Nancy Grace 11/13/08

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From the start I had my suspicions about LP, they were not popular at the time and I had nothing to confirm them by so I kept it to myself. Now I am simply shocked by the behavior of all parties involved, even those whom I very much respect.
I've watched this happen too many times during worthy causes, and I'm seriously afraid Caylee IS going to get lost and tossed aside again and this time it will be for good!! TM and LP may be at odds and may need their ego's stroked --or not. I honestly don't care what their issue is but I do think they need to drop it off at the door and get on with things. Personal agendas will do nothing but throw the focus off of the objective.

I don't care who is out there looking for Caylee, as long as someone is -- and the person who's out there searching is the one who's going to have my attention. If both of these mismatched but well intentioned men are searching for different people, I can understand that. The people in NC need to be found and so does Caylee. But this fighting isn't going to help anyone, especially not those who are lost.
I just think Cindy must be eating this up! She has everyone fighting and fussing with each other and taking the attention away from what should be everyone's goal. Caylee!! Of course, the reason she needs this distraction is so we pay less attention to the real criminal. KC!
Who cares if TM doesn't like LP, really whats that got to do with anything. LP's not sweating it-you saw the look on his face tonight. I think his attitude is bring it on! So, let the distractions, the pettiness, and the name calling stop and lets refocus on our goal-Caylee!!!:clap:


Catch everyone tomorrow. Hope it does get back to CAYLEE.... the only VICTIM in all this.
Cindy did not have a problem with EquuSearch being there. While she did not agree that they should be looking for a dead Caylee, she did respect the fact that they felt the need to search for her.
Cindy did have a problem prior to this search with TES being there when it did come to light that Tim would be conducting his searches in wooded areas. It is well documented on video.
From the start I had my suspicions about LP, they were not popular at the time and I had nothing to confirm them by so I kept it to myself. Now I am simply shocked by the behavior of all parties involved, even those whom I very much respect.

This is a high stress case and emotions are running high. Like I said, there are a lof of things going on behind the scenes that are adding to that stress. Do people have issues with LP? Yes. Do you know the half of it? No.
ok here:
"A portion of your membership fee goes into the search fund for Texas Equusearch or you may donate directly to the search fund on the members page here."

As of 11/12 his link for requesting $9.95 to subscribe to his page, and link for donating to TES has been taken down. He is now offering refunds....because he has not donated a dime of the $ to TES. and now his *advertiser censored** is in trouble for pocketing it.

Before you jump to conclusions, this requires more research and understanding. Everyone is quick to make charges across these Blogs and, I would not repeat accusations until I was fully informed and understood both sides. There is more to this than meets the eye.
I discuss that find here:

LP was the one who wanted the information "carefully guarded" but about an hour after he said that an individual he had allegedly been talking to leaked it and a live audience on the Internet heard all about it. :waitasec:

I have questions about the cross that are not answered on your blog. For instance, LP says that a TES searcher took a picture of the cross in August but it was not recovered because the tree was surrounded by water. Later, Rob Dick said the cross disappeared.

Why, if the tree was surrounded by water, was there no water on the ground in the picture of the cross? Has Tim mentioned anything about the cross? How did LP learn of it? Why does the cross look so clean and unweathered after it supposedly had been exposed to the weather for over a month?
Why did LP say he learned of the cross from a friend of Casey's and also that it was discovered by a TES searcher? Why wasn't the cross recovered in August when it was found?

Sorry...I guess I got carried away.
Another good question would be...What kind of kidnapper takes the child you kidnapped to a McDonald's in the next town over?

and what kind of grandparents with a kidnapped daughter would be standing there explaining why they don't believe they are caylee's bones right after they got a tip that a strange man was seen with caylee in mcdonald's.. wouldn't u think ga, lee and cindy would be racing to get to that mcdonals and calling the fbi on there cell while enroute to the mcdonals to save time..
this is so rediculous..
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.

Very well stated.
No disrespect intended but it seems like everyone has the same answer...I know more but I just can't tell you at this time...I'm not the right person to tell you this...etc. if someone knows something about LP that we should know say it! Either that or stop dropping tidbits that just add to the confusion!
I don't post much, but like some others on the board I feel like I want to interject my two cents here. I am local, just about 8 miles outside of Orlando. I found your board because of a link that was posted on a blog in the Orlando Sentinal online site, came on over and was fascinated about all of this. We've been hearing about this case since very minute one and, as it grew and the whole nation got involved little Caylee became especially special to all of us. We see George and Cindy every weekend when we do our grocery shopping, my father-in-law's truck was towed to the same lot as Casey's when my nephew got in trouble with it, and my husband works for Orange County Parks and Recreation and Blanchard Park is part of his workday. I was never a "sleuther" and had never really felt compelled to get involved in anything in such depth.

Why in the world is she telling me all of this you may ask? Well, I also never knew of Tim Miller and his crew prior to this (although I did briefly hear about his efforts in the Natalie Holloway case), and I never heard of Leonard Padilla prior to this case. That being said, I have no real emotion ties to either of these gentleman, never was a big fan either way, not really "emotionally" involved with either one. Here are my observations:

1. Leonard Padilla has never one time mentioned the cost of anything he has ever done in behalf of Caylee. Yes, we know what the bond was because that was public knowledge, but I have never heard him once express how much anything is "costing him". As a matter of fact, every time I ever heard Leonard talk about money it was referenced to "donate it to Tim".

2. On the other hand, however, it seems as though every time Tim Miller was interviewed, somehow or another, he let everyone know how much this was costing him. As a matter of fact, when he was interviewed on the local stations this last time, that was pretty much all he talked about was his funding and how much this was costing him. And trust me, locally this has been covered morning, noon and night on every channel at every news time for a long time now. Well, you haul all of your enormous arsenal of equipment into town, search for a short period of time, leave, go somewhere else, come back, leave again. It seems to me that would be an enormous burden on your expenses.

3. The night that the meeting was held prior to the last search it was naturally covered locally and there were a lot of surprised locals to see the pomp and circumstance surrounding that meeting. From the news coverage (granted, I was not there) that nightclub looked decked out to Tim's organization. The local reporter was there talking to some of the volunteers as they came out the door and there were more than one person saying that "it was not what they had expected".

4. Cindy did an interview this afternoon with all of the reporters locally and she was talking about "speaking with Tim Miller last night" and that Tim told her personally that someone had planted "cow bones or something" at the last search, perhaps insinuating this is what could happen if Leonard found anything.

I have watched the whole tone and demeanor of Tim Miller change here in the last week. There were many, many people that were shocked when he pulled up stakes and left town this last time. First he was on television talking about "the conditions couldn't get any better" and "if she's there we're going to find her" and then almost overnight he changed to "I don't think she will ever be found". It was awfully strange.

Leonard, on the other hand, may have been duped in the beginning, but right after he realized who and what he was dealing with, he has never wavered, not once, from his theory and his goal of bringing that baby home. Oh, he might be a bit brasher than we may all like, but he has NEVER ONCE wavered, never asked for money and never left !!

Trust me, my heart goes out to Tim Miller and his tragic experience with his daughter. I lost a child to tragic circumstances myself, a shy, young 16-year-old who was invited out of town with her girlfriend and her family for a long weekend. Didn't want to go, but I encouraged her that it would be fun and fine and sent her on her way. She died in a car accident - talk about feeling responsible. So, emotionally I take nothing from this dear man whatsoever.

I personally think that Leonard Padilla, as brash and cowboy as he is, has behaved like a true gentleman and really wants to bring this baby home. He has nothing to gain by any of this. Tim, on the other hand, has been made to be the hero by a lot of people. There is fanfare when he arrives, disappointment when he leaves and even more fanfare when he returns. His behavior and name calling and demeaning the efforts of others speaks volumes - who really has something to gain or lose by not bringing this baby home? Does he do good for others - he certainly does - but isn't the goal of everyone involved to bring the baby home?

I'm sorry for the long post, I will go back to being just a reader now and leave the sleuthing to the experts !! I just thought I could bring some perspective from an almost "neutral" audience.

Florida Mom, please do not go back to being just a reader. You are eloquent and need to post more often. ITA with you. :blowkiss:
No disrespect intended but it seems like everyone has the same answer...I know more but I just can't tell you at this time...I'm not the right person to tell you this...etc. if someone knows something about LP that we should know say it! Either that or stop dropping tidbits that just add to the confusion!

TY! I so totally agree! It's like a secret society or something--can I be invited lol?
If you have a missing child and do not know who she is with or where she is...please tell me how you would know if she is dead or alive? You wouldn't know if she was being abused, was cold, was hungry, or was in the bottom of a river somewhere so how could you be so certain this could not be her? The only way is if you knew exactly where she was located and the condition she was in, imo.

If she thought this would play towards an "alive" Caylee scenario, she had a serious miscalculation on her part. To me, it says quite the opposite.


Order in the court..................the decision of the judge is final and it is a good decision.................

Of course she knows............does she think everyone is stupid?
Hrm...then why at the beginning was she and G. pointing out to LE that they were looking under the playhouse, pavers, and under other things in the backyard for the live Caylee? :doh:
Does Caylee have tunnels under the Anthony family backyard?

This is a high stress case and emotions are running high. Like I said, there are a lof of things going on behind the scenes that are adding to that stress. Do people have issues with LP? Yes. Do you know the half of it? No.

I suspected as much, and would not be surprised at whatever underhanded or shady dealings have cause people to feel betrayed or fed up with LP, or whomever else for that matter. As I have nothing else to base my opinion on but what has played out in the media and that which is being insinuated through rumor, my opinions are obviously less informed than those more intimately involved in this case. Lest you read too deeply into my comment I have been fairly certain from the start LP is a charlatan, and would never doubt the good intentions of TM.
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