Nancy Grace - 9/24/08 Wednesday 8:00 PM EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I truly believe that the Le does not have enough evidence to charge her with murder or they would not be contacting Baez's office for Casey to talk about Caylee. Right now that is all they have is circumstantial evidence and the cannot tye Casey to Caylee yet.
Well, they could be contacting Baez to ensure that they have followed all protocol in following up with all possible leads including through Casey herself. If they didn't then the Defence could use this against them if trying to build a case that they did not do due diligence while investigating. (Hence, Baez's snide remark about how long it took...)
I can't get over the fact they are talking about pot brownies. And keep thinking about the brownies she baked for Baez. Do you think they were laced? And Casey and Baez sat and ate pot brownies together.:flashbak:

LoL.. I was wondering the same.... Maybe a Cindy made the brownies to take to Baez office to see if Casey would talk??? Just a thought.. LoL:crazy:
But you never had the urge to kill while smoking it did you?:)

Absolutely not, which actually makes me wonder since pot has a relaxing effect on many people whether KC was using it to try and suppress feelings of stress due to the unraveling of her web of lies, or maybe to put even darker thoughts out of her mind.
I truly believe that the Le does not have enough evidence to charge her with murder or they would not be contacting Baez's office for Casey to talk about Caylee. Right now that is all they have is circumstantial evidence and the cannot tye Casey to Caylee yet.
What about the human decomposition smell in her trunk?
And the many different stories she told everyone about it?
And the hair that was Caylee's?
All murder cases have circumstantial evidence.
I think they do have enough, but are hoping to retieve Caylee's remains.
&& managing Casey's "internet footprint"- in between fielding calls about multi-million dollar offers to sell their story ... oh and of course looking for Caylee. :furious:

Oh, I forgot Jose did say he and Casey were looking for Caylee everyday. :crazy:
Absolutely not, which actually makes me wonder since pot has a relaxing effect on many people whether KC was using it to try and suppress feelings of stress due to the unraveling of her web of lies, or maybe to put even darker thoughts out of her mind.
Yeah I think she was trying to numb her mind, and forget what she had done.
I killed a few bags of Cheetos. But I guarantee if she was a heavy, heavy pot user she wouldn't be out killing her daughter. She would be just chillin on the sofa.

I agree. She wouldnt have the short term memory to remember all her lies AND she wouldnt have the energy to do all this mess. I do not believe for a second that pot made her do it. Never.
The great majority of pot smokers I've known have been harmless, a little sleepy, a little dopey, maybe a little silly.

When I was a child, I knew a man who was schizophrenic. He was a Vietnam War Veteran, and from what I've heard from family members, he was haunted by his memories of the war.

When he was sober, he was an extremely talented wood worker, a helpful neighbor and friend.

When he smoked marijuana, he was crazed. He was abusive, reckless and scary. Marijuana had an effect on him that was not normal. He just went crazy. I mean, crazy.

I've never seen another like him. I was too young at the time to know about marijuana, but others who knew him as adults have told me that's what happened. They had never seen anything like it, either, from smoking marijuana.
LoL.. I was wondering the same.... Maybe a Cindy made the brownies to take to Baez office to see if Casey would talk??? Just a thought.. LoL:crazy:

I just can't picture Cindy whipping up a batch of pot brownies. Just when you think this can't get any worse, now pot could be to blame. I'm curious how much pot is to much pot.
The dumpster theory makes so much sense. That explains why Casey would wait as long as possible to tell that Caylee was missing. By that time so much garbage would be dumped on her daughters body, it would never be found.
I dont get the desperate attraction to Tony ........ from interviews etc
seems like there were much better men around .

His interview was sheer torture to get through -

can anyone explain this ?
I don't know, but I guess my defination of frantic, and casey's defination of frantic are totally different. Nothing about the way she acted or has since been acting make any sense to me at all. As for the pot use, that is just a way of covering up something that she doesn't want to deal with.
I just can't picture Cindy whipping up a batch of pot brownies. Just when you think this can't get any worse, now pot could be to blame. I'm curious how much pot is to much pot.

No , that was KC with the brownies...remember that lady on NG said that "instead of her looking, she was cooking.."
This case is so insane. Do you think the Anthony family is sitting in the living room watching NG together? I'm always picturing them reacting to these stories...taking notes, getting their rage on, with Casey throwing in the occasional- that's ABSOLUTELY a lie!!

Passing around a blunt..
They said last week or so, the dumpster contents from Amscot were checked through GPS tracking and the dump was searched, so I do not know why that is being asked over and over again. The LOCAL REPORTER STATED THAT. I do not have a link but I am sure someone remembers that statement during the NG program. If I am wrong please correct me. I am sure I heard this on NG.


I remember it also. The reporter on NG said that the dumpster contents were tracked by GPS to a SPECIFIC area in the dump, and that specific area had been searched thoroughly. They found nothing.

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