Nancy Grace - Friday 11/14/08 (Anthony's Cancelled.)

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Yeah, really...unbelievable. Doesn't he realize he's (probably, most likely) talking about his MURDERED NIECE???

This is one of the creepiest details in this whole case, and there are so many.
Unbelievable is right! Somehow I missed hearing this particular clip until last night!
His laugh sounds diabolical!:devil: Such an inappropriate reaction, all the way around!
Or he is doing his "training" routine again. He deserves to be called on wtf he has done. His behavior has been horrible!! The dude is not God and he certainly aint no saint... big f'ing deal- who is?! Stop trying to make it seem like he is, we have our own eyes and ears- for you or anyone else to IGNORE or claim false his behavior as of late is a joke!

Easy, easy, easy...............I am entitled to my opinion just as you are yours. I am not trying to make Tim seem to be a God or a saint. I simply do not believe he deserves what he is getting. We don't have to bicker, just agree to disagree.
Me three.

I'm VERY a pro-LE kind of person but the last couple of days have my hinky-meter going off.

I think they will NOT be showing up to any more interviews after the GMA criticism of Cindy.
I think they are going to keep their mouth shut unless they are defending Casey.
I have had hinky-meters for a while: I know that George is an ex LE.
The Anthoneys do not want to provide a garment of Caylee's to the Search team. hmmmm? Something very wrong with this picture; buying more time Cindy???
George should have known better then to allow Cindy to wash Any garment from the car, he should not have touched that car at all, but he cleaned it. LE should have been called in instantly. Protecting Casey George????
I know the minute that they feared the loss of Caylee; they feared the loss of Casey too.
I do not trust that they will ever help to find Caylee; I think they will only do whatever it takes to save Casey.
That statement has bothered me since I first heard it. What does that mean? I have never heard anyone use that term. :confused:

I agree, it has bothered me too everytime I have heard it. Definitely raised flags to LE, I am sure, when they were interviewing her. But still, never heard anyone talk like this. Neutral meaning from dictionary: not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy and not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others:

The way she uses this seems to already imply something sinister has taken place.
Let me clarify for you Laece as I think I know what she may be referring to - I think it's the navy leuitenant (sp?) that was gunned down. His story was featured in the second half of NG's show.

thanks misheley! i didn't see the show, so i didn't know if it meant there was navy lt. involved with casey or something.
Can anyone tell me what department George A. was affiliated with when he worked in LE himself? Was he patrol, narcotics, investigations, task we know?

If George was employed by the same county that is handling this case, and was employed there a long time...I want to know how many of his former co-workers climbed the ladder and are now brass there.

LE connections run very deep. A lot of sly, law bending favors are done under the radar. It goes way beyond forgiving traffic violations, you know?

IIRC I heard on a clip from NG, CA talking early in the case that in Ohio(?) GA was a sheriff deputy and then she said homicide detective. I wish I had a link but I do not.I did hear it at the begining of tonights NG.

Your questions are right on target....I have been thinking along these lines too.
But I also know that there is a professional courtesy even if it is another Town;
so even if he does not know the guys that are handling this case if they looked him up and found out that he was of a certain caliber they will extend him much courtesy, favor, under the radar kind of stuff.
THIS I know for sure.
A lady I knew some years ago her husband was a detective who moved to another area, one of his sons from a previous marriage got into a mess and BINGO...It was expunged.

I didn't tune into NG last night as I cannot bear the sound of CA's voice anymore. But I did watch on Thurs. and I was shocked at TM's comments about LP. Even if it was true, that was "very bad form" of TM. I donated to TES before the last search and I was annoyed that he pulled out again so quickly as I had heard him say "we will stay until we find Caylee" a few times since this all began. I admire TM and think his heart is in the right place but he should never have said "we will stay until we find Caylee" if he wasn't planning on following through with that. I listened to the links that Patty G put up of NG last night. I think TM knows he went off track the night before. And him speaking of picking up 80 some new members didn't sound bad to me, it sounded like in the future an arm of TES will be in FLA to help other families of missing children sooner, which TM knows will be most helpful to those people. So even if some of this has turned into a circus at least TM accomplished that and as Martha Stewart says "that is a good thing". I hope LP can just let his remarks go for now at least, so that the focus can get back to searching for Caylee's remains.

And the part of Lee laughing when speaking about "his mother didn't know how GA was able to drive that car home as the smell was so awful", that is weird. Why in the world would he be laughing? Listen I am one of those people who laugh at inappropriate moments, but it wouldn't have happened here. What could he have been thinking? How is that at all even remotely funny? It's strange I tell ya, very strange!!
I agree, it has bothered me too everytime I have heard it. Definitely raised flags to LE, I am sure, when they were interviewing her. But still, never heard anyone talk like this. Neutral meaning from dictionary: not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy and not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others:

The way she uses this seems to already imply something sinister has taken place.

jmo but think neutral = no questioning about Caylee--no one demanding to see her or question her further
I'm just now checking in. I watched about 30 minutes of NG tonight....

And yes, to all of you who have said your gut instinct is that something isn't right with the OCSO officals...youre absolutely right! I have NEVER seen anything like this. I worked side-by-side with several departments when I was in Law Enforcement, even on a murder/suicide case once. And they worked. Hard. They brought in a lot of supplemental assistance to get the case rolling and try to find answers.

In my own opinion, there's something unseen and unheard that is clogging up this investigation.

Can anyone tell me what department George A. was affiliated with when he worked in LE himself? Was he patrol, narcotics, investigations, task we know?

If George was employed by the same county that is handling this case, and was employed there a long time...I want to know how many of his former co-workers climbed the ladder and are now brass there.

LE connections run very deep. A lot of sly, law bending favors are done under the radar. It goes way beyond forgiving traffic violations, you know?

I think we need to shift some of this time and energy to LE, and less on Casey since it's obvious she isnt talking.

I'm just checking back in too and haven't gotten to the end of this thread yet, but GA was never in LE in Florida, just in Ohio. As far as what department he was in, I have no idea and would like to know also.
I would think that the A's cancelled because Baez had just smelled the car for the first time today, along with Dr. Lee who no doubt had a few comments to make, and told them to stay off the air - the pizza story wasn't going to fly.

Kobi finally admitted that the car trunk did indeed register for decomp. He also admitted that it was decomp from a dead being, not a pizza, but also said it could have been an animal decomposing in the trunk. I can only conclude that he is also admitting that KC drove around for a few days with a decomposing dead animal in the trunk of her car. Either way, Kobi, has a very disturbed client. Maybe he should zip a lip.

I really think all the drama surrounding the searchers is a waste - a huge waste. How about everyone shut up and search? TM needs a real organizer on his staff as TES is starting to appear unreliable and chaotic, but even if TES could only stay 1 1/2 days, they came and searched - again. So TM cries. Who cares? He is a human, he is going to get angry and sad just like the rest of us. He has been put on a pedestal he did not choose by the same people who want to kick him off. He is not a god. Cut him some slack!!

LP is on his own dime and he is staying to search. He is a big-hearted character and pretty darn lovable. He is a weeper too. But, he is "there" and that counts. I don't really care what his motive or that of TM may be, I am just glad someone is organizing searches.

Kudos to all those fabulous divers today and yesterday. You are heros.

The question no one seems to ask any of the experts is "How do you get through to a sociopath?"

When does this go to trial?

:):) Nice post, DotsEyes
I didn't tune into NG last night as I cannot bear the sound of CA's voice anymore. But I did watch on Thurs. and I was shocked at TM's comments about LP. Even if it was true, that was "very bad form" of TM. I donated to TES before the last search and I was annoyed that he pulled out again so quickly as I had heard him say "we will stay until we find Caylee" a few times since this all began. I admire TM and think his heart is in the right place but he should never have said "we will stay until we find Caylee" if he wasn't planning on following through with that. I listened to the links that Patty G put up of NG last night. I think TM knows he went off track the night before. And him speaking of picking up 80 some new members didn't sound bad to me, it sounded like in the future an arm of TES will be in FLA to help other families of missing children sooner, which TM knows will be most helpful to those people. So even if some of this has turned into a circus at least TM accomplished that and as Martha Stewart says "that is a good thing". I hope LP can just let his remarks go for now at least, so that the focus can get back to searching for Caylee's remains.

And the part of Lee laughing when speaking about "his mother didn't know how GA was able to drive that car home as the smell was so awful", that is weird. Why in the world would he be laughing? Listen I am one of those people who laugh at inappropriate moments, but it wouldn't have happened here. What could he have been thinking? How is that at all even remotely funny? It's strange I tell ya, very strange!!

I have always wondered how George got in that car and drove it home! Just think-at that point they didn't know where KC and Caylee were. The car smelled horrible and when they opened the trunk flys flew out and a bag had maggots crawling on it! Come on, if you think it smells like a DEAD body and your child and grandchild are missing and you're ex-LE-DON'T YA THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE A CRIME SCENE ON YOUR HANDS!!! WTF-You get in it and drive it home! Where's you're training George-why didn't you call LE to the towyard? You're gonna get in the car and put your finger prints over those of a possible assailant. You're gonna throw away a bag with maggots crawling on it? You're gonna take the car home and try to clean it up. Cindy gonna go in it and wash stinky clothes. YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHERE KC AND CAYLEE ARE!!!! WTH is wrong here?:furious::furious:
GRACE: The smell of decomposition? You are admitting there`s decomposition?

KOBILINSKY: I`m saying that something was decomposing. I don`t know what it was or whether it was human or not. But...

GRACE: Are you suggesting it`s a pizza, like your clients did?

KOBILINSKY: Certainly not. I don`t think...

GRACE: So you admit that it`s a life form.

KOBILINSKY: I don`t think it`s a pizza. And based on what I`ve read, it is a life form, or was a life form.

Guess the As are no longer using Kobi.

Quick question....when Nancy was introduing Kobi, did she say ".......famed....J Jay College..........working for the defense?

Thinking back, I dont think she to go and find the tapes.:)

ETA: found the transcripts.......

GRACE: Out to famed forensic scientist Dr. Lawrence Kobilinsky out of John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The detectives say now, four months after the fact, they still smell the smell of human decomposition. You are a paid consultant to the Anthony defense team. Take a listen to this, Koby (ph).

Boo Hoo TM. Save it crybaby.

I am more interested now in finding this "Neutral Place". Maybe Cocoamom is on to something.

It's been stated already -- the "neutral place" was TonE's house. That's where she went when she supposedly realized that ZFG wasn't coming home with Caylee. It's in the police statement clearly.
I was also SHOCKED :eek: by TM describing what LP said to him about if they found Caylee's remains with all the tv cameras arounnd them and holding Caylee's skull.....excuse me but WHAT THE *advertiser censored** WAS THAT? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Are you kidding me?
After watching the Caylee segment on NG last night I definitely feel like this whole "search" has become an insane media frenzy......its embarrassing for the people who actually want to bring Caylee home and resolve this horrible situation for the right reasons.
I believe TM was doomed from the start. He was put under intense pressure, under a microscope, the # of searchers he counted on never materialized, dealing with a wacky family, expectations from people who are emotionally invested in this case, and the magnitude of the task of finding a little girl in a huge area. Well the search was unsuccessful, let's bash him now. The A's will love that people are ripping him apart, let's give them what they want. LP should be commended for searching and TM criticizing him was wrong but I can understand his frustration. I guess we just all need to stop pointing fingers when things don't go the way we wanted.

I think I know the reason all this came about, but I won't say here, because it would be very unpopular. All I will say is that Tim and LP are two very different men, and they both deserve some respect for what they have done. I think it took a lot of guts for Tim to call in and attempt to apologize.... and I really believe he would have if NG had not cut him off, for whatever reason. I know she respects him greatly, but she also likes LP and she did mention several times that at least he was searching.
Like a lot of you, I was disappointed in Tim for badmouthing LP Thurs. night, but in all fairness, I think he was shocked at what LP had said about making money and holding Caylee's skull in his hands for the cameras. I had not heard that part while watching it, but after I went back and read the transcript, it was clear. If LP really said that... and he didn't deny it... then it was a very crude and unnecessary remark to make... even in private.
I will continue to support Tim and his work, because I realize he is not a saint, he is a human being and subject to making mistakes.
What I AM sad about is that Caylee's remains may never be found, and I think that fact is very frustrating to everyone. All I can hope for is that Casey will be put away for the rest of her miserable life, and suffer nightmares every day as long as she lives!
Wow, I'm sensing that a lot of folks are really upset with TM. I donated to TES and I have no regrets. TM has helped many people in their darkest hour. He has been elevated to superhero status and nobody can ever live up to that. He is human and he is not perfect. He can never please everyone. If you were him would continue searching for a person that is known to be deceased or would you go up to NC and possibly find missing people that might still be alive? I believe he will be back and there is already a task force set up in Orlando. Don't let the A's and MN win and turn us against him.

I totally agree. Any time someone becomes a saint (like TM was treated on this board by so many), the faithful get upset when there are any signs of human frailty or bad decision making (not that I think he's made bad decisions--I'm not privy to the reasons for those decisions, so I'm reserving judgment).

This man has devoted his life to finding missing and dead children and he makes judgment calls all the time about where to put the resources that are donated to this organization and the time of the members that search. You don't have to agree with all of his decisions to still respect him and what he does. And to suggest he's in it for the money is, IMO, disgusting. Of course, he's excited to have garnered a lot of new members in Orlando--you know why? Because Caylee is not the only child or person to go missing in FL -- more members means more resources and more people who are (or will be) trained to help with searches in the future, more people getting the word out about these missing people. I'm happy to hear it, too.
they will find her body 50-60 miles away from the house

gas cans, and cell phone pings missing

if she took the battery out of the phone, it would stop pinging

one hour drive to the destination

one hour to hide the body

one hour to get back

<---------been saying this from the GET GO

i think at last count i posted this over 100 times

How would KC know to take out the battery? I'm 58 years old and I didn't know a person could be tracked according to cell phone pings unless the battery is taken out. Ah, well, I forgot that she purportedly watched a lot of crime tv shows.
But I'm just sayin', I didn't think a 22 year old would be that smart.

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