Nancy Grace 10/28

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
O.K., what the heck did Susan Moss mean when she answered NG with, "I love Dionne Warwick, too"?
O.K., what the heck did Susan Moss mean when she answered NG with, "I love Dionne Warwick, too"?
didn't dionne have one of those psychic networks? susan m and ng were talking about the "tips" being mostly from psychics
didn't dionne have one of those psychic networks? susan m and ng were talking about the "tips" being mostly from psychics

OH YES! I believe you're right. Thanks - this was driving me crazy, trying to think of every Dionne Warwick hit song....
Who cares anyway...I'd prefer to see Casey behind bars for life.

I agree with most that the DP would be harder w/o a body, but, in this case, I'd persoanlly prefer to see her truly pay the price (even if it means we the taxpayers pay, too) for what she did to Caylee by sitting in jail for the rest of her life. Plus, I'd prefer to see her put in the general population once she reaches the jail - none of this personalized/singled out treatment for her any more.
There was a show on today on the wetv channel ( about women prison guards. I can't remember the name of the show. They showed a prison in Florida (one in CA too) and interviewed some of the female guards. I believe they said it cost $18,000 per year to house a woman in prison in Florida.

After seeing that show, Casey will be begging to go back to her private jail cell. It appeared that most inmates live communal style with bunk beds. The women guards said women are harder to deal with than men inmates. Women usually argue back and always ask why when they're told to do something. They have to be very stern with them and some are very violent. They also said that petty criminals are housed with the violent ones.

I hope KC is put in with the general population. Why should she get special treatment when her daughter's body is rotting away in an undisclosed location?
I hope KC is put in with the general population. Why should she get special treatment when her daughter's body is rotting away in an undisclosed location?

Just the fact that AL no longer wants to be bothered with her puts a smile on my face. Imagine that crazy witch thinking that AL would still date her once she talked him into believing that Caylee was with the nanny? Nope, no dice Casey. Now you will sit in that little cubicle for the rest of your life. Imagine the misery of this 22 y.o. when it finally hits her that this is what life will be from now on. Works fine for me.

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