Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #9

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And, how do you know that it isn't true?

Maybe it is true.
I was just responding to your post that said he would need to sell the house and would be broke even if Nancy were dead.

No offense Magister, but responding to some of your posts is becoming tiresome.
Not to mention, he probably isn't working these days so how long will Cisco keep him on the payroll? And it seems they were living a lifestyle beyond their means, anyway (didn't they take out equity loans?)

I assure you he is not living a lifestyle beyond his means....he is a you know that that is? I do pretty much the same thing he does and I work and have many friends at Cisco. Believe me he makes well over 6 figures. Thats why I find the whole money motive garbage. Cisco is very good to their employees and they will not fire him unless he is found guilty and even then they really don't have to. Look I don't condemn someone with out proof... he looks less guilty then he did before. Still doesn't mean anything yet.
I assure you he is not living a lifestyle beyond his means....he is a you know that that is? I do pretty much the same thing he does and I work and have many friends at Cisco. Believe me he makes well over 6 figures. Thats why I find the whole money motive garbage. Cisco is very good to their employees and they will not fire him unless he is found guilty and even then they really don't have to. Look I don't condemn someone with out proof... he looks less guilty then he did before. Still doesn't mean anything yet.

Well, he is the one that said they were living beyond their means and could barely afford to pay the mounting credit card debt.

"6 figures" is not a lot of money for a family of 4 (wife not working at all) ...especially with luxury cars, alot of credit card debt, a $379k home, club memberships and private school.

CCIE with 10 years experience would make $101,000 - $120,000

BTW, the affidavit was meant to make him 'look less guilty"...that was the point.

Like you said, still doesn't mean anything yet.
No offense Magister, but responding to some of your posts is becoming tiresome.

Sorry you feel that way, but there' just so much "huh" in those affidavits (that have nothing to do with the murder).

For example, Michelle Simmons says that she and Nancy wanted to take the girls to a movie, but Brad hadn't gone to an ATM (apparently to pay for the movie) and instead, he gave them his leftover Irish money and suggested they cash it out. So, she and Nancy had to take the girls to the airport, rather than stop at the BofA on the corner.

BTW: Michelle also is the one who says that "Nancy, Bella and Katie were at home with no water waiting for Brad to pay and have it turned back on". Jessica is the one who says "the water was shut off for at least a day, maybe longer".
I disagree. He would not spend $2100 each month on those girls + he would not be paying Nancy substantial alimony for 8 years.
He was not on the brink of bankruptcy. Remember, he blamed all the money issues on Nancy.

Reading the Separation agreement - there was NO request for alimony so we can throw the alimony money out of the equation all together. By Nancy not requesting alimony in this agreement it tends to suggest that those who think she was taking him to the cleaners, had a shopping addiction or was just plain greedy failed to comprehend this particular section of the agreement.

She didn't ask for alimony - the only thing she asked for related to items centered on the children. Since this was the 2nd draft and it was sent to Brad for review, and since we are in to assuming - we can assume the first draft was not to Brad's liking and the second was adjusted to address his initial concerns.

Also reading the portions about the sale of the house, settlement of bills and loans and the distribution of property, it seems to indicate those activities are in compliance with NC law rather than at the request of Nancy so rule that out as reflecting on Nancy.

Also note that according to Brad - he claims the only reason he never signed the agreement was because of the greencard issues - not that he felt she was taking him to the cleaners and not that he was unwilling to agree to the terms.
Reading the Separation agreement - there was NO request for alimony so we can throw the alimony money out of the equation all together. By Nancy not requesting alimony in this agreement it tends to suggest that those who think she was taking him to the cleaners, had a shopping addiction or was just plain greedy failed to comprehend this particular section of the agreement.

She didn't ask for alimony - the only thing she asked for related to items centered on the children. Since this was the 2nd draft and it was sent to Brad for review, and since we are in to assuming - we can assume the first draft was not to Brad's liking and the second was adjusted to address his initial concerns.

Also reading the portions about the sale of the house, settlement of bills and loans and the distribution of property, it seems to indicate those activities are in compliance with NC law rather than at the request of Nancy so rule that out as reflecting on Nancy.

Also note that according to Brad - he claims the only reason he never signed the agreement was because of the greencard issues - not that he felt she was taking him to the cleaners and not that he was unwilling to agree to the terms.

i took it as the alimony figure was not settled. Why would it be in the agreement showing the details and 8 years of payments if it was moot ?
Well, he is the one that said they were living beyond their means and could barely afford to pay the mounting credit card debt.

"6 figures" is not a lot of money for a family of 4 (wife not working at all) ...especially with luxury cars, alot of credit card debt, a $379k home, club memberships and private school.

CCIE with 10 years experience would make $101,000 - $120,000

BTW, the affidavit was meant to make him 'look less guilty"...that was the point.

Like you said, still doesn't mean anything yet.

They paid $250K for the house in 2001 according to the Wake County website.
Sorry you feel that way, but there' just so much "huh" in those affidavits (that have nothing to do with the murder).

For example, Michelle Simmons says that she and Nancy wanted to take the girls to a movie, but Brad hadn't gone to an ATM (apparently to pay for the movie) and instead, he gave them his leftover Irish money and suggested they cash it out. So, she and Nancy had to take the girls to the airport, rather than stop at the BofA on the corner.

BTW: Michelle also is the one who says that "Nancy, Bella and Katie were at home with no water waiting for Brad to pay and have it turned back on". Jessica is the one who says "the water was shut off for at least a day, maybe longer".

Sorry to sound that way. You have the right to your opinion and to post what you want.

I just get a little 'bent' when I see these narcissistic wife killers....becoming too frequent in NC.

He should have signed the frggin divorce papers and let them go back to, he had to kill her.
They were going to sell it for $379,000

Correct, but you sounding like you were saying that they were paying for a $379K house on a 6 figure salary. Just wanted to clarify that the first mortgage would've been based on original price of the house. Therefore, the mortgage payment on $250K would be less than for a $379K house.

And I'm not disputing the equity line. Again, I just wanted to clarify.
i took it as the alimony figure was not settled. Why would it be in the agreement showing the details and 8 years of payments if it was moot ?

Why would the document be written without this already being established and why would Brad sign it without full clarification ? The document is a template and standard - fill in the blanks - there was no dollar amount imposed - she simply did not ask for it.

On another topic - line 80 of Brad's affidavit - he states he took responsibility for paying all the bills to include utilities. Seems it wasn't Nancy who forgot to pay the bill, nor was she suppose to according to Brad.
Did anyone recall reading if Nancy had life insurance ?
Why would the document be written without this already being established and why would Brad sign it without full clarification ? The document is a template and standard - fill in the blanks - there was no dollar amount imposed - she simply did not ask for it.

On another topic - line 80 of Brad's affidavit - he states he took responsibility for paying all the bills to include utilities. Seems it wasn't Nancy who forgot to pay the bill, nor was she suppose to according to Brad.

I realize the agreement was based from a template, but Alice would chose which sections to include in a professional legal document. If not, I would have thought it would show 'zero' in the blank.

A mother of 2 with no means of support other than her husband nearly always gets some least until she can get her feet on the ground and gets a job. Also, there was maritial misconduct. He had a sexual affair...she did not.
In NC, that is grounds for alimony.
I can not imagine ever trying to have that much control over another person, much less one I planned to spend the rest of my life with , have children with, grow old with. I think his job is already down the drain. A while back I had a friend that worked for Cisco and he was going to school for MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) the same time I was. I often went to Cisco to study with him. One of the most vivid things I remember was the free food and drinks. I don't know if it is still the same, but there was always fruit and soda, tea, water, cereal, snacks - all kinds of thing to eat or drink in the cantina - for free. Why would he need lunch money? Unless it was to go out to entertain possibly during his lunch time. I'm not saying 20% is too much for lunch, just that he had no need to ever pay for lunch IF Cisco is the same way it used to be. Again tells me that he's full of chit about certain things.

Wow I have allot to catch up on. Only on page 7 so bare with me. First off I reply to this because of what I do for a living. First off you friend was no way working for Cisco and going to school for his MCP. MCP is the lowest networking cert to get. Only requires Workstation and Server. Cisco has its own certs you must obtain but at the time you couldn't even try to get Cisco certs with out an MCP. Its a very basic cert and very easy to get and I find it hard to believe Cisco would hire someone with out even this small cert. So maybe your friend was trying to get his CCNP? Anyway Cisco provides drinks and little things like that. Cisco takes care of its people.
I realize the agreement was based from a template, but Alice would chose which sections to include in a professional legal document. If not, I would have thought it would show 'zero' in the blank.

A mother of 2 with no means of support other than her husband nearly always gets some least until she can get her feet on the ground and gets a job. Also, there was maritial misconduct. He had a sexual affair...she did not.
In NC, that is grounds for alimony.

NC is a no fault state correct ? That means the marital misconduct means zero right ? She wasn't going to be staying in NC - she was returning to Canada to stay with her sister. Sections would be left in the document to avoid any future claim the issue was not addressed legally. This was a draft and not the final. In the draft she requests no alimony. I'm not arguing with you - I was simply pointing out Nancy was not as greedy as some posters are inclined to assume - otherwise there would have been a dollar amount entered - no ?
NC is a no fault state correct ? That means the marital misconduct means zero right ? She wasn't going to be staying in NC - she was returning to Canada to stay with her sister. Sections would be left in the document to avoid any future claim the issue was not addressed legally. This was a draft and not the final. In the draft she requests no alimony. I'm not arguing with you - I was simply pointing out Nancy was not as greedy as some posters are inclined to assume - otherwise there would have been a dollar amount entered - no ?

Yes, unlike Brad, Nancy was obviously not greedy.
Either way, its no biggie. However, I do know for a fact a judge routinely awards a supported spouse alimony in NC when there is marital misconduct (affair).
Did anyone recall reading if Nancy had life insurance ?

That would be a biggie...maybe enough to crawl out from under all this debt..

also the "list " BC made of all the children's likes mentioned in one of the friends-for-Nancy affadavits seems like an attorney's suggestion.
I would surmise that since April, BC had coaching on how to win a custody battle.
It certainly came in handy when he wrote his recent affadavit for custody.

And if he is using the same attorney he sought for the divorce as he is using for defense, I would say he must remove those said attorneys also.
Has anyone established that?

AND, I'm still waiting for his offer of a reward for any information on the killer(s) of his soon to be the hiring of a private investigator ...
quite honestly O.J. was more on top of maintaining his "innocence" than this guy is.
My husband never does laundry, cooking, housework, or yard work, and he hasn't in the 2 decades we've been married.

If we were divorced, he'd need a washer and dryer if he wanted clean clothes. Sure, laundromats are available, but I can guarantee that my husband would not darken the doorway of one, no matter what. He'd buy more clothing before he did that.

In fact, he'd either have to learn to operate something besides the microwave, or he'd need a full-time caretaker.

Edited to add: If I were planning to move to Canada with my kids, I would not waste the money it would cost to ship a used washer and dryer there from NC.


OK- I'm still catching up, so I apologize for this being old news, but in the N&O article about the autopsy report which also contains info about their separation agreement, it's says they agreed that Brad would get the washer and dryer. Yet, Jessica Adam (who lives five miles away) says in her affidavit that he "never did laundry". Why would he need the washer/dryer, if what Jessica says is true, or did she just include that aside because of the Harris-Teeter purchase?
Yes, unlike Brad, Nancy was obviously not greedy.
Either way, its a no biggie. However, I do know for a fact a judge routinely awards a supported spouse alimony in NC when there is marital misconduct (affair).

Maybe that is the answer - the blank to be filled by the judge based on his decision of what that value should be.
Just now reading affidavits.
Wow. Just WOW.
Hinky meter update to V2.0.
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