Nancy Grace - 9/24/08 Wednesday 8:00 PM EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
LoL.. I was wondering the same.... Maybe a Cindy made the brownies to take to Baez office to see if Casey would talk??? Just a thought.. LoL:crazy:

Aha! you guys are right! The brownies Casey made and took to Baez! She drugged him and put him in comprimising positions so that he would do what she wanted! (I'm making a small funny - BUT I really wouldn't put it past her)
I hate to throw this in here..but what the heck:

LONDON - Using marijuana seems to increase the chance of becoming psychotic, researchers report in an analysis of past research that reignites the issue of whether pot is dangerous.
The new review suggests that even infrequent use could raise the small but real risk of this serious mental illness by 40 percent.

Yes but I think a salient point in that is:

The researchers said they couldn’t prove that marijuana use itself increases the risk of psychosis, a category of several disorders with schizophrenia being the most commonly known. There could be something else about marijuana users, “like their tendency to use other drugs or certain personality traits, that could be causing the psychoses,” Zammit said.

It could be that they sought out pot (among other things) to help them cope w/whatever was challenging them mentally. Who knows?
I know- give me just a tiny break! I'm going to be mad if they go off on this tangent much! :furious:

Pot Drove Tot Mom to Murder- is just not gonna wash peeps. :crazy:

Last I remember, it makes one passive, happy, sleepy and hungry.

Never heard of any rage killings on whacky-tobacky.
OMG! Let's just say I know of about 12-15 people who smoke DAILY, morning to get right, maybe before dinner and then probably before going to sleep and ??? the only psychosis I ever heard about is when they are OUT of de ganja!! They smoke Ka-Ronic too and that's a crock of a frickin' excuse!
I worked in an ER as a new nurse and I remember one night a young man was brought in by friends, and he was psychotic, paranoid and screaming like a wild animal... just acting crazy! He had smoked his first joint.
It must have different effects on some.
He definately wan't mellow.

Do we know if it was laced with anything, though. Ya know, kids will be kids........:crazy:
I think she was more attracted to Tony's Apartment than to Tony

She needed a place to stay & she would have been dumped in 2 minutes if she found another place......Like MH's in Cali for instance

Well if you guys remember, this happened to Jesse, Ric, and a few other guys - she would say she loved them after 3 weeks of a relationship - she seemed to latch on fast and strong - she was very harpy with Tony, from his interviews she wedged herself in the group and started calling him her boyfriend early and he liked her but not like that.

Very low self esteem to do that - she seemed to need a guy to feel like she was important
Pot: Haven't done in it years but "Ho-Ho's and Dr. Pepper" are the only things I killed!
Tattoo: Maybe about Caylee; Maybe about Casey's new life, maybe liked Lyndsay Lohans etc.. who knows. She had already scheduled another one for the 19th but got busted before she could get it...wonder what that would say>>>spreco, wast enorme (waste, huge waste in Italian)
Pot did not make her a sociopath or a pathological liar or whatever category she falls under. She's been creating lies for years. How about the lie about her father's stroke? Or the lie about her parent's getting a divorce? She even lied about being pregnant. This girl has been lying for so long and getting away with it. She smoked pot, just like most 22 yr. olds, who party all the time do. She got the tattoo, to impress Tony~I think. Those details are insignificant to this case, in my opinion. And I think for sure that LE has enough to charge her with at least manslaughter, possibly 1st degree murder if a body turns up. I think they are waiting as long as possible to build a case. She will get charged before Nov. when her court date comes up for the charges she's facing now.

When Scott Peterson was not charged for Laci's death, I wondered for months what LE was doing. Then finally they got him, after her body and baby's body turned up. I just hope they find Caylee eventually. It's still very flooded/swampy in Florida.
If my kid was missing, pretty sure I wouldn't care how my nails looked.


You mean you'd do all of the pressers with a bad manicure? Get your priorities straight, sheesh :rolleyes:

Casey is a piece of work. :furious:
I think it shows that she knew she would eventually have to have an explanation for any evidence that she left in the car or the trunk.

Everyone knows about DNA today - Even Casey

She doesn't have a chance in hell for an insanity defense as some are saying - she had been covering her tracks with false stories for a month

.......actually......she started lying way back in June (to CA)
been doin' it about three months now. :)
Dr. Baden is usually on Greta, and I wish she'd start covering this story again. I checked her Gretawire, and she's got the story about ZG suing Casey, and the story on the money the family is getting from selling the story for a movie.

Oh, yeah! THAT'S the good news of the day!
Pot did not make her a sociopath or a pathological liar or whatever category she falls under. She's been creating lies for years. How about the lie about her father's stroke? Or the lie about her parent's getting a divorce? She even lied about being pregnant. This girl has been lying for so long and getting away with it. She smoked pot, just like most 22 yr. olds, who party all the time do. She got the tattoo, to impress Tony~I think. Those details are insignificant to this case, in my opinion. And I think for sure that LE has enough to charge her with at least manslaughter, possibly 1st degree murder if a body turns up. I think they are waiting as long as possible to build a case. She will get charged before Nov. when her court date comes up for the charges she's facing now.

When Scott Peterson was not charged for Laci's death, I wondered for months what LE was doing. Then finally they got him, after her body and baby's body turned up. I just hope they find Caylee eventually. It's still very flooded/swampy in Florida.

I agree on everything except the tattoo. I think it is going to be a key point in the prosecution showing her state of mind after her child's death.
Where on earth is the miscarriage being related in relation to the smell in the car??? I've read all of the documents and I never saw that. I saw it mentioned that she got upset when she bumped into Brandon but how is it being connected to the car?

I don't think there WAS a miscarriage. Latest drama.
I know this case is driving me crazy. And if It wasn't for the fact I haven't smoked one in years I would light up a fat one and mellow out and forget about the Anthony's for a while. I sure wish the OCSD would get their ducks in a row and hurry up and charge her. I don't think I can keep up with these people much longer.:furious:
Talking about which dumpster- they think the Amscot. I'm thinking Sawgrass or some other apt complex. Leonard said on here a couple days ago(iirc)- that early on they did search the landfill where the Amscot dumpster was emptied didn't he? I could be completely imagining that.

Does anyone else recall hearing that? That they did some limited landfill searching really early on??

I thought they had, yes.
The polar bear put the squirrels in the engine. The Martian switched them to the trunk.

Was that before or after George had the mini stroke as a result of being kidnapped by the UFO? :beamup:
For the record, there was no nanny on board.
Talking about how NG thinks the accident theory is BS bc of the chloroform.
Does anyone know what dates Casey looked up Chloroform use on her computer? Since she knew her car smelled so bad maybe she tried to get rid of the smell and didn't use it to get rid of Caylee.

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