Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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He is certainly not spending it on "wardrobe".:crazy:
LoL, true. I even wondered today how many sets of that outfit does he have. Trying to picture his closet...ten black vests...ten black, long-sleeved shirts...ten pair of black slacks! Top drawer... 20 pair black socks.
ETA: Forgot the trademark- One black cowboy hat.
Don't you think that Casey has put out a lot of little false clues just the same as she tells little untruths. The river at the park is a bit too public, don't you think????
I questioned this today too....but questioned more Cindy's refusal to give out the kidnappers license plate # because she didn't want to (and I quote) "step on Coral Springs LE toes". When has she cared about stepping on toes? She usually runs over them with a semi.

There goes the kidnapper, going down the road, eating a Big Mac and Cindy wont give the license plate # . What is up with that?:bang:

Another missed opportunity for an Amber Alert she can blame LE over, maybe CA was waiting the pre-requisite 31 days before notifying everyone?
I just watched NG again. How many parent's, mom's, grandparent's know exactly how many and what kind of toy your child or children have?

I almost came out of my chair when the lady called and asked how could LE determine so fast that the find had nothing to do with Caylee? The answer... BECAUSE LE KNOWS WHAT TOYS CAYLEE HAD, THEY HAD BEEN AT HER HOUSE. IS THAT WHAT HE SAID?

And this is assuming Cindy would even tell the truth. AS IF. lol

And I ask myself.....

If you keep telling everyone that you 100% believe Caylee was still alive the last time she was with Casey & was kidnapped and probably IS still alive.......

how do you know WHAT CLOTHES OR TOYS the 'kidnappers' might have bought for her since you last saw her?

And you wouldn't have any knowledge of what NEW clothes or toys she was buried with either.....

not unless you know for a FACT that Casey didn't buy anything for the child and killed her herself.

Cindy's input is pretty meaningless.
Who did it come from?

I think from Kid know, that nasty man at Blanchard Park who was poking at the camera man when CA & GA were there the other day. :rolleyes:
If they couldn't find their way to be part of the TEAM, they should have stayed home. When you go off on your own, you interfere with whatever else is being done. TES was the only team there sanctioned by LE.

Well that's good to know. Tonite LE gave a statement and paraphrasing here but they requested nonprofessionals not search in public places. I'm pretty sure most of the volunteer searchers are not professionals missing person recovery experts. So anyone or child that goes missing in Florida, your only hope is with LE and they are ill equipped and manpower is at best a minimum, matter of fact they couldn't even spare a patrol officer for the search today, so good luck if your family member goes missing. ONly Sanctioned and professional searchers in Florida.
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.

You've forgotten one thing. Tim is expected to be everywhere to find every missing person, yesterday. LP is committed only to finding Caylee. At some point, that has to take a huge toll.
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.
Okay this post is the only thing that has made any sence to me today and after having read it, I feel better.
Please come out of lurk mode more often, you have alot to offer, thank you!
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.

I coud not bring myself to snip any part of this! What a great insight you have provided. Thank you so much for taking your time to post.

You should do it more often. :blowkiss:
Yet in 5 long years, no one found her. I bet her family is grateful that TES searched for her during the break from searching for Caylee.

I'm sure her family was very grateful! I don't think anyone said TES had found only 1 person, I think the discussion was about the side sonar. And finding a car compared to a 30 lb. body that would decompose can not even really be compared!
My question is WHY did he not leave? Sunday after lunch he said he was leaving and all the local stations reported it so searchers did not show up on Monday to search, but I was still in Orlando Monday and he had not left and it doesn't seem he has left yet, since he was on all their TV stations today.

What is the story? Does anyone know?

Maybe revising or getting their "script" straight?:bang:
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.
I cannot fathom the pain you experience, I am sorry for your loss. TM and LP are good men trying to do good work, emotions and frustration are in overdrive. Everyone needs to take a breather, step back and regroup. The worse part is Casey's silence that I think is what is driving everyone crazy. She holds the key and she is sitting back without a care. She is a crazy diabolical human. Caylee will be found, just wait and see.
Not sure if anyone else heard this today. After the divers found the bag I was listening to one of the Orlando news channels streaming live via the internet. They had Tim on the phone and he was talking about the find and he said, "IF Caylee is dead I pray that it is her."

Sorry no link because it was streaming live. Since when did Tim question whether or not Caylee was deceased?
Don't you think that Casey has put out a lot of little false clues just the same as she tells little untruths. The river at the park is a bit too public, don't you think????

I would think so, but then I also would think signing my own name on a forged check is a little obvious, so I really don't know with her anymore.
Teketria Buggs is the only child TES have found, to my knowledge. Anyone know of any more? Buggs body recovered.htm

I'm sure her family was very grateful! I don't think anyone said TES had found only 1 person, I think the discussion was about the side sonar. And finding a car compared to a 30 lb. body that would decompose can not even really be compared!

My mistake, the suggestion was made that TES had never found a child and a reponse was posted saying that they had found one.
If you watched Murt, LP did not call the media first. They were already there before the dive even began. Anyone standing on the banks or sitting at the picnic table would have known they had found something. Media was standing by the banks. Truthfully, LP had NO time to call LE before media found out. I am willing to bet media found out before LP, depending on where he was standing at the time.

I too was watching Murt and that is correct, the media was there before the divers were in the water.
That's crazy! 5 years...well that shows it works, but like anything else it probably isn't foolproof. I believe tES searched the river thoroughly, but what's the big deal if LP wants to do it himself? I just don't understand that.
The sonar found her car and in her car was remains. Someone else posted how the sonor would work through the silt. i personally dont feel liek going back and finding this thread it long and my eyes hurt, this has been some day.
Well that's good to know. Tonite LE gave a statement and paraphrasing here but they requested nonprofessionals not search in public places. I'm pretty sure most of the volunteer searchers are not professionals missing person recovery experts. So anyone or child that goes missing in Florida, your only hope is with LE and they are ill equipped and manpower is at best a minimum, matter of fact they couldn't even spare a patrol officer for the search today, so good luck if your family member goes missing. ONly Sanctioned and professional searchers in Florida.

Ok.... everyone in Florida remain IN YOUR HOMES. You are not to go to any public places without permission....

First people go outside.... then their eyes start to wander & they can SEE things.....

No we can't have THAT kind of reckless behavior!!!!!!!

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