Nancy Grace 9-11-08

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Don't you understand that all the pressure isn't working? That's obvious. My thoughts here were not on the case but on the victims families of 911. NG has this case on every night.

Can look at this 2 different ways.......JMO we have Osama binLaden kill massive people & destroy the Twin Towers.....he did it 7 yrs ago. The entire country is at war over it.

Then we have Casey Anthony who has to know some things about her daughter being missing & she feels its no big deal.

So we have two murderers is as bad as the other one! JMHO
Everyone is covering for them both....seems pretty sad for the victims in both circumstances huh???? JMHO
OK According our timeline here on WS:

June 27- Casey drops off car at Amscot. Claims it broke down
and ran out of gas. Tony picks her up, Casey and
Tony go to CLUB FUSIAN. Confirmed by friends.

Also, the weekend of the "white party" according to her post on myspace. (Same weekend she asked JG to go to the beach with her, too.)

Tony left to go on his trip the 30th.

So the reason she wasn't answering her phone was? Partying/recovering/partying
I watched in on TV and every year it gets sadder. I have never been there but I want to go and visit the memorial area. We had a memorial when I was in Iraq and it was very powerful because of that day our lives were forever changed and our mission became so different. Isnt it amazing how one person can effect the world?
It does get sadder each year, ysun.
One person can so quickly cause a rippling effect, causing either good or evil for so many! A scarey fact in this world we live in now.
Don't you understand that all the pressure isn't working? That's obvious. My thoughts here were not on the case but on the victims families of 911. NG has this case on every night.

The cable news shows had 911 tributes all day long, Nancy usually does topics that involve crimes. There actually was some good speeches and family members speaking thru the day.
I am a grandmother and have seen many tragedies in my life, I don't feel all the focus should be on 911, JMHO
If the phone was shut off during that time, would it be documented in the call records given to LE? TIA

it would not be in the call records, but we have a "notes" section on everyones account. the fact that the phone was cut off would be in the notes. im sure LE would have that info. the notes also go over whenever someone calls in, what they called in about, etc...
You know what was really sad for me tonight? That NG spent 55 minutes on the case and gave the 911 victims the last 3 minutes of her show. JMO

One night wouldn't have hurt anyone to have those children of the victims be able to speak for 1 hour.

This case has really affected a lot of people, but 9/11 was an extremely horrendous situation. We should never forget the victims of this horrendous crime 7 years ago. Really, the evil that occurred that day is still hard to comprehend. It reminds us how evil people can be. I've been thinking about 9/11 today, and it still makes me wonder WHY?
You are right, more time should have been given, because there are so many people still suffering from the lost of loved ones. Even those who didn't lose anyone, are still affected in some way.

Good point Katie!!!
OK According our timeline here on WS:

June 27- Casey drops off car at Amscot. Claims it broke down
and ran out of gas. Tony picks her up, Casey and
Tony go to CLUB FUSIAN. Confirmed by friends.

Also, the weekend of the "white party" according to her post on myspace. (Same weekend she asked JG to go to the beach with her, too.)

Tony left to go on his trip the 30th.

So the reason she wasn't answering her phone was? Partying/recovering/partying

really, who would she need to call? she was at that point with tony or his friends or amy 24/7. didn't want to talk to parents anyway. can't call other bf's in front of the bf you are staying with...right?
Actually, all these addditional felony charges do give the prosecutors some leverage.

They could hit her up with 2nd degree murder or manslaughter charge, that added on to these charges could keep her in jail about the rest of her life, IF she doesn't get out on parole. And that could be contigent on her spillling the beans on what happened to Caylee. It could be interesting to see how they play it.
Thats right. Could she have went back at night and drove the car else where dropped the body and returned the car the Amscot.......or are they open 24/ was only a mile and half from Tonys place heck she could have walked that in 20 mins. No one would be looking for that time period.
She was at Fusian so I doubt it.
Actually Katie; I don't know if the pressure is not really working. We don't know what goes on inside the Anthony's house behind closed doors away from the cameras.

I believe the pressure is working very well actually according to the events of the past couple of days.


I agree.

I think the pressure in the house is why JB has Casey at his office 6 hours a day. IMO, he is afraid Casey and CA will have a go around and Casey will blurt out what really happened. jmo
There have been many beautiful tributes to the victims of 9 11 all day. Nancy stayed focused on Caylee....and she is EVERY bit as important as they were.

The minimum on the child neglect is 5 years. Every prior conviction you have makes the sentence longer. So the fact they are not charging her all at once will help make her sentence longer.
OT - But I have to share - Nancy showed Giovanni Gonzalaz tonight. I was so excited. Gio is missing from Lynn, MA. We have a thread here.

Okay - back on topic. So what about LP's bombshell about the lie detector tests?

So nate says that Casey told cindy she was not leaving but if she wanted to talk they could go outside the apt. Cindy, Casey and Amy go outside, then nate says that is the last time they (he and tony) saw them. So riddle me this when did cindy get the duffle bags and clothes from the apt. She dumped out the clothes for the detectives later that night as far as I knew.
I want to see how she struts in gen population in prison!:behindbar

OOOO man she is going to get ate alive. She may strut in, but she will look like she's has been wearing that pole.
Don't you understand that all the pressure isn't working? That's obvious. My thoughts here were not on the case but on the victims families of 911. NG has this case on every night.

Sorry forgot to answer your question....
In my estimation Casey hasn't seen pressure yet. I truly understand & she hasn't seen anything yet. Wait til she gets into prison. She'll become another Jeffrey Dahmer.

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