NANCY GRACE - Monday, 12/22/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I can't remember if this was mentioned on another blog or a talk show; and after googling I've come up empty, (like looking for a needle in a haystack). If I recall correctly, and bear with me b/c this was a while back and maybe my memory is fuzzy or I might have misunderstood, this was why CA pushed KC to see Caylee so hard afterwards. :confused:
I've read pretty much every single official document that was released and this is not in any of them. Perhaps it was on a forum/blog but I don't believe that it has been released on anything official as yet.

Oh I think Jesse is awake - wide awake in fact.

I think he is genuinely grief stricken at everything that has taken place. He comes across as an honest, honourable young man and the sympathy he is garnering here and across America today is justified.

I wonder why he has agreed to this round of interviews? I don't suspect him of any wrong doing whatsoever, but obviously people around him think it is important to show as wider an audience as possible what a decent young man he is? Why is that? Is he going to be the cornerstone of the defence case? Is this a pre-emptive strike?

Or maybe I should read less into it. I haven't posted much but I read absolutely everything!

I think Jesse just wants the world to recognize that there really ARE people who knew Caylee that are greving immensely for this child. All the other players in this saga are standing up for Caylee's murderer. He is the only person who loved Caylee who seems to align himself on the side of the victim and not on the side oher murderer. When he says he doesn't think Casey would hurt Caylee, he's referring to the Casey he loved, NOT the Casey sitting in jail.
Oh I think Jesse is awake - wide awake in fact.

I think he is genuinely grief stricken at everything that has taken place. He comes across as an honest, honourable young man and the sympathy he is garnering here and across America today is justified.

I wonder why he has agreed to this round of interviews? I don't suspect him of any wrong doing whatsoever, but obviously people around him think it is important to show as wider an audience as possible what a decent young man he is? Why is that? Is he going to be the cornerstone of the defence case? Is this a pre-emptive strike?

Or maybe I should read less into it. I haven't posted much but I read absolutely everything!

I believe his character has come into question before. He is one of the key witnesses when this goes to trial. I think in dealing with the grief of this child it is important for him as well the trial that he shows us who he is. He strikes me as pretty decent guy. Also, I have always thought that jealousy played a key role in Casey's vindictive behavior towards others as well as murdering Caylee. Its easy I think for Jesse to remember only the good from her, so in that respect he really doesn't know who this stranger is now. Viewing the jailhouse records with Cindy, you can see Cindy pleading for Casey to give a clue, something into the mystery of Caylee's disappearance. Casey crying, spinning lie after lie. How could anyone know someone like that?? Her reptile nature is fitting for her.
I don't think Casey would go to jail for life or risk the death penalty by covering someone else. If you are going to go that route though....why not suspect her own family? Caylee was last seen with them. Specifically George.

:clap: Thats bothered me from the start....I think the timeline is much narrower and the death may have occured in the house...maybe or in the car not long after she left.

IMO it's going to be VERY close to the big fight....and another reason for the grandparents to go all out defensive to the point of fantasy.

I think Caylee's death WAS a direct result of that fight...the duct taping, the wrapping the head...was rage as another poster pointed out.

Now, since it's in the teens here & do I get to FL for the first trial and be on the jury?
Maybe he didn't know about it at the time?? (I haven't read the transcripts.)

Well watch NG, you will see A LOT about him. How he is devastated and straightforward. UNLIKE CASEY. Looks like he is crying right now. Wait, Casey cried too, FOR HERSELF.

Please, this guy is not a suspect.

They may not have asked him, it's probably that simple.
I think Jesse just wants the world to recognize that there really ARE people who knew Caylee that are greving immensely for this child. All the other players in this saga are standing up for Caylee's murderer. He is the only person who loved Caylee who seems to align himself on the side of the victim and not on the side oher murderer. When he says he doesn't think Casey would hurt Caylee, he's referring to the Casey he loved, NOT the Casey sitting in jail.

I think that KC told her parents not to trust Jesse because she realized that Jesse probably knew a little too much...About her state of mind, about things she was thinking/had said about her parents/family, etc... When she was telling her parents who could/couldn't be trusted, I got the impression that she was steering her parents away from the people that actually would be able to provide clues/insight as to what had really happened.

A lot of the posts here tonight has me wondering..In the taped interviews between Cindy and LE ( the ones where she claims to not have known she was under oath or being taped) Cindy admits to there not being a nanny..and that she thinks it was just a blanket term for whoever is watching Caylee..believing it to be either Amy or what I'm wondering is why is the defense still going with the "nanny" theory..and the Anthony's also..Who are they going to be actually trying to pin this on?..

A tip line for people to help the defense prove that Casey is not the murderer? what happened to "When this all comes out during trial everyone is going to be surprised at what the real truth was" per Baez..besides who is left to call in at this point..everyone who has ever known Casey is on the witness list for the prosecution..I think Baez has just realized he has just stepped in it and no one can help him.
Yeah because it's an entirely different reason then the one he gave before. I like Jesse, he seems like a great guy but I think that his feelings for Casey are too deep and he is making some stuff up as he goes along to make her seem like a better person than she really is. Like when he insisted he heard Caylee in the background on the phone then later came back and said he didn't.

I don't know but I just think it's odd he changed his mind about why they split.

I don't know if that is why they split. I DO think kc told him that though. I imagine there was no clear reason given by kc, so he had to figure it out .....then again, she may have thrown that out there when he found out about her cheating. I can see her doing that.

Did she ever give the ring back....?:waitasec:
Silly me.
Jesse is remembering what he wishes she were. He is a romantic. She lied, cheated and stole from him. It is almost like being a Widow, you only remember the good things.
Don't forget that Jesse still loved her, got engaged to her and wanted to be Caylee's father even after he found out that she had chit-faced lied to him about his being the father. Even worse, he found out the hard way, that given the stage of her pregnancy and when they met, that it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to have been the father. And he still loved her and wanted to be with her.
Jesse is a cutie.
Not to mention a great guy that wanted to keep caylee
A lot of the posts here tonight has me wondering..In the taped interviews between Cindy and LE ( the ones where she claims to not have known she was under oath or being taped) Cindy admits to there not being a nanny..and that she thinks it was just a blanket term for whoever is watching Caylee..believing it to be either Amy or what I'm wondering is why is the defense still going with the "nanny" theory..and the Anthony's also..Who are they going to be actually trying to pin this on?..

A tip line for people to help the defense prove that Casey is not the murderer? what happened to "When this all comes out during trial everyone is going to be surprised at what the real truth was" per Baez..besides who is left to call in at this point..everyone who has ever known Casey is on the witness list for the prosecution..I think Baez has just realized he has just stepped in it and no one can help him.

They should have just said that they're looking for suggestions...Any and all will do! LOL. Looking for whatever might hit and stick, please call and leave a message.

Oh I think Jesse is awake - wide awake in fact.

I think he is genuinely grief stricken at everything that has taken place. He comes across as an honest, honourable young man and the sympathy he is garnering here and across America today is justified.

I wonder why he has agreed to this round of interviews? I don't suspect him of any wrong doing whatsoever, but obviously people around him think it is important to show as wider an audience as possible what a decent young man he is? Why is that? Is he going to be the cornerstone of the defence case? Is this a pre-emptive strike?

Or maybe I should read less into it. I haven't posted much but I read absolutely everything!

I think he proved himself a decent young man long ago. :) They tried to throw him under the bus and it didn't work because the truth prevails.

As for the interviews, he is highly emotional and it is heartbreaking to watch. It is possible he thought getting it out at this point may be theraputic for him as well for others. For many people, it's important and even healing to expose feelings of grief; to express the what if's and why's, and how much it hurts that a loved one is no longer here. He adored Caylee, and knows she is loved and mourned all over the world- it makes sense to me that he would share it with others.

My heart aches for Jesse. I see a sensitive young man who is wracked with heartache and confusion. He will heal, but he will never be the same. Casey has destroyed so many lives.
Sociopaths are very adept at finding "weakness". To them, "weakness" is someone normal, caring, kind and trustworthy who thinks that they (sociopaths) are the same. It doesn't surpise me in the least that KC found Jesse, latched onto him and used him the way she did.

I think that Jesse is a normal guy who fell in love with the wrong girl. He's lucky that she didn't marry him and I hope that once all is said and done with this case, that he is able to resume a normal life with someone that is worthy of the sentiments that he is able to feel and express!

Maybe they don't know where to go from here, and are giving a shout out for any ideas on how to defend this client. lol, honestly it's just plain bazaar. perhaps Casey is telling him to "do something!!!!!" and this is the best he could come up with.
Fine by me. It'll be entertaining to see the "kooks" they manage to dredge up for trial.
People question why Jesse is speaking up now and what gives him the right?

I'll say it is because in the grand scheme of things, Jesse was the only father figure lil Caylee EVER had. Even after being tricked by Casey, and even after finding out that Caylee wasn't his, he wanted to marry Casey and raise Caylee as his daughter. I have NO DOUBT that he loved Casey and even more he loved lil Caylee. He changed the diapers for Caylee, held her sleeping in his arms, probably got up with her, and loved her as his own... for many many months. And his family did as well.

Jesse was the 1st person to say, give me a lie detector test, take my DNA, take my finger prints... do whatever you need to find lil Caylee. And being in law enforcement, he knew there was a a small risk he was taking in doing this... he didn't care about that risk. Unlike the Anthony family. Whatever risk it might have been, finding Caylee was more important to him.

Also, he offered up the DNA test results that were proof positive of Caylee's DNA - even if it took some effort on his part. Unlike Cindy who either intentionally didn't give LE the brush or just couldn't be bothered to go get the one she knew she only used for Kaylee.

On top of that, he's been a man about how he's responded to questions about Cindy and George. It makes me sick to know that this guy who loved their daughter and granddaughter so much could be drug thru the mud like he has by Cindy and George. So, yeah, if he makes a media circuit, gets on the TV and sheds a tear for lil Caylee... out of anyone, her "pseudo daddy" figure should get a pass and more so, praise for doing it.
People question why Jesse is speaking up now and what gives him the right?

I'll say it is because in the grand scheme of things, Jesse was the only father figure lil Caylee EVER had. Even after being tricked by Casey, and even after finding out that Caylee wasn't his, he wanted to marry Casey and raise Caylee as his daughter. I have NO DOUBT that he loved Casey and even more he loved lil Caylee. He changed the diapers for Caylee, held her sleeping in his arms, probably got up with her, and loved her as his own... for many many months. And his family did as well.

Jesse was the 1st person to say, give me a lie detector test, take my DNA, take my finger prints... do whatever you need to find lil Caylee. And being in law enforcement, he knew there was a a small risk he was taking in doing this... he didn't care about that risk. Unlike the Anthony family. Whatever risk it might have been, finding Caylee was more important to him.

Also, he offered up the DNA test results that were proof positive of Caylee's DNA - even if it took some effort on his part. Unlike Cindy who either intentionally didn't give LE the brush or just couldn't be bothered to go get the one she knew she only used for Kaylee.

On top of that, he's been a man about how he's responded to questions about Cindy and George. It makes me sick to know that this guy who loved their daughter and granddaughter so much could be drug thru the mud like he has by Cindy and George. So, yeah, if he makes a media circuit, gets on the TV and sheds a tear for lil Caylee... out of anyone, her "pseudo daddy" figure should get a pass and more so, praise for doing it.

I totally agree! :clap:
Has anyone noticed that the same day Jesse heard Caylee in the background of a phone call is the same day George and KC had the altercation about what's in the trunk of the car?

June 24th.
In his first interview this morning he told Matt Lauer he didn't think he would be an important witness for the prosecution at all. He said there are other people and evidence that are much more important than anything he could say to help convict Casey.

Then she must be toast for sure!

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