Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C - Media links only *NO DISCUSSION*

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One of those deal with some keys and a cell phone found in the Coopers' home. Friends of Nancy's say she would have always gone out with her keys, holding them strategically in her fingers as a means of self-defence.

Another inconsistency deals with how clean the Coopers' home was when police went there. Brad Cooper admits he cleaned the home from top-to-bottom. But, police say his friends and family have said that he rarely cleaned the home before that.

Police still haven't revealed if they have any suspects. They're not commenting on the release of the files. They feel that doing so could compromise their investigation.

Nancy Cooper's family will only say that members have faith in the police. As for Brad Cooper, his lawyer did not immediately comment on the police warrants.

The town of Cary's police chief, Pat Bazemore, released a statement on the search warrants becoming public today:

"Everyone must remember that investigations are as much about ruling things out as ruling things in and that it's the evidence that comes from a search warrant - not the warrant itself - that makes a difference in a case."

Nancy's father, Garry Rentz, said he has great confidence that police will find her killer.

"A resolution of this case would indeed be a wonderful gift to all of us," he said in a prepared statement. "We implore all the agencies engaged in this case to expedite a resolution."

The couple's daughters, ages two and four, are in the custody of Nancy Cooper's family in Edmonton.
Police searched Cooper's computer
His behavior drew early police notice

Martha Quillin and Mandy Locke, Staff Writers

Police investigating Nancy Cooper's disappearance and death found her husband's words and actions so suspicious they asked to search his computers for instructions on how to kill someone and dispose of the body.
Search warrants in the case -- and supporting evidence officers used to request them -- were released Tuesday after being under seal for weeks.

In the documents, police describe Brad Cooper's uncharacteristic cleaning of the house while his wife was missing; unexplained scratches on his neck; and the discovery of Nancy Cooper's keys and cell phone in the house, when those who knew her said she kept them with her always.

Brad Cooper's attorneys say the revelations don't point to his guilt.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Kurtz & Blum Sept. 2, 2008, statement
A Sept. 2, 2008, statement from attorneys representing Brad Cooper:

Three search warrants related to the Nancy Cooper case were released this afternoon. This has been widely reported as a meaningful development. The release of these search warrants makes public the state of the police investigation as it was some six weeks ago. They contain nothing new and shed no light on who killed Nancy Cooper.

<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>

o you believe Brad Cooper will be charged with the murder of his wife, former Edmonton-area woman Nancy Cooper?
YES - Police appear to have had him as their prime suspect from day one
NO - I believe someone else killed Nancy Cooper

91.3 % voted yes
Friends asked to back up statements

Friends of Nancy Cooper have been asked to prove everything they have claimed about Nancy Cooper's troubled marriage to her husband Bradley.
According to court records, attorneys for Bradley Cooper have ordered his wife's friends to turn over their diaries, appointment books, phone records, pictures and anything else that might back up statements they made in affidavits filed after Nancy Cooper's death. Friends claimed that Bradley Cooper was emotionally unstable, unfaithful and had been very controlling and demeaning of his wife.


More than a dozen friends of Nancy Cooper challenged the subpoenas ordering them to turn over their personal information, saying the requests placed an undue burden and were unreasonable or oppressive
Brad Cooper fires back, demands documents

Thursday, September 11, 2008 | 12:46 PM

RALEIGH (WTVD) -- The husband of a murdered Cary woman is firing back, making new insinuations against his deceased wife and her friends, who are pointing the finger at him.

According to documents filed by Brad Wednesday and earlier this week, there are insinuations that Nancy Cooper also had an affair.
Eyewitness News obtained the documents Thursday.

Brad asks that Nancy's friends produce any evidence they may have of "any sexual or romantic relationship Nancy Cooper had with any person other than her husband, Bradley Cooper."
The filings also demand Jessica Adams, the friend who called 911 to report Nancy missing, produce evidence of "any romantic relationship with any person other than your spouse."
She is asked to do the same with any evidence of any affairs her husband might have had.
<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>
Brad Cooper wants slain wife's friends to back up claims

Raleigh, N.C. — The husband of a slain Cary woman wants her friends to turn over any evidence they have to back up their claims that he was emotionally abusive and controlling in the months prior to her death.

<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>
Cooper custody case continues

Sullivan believes the documents requested in the subpoenas are not out of the ordinary when custody of children is at stake.

"If I were representing Brad Cooper, a party who is trying to get custody, I would want to know in advance everything the other side was going to say or use against me in a case to deprive me of custody of my children," he explained.

But Nancy's friends filed challenges to the subpoenas, saying they didn't have enough time to gather all the information by the Sept. 11 deadline given to them.

"It's the time factor, and then is it relevant? Is it unreasonable?" Sullivan said. "These are the issues a judge would want to take a look at."

While the legal battles play out in Raleigh, Nancy Cooper's parents have temporary custody of her two young daughters in Canada.

A judge will review the custody issue next month.

<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>

Lawyers respond: Cooper counter-claim takes to the internet
Click here to email Brent Pushkarenko

Brad Cooper's lawyers have hit back at speculation and innuendo surrounding their client's alleged links to the Nancy Cooper murder.

According to the WRAL TV website, they've posted video footage from the morning of July 12th -- the day former Edmontonian Nancy Cooper disappeared in North Carolina, and two days before she was found dead.

The video on the website of the firm "Kurtz and Blum" shows Brad buying some fruit juice and Tide laundry detergent at a convenience store -- this was between the hours of six and seven in the morning.

The firm says this is intended to refute speculation that he was buying bleach.

Brad Cooper stands by his statement that his wife went out for a jog at about seven the morning of the 12th and never returned. The couple had been planning to separate.

Police in the Raleigh suburb of Cary continue their investigation. As yet, they have not identified any suspects. They're not commenting on the posted video footage.

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