Nancy Grace - Fri., 1/23/09

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Yeah but I'm sure it was at Cindy's request

I could hear her in the Backround

I could hear her also and she didn't sound upset at all, neither did BC. It seemed like a waste of time - the emergency operator asking him a question, then BC asking Cindy, then BC reporting the answer back to the EO. This went on quite a few times. I was hoping that Cindy would just take the phone and answer the questions herself.
I pray he goes to another facility. At least for a few more days.

ITA. Added this above, but I think you quoted before I edited. :)

ETA: in this case, the last thing George should be is by himself, although I think you mean away from CA, and that I agree with. He needs to be either in very calm, loving, supportive environment with people willing and watchful to monitor him, or he needs to be in a facility, at least for a few days. (Preferable longer.)
It kind of bothers me that this LEO would go on TV to describe what kind of state George was in.
Knowing someone who works with Mr. Chitwood, it was said (off the record) that he discussed the case in order to dispel any possible rumors about what actually happened or what GA actually said. Made sense to me.
I feel so terrible for George. It might be mean to say but I don't feel as bad for cindy. It seems he has NOONE there for him, not even his own wife. Granted we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, I just get the impression that Cindy is as bad as Casey. Cares about herself and her image. And Caylee and now George are being left behiond in it. I don't even know how to word what I'm trying to say. I just feel so awful.
George is missing for 12 hours & Cindy freaks out & calls 911 but she waits 31 days to call about Caylee

Let's hope the jurors use similar logic to think this thought thru
I don't think that they would pick a time like this to end their marriage. As far as other matters, I wonder what their meeting with BC was going to be about. Maybe something that GA really wanted to avoid.

It could become insufferable to be together, esp if CA's first reaction was to be angry at GA for being in so much pain that he wanted to end his life.
I could hear her also and she didn't sound upset at all, neither did BC. It seemed like a waste of time - the emergency operator asking him a question, then BC asking Cindy, then BC reporting the answer back to the EO. This went on quite a few times. I was hope that Cindy would just take the phone and answer the questions herself.

Yea she was not at all upset like she was when she was told Caylee was missing. That tells wonders about the relationship. If that was my DH I would be panicking and upset. Hey I even get panicky when my DH is 15 mins late from coming home from work because all thoughts go through my mind and I think something bad has happened. Thanks for pointing that out.
It is not uncommon for a 'Baker Act' (or 'formed') patient to be released early, once deemed stable, no longer suicidal, and probably with meds, although they'll be very carefully monitored if the method of attempt involved pills.

Although it might also mean he may be 'released' to another facility that specializes in mental health issues. (i.e. psych hospital)

ETA: in this case, the last thing George should be is by himself, although I think you mean away from CA, and that I agree with. He needs to be either in very calm, loving, supportive environment with people willing and watchful to monitor him, or he needs to be in a facility, at least for a few days. (Preferable longer.)

That is exactly what I was getting at! Calm, loving, supportive place!
I could hear her also and she didn't sound upset at all, neither did BC. It seemed like a waste of time - the emergency operator asking him a question, then BC asking Cindy, then BC reporting the answer back to the EO. This went on quite a few times. I was hope that Cindy would just take the phone and answer the questions herself.
BC also mentioned that Sgt. Allen told him to call 911. I will agree, he didn't sound 'excited' but I'm sure both he and CA were very concerned. MOO
I feel so terrible for George. It might be mean to say but I don't feel as bad for cindy. It seems he has NOONE there for him, not even his own wife. Granted we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, I just get the impression that Cindy is as bad as Casey. Cares about herself and her image. And Caylee and now George are being left behiond in it. I don't even know how to word what I'm trying to say. I just feel so awful.
Thanks goodness, a forum where there are posters who really care about others, I am saying this because I was just on insession message boards and the posters are STILL bashing poor George after all this, I cannot even believe it, some people wont be happy till he dies, its really awful and I pray for him and his family to finally have some peace....I never bash the family because as I have said before, no matter what their 'mistakes' , I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy, so why bash them, what real point does it serve??? They did not do anything to deserve this, MOO
BC also mentioned that Sgt. Allen told him to call 911. I will agree, he didn't sound 'excited' but I'm sure both he and CA were very concerned. MOO

I was always wondering since that 911 call why did they cal Sgt Allen first. :waitasec:. I would have called 911 right away not a Sgt in the LE . That sounds odd to me.
George is missing for 12 hours & Cindy freaks out & calls 911 but she waits 31 days to call about Caylee

Anything outside of 3 or 4 hours would have probably been too late. Without a clear threat I don't understand how the Anthonys were supposed to have sensed what ultimately happened. Caylee was with her legal guardian.
BC also mentioned that Sgt. Allen told him to call 911. I will agree, he didn't sound 'excited' but I'm sure both he and CA were very concerned. MOO

I'm sure they were too. So much has happened already and now this. Very, very upsetting for them.
OMG - DP said that BC says CA is doing ok now...she was originally mad that this happened.

OMG .... that woman needs to be put out of everyone else's misery

CA was mad????? Can we put her in the cell :furious:with Casey? I think they would be two happy campers. they could just lie and lie to each other and make up stories all day long. I'm furious!!
I was always wondering since that 911 call why did they cal Sgt Allen first. :waitasec:. I would have called 911 right away not a Sgt in the LE . That sounds odd to me.

To avoid the 911 tape being released and played. I am sure that is why Cindy had the attorney make the call.
ETA: in this case, the last thing George should be is by himself, although I think you mean away from CA, and that I agree with. He needs to be either in very calm, loving, supportive environment with people willing and watchful to monitor him, or he needs to be in a facility, at least for a few days. (Preferable longer.)
I agree too, I dont think two days is long enough, I had a friend who tired to commit suicide after being dopped up on all sorts of meds, as soon as they let her out the next day she was in the hospital for another suicide attempt, I blaim the docs for all the meds they had her on, but that is another story, my point being I think George should be very carefully monitored, the poor soul has been through enough and needs a loving enviornment like you said!
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