Nancy Grace 8.26.08

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Yes and no. I could see it blowing his credibility if the money was HIS CLIENTS, but not since she didn't pay the bond...


To me, that is irrelevant, IMO. Think of someone who got out on bond and then all of the sudden, the person you paid to get you out on bond decided that your crime is heinous so he pulls you back. He even gives you the money back. The contract is broken because he pulled out of the agreement. His credibility would be mush if he stuck her back in. From a business perspective, IMO, it would be a big mistake for TP to do. I would love nothing more to see her azz back in that cell but I think for TP to be the one to do it would be a big business mistake for him. I think TP saw the $$$ signs at the beginning and a great publicity opportunity for his uncle so he took it. He and LP made HUGE mistakes for not investigating this before even stepping foot into the state of Florida to get involved in this case so for that, I don't feel one iota of pity for either of them.
So much has happened, it's difficult to give a synopsis, but start with the three sets of documents - 400 pages - of material, including transcripts of interviews with Casey's friends. The documents are under a sticky heading at the top of the forum.

The police officer that was fired knew and had a relationship with Casey prior to Caylee going missing. He was fired for lying about having a sexual relationship with Casey. When her computer was taken by LE, this officer's messages to Casey were on it.

Thanks everyone! Looks like I have my work cut out for me to catch up!
Padilla "If it wasn't for ME the Media would have forgotten about it"!!!


Uh, does anyone else cry foul? Isn't that what they said they'd do all along if they didn't find Caylee in a week? I thought this was all about finding Caylee, and it had nothing to do with Casey's guilt or innocence anyway...

According to his nephew last night this is the Super Bowl or World Series for LP...and based on what LP just said on NG, he more or less committed to staying until they find a live Caylee or do quite an effort at finding essentially her remains.
Right and her hiding the body and coming up with this big lie and diversion shows that she knew what she did was wrong. She won't get a way with a mental defense. She's a mental case but she knew what she did was wrong and she needs to pay.

sociopathy is not a valid insanity defense, FYI - if she was going that route she should have been crying and acting hysterically. now even if in psychology sociopaths do not know "right from wrong" they are intellectually capable of knowing what behavior is legal v. illegal. social contract. only real mental illness - where the person has no idea what is going on - is excused
LOLOLOLOLOlL- I really did just crack up - when the reporter told Leonard that the initial affidavit summarized all this info - that it was not new info and that he could have reviewed it all befor he came all the way out here and spent 50k on a BUST!...- OMG- Im sorry, I'm just dumbfounded by his surprise - I really was happy he was coming at first but at that point I thought he had[/I] to have know what he was walking in to. Lesson learned I guess maybe now he'll have that much more conviction in finding poor little Caylee.
Well he might be full of himself but he is right. I think we may not be hearing much about the case if he still wasn't around talking. No one else is talking. No one talks to the parents anymore. They disappeared. Casey sure isn't going to talk. Baez isn't talking anymore. All we have is Leonard!

Padilla "If it wasn't for ME the Media would have forgotten about it"!!!


oh my! All this and i still have to maintain my job, my family, and my house! Lol!!!! Looks like it will be a late night. Where's the beer?

You will need an intrav tube straight from the keg to your arm in order to slog through those documents. You will be drunk and by the end of the 1st document. Call Merry maids now, and order a different pizza for your family for the next few days. Take a dozen advil when you are finished and sleep in when you are done. You may have to call in sick to work for 2 days. THEN you will need to catch up on the stuff that comes out tomorrow and thursday! Good Luck!!!:tipsy:
Well he might be full of himself but he is right. I think we may not be hearing much about the case if he still wasn't around talking. No one else is talking. No one talks to the parents anymore. They disappeared. Casey sure isn't going to talk. Baez isn't talking anymore. All we have is Leonard!

I beg to differ. Totally.
This "New" Tony that got himself fired for lying has to be a complete idiot. Didn't he know that they where going to find out about his chats with Casey?

Doesn't anybody watch CSI or the Forensic Files?
To me, that is irrelevant, IMO. Think of someone who got out on bond and then all of the sudden, the person you paid to get you out on bond decided that your crime is heinous so he pulls you back. He even gives you the money back. The contract is broken because he pulled out of the agreement. His credibility would be mush if he stuck her back in. From a business perspective, IMO, it would be a big mistake for TP to do. I would love nothing more to see her azz back in that cell but I think for TP to be the one to do it would be a big business mistake for him. I think TP saw the $$$ signs at the beginning and a great publicity opportunity for his uncle so he took it. He and LP made HUGE mistakes for not investigating this before even stepping foot into the state of Florida to get involved in this case so for that, I don't feel one iota of pity for either of them.

The way I understand it, it Casey violates any of the terms of the bond, the bond can be revoked.

This might be TP's out. If she does violate the terms of the bond he can use that as the basis for revoking the bond.


I'd at least skim the "documents released" thread from yesterday as it would be far easier to read that one thread than to try to catch up on everything else...and would be faster than if you don't have the time to read all the documents (though they're worth reading at some point!)

Also, Patty G made an 'index' to the documents that's stickied somewhere I think if you want to find specific parts. Oh, and Gigi's links may be easier to pen than the pdfs if you have an issue (those I think are in the "documents no discussion" sort of thread as well as in the document thread from last night)

And you can join all of us who skipped a lot of sleep and were :crazy: after all that reading yesterday and through the night! ha!

Welcome 'back' :)
I just have to add in regards to Tony Padilla revoking the bond..... Do you know what that would end up doing to his business? His credibility as a bondsman? He's got to try and salvage his reputation now somehow and live with the knowledge that he paid to get a child killer (IMO) out of jail. I don't feel bad for him because he and LP should have done their homework before taking this on. But looking at that situation from an objective point of view, I can see why he wouldn't revoke bond.
The problem he's facing now is that he is on the hook for one whopping bond amount - $500,000 is nothing to sneeze at.

In order to protect his investment, he's going to need to keep at least a couple of people on the scene to make sure she doesn't bolt.

If LP and Rob decide they're going to move on, there goes the "donated time" aspect, putting Tony in the position of having to pay out of his fee for security coverage that could be needed for almost 3 months.

At least Leonard is honest to admit that he made a mistake and that it doesn't look good. He also said that 'a few certain people led his astray'. or something like that. I think he means the Anthony's. He believe the Anthony's and Baez with that rotten story until he read what LE had on Casey and the sociopath she is.

IMO, a good BH would not take anyone's story at face value. He even went so far as to point fingers and name names. Him admitting he made a mistake may not fly for a few people.
Another life ruined by Casey. To lose a job, no, a CAREER like that in today's economy is a big blow.

uhh I think the guy should take the blame, I'm sure she didn't hold a gun to his head
The problem he's facing now is that he is on the hook for one whopping bond amount - $500,000 is nothing to sneeze at.

In order to protect his investment, he's going to need to keep at least a couple of people on the scene to make sure she doesn't bolt.

If LP and Rob decide they're going to move on, there goes the "donated time" aspect, putting Tony in the position of having to pay out of his fee for security coverage that could be needed for almost 3 months.

Well, can't he just bill the Anthony family? Maybe they will leave him the house... :)

I think the Padilla's had good intention and deserve credit for trying to find Caylee.
I agree they had good intentions, but you know what they say about the road to he!! being paved with 'em. I guess in this case it was the road to Casey, but it seems to be one and the same...

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