Nancy Grace - 10/13/08 Monday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm referring to a poster who said that at 2-1/2 or 3 yrs. girls are normally half their adult size. That seems to be a little off. At 36 inches, that would make most girls at least 6 ft. tall when they're grown. Either the age is wrong, or the estimation is wrong. A 3 yr. old would probably be maybe a third of their adult size, at best.

I didn't snip it, but there was part of your post where you said you read that Caylee was tall for her age. I was just curious as to whether she was tall for her age or not and found that she was average according to the chart.

As for what the other poster said, I have always heard you double the height on a child's second birthday, not at 2 1/2 or 3, to get an approx. estimate of adult height. Not fool proof by any means, but a pretty good estimate, give or take an inch.
Caylee was 37 inches at nearly 3. I'm sure she was at least several inches shorter than that on her 2nd b-day. Say she was 32 or 33 inches, that would make her adult height approx 5'4 to 5'6. That is average height for a woman, sounds reasonable to me.
Wow!!! I wonder if there is any credibility in this?...I would have to wonder why LP would leak this piece of info. out, considering a leak of this magnitude could hurt the case. I would surely make me lose any respect I had for the man if this is true.

Yep... I just have a kind of hard time with this, but... who knows?
Someone did talk to Leonard this morning. And he did say that.:rolleyes:

Hi Sweetmop :blowkiss:

Makes sense then that Tim is in Orlando the night before the grand jury convenes. I do have my suspicions what Caylee was wearing when she left is the reason George is the only one being called to testify at the grand jury. Back pack perhaps? Doll? shoes? We know what clothes he described unless there were other clothing articles found besides the dress that we don't know about. Didn't Tim say other articles were found on NG but didn't clarify what?
There is NO WAY a neighbor can see in that yard. It has an 8 ft. wood fence all the way around that back yard. I viewed every picture available on that yard a few days ago including all the remarks which Cindy said about ALWAYS having the gates locked. So unless they stood on something and peeked over the fence she was safe. Not to mention if Caylee was at the bottom of the pool they wouldn't have seen her anyway.

Is the Neighbors house a Ranch?

Is there an upstairs or is it one level?
Are there any logical reasons anyone can think of for why a dress was planted in that specific location?

I can. Think of the protestors at the house and how many people hate the Anthonys. Think of all the information and pictures online that can be accessed by anyone on the internet. All it takes is one protestor who feels so strongly about making sure that Casey goes to jail....

Anyone could have put that out there.

There were other pieces of clothing and a back pack that was found early on in the searches IIRC correctly, prior to TES's first trip out here. Because of all the homeless people out there in our area, all you have to do is go out in a wooded area and you will find discarded clothing, shoes, backpacks that don't have anything to do with a crime being committed.
OMG Thank You for posting this ----
CA keeps talking about the "LE Leaks"! It's public records - Florida Law maybe national law. GJ info that is Secret is the testimony that happens during the GJ hering.
I can't take anymore of this! misleading lies lies lie

That woman will never learn to shut up! LE caused these issues by leaks to media???? KC CAUSED THIS! AND YOU, CA!
Father's Day video, a little denim jumper (dress) sitting in Grandpa's lap.

No it's not denim..and I still think it's a baby blue shirt which I can see on the video when she is reading..I can't find the video of her with Gr-Gpa to see her bottem but I swore it was white shorts.
Actually, I sort of agree with you. He should go do what he does best - find missing people. However, "without funds" I am wondering how he can do that anywhere he goes. You know what I mean?

I donate to TES, so I completely feel within in my rights to ask these questions. This is the first time I can recall TM ever doing what he did tonight, and the first time I can recall the statement being made that TES was "out of funds." I find it appalling that if the OCSD wants Caylee's body found that they haven't agreed to fund his search: LE does this in other cases.

I've been involved 5 extended missing/recovery operations over the years as a volunteer, several involved S&R Teams, Cave Experts. It was all self funded the City or the County helped with what they could such as batteries, water lunches communications but no money ever passed hands to one of these groups.
When have you ever seen a "Mickey Mouse" dress? I think that was NG's way of describing a "Disney" dress.

Hi Baz, think you are 100% here....we lived in S. CA and went to Disneyland from the time I was able...everyone always says "Mickey Mouse" when referring to Disney "things."
I didn't snip it, but the last part of your post where you said you read that Caylee was tall for her age. I was just curious as to whether she was tall for her age or not and found that she was average according to the chart.

As for what the other poster said, I have always heard you double the height on a child's second birthday, not at 2 1/2 or 3, to get an approx. estimate of adult height. Not full proof by any means, but a pretty good estimate, give or take an inch.
Caylee was 37 inches at nearly 3. I'm sure she was at least several inches shorter than that on her 2nd b-day. Say she was 32 or 33 inches, that would make her adult height approx 5'4 to 5'6. That is average height for a woman, sounds reasonable to me.

Okay... I'm tired and can't see straight tonight and never was good at math. But I thought they said it was something like age 2-1/2... and I think 36" was mentioned. If a child that age was 36 inches... 3 feet... that would make them 6 feet tall by adulthood.
I know from age 2 to 3, most kids won't grow more than an inch or two at the most. She could have been 34 or 35 inches at 2... which would make her a lot taller, 5'8"-5'10".
But.... it's too late to argue!! Thanks!
This is my theory on the Dress....

Somebody in FLA is tired of waiting for KC to be arrested & charged with murder -

They are folowing this case closely just like most of us here -

A few days ago They hear that TES will be searching the Airport area -

They go out & buy a dress (any dress) that matches one that Caylee is wearing in her many online photos...

They rub the dress through the dirt to make it look old & drive by the airport area & toss it out the window knowing that it will be picked up by searchers this weekend
Am trying to keep up here...would someone be so kind and pm me the reason why anyone would plant a dress? what would that prove....I am so lost on this one. Thanks in advance.:)
I can. Think of the protestors at the house and how many people hate the Anthonys. Think of all the information and pictures online that can be accessed by anyone on the internet. All it takes is one protestor who feels so strongly about making sure that Casey goes to jail....

Anyone could have put that out there.

There were other pieces of clothing and a back pack that was found early on in the searches IIRC correctly, prior to TES's first trip out here. Because of all the homeless people out there in our area, all you have to do is go out in a wooded area and you will find discarded clothing, shoes, backpacks that don't have anything to do with a crime being committed.

That's what I'm curious about. Planting anything like this won't prove Casey's guilt. It proves that there's a dress in a particular area.

The only reason I could see someone doing this is if they have first hand knowledge that this is in the vicinity of Caylee's body.
Are there any logical reasons anyone can think of for why a dress was planted in that specific location?

Yes....It's been all over the internet that TES will be searching that area

It was also found by the side of the if tossed from a moving car
This is my theory on the Dress....

Somebody in FLA is tired of waiting for KC to be arrested & charged with murder -

They are folowing this case closely just like most of us here -

A few days ago They hear that TES will be searching the Airport area -

They go out & buy a dress (any dress) that matches one that Caylee is wearing in her many online photos...

They rub the dress through the dirt to make it look old & drive by the airport area & toss it out the window knowing that it will be picked up by searchers this weekend

This doesn't make sense to me. Anyone keeping up with this case knows the depth of forensic testing that would go on with this dress. It couldn't possibly prove Casey's guilt of anything, it only proves there is a dress in the area that isn't associated with the case.
Hi Baz, think you are 100% here....we lived in S. CA and went to Disneyland from the time I was able...everyone always says "Mickey Mouse" when referring to Disney "things."

No, I'm sorry, I have to disagree. I grew up in S. CA too. I have a 7-year-old. They make Minnie Mouse dresses, we've seen that. There is no way one, even a man would confuse a princess dress with a Minnie/Mickey Mouse dress.
I don't think Cindy has any desire to hug her daughter, but that's JMHO.

You may be right but if it were my daughter I still would. I would hate her actions but love her, you know. Cindy has always protected Casey and now she can't, this is too big. The reality of this is sooo sad. Her granddaughter is dead at the hands of her daughter, who will soon be walked off never to be your daughter in the true sense of the word again. I am sure Cindy had hopes and dreams for her daughter like we all do...grow up, go to school, marry the perfect man, have more grand-kids. She seems to be an idealist.

Once she admits that Casey did this she loses Caylee and Casey. If I lost my daughter and granddaughter (don't have a granddaughter yet) I can tell you that you might as well kill my body because my soul would be dead.

I know Cindy has acted a little loco and with that I agree. But I can also see how much she loved this little girl. She seemed to be the one that did everything for her. Look at the toys, the video's and the pictures..Cindy and George are the ones that loved this little girl.
That's what I'm curious about. Planting anything like this won't prove Casey's guilt. It proves that there's a dress in a particular area.

The only reason I could see someone doing this is if they have first hand knowledge that this is in the vicinity of Caylee's body.

LOL liltigress....I am by no means saying that if someone did this was smart. HaHa...I mean look at that lady who brought her child to protest at the Anthony's neighborhood and got into it with CA and the little boy ended up getting his arm caught in the car door while she was being held back from going after CA. CFS (Children and Family Services) were called in on that one. That mom surely wasn't smart.

I could actually see someone dumb enough to go out and purchase a dress, wasted money that it would be, and plant it! All it would take is one fanatic!
At this point I honestly don't think anything is going to hurt this case. It will all come out in the indictment anyway and he may just letting people know ahead of time so it won't be such a shock.

You have a good point, I'll try to stay positive :)....I just worry that all these leaks could come back to haunt us all in the end.

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