Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #9

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I have been following this one since day one but this if the first I've posted on it. I'm more of a reader than a poster.

I think most of the stuff in Brad's list is bull. Some of it even sounds like it came out of parenting book.

I don't think it would be very difficult to make it look as if there was a call from home or Nancy's cell to his at the time he says.

I think that Jessicas affidavid is very believable. I don't doubt one thing she said. I couldn't believe brad's mother would do such horrible things.

I think Brad's reasons why Nancy's family wouldn't do a good job with the girls were pathetic and desparate! Their daughter/sister was just murdered! That is a life changing event. They look kind of old - maybe her dad would retire, maybe twin sister will relocate - who knows? They obviously love these children and will make whatever changes necessary to raise them. In the states they would have no family other than Brad. In Canada they would be surrounded by family. They are 4 and 2. They will have forgotton their life in NC in no time at all. Really silly arguments on his part.

On the off chance that Brad is innocent I feel very sorry for him. However, I think he did it. If not, how come we haven't seen him vowing to find her killer? Where is the emotion for his murdered wife who he so badly wanted to be married to? Nowhere because he is too busy writing silly affidavits about what a good dad he is and how Nancy was an irresposible overspender who had an affair. Who makes those allegations against their murdered wife unless you killed her?

It makes me sick that so many kids are being raised by the person that murdered their mother because he got away with it. What happens when they get older and read all the news stories? How does one go through life knowing that they were raised by the man who may have killed their mother. Can you say years and years of therapy?

One other thing- wouldn't TIME of death be known by now. If they can narrow it down which sometimes they can by stomach contents, and it shows she died around midnight that would be very very bad for Brad. I would think this a critical aspect of the autopsy results. I wonder if Brad is worried about that?
I didn't realize Cisco provided lunch/snacks for employees. I knew that was a big perk at SAS, but didn't realize Cisco was the same way.
The truth of their relationship probably lies somewhere between Brad's statements and those of Nancy's friends, but one things for certain. Brad's statements (which I'm sure he already gave to LE) sure have alot of traceability. Phone calls, people he contacted that morning, visits to stores...all verifiable. It makes me wonder if much of his story hasn't checked out...hence, no arrest.
Fran and RC I'll do my best to find out FOR SURE tomorrow if Cisco still offers all those free food and drinks in the cantina. I can't see why the wouldn't as it was a prk for the employees but with the cost of doing business it could have changed in the last three years. I'll do what I can to follow up and report what I find.

ETA - Carolinalady - I see that you've asked about it too. So I'll let you know. I remember very vividly many many times sitting in my friends office cramming for tests and running to the cantina to grab a soda or piece of fruit. I was always astonished that I didn't have to pay. I almost felt like I was stealing. LOL. Oh and we lived far apart so Cisco was a good meeting spot to study so that's why I know about any of this. He was an employee (obviously) and he had to escort me in each time I went to visit.
I am just curious. If BC and NC were to have divorced would she have been able to stay in the US since her visa was dependent on his? Would she have been able to apply for resident status if she wanted to stay and was no longer married?
How did Brad keep his job with Cisco when it was disclosed he had been banging the BOSS'S wife? If the boss didn't know, I would make darn sure he did. If the boss knew, why did he not find a way to get rid of Brad? It sounds like it occured before there where children.
I didn't realize Cisco provided lunch/snacks for employees. I knew that was a big perk at SAS, but didn't realize Cisco was the same way.

Cisco does not provide lunch, they have a cafeteria where employees can buy lunch. They do, however, still have the free drinks--soda, juice, water. I believe Cisco has cut back on a lot of those perks over the years.

The woman in question has been positively identified. The N & O failed to redact her name prior to displaying today's affidavits. They have corrected this but not before it was noted by several here. So her name is known.

Ok sorry! Was still reading adn catching up. I have just read the to read the friends' one, am interested to see if my friend is mentioned.

One other thing- wouldn't TIME of death be known by now. If they can narrow it down which sometimes they can by stomach contents, and it shows she died around midnight that would be very very bad for Brad. I would think this a critical aspect of the autopsy results. I wonder if Brad is worried about that?

Having read all the affidavits pubished today I think Brad really did want the autopsy because of TOD. I say that because I believe he most likely murdererd her after the time he said she went running - i.e. after 7am. If TOD was established to be after 7am he could waive it around and say I told you she left at 7. This I believe was the motive for filing for the autopsy report.
166- Went to HT to buy milk at 6:15
That was on the way home from dumping her body...he had to have a reason to be out if someone saw his car leave the house.

**Thinking some more, he also left his cell phone hidden near the HT

167- He drove home at 6:30

168/169- From the home phone, he then called his cell phone he left near HT at 6:40 so it appeared Nancy actually called. (set to automatic answer after 3 rings...easy and he was a phone engineer )

170- Nancy left for a jog That is a lie. He dumped her dead body around 6 am and went to the HT on the way back at 6:15


Does this make sense ?
I can not imagine ever trying to have that much control over another person, much less one I planned to spend the rest of my life with , have children with, grow old with. I think his job is already down the drain. A while back I had a friend that worked for Cisco and he was going to school for MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) the same time I was. I often went to Cisco to study with him. One of the most vivid things I remember was the free food and drinks. I don't know if it is still the same, but there was always fruit and soda, tea, water, cereal, snacks - all kinds of thing to eat or drink in the cantina - for free. Why would he need lunch money? Unless it was to go out to entertain possibly during his lunch time. I'm not saying 20% is too much for lunch, just that he had no need to ever pay for lunch IF Cisco is the same way it used to be. Again tells me that he's full of chit about certain things.

Where I work, we get nothing free. In fact, they converted our sundry shop into a mini Starbucks (well, the coffee anyways) and raised the prices by more than 45% at the same time.

Anyways, the free snacks and stuff, I doubt would constitute a lunch for someone like BC. Big guy, big appetite.

But if he were really hard up for cash, I'm sure the free snacks and drinks would be welcome to him.
Having read all the affidavits pubished today I think Brad really did want the autopsy because of TOD. I say that because I believe he most likely murdererd her after the time he said she went running - i.e. after 7am. If TOD was established to be after 7am he could waive it around and say I told you she left at 7. This I believe was the motive for filing for the autopsy report.

I find this difficult to imagine. The girls would probably have been up. how did he kill her and dump her in broad daylight? I would think someone in that nosey (just my impression from reading) neighbourhood would have seen. Lots of people up on Sat am going to yard sales, etc. Neighbours close enough to hear a fight and ballsy enough to intervene (from brad's affidavit)
Where I work, we get nothing free. In fact, they converted our sundry shop into a mini Starbucks (well, the coffee anyways) and raised the prices by more than 45% at the same time.

Anyways, the free snacks and stuff, I doubt would constitute a lunch for someone like BC. Big guy, big appetite.

But if he were really hard up for cash, I'm sure the free snacks and drinks would be welcome to him.

Hey Buddy,

I suppose you are right - I'm 5'6 and weigh 110 so a bottle of water and a bagel would be right up my alley for lunch. I suppose probably not for Brad. If he was working out I suppose he would need many more calories than I.

PS - good to see you. :)
I find this difficult to imagine. The girls would probably have been up. how did he kill her and dump her in broad daylight? I would think someone in that nosey (just my impression from reading) neighbourhood would have seen. Lots of people up on Sat am going to yard sales, etc. Neighbours close enough to hear a fight and ballsy enough to intervene (from brad's affidavit)

Considering there is a two car garage attached to the house - no problem getting her into a vehicle without being seen. According to the affidavits - yelling was normal - why would it draw attention Saturday morning. Her body was found in a remote location with no houses in the area along an undeveloped cul de sac.

I don't see any problems.
WOW...just finished reading Jessica's affidavit.

Found it all very disturbing and of course, I believe a close friend over Brad's affidavit. Why would her friend make up lies and there are too many specific details for anything to be untrue.

I especially found the portion regarding Brad's mother, #6g disturbing. The way she would treat Nancy.

It seems maybe the apple did not fall from the tree. If his mother and family are this callous and controlling, I don't find it a stretch that Brad was the same way and that could escalate to violence.
I have been following this one since day one but this if the first I've posted on it. I'm more of a reader than a poster.

<respectfully snipped>

One other thing- wouldn't TIME of death be known by now. If they can narrow it down which sometimes they can by stomach contents, and it shows she died around midnight that would be very very bad for Brad. I would think this a critical aspect of the autopsy results. I wonder if Brad is worried about that?
I was thinking about stomach contents from the beginning as being valuable but after hearing the 911 tape of the man who found Nancy and the state of decomposition she was in, along with the vultures ~ my question is how long and under what conditions will stomach contents remain? The only case I clearly remember was OJ criminal trial and Nicole's stomach contents but of course her body was found only a few hours after she ate.
JTF - I think you are very close. The cell phone info is just too easy...

But what about mom's post that he was seen in HT at 4-ish buying laundry detergent or laundry detergent with bleach? Do you still think that fits in? If it is true how is he going to explain it now?
How did Brad keep his job with Cisco when it was disclosed he had been banging the BOSS'S wife? If the boss didn't know, I would make darn sure he did. If the boss knew, why did he not find a way to get rid of Brad? It sounds like it occured before there where children.

I wondered if this was at a former job since it stated his former boss's wife.
166- Went to HT to buy milk at 6:15
That was on the way home from dumping her body...he had to have a reason to be out if someone saw his car leave the house.

**Thinking some more, he also left his cell phone hidden near the HT

167- He drove home at 6:30

168/169- From the home phone, he then called his cell phone he left near HT at 6:40 so it appeared Nancy actually called. (set to automatic answer after 3 rings...easy and he was a phone engineer )

170- Nancy left for a jog That is a lie. He dumped her dead body around 6 am and went to the HT on the way back at 6:15

Yes, it makes a lot of sense. I too think the store was an excuse to be out if anyone saw him leaving the house or coming back home. I'm surprised it's 6am since it's light out then, but that would also take away the need for headlights which I've always thought would attract more attention to his car in a dark area such as where Nancy was found. I like your ideas about hiding the cell phone and so forth! :)
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