Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #19

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You found it, Entrenous! You're goooood :woohoo:

Just as I remember, some strong stuff....we don't know how much is true, but it's very strong and seems sincere. It's "sincere-say!" :crazy:
Thanks everyone, for finding these posts. My eyeballs have dried up.

Wow! This is very telling to me - if true. Someone so private, quiet and isolated is completely capable of compartmentalizing his life and actions. I'm NOT saying that NC was completely innocent of the discord in this marriage, but she has been murdered. Brad is still alive and his children have been removed from his care. All of these FACTS speak volumes to me.
In fact, I'm sure that this is not a popular opinion here, but I found those news conferences that Nancy's family participated in after her body was found to be very strange and somewhat inappropriate. The Cary police chief called two news conferences where she said absolutely nothing, but then turned the floor over to the family to talk about Nancy and then to talk about her children. In what way is it the role of the police to call news conferences for this type of thing? Do they host press conferences for families of all victims of violent crimes?

This point somewhat supports Theory D
Well, perhaps there was a private ceremony?

Post #127 by aikohead on this page on HOWDesign: Google cache
I have a conference call in five minutes with what I am calling "the core" to talk about the private celebration we are having tomorrow night, the public celebration on Saturday (we are expecting over 1000 people) at Koka Booth Amphitheater, the fund we have set up for Bella and Katie.... just a bunch of stuff.

I believe this 'private ceremony' they're talking about here is Nancy's family had a 'private ceremony' for Nancy's friends on Friday night, Saturday was the public ceremony, Sunday the family returned to Canada and on Wednesday they had Nancy's final service.

Brad did NOT attend any of these.

You found it, Entrenous! You're goooood :woohoo:

Just as I remember, some strong stuff....we don't know how much is true, but it's very strong and seems sincere. It's "sincere-say!" :crazy:

Aw, shucks. Thanks. :blowkiss:
Wow! This is very telling to me - if true. Someone so private, quiet and isolated is completely capable of compartmentalizing his life and actions. I'm NOT saying that NC was completely innocent of the discord in this marriage, but she has been murdered. Brad is still alive and his children have been removed from his care. All of these FACTS speak volumes to me.

Yep...............I agree.

Then if ya thrown in the possible 4 am ish trip to HT......which I bought stock in and hoping to double my money.........It all seems to point to Brad IMO.
Well, once you find a dead body, this theory goes out the window. What's your second choice?

yes, you do have a point! I clearly need to go to bed :crazy:

On second thought, who actually saw the body? Hmmmmm.....

Okay, I really DO need to go to bed. I'm not making sense.....g'night, all!:rolleyes:
yes, you do have a point! I clearly need to go to bed :crazy:

On second thought, who actually saw the body? Hmmmmm.....

Okay, I really DO need to go to bed. I'm not making sense.....g'night, all!:rolleyes:

Goodnight! And just for the record, I appreciate your POV!
I agree with Fairy.............your posts do make me think!!
Well, once you find a dead body, this theory goes out the window. What's your second choice?

Right :) ... When I posted these major categories on the Theories thread, I noted there that some were a "stretch" (most notably Theory D), but was an attempt to cover all ends of the spectrum, based on current knowns. [ Theory D is for the "conspiracy" theorists / optimists out there, but it does require conceding that the family, LE, and the ME, among others are all somehow in cahoots ].

Based on the strawpoll conducted earlier, here's how folks on the board so far have quantified "likelihood" of each theory, based on opinions & current knowns:

A: BC did it (or arranged it): 78.2% chance
B: Person known to NC other than BC did it: 11.8% chance
C: Random crime: 9.75% chance
D: She's Alive & In A Witness Protection Program: 0.25% chance

Feel free to post or PM me, and I'll update poll. Will be interesting to see how the numbers change as more things become known.
Found this from the "Brad Cooper" thread, post #5

Nursebeeme posted-

As soon as I find the exact posts (cannot even remember the user names and if anyone else can help out with that please let me know), I will edit them into this..

1) ex girlfriend poster stated that Brad was given ever oportunity by his family and she also is not surprised this happened and believes that he did this. She asked him if he was reading here on his laptop and she asked him why. She described him as very intelligent and very private. She was surprised that Nancy didn't see his controling side before she had kids with him. she also went to high school with brad thank you jilly...she has located this it is:
I find this extremely difficult. I feel so much grief for those two little girls whose world has been absolutely ripped apart. This is not something that will pass. This is something that will be with them their entire life. I feel for NC's family..what a horrible thing to have to endure. At the same time, I feel for BC's family. No one raises a child to become a murderer (if indeed he did this). BC's family has lost a daughter-in-law, are watching what's happening to their son and who knows how much access they are getting with their grandchildren. These people are grieving too. They are trying to hope beyond hope and believe in their son that he was not responsible for this. They, however, must realize that this does not look good for him.

I think the parents can not be blamed for his mental instability, I truly believe he has a chemical imbalance which in absolutely NO WAY does it excuse what's happened. I don't believe it to even be any sort of defense. There are tons of ways to work through chemical imbalances and personality issues. It is never a defense for murder, IMO.

Now before someone jumps on me for defending him or his family, I have a right to be so torn. I am one of those "ex's" from Canada. BC is from a good family. They gave him so many opportunities that others never had. The Calgary poster is right though. As a person, Brad can be materialistic, self-centered, narcisistic (sp?), moody, mean, emotionally controlling and the like. He can also be a good person, we all have good in us. Nancy must have seen more of his good side at the beginning to have wanted to have children with him and probably tried so hard (as all of his previous relationships did) to work through the bad.

I feel horrible for what NC had to endure and the outcome (at whoever's hands). This is such an awful situation. My head KNOWS how this is going to turn out, my heart wishes it would be different. I wish it was going to be a different outcome because I have shared part of my life, my family....with BC and can't believe that someone that I had put my trust in could ever be involved in such a horrible act. I don't feel sorry for BC because he put himself in this situation. I feel sorry for NC, those poor children and both families.

He is an intensely private person. He is also an extremely smart person which surprises me all the more that he would do something so stupid. I don't think that it was pre-meditated. I think there was an argument that got out of control, one thing led to another and she was gone and he panicked. Which is why everything is unravelling for him. If this was premeditated, he is smart...he would have covered everything to the last meticulous detail.

I think he's guilty. I'll say it clear. But I do feel for his family as well.

And Brad, if you're reading this, because lord knows if you're not in jail, you'll have that laptop all wired up, how could you?

2)we had a friend of BC (?) post from canada...he worked with him. He said it was strange that brad had no friends from highschool and that he did not keep relationships with people. The way he was Brad was a loner and very private, serious person who did not make friends easily or keep them thanks again jilly!!!!!: Yesterday, 04:22 PM
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Brad does not have any "close" friends of which I'm aware. He doesn't tend to make lasting friendships.

He went to high school in Medicine Hat, then moved to Calgary. When in Calgary, he had no friends from his high school days. That by itself is odd, and I thought it odd even back then... you would think a few years out of high school you'd still have some friends from your youth. He did not.

Then from Calgary he moved to NC. He did not keep in touch with any of his friends from Calgary once he moved to NC. There just wasn't that kind of bond.

Of all his "friends" I know in Calgary (including myself) not one person has said they don't think he did it. In fact, we all think he likely did.

One of his ex-girlfriends commented to me the other day that she felt odd saying it, but she could actually see him doing something like this.
This bee my opinion

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