Nancy Grace 11/13/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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That reward has been up. That has nothing to do with anything. We are not even in Creedmoor right now, we are in Gastonia, looking for Jennifer Rivkin, Mouy Tang and Jamie Michelle Fraley. Part of the team, myself included, will go to Creedmoor later this week.
What does any of that have to do with the fact that Kelly Morris' father has posted a $30,000 reward for information about her disappearance?
I guess that is what $12,500.00 is good for, huh?

Something is HINKY about ALL of this-every bit of it, from Nejames hosting the initial night at his club and the BIG check presented, to the sudden end of the search and then the falling out with Mr. Padilla and the mudslinging that has ensued. Something is ODD in all of this.:eek:

I think most people agree that it seems SOMETHING is off somewhere, but I can't begin to guess what's going on, and so I'm withholding judgement until something starts making some sense.
However, re: Nejame offering Tabu space for TES training--
I simply saw it as a goodwill gesture. He had the space and offered its use to TES for the night.
Nope, not me...I'm just your run of the mill poster but I do know that if I snip a post, for saving space or what have you, I don't snip the middle of a sentence out to mess with the content or context....that just don't fly if you want to be taken seriously.

Whatever side of the fence you fall on, we still have etiquite or TES we need to abide by. :)

I hear ya' - I really thought that because i had your entire quote attached to my response - i didnt think I had to repost the whole thing learn something new everyday.
Well your IM sounded a bit down so when I finally got caught up I thought I would send you a message.
Thanks darlin', I know I said I need a break and I really am going now...need to hit the sack.

Just found it hard to step off today..what a day!

Yes, the whole thing just sounds like the Anthony team of players are effectively scaring people away.... and if not scaring them away, then being SO impossible to deal with, normal people can't run away fast enough to save their own sanity.

Cindy did not have a problem with EquuSearch being there. While she did not agree that they should be looking for a dead Caylee, she did respect the fact that they felt the need to search for her.
If you have a missing child and do not know who she is with or where she is...please tell me how you would know if she is dead or alive? You wouldn't know if she was being abused, was cold, was hungry, or was in the bottom of a river somewhere so how could you be so certain this could not be her? The only way is if you knew exactly where she was located and the condition she was in, imo.

If she thought this would play towards an "alive" Caylee scenario, she had a serious miscalculation on her part. To me, it says quite the opposite.
I totally agree with you both! The interview that GA did on 7/24 tells us what CA was thinking when they found KC and made her come home. They know Caylee is not alive and after the reactions I wonder what they know. Time will tell.
As an FYI, I have seen jewelry that Casey made and the beads I saw do not match the beads that were on that cross.

If we know that Casey made beads.... how do we know whether she made NEW sets after she ran away from home?

If it's a hobby of hers..... it's not beyond the realm of possibility that she could make a special memorial set for the occasion.
But LP did NOT ONE TIME even dare deny what TM said that was odd.....a fairly harsh accusation from TM, you would like LP would have denied something like that....But NOTHING out of him but a bunch of mumbo jumbo....


I think he realizes he does not have to defend himself against this man who is suddenly acting so totally out of character. I wouldn't bother either!
I thought LP had said that the materials that made up that cross and some beads that were found there matched some crafting materials that the lady bounty hunter that stayed with Casey had seen in the house or her room.

He did.
The only place I want it all to take us is to find Caylee and for justice to be served to Casey.

31 days...and counting.
No, it has nothing to do with Caylee being alive or dead.

As an aside, I met Cindy earlier this week. I cannot speak for George, as I have yet to meet him; however I can tell you that in my opinion Cindy does not have a clue where Caylee is. She wants to believe Caylee is alive and she is holding onto every shred of hope that she is. While I do not agree with the way everything has been handled, I do not believe Cindy knows what happened to Caylee. She is looking for a living Caylee and others are looking for a dead Caylee. It should not matter who is doing what, as long as we are all looking.

~~ my color.

Thank you for sharing that with us.

I enjoy when you post here, I don't have time to read your site most days, so thanks for coming here.

It's all good because your fans keep me updated. the A's are looking for a live Caylee, MN advises the A's and he gives money to TES who is looking for Caylee presumably deceased. He hosts the team leader meeting at his club.... I just don't get it at all.:bang: JMO as always:blowkiss:

I don't get it either. And to add to that, you have CA now allying somewhat with Tim, angry at LP, and threatening to sue him in public, and hugging Rob Dick.
Chilly. The Anthony's most certainly did try to stop the dive. We were all right here on the Live Feed watching and listening as it was happening and it is well documented that they were trying to stop the search and threatening law suits and the like. :eek:

I didn't say anything about whether Cindy tried to stop the dive and I don't know whether she did or not. If I were her, I'd have tried to stop it. I would have trusted that TES had found nothing and would have been steaming over someone trying to use my missing/dead grandchild to gain fame and fortune. The memorial would have really sent me over the top.
No, it has nothing to do with Caylee being alive or dead.

As an aside, I met Cindy earlier this week. I cannot speak for George, as I have yet to meet him; however I can tell you that in my opinion Cindy does not have a clue where Caylee is. She wants to believe Caylee is alive and she is holding onto every shred of hope that she is. While I do not agree with the way everything has been handled, I do not believe Cindy knows what happened to Caylee. She is looking for a living Caylee and others are looking for a dead Caylee. It should not matter who is doing what, as long as we are all looking.

Hrm...then why at the beginning was she and G. pointing out to LE that they were looking under the playhouse, pavers, and under other things in the backyard for the live Caylee? :doh:
Does Caylee have tunnels under the Anthony family backyard?
I think most people agree that it seems SOMETHING is off somewhere, but I can't begin to guess what's going on, and so I'm withholding judgement until something starts making some sense.
However, re: Nejame offering Tabu space for TES training--
I simply saw it as a goodwill gesture. He had the space and offered its use to TES for the night.

~~ my color.

I respectfully submit that this is when my hinky meter started to twitch.
Cindy did not have a problem with EquuSearch being there. While she did not agree that they should be looking for a dead Caylee, she did respect the fact that they felt the need to search for her.

IIRC, the first time TES arrived she was VERY abrasive towards them. Didn't she go so far as to tell people NOT to help TES?!

It was when he came back this last time that they gave the appearance of agreeing not to get in each other's way. And lots of mention by Tim about how he doesn't want to hear anything negative about the family.

She SHOULD be thanking everyone profusely for their personal sacrifices in searching for HER grandchild instead of begrudgingly 'allowing' them to search without complaining too much. Ugh, how ungrateful can a person be, anyway????
Can you explain more clearly the story behind the cross? Has anyone other than LP ever heard about this cross? It seems to me that there are many contradictory stories about it.

I discuss that find here:

LP was the one who wanted the information "carefully guarded" but about an hour after he said that an individual he had allegedly been talking to leaked it and a live audience on the Internet heard all about it. :waitasec:
I just think Cindy must be eating this up! She has everyone fighting and fussing with each other and taking the attention away from what should be everyone's goal. Caylee!! Of course, the reason she needs this distraction is so we pay less attention to the real criminal. KC!
Who cares if TM doesn't like LP, really whats that got to do with anything. LP's not sweating it-you saw the look on his face tonight. I think his attitude is bring it on! So, let the distractions, the pettiness, and the name calling stop and lets refocus on our goal-Caylee!!!:clap:
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