Nancy Grace America's Missing 2011-03-01

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Help! How do I find the transcript or video of the "Missing- Haleigh" show that was shown last night. I missed most of it and would appreciate any help offered. Thanks.

Never mind, I just found it!

Did you locate the video or the transcript? I didn't see the show in its entirety and would just love to look at the expression on the faces of those two women while they are talking...
Did you locate the video or the transcript? I didn't see the show in its entirety and would just love to look at the expression on the faces of those two women while they are talking...

Just the transcript. I would love to see their faces too. I'd like to see just how long their noses are.:floorlaugh:
i don't know if it's different in the south but 5 or 6 year old girls up by the jersey shore don't usually hang around without a shirt on.. even on the hottest days. usually they will have a bikini top or a tank top but isn't it a little odd for a 5 year old girl to not have a top on, especially when its dark out?

it just seems too suspicious that AS is trying to distance herself from whatever shirt haleigh had on
call me a prude, but I wouldn't let my 5 year old little girl hang outside, no matter what the temperature, without her clothes on. I know kids are different, but wouldn't you think Misty should've made her eat in the house, if she refused to put on a shirt? I'm not even sure that was Haleigh's idea. even a dirty shirt is better than no shirt. I'm thinking the green beans has something to do with criticism directed at Haleigh putting on clean clothes, but then finishing her messy meal of ravioli. IDK, but kids eating outside, at night, in the chill, without all their clothes on seems unusual. MOO
It seems that when we go for so long without any new information, any little scrap that’s tossed out there is devoured by all of us with an intense scrutiny. With that said, notice the title of an article by Art Harris posted yesterday, March 1, 2011:

He repeated this statement last night on the Nancy Grace show, but read what this article reports as the DIRECT quote from Art’s “source”:

He didn’t pass with flying colors? He showed “deception” on one question?

For the article’s headline to proclaim Timmy had FLUBBED his polygraph strikes me as a “glass is half full” analysis of what was actually said. Isn’t another way of saying the same thing:

Depending on how many questions were asked and what that one question was, that’s not exactly “flunking” a lie detector test, is it?

One word for this kind of reporting: SENSATIONALISM
The others all "flunked." Timmy flubbed.

I think Timmy passed. I took a LDT once and "flubbed" one question but it had nothing to do with the issues so it was not considered a fail or a deception. So maybe I flubbed :) my test, but didn't flunk it.
In Art's article, the source claimed he didn't pass with flying colors, & he showed deception on one question. That doesn't exactly sound like a fail, to me either...because the source couldn't even remember what question it was.MOO.
In reference to myself, I'm not concerned or horrified over GGMS saying Haleigh was eating green beans for dinner. Reason being.. I don't believe GGMS saw Haleigh eating anything.. It's all a CROCK
How many times is she going to change her story? Last I heard she claimed she put shirts on them. Now she is telling us she told the kids to put their shirts on.

Papa, we need your "LIES" video to remind us just how their stories have changed...JMHO

Good point Em. From the Nancy Grace show on April 22, 2010:

ANNETTE SYKES, HALEIGH`S GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: I stopped by about 7:30 to drop off some laundry that I had done. I always did the children`s laundry just because it`s something I`ve always done. And the children were on the front porch with Misty. They were eating supper. And when we drove up, Haleigh jumped out of her chair and come running up and gave me a hug. And Junior came out and gave me a hug, and I gave them a kiss. And Misty walked out. She helped carry some of the clothes into the house and got the children`s shirts on, and they got back up to eat supper. I gave them a kiss, told them good-bye, and I got back in the car and left.

A little bit different version was told last night:

SYKES: She just hollered "Granny! Granny!" And put her plate down, her and Bubba (ph) both sitting right out in the car.

And she didn`t have her shirt on, and I told her to get her shirt back on. She was real about taking her shirt off. She was real hot-natured. And I told her to get her shirt on. Her and Bubba (ph) put their shirts on while I was there.

Last April, she said Misty got the children's shirts back on. Last night, she said the children put their own shirts back on. None of the versions PRIOR to April 22 even mentioned children sitting outside half naked at 7:30 pm during the coldest time of the year in northern Florida.

Take your pick. The spectrum is covered.

As for the video, go to YouTube and put "LLMPapa, Lies" in the search window.
call me a prude, but I wouldn't let my 5 year old little girl hang outside, no matter what the temperature, without her clothes on. I know kids are different, but wouldn't you think Misty should've made her eat in the house, if she refused to put on a shirt? I'm not even sure that was Haleigh's idea. even a dirty shirt is better than no shirt. I'm thinking the green beans has something to do with criticism directed at Haleigh putting on clean clothes, but then finishing her messy meal of ravioli. IDK, but kids eating outside, at night, in the chill, without all their clothes on seems unusual. MOO

I highly suspect the whole story is a LIE...Didn't even happen at least not that night anyways.. It's ALL a CROCK...Just lies to provide an alibi for their beloved son and grandson...An attempt to make LE and all of us believe Haleigh was seen after Ron had managed to hightail his rear in to work that afternoon/evening. JMHO
The no shirt on story is strange. I have a just turned 6 yr. old granddaughter and no way would she go without a shirt on. Does anyone have a photo showing a porch light where the children were supposedly dining that nite? In February, even in Fla. it is chilly and dark outside at the ever later timeline GGS keeps coming up with. And if she moved it up to about 8pm, where was the time for the children to eat, watch a movie, and for Haleigh to be up for school in the morning?
Think of how weird this story is and how much revolves around a shirt.

Ron had to get Haleigh a clean shirt that morning

She was shirtless on the porch in 40 degree weather in the dark eating beans while Misty smoked.

The shirt Misty last seen her in was found in the house after the cops released it back.

Isn't this a bit weird?
If I am remembering correctly, from 2 yrs. ago, Misty made a comment about feeding the kids, and no mention of it being so late, and no mention of it being on the porch. Will really have to search for a link, I know it was before the GGS breakthrough of seeing the children eating on the porch that nite, just going off memory here. Will try to do a search.
The no shirt on story is strange. I have a just turned 6 yr. old granddaughter and no way would she go without a shirt on. Does anyone have a photo showing a porch light where the children were supposedly dining that nite? In February, even in Fla. it is chilly and dark outside at the ever later timeline GGS keeps coming up with. And if she moved it up to about 8pm, where was the time for the children to eat, watch a movie, and for Haleigh to be up for school in the morning?
When AS told LE about stopping by, she was asked, I'm sure, what Haleigh was wearing. Saying she had no shirt on, but then put one on, & then to presumably finish her meal, (whatever that dogs, ravioli, green beans), gives the impression that she would need a bath, & might change again. The weird thing is...Ron rushed to AS's that morning for Haleigh's favorite outfit. If it was clean, then everything else probably was. Why didn't he grab the clean laundry then? & Ron did this rush job, with all those new clothes in Haleigh's closet? I remember Misty saying in either the hypnosis or the LVA, Haleigh liked to strip all the time. & for the record, I hated her choice of words. Regardless of Misty's lack of education, she should've used a different word. MOO.
Yes, the clothes and the laundry is a big thing. We just have to figure out why everyone in the Cummings family keeps bringing that up. And why the closet is showing tags on the closthes and why Misty brings up the laundry.
Yes, the clothes and the laundry is a big thing. We just have to figure out why everyone in the Cummings family keeps bringing that up. And why the closet is showing tags on the closthes and why Misty brings up the laundry.

There were many posts concerning the new clothes with tags still attached hanging in Haleigh's closet. I first noticed them when the tour of the MH was being conducted by Teresa Neves. The MH was spotless and IMO staged. I have also been very curious over the last two years on why the third bedroom door was closed and that particular room wasn't ever shown on any tours or interviews. Makes you wonder if there would be an avalanche if someone were to open the door. :waitasec:
There were many posts concerning the new clothes with tags still attached hanging in Haleigh's closet. I first noticed them when the tour of the MH was being conducted by Teresa Neves. The MH was spotless and IMO staged. I have also been very curious over the last two years on why the third bedroom door was closed and that particular room wasn't ever shown on any tours or interviews. Makes you wonder if there would be an avalanche if someone were to open the door. :waitasec:

Yes I think TN cleaned up. I remember her saying when doing the walk through of the MH and was standing by the washer machine..Oh there was laundry on the floor at the time H went missing.
Help! How do I find the transcript or video of the "Missing- Haleigh" show that was shown last night. I missed most of it and would appreciate any help offered. Thanks.

Never mind, I just found it!

Scroll all the way down. You see NG picture and titled Find 50 people in 50 days. Under NG picture click on Haleigh.

Not sure if its the transcripts but I see videos etc.

Oh found it....
some of the big conflicting stories, have centered around the bus stop, what Haleigh was wearing, & who slept where, & Misty, for some reason, seems to be out of the loop. I can't see her lack of education & communication skills, being the cause of her changed stories. There have to be reasons for the changes. MOO
some of the big conflicting stories, have centered around the bus stop, what Haleigh was wearing, & who slept where, & Misty, for some reason, seems to be out of the loop. I can't see her lack of education & communication skills, being the cause of her changed stories. There have to be reasons for the changes. MOO

Ronald Cummings.

There were many posts concerning the new clothes with tags still attached hanging in Haleigh's closet. I first noticed them when the tour of the MH was being conducted by Teresa Neves. The MH was spotless and IMO staged. I have also been very curious over the last two years on why the third bedroom door was closed and that particular room wasn't ever shown on any tours or interviews. Makes you wonder if there would be an avalanche if someone were to open the door. :waitasec:

Yes, the clothes in the closet with the tags still on them, i remember that. I thought it was strange, but i didn't think much more about it b/c i thought that Feb. was so close to Dec. that maybe those were clothes from Christmas, that she didn't fit into yet, so they were just hanging there. Then i realized, i didn't think there was one article of clothing in the closet that didn't have a tag on it, and found that to be even stranger.

They could have hidden the tags by taking the clothes off the hanger and turning them around..the tags would have been on the inside of the closet, and not been seen.

I could understand a little cleaning for the tour, but in my mind, there is NO WAY i will EVER believe that Ron and Misty kept that MH sparkling clean....NEVER!

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