Nancy Grace Monday 12/8/2008

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DNA Solves
What is going to happen when the trial starts and Casey has to sit there while they debunk her imaginal life. How is she going to take it, hour after hour. Will the rage finally come out.

When Casey gets mad, she clinches her teeth - you can see her jaw pop out - depending on how long this trial lasts and how many witnesses get called - when they start to debunk all her lies, you'll see her perse her lips, clinch her teeth and look annoyed

It will be interesting - only thing we might not see much of Casey on camera - depends on where the camera is situated- I'd like to see a split screen sometimes

I know two people with Bipolar disorder and it took thier families months to get a proper diagnosis,both these men were once popular and outgoing.(some said over the top)It was a shock to find out they have BP ,but now we can see "aha" thats what was wrong with them


Months for a proper diagnosis is good. About 1/3 of Bipolar patients go 10 years misdiagnosed and improperly medicated.
IMO, JB will fail miserably if he tries to sell the "KC is bipolar and the nanny took Caylee" story to the jury. I believe the jurors will feel insulted and angry that someone (JB) is trying to convince them this really happened.

IMO- if KC comes clean and admits what happened, the jurors might be a little more willing to consider an undiagnosed mental illness as a contributing factor. And I am really r e a c h i n g with this theory.

I still believe she will be convicted.

JB will alienate the jury if he tries the old story "KC is a victim, too, feel sorry for her."

Ther may be a chance IF (huge if) JB tells the jury "KC is sick and did this horrible act, please have mercy on her."
My stepdaughter has been diagnosed recently with bi-polar. They put her on Ceraquil. She also party's like no tomorrow...she is 22 and on her own so its hard for us to keep good track of her habits. My opinion...she is not bi-polar. She drinks and does drugs and now she is on this Ceraquil. She does not heed to the warnings of drinking while taking a perscription drug and can't understand why she is acting worse. Personally, I think the drugs the kids are doing these days is what is making them all messed up..that and having no accountability for their quick to go to a Dr and a Dr is to quick to perscribe without all of the facts.....moo
Casey: "Lee made a good point. The priority needs to be getting Caylee home."

Lee had to make this point to her before she realized it??

KC doesn't realize that Caylee is the top priority until someone else mentions it. The thought doesn't even occur to her. This proves that Caylee isn't HER top priority.
I guess....I mean...

If Casey were bipolar, and her disorder was so severe at times that it caused her to exhibit such extreme behavior, WHY didn't any friends come forward and say that they noticed these signs? Especially in the last month? I mean, it seems like if mania were so severe as to warrant, say, partying at Fusian while her daughter is dead or missing, it stands to reason that other symptoms would have manifested itself in other ways, and that someone would have noticed?

It just seems awful convenient that the only symptoms of this disorder she showed were the symptoms that caused her to lie, cheat, and steal in secret. Did no friends notice any of those symptoms in the month she was missing from Cindy's?

I mean, admittedly, I don't know much about Bipolar disorder- I am very close with someone who was diagnosed with it, but she acts nothing like this...hers is more of mood swings, manic depression at times, times of extreme happiness, and feeling invincible, then exploding...but is noticeable. It's not like she lies and cheats in secret, and is totally normal on the surface, to all of her friends.

Maybe I just don't know enough about it.

Maybe that's what the defense is counting on...the jury not knowing enough about it, or there being a wide range of experiences with people having it...

Just my thoughts. Who knows.

You seem to "get it" just fine, better than many others.

I honestly do not think they are going to attempt to use this as a defense. I think someone heard the DP lawyer say Mania (to me, after watching the clip, it seemed the guy was just pointing out that her dancing, clubbing and shopping is consistant with manic behavior not that she herself is or was ever manic) and assumed this was going to be a defense.
Oh yes and when she said that "no one had touched her head" since whenever...there were some very un christian thoughts that went through my mind right there.

You can tell that was a lie. There is no way KC is cutting her own hair!
When I worked in a nursing home the residents always were the worst behaved when there was a full moon. I have noticed this with my sons as well.

I can't sleep when there is a full moon:eek:
There are no medications approved to treat personality disorders.

:D - K, I am biting, because I love your knowledge. IF we're discussing this on the basis of the DP Lawyer using BP as a mitigating factor, then it would be a Mood disorder - correct?

I guess, in either case, you can't treat either type of disorder, just the symptoms?
When Casey gets mad, she clinches her teeth - you can see her jaw pop out - depending on how long this trial lasts and how many witnesses get called - when they start to debunk all her lies, you'll see her perse her lips, clinch her teeth and look annoyed

It will be interesting - only thing we might not see much of Casey on camera - depends on where the camera is situated- I'd like to see a split screen sometimes

She also makes some really horrendous faces (when she thinks no one can see her) and bites her nails. [Watching the videos for the parts where it goes to the countdown clock screen and watching her SQUIRM is the best!] I'm sure she'll have her "game face" on at trial, though.
I'm no psychiatrist, I do not claim to know a lot of mental illness - my family as far as I know didn't have anyone with any mental illness - when I was younger, I'd say a teen, I had major depression - attempted suicide once, ended up in a hospital (I've never said that outloud - that is wierd to say) anyways - I had major self esteem issues when I was growing up until my early adult years - there was NOTHING in my lifestyle, my family life to suggest that there was anything wrong - I didn't really know this until maybe 5 years ago, my children are older and I never want them to go through what I went through so I'm guessing I'm more mindful of it and I can notice it when I see it.

I never thought I was good enough, I never thought anyone would like me - I was stupid when I was young - NOW I know better

Anyways - as I see ths unfold I see Casey the same way - she has zero self esteem, it doesn't look that way especially when she struts around - that wasn't Casey, she was someone else in her mind

This is why I don't see bi polar - I've been there done that - the bar scene, the flavor of the week, etc.

Again just my opinion

I'm glad things turned out okay for you.

I had a major depression when I was fifteen and have been through a couple since, so I know what you mean.

( just to add to myself)
The defense strategy will be that KC was soooo distraught when the "imaginary babysitter" took Caylee that she went into this bipolar-manic phase, where she lied, stole and acting abnormal to try to deal with the disapperance. THAT'S THEIR DEFENSE! HE JUST TOLD US! :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

I agree also, however, how can they explain the computer searches for chloroform months ahead of time? Oh, please, let me guess, GA or CA! I don't think so...
LOL I don't mean that kind of incoherent.

I know....---I look to your posts alot-I find them fancinating on the spin that we are "supposed to believe" vs. reality--I thank you!

She also makes some really horrendous faces (when she thinks no one can see her) and bites her nails. [Watching the videos for the parts where it goes to the countdown clock screen and watching her SQUIRM is the best!] I'm sure she'll have her "game face" on at trial, though.

loved it when she was just finishing up some form of "emotional distress" --- and she blew at something or another on her arm....then back to basics--whooisme....:doh:

:D - K, I am biting, because I love your knowledge. IF we're discussing this on the basis of the DP Lawyer using BP as a mitigating factor, then it would be a Mood disorder - correct?

I guess, in either case, you can't treat either type of disorder, just the symptoms?
Yes bipolar is a mood disorder, not a personality disorder.
I am in the minority here and I do think she displays charactersitics of BP2. It has a strong hereditary link and I think we can see that as well.
In the bipolar -2 I have to deal with in my family member the manic phase is manifested by over the top anger and the the low is a depression.
ETA:Actually the more I think about it tha more I see BP2 very clearly in her behavior. Not that it couldn't be a million and one other things, but I do see BP2
If I had to guess, I would say that the defense in Casey's criminal trial will bring up Casey's mental issues as simply a mitigating factor. In my opinion, Casey's alleged mental issues (the ones we assume she could be: sociopath, pathological liar, narcissist, bi-polar, ad nauseum) do not meet Florida's legal standard for insanity. I think the defense will trot these out to "explain" Casey's loony behavior once Caylee "was kidnapped".

But if Casey is found guilty of murdering Caylee, the penalty phase is when we'll hear the most about Casey's alleged mental problems. That may also be when the defense will pop open the A family "can of worms" and delve into the family disfunction.

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