, Casey was lying about having a job, but she was only 22 and needed some time to unwind and relax so she could be a good mom. So one day Casey goes to the house of the new friend who is babysitting Caylee and she happens to witness something BAD. She tries to leave and all of the sudden everything goes black.

She wakes up next to her car and she has no idea how much time has passed. Where's Caylee?! How was her car moved? How was she moved? What happened?! She calls the friend who introduced her to these horrible people and demands to know what happened. The friend assures Casey that they are working on it and Caylee is safe. Casey MUST, in no uncertain terms, say nothing about this to ANYONE. She must act completely normal and if she fails to maintain the facade of normalcy or tells ANYONE, Caylee will be harmed.

Also, if she goes to the authorities, they'll know about it because these bad people have ties to LE. If an investigation ensues, Casey will be the first suspect and she'll really be sorry because the bad friends used her car to complete the BAD ACT she had witnessed. (hence chloroform traces and decomp evidence.) Casey is terrified but she's strong. She knows she messed up and should never have left Caylee with that random new friend. She decides to comply with the bad people's demands and believes her friend will come through for her and get Caylee back.

Casey is internally tormented, but determined to keep up her end of the deal. She has been a bad mom and an irresponsible person but this time she'll do right by Caylee. She has to make this right. She keeps carrying on as if nothing happened and then one day she notices that her car smells. She doesn't understand why and texts some of her friends to assuage her worries as the odor intensifies. One day she realizes that something is WRONG with that car and the possibilities terrify her. She dumps the car.
She runs out of money and can't go home so she starts stealing from friends. She's never done this before but she knows she can't go home because Cindy will call the police and unwittingly put Caylee in danger.

More days pass and Cindy finds her, calls LE, etc. Casey believes that someone still has Caylee and that she must continue to keep quiet. She tells strange lies and conflicting stories because she knows she has to say something. She speaks in vague terms and hints at possible clues, afraid to tell the truth. And here she sits today, the victim of circumstance-- the ultimate martyr who would risk her own life and liberty to save her daughter. Don't blame Casey! Blame the thugs who knocked her out, stole her baby and used her car to dump a dead body. Perhaps once Casey is acquitted of these unsubstantiated charges, her faith in justice and truth will be restored and she will find a way to make sense of what happened and finally, she will find her daughter Caylee. An acquittal for Casey sends a message to these murderous kidnappers: Truth and justice will prevail.

That's how I think Casey and JB imagine playing this out at trial and showing Casey was justified and her story is understandable.
Well, there is another reason why KC would keep her mouth shut and risk going to prison for life - to avoid the death penalty. So CA is wrong in postulating the "one reason" hypothesis.
Okay if I suspend all skepticism and you outlined the basic facts of this case as we know them to be and I had to write a story to fit them, and Casey killing her is not an option:

Casey gets pregnant as a teen, she knows she is not equipped to raise a child at this point in her life, but her controlling and domineering mother convinces her that the best thing for the baby is to be raised by her own family. Cindy promises Casey that Casey will be able to live her life as she wants and to pursue her plans and dreams while Cindy raises little Caylee as her own. Against her better judgement Casey agrees to this arrangement.

Reality turns out a little different than these plans and we end up with much tension in the house. Casey and Cindy are trying to be the primary care giver to Caylee. But Cindy controls the finances, the insurance, the groceries, the very roof over their heads. Casey knew she was not able to provide those things and this is why she wanted to place her child for adoption, but she can't turn back the clock now, so she once again gives into Cindy and Cindy becomes the primary caregiver to Caylee. Cindy is making all the rules.

Casey feels trapped. Her education has been delayed. She is not employed at a level that would enable her to get out on her own. And even though Cindy told her she would be able to pursue all of those things while Cindy raised the baby that has not been true. Casey has to care for Caylee while Cindy is at work.

Cindy and Casey fight endlessly about these issues. It is getting so bad in the house that George and Cindy may divorce. Things come to a head in this power struggle with Cindy and Casey the weekend of June 15th with Cindy saying it is all or nothing. Either Casey lives under her roof and complies with Cindy's wishes regarding Caylee or Casey gets out from under Cindy's roof.

Casey leaves to go stay with her new boyfriend Tony, leaving Caylee in Cindy's care. During the next month she finally has some of the freedom she has yearned for, she is out at clubs, she is meeting new friends, she is entertaining Tony's roommates. They will all tell you she did not seem concerned at all for Caylee's wellbeing because she wasn't. Caylee was at home with Cindy to Casey's knowledge.

Now keep in mind the Sunfire is not Casey's car. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Casey drives it at Cindy's discretion. She does not have Cindy's car the 16-18th, even her friend Chris has testified in a sworn statement that she was driving Tony's jeep. Casey gets the Sunfire between June 19th and 20th. Around June 23rd to June 25th Casey notices a bad smell in the vehicle is getting worse and worse, she comments on it to friends, but she cannot identify the source, it is like nothing she has ever smelled before. After speaking to George she finds out that he has supposedly run something over recently. Again she relays that info to her friends.

On the 27th the Sunfire runs out of gas near the Amscott parking lot. Casey lets her father know of this and he says he will handle it. Unbeknownst to Casey George lets the car get impounded, possibly hoping it would go to scrap, but the certified letter shows up, they debate for a couple of days and decide to retrieve it. Casey does not see the vehicle again until July 15th. On that fateful day Cindy collapses the entire house of cards on this situation. She drags Casey home where Casey finds that Caylee is not there and a chain of events outside of Casey's control has already been put in motion. She is told quickly that Caylee has been kidnapped and these are the instructions.

The police arrive and Casey's only concern is Caylee and following the instructions Cindy has relayed to her. Within hours Casey is arrested and the police are implying that Caylee is dead. The dogs indicate a body has been in the Anthony's backyard and in the Anthony's Sunfire. Casey knows in her heart that Cindy could not hurt Caylee, at least she hopes not, but she cannot go there. She is being told by her parents that Caylee is alive, that they know where she is, they have people watching them and this will come to an end soon, but she must continue to follow instructions for the life of her daughter depends on it. Now she sits in jail, possibly facing the death penalty, while her very own mother makes ridiculous claims on TV, progressively making Casey the most hated woman in america, and prevents searching for looking for the very evidence that might clear her of these horrible charges.

Once again at Cindy's control, Casey's word against her Cindy's. The incompetent teen mom that by all appearances was out partying after her child was murdered versus the suffering Grandmother. Other family members give damaging statements to the police and then claim to be supporting her. She has no idea who she can trust, if anyone, so she talks to no one but her attorney. The attorney that will prove the last verifiable sighting of Caylee was with Cindy, the forensics will prove that a decomposing body was in Cindy and George's sunfire, the dogs indicate a body has been in Cindy and George's yard. The world has dug to see what Casey was doing that month, what were Cindy, George and Lee doing?
Casey was driving along thinking about which two guys she would do in the next two days, when a spaceship landed right in front of her in the road. Two shady lookin' space aliens jumped out and car-jacked her. They drove to Universal, to a remote aligator infested area near one of the parking lots, ordered a pizza with Casey's cell phone, used the chloroform Casey had in the trunk for kinky sex to knock out the pizza delivery man before they disemboweled him and ate his flesh, leaving the pizza. Then they had consentual kinky sex with KC in the trunk with the chloroform. (The were guys after all.) After, they dumped his remains in the trunk with the pizza box, made KC drive them to Amscott, pulled a hair out of Caylee's scalp, did some mumbo jumbo over it which caused death bans to form, vaporized the body in the trunk, threw the banned hair in on top of it with the pizza box and a gaggle of maggots and called for their ship over this weird crackly thing one of them was wearing. The ship came and they threw Caylee in. They said, "Don't call the cops because we're flying back to planet Nonsense and that would be. Maybe we'll bring her back some day...if you go to jail rather than telling anyone what really happened. Or we might sell her to Fugwumps. Thanks for the food, sex and child. We'll be watching.
Okay if I suspend all skepticism and you outlined the basic facts of this case as we know them to be and I had to write a story to fit them, and Casey killing her is not an option...

... The incompetent teen mom that by all appearances was out partying after her child was murdered versus the suffering Grandmother. Other family members give damaging statements to the police and then claim to be supporting her. She has no idea who she can trust, if anyone, so she talks to no one but her attorney. The attorney that will prove the last verifiable sighting of Caylee was with Cindy, the forensics will prove that a decomposing body was in Cindy and George's sunfire, the dogs indicate a body has been in Cindy and George's yard. The world has dug to see what Casey was doing that month, what were Cindy, George and Lee doing?

Yes, Nancy, but can you see KC nobly protecting CA? I'd be inclined to believe Yolorado's space alien story before I'd believe KC would go to prison to protect CA. Or Caylee for that matter.
Yes, Nancy, but can you see KC nobly protecting CA? I'd be inclined to believe Yolorado's space alien story before I'd believe KC would go to prison to protect CA.

impatientredhead's scenario doesn't require Casey to be protecting Cindy-- she could just be terrified of Cindy and know that Cindy will find a way to pin this all on her. All signs point to Casey-- who would believe her, her own mother sold her out!
Yes, Nancy, but can you see KC nobly protecting CA? I'd be inclined to believe Yolorado's space alien story before I'd believe KC would go to prison to protect CA. Or Caylee for that matter.
Also, no one who makes it onto that jury will have as much insight into Casey as we all do. Hammer-waving, unhinged Cindy won't look that much less credible than poor Casey, the Steel Magnolia.
Ok, one goes to jail for life, maybe even takes the death penalty. How does that protect a child!?!! Can Cindy please tell me how the fridge that keeps Caylee safe. YO CINDY, kidnapped babies are NOT SAFE, by definition. Kidnappers are not safe people. Kiidnappers are criminals. In addition to kidnapping, they could also dabble in drugs, alchohol, driving while impared, armed robbery while on the lamm, kiddie *advertiser censored*. There could be gunshots exchanged around them. The same moral flexibily that allowed them to kidnap might also allow them to pillage and rape. They might need money and sell a small, attractive child to get it. They might get tired of taking care of precocious toddler while moving from state to state and dump her somewhere, alive or more probably dead. Who could possibly think that kidnapped children are safe! It is IMPERATIVE to recover kidnapped children. It is important to co-operate with the authorities to do that, not to sit on one's expandin keester doing nothing, saying nothing but lies! If your daughter thinks she's keeping a child safe by keeping her kidnapped, she's nutty as any professor and you need to go visit her in jail and get her to come clean. If you think your do-nothing daughter is somehow being noble by not telling the truth, you're nutso too. And Cindy babe, stop blaming the police. They can only work with what the duplicitious, lying, thieving, quite possibly murderous daughter you raised gives them. They can't take her lies and conjur Caylee from them out of thin air without the truth of where to start. If you can't, how the fridge can they?!

Yup, and on the're right they can't. That would be hocus-pocus. :crazy:
impatientredhead's scenario doesn't require Casey to be protecting Cindy-- she could just be terrified of Cindy and know that Cindy will find a way to pin this all on her. All signs point to Casey-- who would believe her, her own mother sold her out!

I started off thinking it would be so far fetched I would end up deleting it when I came to something I just couldn't explain. But this would even explain Cindy cleaning things from the car, trying to control the investigation. Casey wouldn't have to be protecting Cindy, but knowing she can't play any of her cards now or Cindy will have time to react, her only hope is her trial.
As I've said before. She is the unwitting victim in all of this. She dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass with ZG at the stairs, like she has many times before. She had no idead ZG didn't have an apt there, she assumed she did because she always dropped her off there. After she left, a man who has a"problem" with ZG knocks her out and grabs her and Caylee and throws them in his car and follows KC. After KC parks, he jimmies her trunk open and throws ZG and Caylee in the trunk, mouths duct taped, and throws in a pizza to boot. After he slams the trunk, Caylee succumbs and dies, in the meantime ZG is unconscious. ZG lives off of the pizza for days. After KC runs out of gas at the Amscot, ZG pries open the trunk and conducts a mock burial for Caylee, and then ZG is promptly eaten by an alligator.

The reason KC has seemed so carefree is because the abductor followed her home and implanted a "don't worry, be happy" chip in her head.

End of story.

Case dismissed.

I can think of a few defenses they might try, but I cannot come up with a single scenario where KC's actions are a reasonable reaction to the event.

The claim is so often, "there's no handbook on how to act in this case" or "no one knows how she would react in this situation" but that's not completely true. All of know how we would react if someone took our child and we know that KC's behavior isn't reasonable behavior in the situation. No matter how bizarre the crime, the events surrounding it have to make sense.
Okay if I suspend all skepticism and you outlined the basic facts of this case as we know them to be and I had to write a story to fit them, and Casey killing her is not an option:

Casey gets pregnant as a teen, she knows she is not equipped to raise a child at this point in her life, but her controlling and domineering mother convinces her that the best thing for the baby is to be raised by her own family. Cindy promises Casey that Casey will be able to live her life as she wants and to pursue her plans and dreams while Cindy raises little Caylee as her own. Against her better judgement Casey agrees to this arrangement.

Reality turns out a little different than these plans and we end up with much tension in the house. Casey and Cindy are trying to be the primary care giver to Caylee. But Cindy controls the finances, the insurance, the groceries, the very roof over their heads. Casey knew she was not able to provide those things and this is why she wanted to place her child for adoption, but she can't turn back the clock now, so she once again gives into Cindy and Cindy becomes the primary caregiver to Caylee. Cindy is making all the rules.

Casey feels trapped. Her education has been delayed. She is not employed at a level that would enable her to get out on her own. And even though Cindy told her she would be able to pursue all of those things while Cindy raised the baby that has not been true. Casey has to care for Caylee while Cindy is at work.

Cindy and Casey fight endlessly about these issues. It is getting so bad in the house that George and Cindy may divorce. Things come to a head in this power struggle with Cindy and Casey the weekend of June 15th with Cindy saying it is all or nothing. Either Casey lives under her roof and complies with Cindy's wishes regarding Caylee or Casey gets out from under Cindy's roof.

Casey leaves to go stay with her new boyfriend Tony, leaving Caylee in Cindy's care. During the next month she finally has some of the freedom she has yearned for, she is out at clubs, she is meeting new friends, she is entertaining Tony's roommates. They will all tell you she did not seem concerned at all for Caylee's wellbeing because she wasn't. Caylee was at home with Cindy to Casey's knowledge.

Now keep in mind the Sunfire is not Casey's car. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Casey drives it at Cindy's discretion. She does not have Cindy's car the 16-18th, even her friend Chris has testified in a sworn statement that she was driving Tony's jeep. Casey gets the Sunfire between June 19th and 20th. Around June 23rd to June 25th Casey notices a bad smell in the vehicle is getting worse and worse, she comments on it to friends, but she cannot identify the source, it is like nothing she has ever smelled before. After speaking to George she finds out that he has supposedly run something over recently. Again she relays that info to her friends.

On the 27th the Sunfire runs out of gas near the Amscott parking lot. Casey lets her father know of this and he says he will handle it. Unbeknownst to Casey George lets the car get impounded, possibly hoping it would go to scrap, but the certified letter shows up, they debate for a couple of days and decide to retrieve it. Casey does not see the vehicle again until July 15th. On that fateful day Cindy collapses the entire house of cards on this situation. She drags Casey home where Casey finds that Caylee is not there and a chain of events outside of Casey's control has already been put in motion. She is told quickly that Caylee has been kidnapped and these are the instructions.

The police arrive and Casey's only concern is Caylee and following the instructions Cindy has relayed to her. Within hours Casey is arrested and the police are implying that Caylee is dead. The dogs indicate a body has been in the Anthony's backyard and in the Anthony's Sunfire. Casey knows in her heart that Cindy could not hurt Caylee, at least she hopes not, but she cannot go there. She is being told by her parents that Caylee is alive, that they know where she is, they have people watching them and this will come to an end soon, but she must continue to follow instructions for the life of her daughter depends on it. Now she sits in jail, possibly facing the death penalty, while her very own mother makes ridiculous claims on TV, progressively making Casey the most hated woman in america, and prevents searching for looking for the very evidence that might clear her of these horrible charges.

Once again at Cindy's control, Casey's word against her Cindy's. The incompetent teen mom that by all appearances was out partying after her child was murdered versus the suffering Grandmother. Other family members give damaging statements to the police and then claim to be supporting her. She has no idea who she can trust, if anyone, so she talks to no one but her attorney. The attorney that will prove the last verifiable sighting of Caylee was with Cindy, the forensics will prove that a decomposing body was in Cindy and George's sunfire, the dogs indicate a body has been in Cindy and George's yard. The world has dug to see what Casey was doing that month, what were Cindy, George and Lee doing?

What!? You've got to be kidding me.....this is all KC's one else.
I started off thinking it would be so far fetched I would end up deleting it when I came to something I just couldn't explain. But this would even explain Cindy cleaning things from the car, trying to control the investigation. Casey wouldn't have to be protecting Cindy, but knowing she can't play any of her cards now or Cindy will have time to react, her only hope is her trial.

Yeah it's scary to think that a few "stories" could make a little more sense than what we see in front of us. Often truth is stranger than fiction.

I can think of a few defenses they might try, but I cannot come up with a single scenario where KC's actions are a reasonable reaction to the event.

The claim is so often, "there's no handbook on how to act in this case" or "no one knows how she would react in this situation" but that's not completely true. All of know how we would react if someone took our child and we know that KC's behavior isn't reasonable behavior in the situation. No matter how bizarre the crime, the events surrounding it have to make sense.

I see what you're saying and I definitely believe Casey is guilty. But, I also wonder just how much of the evidence/info we've seen will even make it to trial. Hot Body Contest, etc-- I don't think so. The seemingly obvious TRUTH in this case is so shocking and bizarre, it stands to reason the defense could present an almost equally believable counter-narrative, IMO.
how about KC has two or more personalities.....and it was the other one that did it.....
If there was actually something to the whole "Bad people have Caylee and she has no choice but to be silent" imo she would have been showing some signs of the strain that first month, there would have been an emotional breakdown.
Let's not forget that she had someone arrange to bail her out of jail the first time in the hopes of her cooperating so they could help find this little girl. She did nothing to help them find her little girl!
There is quite a long track record where we see Casey does not make good judgement.
1. It would have been in her best interest to graduate highschool, she did not follow through to do that.
2. She did nothing in the early months of her pregnancy to prepare for it, good lord the girl was pregnant and thought that she could deny the entire thing and tell her parents she was not pregnant and still a virgin.
3. She believed she could lie to a young man and make him believe he was the babies father where it is very easy now to prove that false.
4. She did have a job and pretty much just abandoned it.

Casey had the chance many times to do the right thing. In all of these things she chose to do the wrong thing instead of the right thing. I'm not even getting into all the lies and the stealing yet, but now who makes the choice of stealing from their grandparents from a bank acct that's set up to pay for their care? Who makes the choice to drain every cent from a friends checking acct who is nothing but generous and letting me use their car etc. What kind of a person does these things?
When you look at all of the wrongs Casey has done through the years, how could we ever expect that she would do the right thing now? This is a woman who does everything she can to create a fantasy world for herself and in her fantasy there was not room for Caylee. In her fantasy she got her parents house and her father had a stroke.
I wonder what other fantasies this woman has?

There is only one thing I can think of that is a reason for everything Casey has done. Notice I don't say an 'excuse', but a reason.. She is a true sociopath who has no feelings for anyone but herself. All the smiling photos of her with Caylee... all for show. To make an impression on whoever was around. She has no conscience. She does not care who she hurts, as long as she herself is having a good time.
Why is she still not telling the truth? Because she doesn't know the truth. She has put it from her mind, and she thinks as long as she doesn't talk about it, it will go away. She is as far removed from reality as a person can be. NOT insane... NOT mentally ill. Simply without conscious thought or care of anyone's feelings or welfare. NONE. Her heart is a piece of stone. It's that simple.
Is the defense running out of stories so we are supposed to help them come up with something plausible now?! Not going to happen because there are no stories where Casey's actions can be justified.

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