Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #2

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LE isn't hiding him, I promise! They don't want to foot the bill until the taxpayers have to! I would guess he went to a hotel with the children and yes...he has "armed guards" with them for their "safety". After is a public service they are affording the families now. (How very kind and thoughtful they are!!)
I want to know where HIS family is! I hope they aren't like the Entwistles or Petersons. :eek:
They are probably still in Canada proclaiming his innocence. I would expect them to be here tomorrow or so to support him. They surely have to be keeping abreast of the situation and see it leaning towards him.
I don't know, Blink. I've got quite a few for different purposes. Are you saying that because he's a guy? Just wondering!

momto3, can you give us the location/address of the store? I'd like to know so we can check how much time would be needed for various trips made by BC. (Which we still have to figure out, basically.) Thank you!

No, just not sure why he would participate in so many sites extolling his accomplishments/education and almost zero family data, almost like he wants to be "noticed" - could be me, I'm a security fanatic, but as a woman, I do think it is more important. My Nikeplus running site is set to private; Maybe I am overthinking
The info at threw me off initially in this case. They show a Bradley C. Cooper with the age of 38 yrs. Possible relation: Nancy

I'm not sure what search engines are available for Canadian citizens. Anyone?
No, just not sure why he would participate in so many sites extolling his accomplishments/education and almost zero family data, almost like he wants to be "noticed" - could be me, I'm a security fanatic, but as a woman, I do think it is more important. My Nikeplus running site is set to private; Maybe I am overthinking

I don't find it odd he had that many sites. He probably was given many of the addresses by buddies who shared his interest in cycling, hiking, running, etc. when he was going across the country doing his sport. Plus...since he was from outside the country, he may want to allow his friends and family keep up with his MANY accomplishments. If you hadn't noticed...he liked to brag about everything except his wife and daughters!
I just explained it, Blink! (Yes, you are security conscious and maybe overthinking. :blowkiss:)
Am I wrong or is it odd for someone to have this many online "sites"-
Well as a husband and father of 2 myself, I can not see how he had time for work and the time to keep up all the online sites, not to mention all the time spent for education and still spend any quality time with wife and kids. IMO, this may have been the start of the marital issues.
I think IT people have time to get online while working a lot. His classes probably did take up a lot of his time tho. There is much work to do for a MBA. Still, it didn't slow down his training and his sports. He even mentioned swimming late at night when training.

When DID he find time to spend doing family things?
Isn't NC a community state?
Meaning what's thine is mine?
If so Brad probably didn't want to leave for another reason--if he left before seperation papers were signed, Nancy could have charged him with abandonment.

Then again maybe he's moneyhungrysob and wanted it all.

Yes it is. The only funky thing about getting a divorce seems to be that you have to prove a one year separation first (if I understand it right that is).
I don't see the blogging as uncommon since he is in the computer tech field (going under the idea that techies tend to use computers during their off-time).
As for CISCO, while their stock's been down a bit, other places are doing much worse. Still I'd gather there might be some stress regarding the economy and financial security, especially living in an area where the median house price in the general area is $220,000 - and pictures of their house indicate it probably is valued much higher. So I CAN see the computer use and athletic activities as normal outlets/hobbies and possibly a lifestyle that could be stressful. BUT, even if true, this absolutely does NOT excuse violence or ANYONE choosing violence over divorce!!! (If he's guilty that is - and right now he's not looking very innocent, imo)
It's been a very, very sad couple of days here in NC and my thoughts and prayers go out to Nancy's children, family and loved ones --and to Holley Lynn Wimunc's, too...
This is probably just wishful thinking, but is there any way that (for once) the husband didn't do it?

I'm getting so sick at heart over all these cases of perfectly nice women being killed by their husbands. The police chief said that it wasn't a random killing, so that the killer targeted Nancy in particular, right? And who would do that except for her husband or a friend/acquaintance?


I keep hoping there is a chance that it wasn't him, too.

I was trying to envision how it could've been someone else. Nancy ended up in an area that was too far for her to have run, to, right?
Normally when she went far away to run, she would take the car.

So, if Brad didn't do it.....what would've had to happen, for her body to get there? Somebody would've had to grab her from where she was jogging....
Do you think LE sometimes say things such as 'it wasn't a random killing', to calm community members?

Just thinking how the scenario could fit, if it wasn't Brad.
He sure has that "Bobby Cutts, Jr." look going on, doesn't he?! :waitasec:

When Jessie went missing and everyone was searching for her, including Bobby Cutts, I was SO hoping it wasn't him. Even Jessie's mom said that to the media. :(

(So, yes, yet another example of a case where people hoped that it wasn't him!)
I always thought it was Bobby. I also think Brad did this to his wife. I can't figure another scenario because it wouldn't fit with what we know already.

No one saw her on Saturday morning. No one. If even one person saw her in her jogging shorts and shoes, it would leave room for another scenario. Without such a sighting, it goes back to Brad.
I'm a long-time lurker here, ever since the Scott Peterson days. I was fascinated with that case, because I couldn't understand how someone could do something so horrific to their own pregnant wife. I actually thought he didn't do it, and didn't change my mind until during or after the trial.

If I say anything I'm not supposed to here, my apologies. Let me also add that I'm no expert, am only giving my personal opinion, and that I could be flat wrong in every opinion I'm about to give.

Now this is a little crazy and too close to home, because I used to share a place with Brad Cooper. So I thought I'd log in and share my knowledge with a board that has given me a lot of knowledge over the years.

Its pretty amazing how well some of the posters have pegged his personality based on his online websites. In my opinion, he is the most narcissistic person I have ever known. He is also very driven, and has a high level of self confidence.

It is hard to explain, but he can be very social but also very withdrawn. He avoids outward conflict and will let his thoughts stew for a long time before you even would know he had an issue with something-- something I learned being his roommate. He would often be very quiet but in his early 20's had a hard-partying edge that would come out once and a while, where suddenly he was the life of the party.

He's always liked cars... I laughed when I heard he had 2 BMW's on the driveway, that sounds just like him. He wouldn't buy something unless it had a certain appeal factor. He wants to be the picture of success, to his peers and to women.

He's often a very nice guy, but I always had a deep mistrust of him. He was not someone who I would say would "do anything for a friend", whereas most people I know and hang out with are like that.

If one assumes that he did it (and I won't profess to know because the media also aren't to be trusted in my experience) it would be very much like him to want to seem cooperative etc., and do things like agreeing to attend a press conference, and then withdrawing at the last minute. He would be too afraid to have the confrontation of telling someone up front he wasn't going to attend-- he would rather lie about attending, and then just not show up, thereby avoiding the 'confrontation', at least in the short term.

I know two of his ex-girlfriends fairly well... they had much more of an insight into his dark side and each of them had shared some of that with some of his friends post-breakup. Its been so long now that I can't really remember what they had told me, and since he's not someone who has any impact or influence on my life, I had forgotten about him entirely.

Anyway, I think its quite possible he did it. This is not a situation where its someone who you think could never do such a thing. I've spoken to people who knew him better than I did this evening (everyone was phoning everyone, this is huge news), and his closest/oldest friends seem to be surprised, but also won't say "he would never do that". Others think he is absolutely capable of it.

If he didn't do it, I really feel sorry for him. Regardless, its her family who we should be concerned about. Those two girls have been deprived of their mother, and her parents and siblings deprived of a daughter and sister.
Woah! Welcome, calgary! :wave:

I am SO glad you decided to register/log on!

I nearly fell off my chair when you said you used to be Brad's roommate!
Wow! Thanks for the background information on your experience with him.

I am sure there must be lots of note-swopping between people who know/knew him!
Interesting that some people say they can absolutely see him doing this! :eek:
It is hard to explain, but he can be very social but also very withdrawn. He avoids outward conflict and will let his thoughts stew for a long time before you even would know he had an issue with something-- something I learned being his roommate. He would often be very quiet but in his early 20's had a hard-partying edge that would come out once and a while, where suddenly he was the life of the party.

Sounds like the first signs of someone with bipolar disease to me. Just my opinion!
Welcome to WS officially, Calgary! I am glad you came out of lurkdom to share this with us! It does help to know information from people who have had contact with him and to be able to figure out what he is really like. Glad to know we what we were seeing and putting together appears to be correct.

We often see this type of individual as the perp in such situations. The narcissism seems to stand out. If it is the common thread between these men, I don't know exactly...but I am beginning to see it that way. They appear to either be always striving to be the best or they want to pretend they already are. They also have to make certain their self-image matches what they want others to see so they continually feed their ego. It explains the BMWs in the driveway as you mentioned.

Speaking of the former girlfriends, do you recall any of them saying he was controlling or jealous? Did he cheat on them? This would strike me to be par for the course with him.

Was he a perfectionist?

I think it is very interesting what you said about this:

Calgary123 said: If one assumes that he did it (and I won't profess to know because the media also aren't to be trusted in my experience) it would be very much like him to want to seem cooperative etc., and do things like agreeing to attend a press conference, and then withdrawing at the last minute. He would be too afraid to have the confrontation of telling someone up front he wasn't going to attend-- he would rather lie about attending, and then just not show up, thereby avoiding the 'confrontation', at least in the short term.

It makes perfect sense! Avoiding the confrontation is exactly what he did by calling and saying he would be there. Changing his mind at the last minute on going to today's presser, too. He has to know that the world is watching his every move. If he craved attention...he has it now!
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