Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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It's not clear to me. If the Anthonys are 'only in it for the $' does that mean there's no way LP could be too?

Im not defending LP as if he couldn't do any wrong. I just have a problem with who is doing the accusing. It's the pot/kettle thing.
It's not clear to me. If the Anthonys are 'only in it for the $' does that mean there's no way LP could be too?

I think anastasia's point was that the A's are having a meet and greet to try to change their image and get more $$$ LP is who he is and no meet and greet for funds for him! Show me where LP has EVER asked for money.
Sorry anastasia if I got that wrong!
I think they are both doing what they think is right for whatever reason. Today didn't change that, but I do wish Tim had not brought that up about LP. Tim was the one to tell people how much he had spent and was broke. If LP had said something like that...I think it was in response to Tim saying he was broke and was not meant the way it was taken. I have not heard LP ask for a single dime other than for TES.
I believe both of them. It is all very sad.
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.
When did NG drop the Caylee story & start reporting on the Natolee H. developments? Did this re-open old wounds for Tim????

I was poking around looking to see how many case TES 'solved' & came across this post at another forum. If you just changed the victim's name & location, it could be the same story......


Tim Miller Director of Texas EquuSearch based out of Houston Texas is madder than hell.

As you know Tim and his organization has been searching for Natalie Holloway in Aruba.

I don't know what's going on down there but when Tim Miller states on Larry King Live that he is mad and that he's not leaving Aruba until Natalie is found something is going on.

Tim is NO stranger to death after loosing his lovely 16 year old daughter Laura to the I-45 Serial Killer/s.

It takes a lot for Tim to be mad and upset like he was on Larry king last night.


I don't know how this all turned out but it's the same thing.... he's mad, he's not leaving until he finds her & in other sites, he talks about the body being moved from place to place & searching with sonar. Just eerie.
She usually kisses Cindy's a$$ even when she isn't a guest on the show. I suspect NG's lipstick will appear brown by the end of tomorrows show.


Or if Cindy gets a little itcy on her heiney, she might poke Nancy in the eye. I love NG, but I wish she would us the opportunity to ask Cindy all the questions that need to be answered.....starting with "Why did KC have a nanny if she had no job?"
TM's reaction is puzzling considering the report that TES doesn't clear an area until it has been searched 3 times. Maybe water searches don't follow the same criteria. It doesn't seem reasonable that TES made 3 complete runs with the sonar in 3.5 hrs. Betcha I missed the fine print again...yes..I'm being snarky.....

Maybe whizzed by in a speedboat.:crazy:

Seriously the only way to "clear that area" would be to haul out a net and drag through the silt/mud. Side Scan Sonar can't see through mud pie on the bottom.
That's crazy! 5 years...well that shows it works, but like anything else it probably isn't foolproof. I believe tES searched the river thoroughly, but what's the big deal if LP wants to do it himself? I just don't understand that.
Uhm...she was in a car. Not that difficult to find.
IIRC: I thought this was weird, but I think the diver on NG said the shamrock was actually a "gumby" toy broke apart. Anyone else hear that?

Yes, I heard that. While you have Tivo look at the little doll in the bag, isn't that a Happy Meal toy from the Barbie stuff they sold this spring and summer? I guess I should ask if you have children maybe you don't purchase H Meals...

My point is if they come back and say, oh, that has been there for years, or whatever... and I have never seen a Gumby break? Or had one that looked like a shamrock?
Uhm...she was in a car. Not that difficult to find.

Thank you. :) That is what I just said. I posted a Thread called Side Sonar Searching and I included the process. If you have not read it look at it. I am having a hard time believing an entire sonar search was done. JMO
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.

It hurt nobody for LP to search today.

According to TM, that area had been cleared. TM said there was nothing there so nothing could be disturbed. The divers wanted to do it. They have a good reputation.

LP evidently believes Caylee is there.

With TM making the same accusations as Cindy, I understand LE being skeptical of LP.

I am sure they have seen everything. But, fabricating evidence??? I don't think LP would be so foolish. That would be as crazy as Casey bringing LE to Universal to show them where she worked.

As far as TM saying the area had already been cleared, how many times has he said that they've gone back to sites they have already searched and searched over them again and again. He gave an example where they had found some evidence (some other case) when they had been over the same area many times.
I just watched NG again. How many parent's, mom's, grandparent's know exactly how many and what kind of toy your child or children have?

I almost came out of my chair when the lady called and asked how could LE determine so fast that the find had nothing to do with Caylee? The answer... BECAUSE LE KNOWS WHAT TOYS CAYLEE HAD, THEY HAD BEEN AT HER HOUSE. IS THAT WHAT HE SAID?

that's what he said. So they took rocks but not toys.
It wouldn't suprise me if the whole thing tonight was planned on the show. TM and LP each giving their version with a couple of the lawyers chiming in with accusations against LP. It all seems staged and planned to make the show mostly about LP and TM and their little argument. TM may really have a gripe with LP, but it's sort of silly for him to take his time and film the show just to expose a man who searched independently of him. It's all really strange in a disgusting sort of way.
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