Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #17

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You might want to add Theresa Hackeling - the Dr. She admits to giving Nancy money. You also might want to look at how many of them had Nancy and the kids over for dinner - while maybe they did not contribute money, they may have provided support in different ways. Just a thought.

I just want to add my two cents into "his not giving her money". I have two brothers both divorced. One ex sister in law is a pro at getting people to feel sorry for her she lives off people. She doesn't have a job. When people catch on to her she moves to a new community and starts again. The other sister in law called and asked my brother to pay a bill for her. He gave her the money then she called back and said she didn't get to pay the bill because she had gone shopping. I'm not saying that Nancy participated in this type of behavior. I have just seen it occur. They also tell their friends and families how my brothers don't help them.
I don't think it's so desolate back in The Oaks at Meadowridge.

There are houses.

Guy out walking his dog. That picture of the jogging man.
I just want to add my two cents into "his not giving her money". I have two brothers both divorced. One ex sister in law is a pro at getting people to feel sorry for her she lives off people. She doesn't have a job. When people catch on to her she moves to a new community and starts again. The other sister in law called and asked my brother to pay a bill for her. He gave her the money then she called back and said she didn't get to pay the bill because she had gone shopping. I'm not saying that Nancy participated in this type of behavior. I have just seen it occur. They also tell their friends and families how my brothers don't help them.

Nancy couldn't work in North Carolina. Even if she did engage in "this behaviour," I think that there must have been a grain of truth in her friend's statements. For example, BC admits that he was concerned about her spending habits. That seems more important from my point of view. He may have been right to be concerned about their finances. But this not justify the outcome, IF he did do this. That is what I am focusing on.
One of the things that we know for sure is that this was not random. Who else could possibly be a suspect? Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that he necessarily did it. I don't know. But, I really don't think that it is related to an affair that NC may have had, as some have suggested. The only affair that Brad cites NC having took place many years ago and it sounds more like she went for a drink with someone that she was perhaps attracted to.

I know that at one point his lawyers emphasized that BC was not a suspect or a person of interest. However, they have received search warrants for his office since then. The lawyers have also put up a website asking for information on NC. This is a proactive communication strategy. I also wonder how BC KNOWS that the autopsy results would clear him. What if the murder was planned in such a way that it would clear him? Not that I know what that would look like. We obviously need much more information.

Nancy got back from a holiday with her family only 5 days before this happened. She may have come back with a plan that he got wind of. Her family certainly responded quickly and this may be why. I don't follow all cases, so correct me if I am wrong, but I can't remember a case like it. Her friends and family, the people that she was confiding in at this difficult time, took action very quickly. I think that this speaks volumes.

Just some thoughts

Anderson you have some very good thoughts.

As to your last paragraph - just my thought but I do believe Nancy and her parents had made some plans during that vacation shortly before her death. I can't exactly explain why I think this other than it started with watching her Father saying he wasn't worried and her Mother saying she was worried. We know that in Brad's affidavits alone - there were emails between him and Nancy's Father - the man knew what was going on and was actively involved in helping in any way he could apparently. Things did indeed happen very quickly and all I can say about that is WOW.

As to the autopsy report - my belief is this was a calculated attempt in that they knew it would not happen. Lawyers in that area have to know it takes Chapel Hill at least a couple of months to complete a report. Search warrants served at Brad's house - the lawyer had to figure LE and the DA might also do the same with the autopsy report - seal it. What is interesting and supports this a bit further is Brad's lawyer also requested the notes - not just the report. This is telling because this information is never made public and is never shared until a defendent has been named, arrested and arraigned - discovery. I do think it was calculated but known to be not likely. I also think one reason was for a description of the clothing accompanying the body. Either way - he did it or he didn't do it - Brad would know what clothes should have been found with the body so the release of that information alone could be perceived as positive to his cause.
I just want to add my two cents into "his not giving her money". I have two brothers both divorced. One ex sister in law is a pro at getting people to feel sorry for her she lives off people. She doesn't have a job. When people catch on to her she moves to a new community and starts again. The other sister in law called and asked my brother to pay a bill for her. He gave her the money then she called back and said she didn't get to pay the bill because she had gone shopping. I'm not saying that Nancy participated in this type of behavior. I have just seen it occur. They also tell their friends and families how my brothers don't help them.

I have an ex sister in law who was a NUT case too!

The difference with NC is....

A-NC couldn't work in the US
B-NC was trying to make extra $ to survive
C-NC never moved around
D-BC never paid the bill not NC

I feel NC needed her friends support and listening ear, she didn't work or have family here. Who else would listen for her to vent?
As to the autopsy report - my belief is this was a calculated attempt in that they knew it would not happen. Lawyers in that area have to know it takes Chapel Hill at least a couple of months to complete a report. Search warrants served at Brad's house - the lawyer had to figure LE and the DA might also do the same with the autopsy report - seal it. What is interesting and supports this a bit further is Brad's lawyer also requested the notes - not just the report. This is telling because this information is never made public and is never shared until a defendent has been named, arrested and arraigned - discovery. I do think it was calculated but known to be not likely. I also think one reason was for a description of the clothing accompanying the body. Either way - he did it or he didn't do it - Brad would know what clothes should have been found with the body so the release of that information alone could be perceived as positive to his cause.

Very interesting, another communications strategy. Thanks.
Or.........someone seeing an impending divorce in their immediate future, could be 'hiding assets' and running up debt, to minimize as much as possible, the blow to their financial security.

Wonder if a forensic accountant and a forensic computer analyst could detect any little secret overseas bank accounts for Mr. Cooper?:eek:

This is definitely, getting interesting. ;)


People do that all the time in divorces, hide assets and lie through their teeth, you can root it out by using a PI and in the case of the Coopers, forensic accountants.
What are anyone's thoughts of DD affidavit #17 about Katie? If NC and BC were in the so called ~hate mode~, and NC talked back to him in front of others at the party.........Did this set him off? Did he sit and stew over this and wait for her to come home?

In his eyes this would be embarrassing and belittling.
OneScout...I posted this a few pages back...

No reason at all to go by LTF. I guess it is the only way he could prove he was looking for BC, get his picture on video.

What did he say to the lady? I am missing my wife and I want to go play tennis?

Is this not a red flag to anyone else?

Red flag alert! Red flag alert! The word "missing" just like SP used when he called Laci's mom that was a red flag for sure......
you go, M23K!
To put himself on video to show he was looking:rolleyes:IMO

Oh yeah and another thing that bugs me BC said he went to look for Carrie but didn't have her address...duh...and went looking for her dumb does that sound to you guys?
HOw did he know where to go and what her car was like and omigod this all sounds so not right!
Maybe she left her purse in her car so she'd be all ready to leave
when she got home.
Oh yeah and another thing that bugs me BC said he went to look for Carrie but didn't have her address...duh...and went looking for her dumb does that sound to you guys?
HOw did he know where to go and what her car was like and omigod this all sounds so not right!

According to Brad Cooper's affidavit:

He called Jessica & she didn't have Carey's phone number. He called Hannah Prichard and she doesn't have the number. Neither knew Carey's last name. Carey has picked up Nancy at the house before. He knows the complex she lives in but doesn't know the address. He drives to the complex to look for her car.

So, supposedly since Carey has picked up Nancy at the house before and Brad watches the girls while Nancy runs, he's seen Carey's car. I don't find it that unusual that someone wouldn't know another's address. Jessica didn't know Nancy's address either in the 911 call and sounded like she (or someone in the room w/ her) was looking it up. Of course, Jessica knew Nancy's last name, therefore it would be easy to look it up.

Hannah does not mention Brad contacting her in her affidavit.

Again, just looking at the documents we have available.
Oh yeah and another thing that bugs me BC said he went to look for Carrie but didn't have her address...duh...and went looking for her dumb does that sound to you guys?
HOw did he know where to go and what her car was like and omigod this all sounds so not right!

Another major screw up by BC! IMO.

Yes, can you tell me if my wife is here? She is this tall and was last wearing this? I want to play tennis so bad and not continue doing laundry all day!:mad:

And the list goes on...

purse w/cell in car...great reason NC can't answer the phone
HT...doesn't do laundry
LTF...can't get in with no could NC have gotten in
Carey who? He sure didn't know.
2 hrs spent where looking for NC...can't walk trails w/kids in tow
only call was to JA...not other friends...trying to feel JA out to her next move
According to Brad Cooper's affidavit:

He called Jessica & she didn't have Carey's phone number. He called Hannah Prather and she doesn't have the number. Neither knew Carey's last name. Carey has picked up Nancy at the house before. He knows the complex she lives in but doesn't know the address. He drives to the complex to look for her car.

So, supposedly since Carey has picked up Nancy at the house before and Brad watches the girls while Nancy runs, he's seen Carey's car. I don't find it that unusual that someone wouldn't know another's address. Jessica didn't know Nancy's address either in the 911 call and sounded like she (or someone in the room w/ her) was looking it up. Of course, Jessica knew Nancy's last name, therefore it would be easy to look it up.

Hannah does not mention Brad contacting her in her affidavit.

Again, just looking at the documents we have available. me find where she has jogged with Carey before. I thought many had not ever met CC until Saturday? was it.

One reason he called JA was to make it look like he was trying.
The other reason he called JA was to feel her out as to her next move.

He panicked when she said she would be right over!! That speaks volumes.
If he wasn't so concerned up until he called JA, then why was he all of a sudden in hyper mode?
Another major screw up by BC! IMO.

Yes, can you tell me if my wife is here? She is this tall and was last wearing this? I want to play tennis so bad and not continue doing laundry all day!:mad:

And the list goes on...

purse w/cell in car...great reason NC can't answer the phone
HT...doesn't do laundry
LTF...can't get in with no could NC have gotten in
Carey who? He sure didn't know.
2 hrs spent where looking for NC...can't walk trails w/kids in tow
only call was to JA...not other friends...trying to feel JA out to her next move

See above post, he says he called Hannah Pritchard on 7/12 and Hannah did not know Carey's number. Hannah's affidavit does not address it either nor does it talk about the day she went missing.
another thing bothering me is the purse in the car. For someone who supposedly slept with her keys in her pants pocket and had to lock herself in her room at night, it seems quite odd that her purse would be left in the car. So I have been trying to think up a scenario for's one...and I know another one was posted yesterday? I think?

Maybe the killer saw nancy getting in to her car and grabbed her? But if that's the case, someone in the neighborhood would have seen her right? Maybe not. it was early in the morning on a Saturday.

I don't know...just thinking out loud or I guess in type.


Not sure about the sleeping w/keys and stuff, but her being nabbed from the driveway is possible.

Jason Jolkowski, disappeared from his driveway, without a trace. From their webpage:

Before June 13th, 2001, we were just an ordinary family living a peaceful, happy existence. My husband, Jim, and I worked outside the home, spent time with our two wonderful sons, attended Mass every Sunday, and enjoyed the company of family and friends. On that fateful Wednesday, our lives changed forever. Our family unit was brutally ripped apart when our oldest son, Jason, then age 19, disappeared without a trace from our driveway.
More about the history of Project Jason.

Here's what I'd like to know...the contents of the purse. me find where she has jogged with Carey before. I thought many had not ever met CC until Saturday? was it.

One reason he called JA was to make it look like he was trying.
The other reason he called JA was to feel her out as to her next move.

He panicked when she said she would be right over!! That speaks volumes.
If he wasn't so concerned up until he called JA, then why was he all of a sudden in hyper mode?

I believe it was Jessica that made reference to the three of them training for the 1/2 marathon. And she said that she would be aware of a training run. I'll see if I can track it down.

ETA it's in Jessica's affidavit #8
Another major screw up by BC! IMO.

Yes, can you tell me if my wife is here? She is this tall and was last wearing this? I want to play tennis so bad and not continue doing laundry all day!:mad:

And the list goes on...

purse w/cell in car...great reason NC can't answer the phone
HT...doesn't do laundry
LTF...can't get in with no could NC have gotten in
Carey who? He sure didn't know.
2 hrs spent where looking for NC...can't walk trails w/kids in tow
only call was to JA...not other friends...trying to feel JA out to her next move

I must have missed something. How do we know that he didn't do laundry? I am wondering why he would not accept JA's offer to help with the kids. It seems to me that a panicked husband looking for his wife would accept this help. She was not a stranger.
Fran you refuse to see outside the box and believe its possible that NC embellished her complaints to her friends. Not saying one way or the other but having lived through it ... Hearing my ex who was awful make up stories to friends to make it sound like she was in hell when in fact was not true. Just saying you HAVE to be willing to accept that there is the possibility she was lying. Not saying she was ...but because she was murdered does not mean she was innocent... obviously she didn't deserve to die but you know what I mean.

I get exactly what you are saying. I have seen women accuse men of molesting the children...I watched a case the other night where a mom allegedly (sp?) manipulated her kids so much and things were so messed up the son walked out and shot the dad dead right in the driveway!

Women can be vicious, and lie during divorces...I am not saying Nancy did...and nothing excuses taking another life, well, except self defense and someone hurting one of my kids, and the law. :( I am in no way attacking Nancy, I am talking about women in general.
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