Nancy Grace Monday 12/8/2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There you are! I was waiting for you to jump in. I'm in total agreement. In fact I'll eat your other arm if it makes it to court. Er, um that didn't sound quite right, did it? :crazy:

LOL! I'll let you eat my other arm if it does!
Yes, yes you can. I bet these are the type of people, they want for the jury. Those special, special types.

:banghead: First question JB has for potentional juror " did you ride the short the school bus?" If so, they are an automatic YES to be on the jury.
Now, before someone jumps me, I have a retarded child.
Oh yes and when she said that "no one had touched her head" since whenever...there were some very un christian thoughts that went through my mind right there.

:doh: Yeah, those people tend to bring out the "best" in us. At this point, they have probably made a few saints cuss. Mother Theresa herself would smack the out of her.:behindbar
:doh: Yeah, those people tend to bring out the "best" in us. At this point, they have probably made a few saints cuss. Mother Theresa herself would smack the out of her.:behindbar

That was a good one LeLe...
Agree. I don't see it either. And IF she did have psychotic episodes, this wouldn't have been the first, and others would have noticed it.

Nope, nope, nope. MOO

ITA. As has been discussed before, Psychosis consistantly "looks" the same regardless of it's cause or what a persons diagnosis (or lack there-of). It looks nothing like a hot body contest and stealing checks from friends. More like isolation, poor self-care and a whole lot of incoherent.
Got it! They will say that KC is bipolar and that when Caylee was taken from her she went into a manic phase :furious: Brilliant!
:furious: that's why we see her shopping madly and dancing at fusion...bipolar Manic episode to deal with the disapperance of her daughter.

:boohoo: And with Cindy being the compassionate, bright, perceptive nurse that she is, made sure her daughter was properly diagnosed, given the correct regiment of medication & actually took the medication. :doh: Oh, right, this is the same nurse who didn't know KC was 7 mo pregnant & thought it was immaculate conception. :banghead:
OMG. That part just floored me. I couldn't believe he asked for the phone to say THAT. Forgive me all...But it made me realize just how dumb GA really is!

I finally mustered up the courage to watch these tapes and I now understand why she (the silly twerp KC) actually thinks and does manage to "snow" her parents. She's smarter than they are! And that's not saying much.


What can I say???
You're right! :D
KC saying that anybody trying to help... does not know what they are talking about unless they speak to her first.

But of course, she makes it so clear in her own backwards sort of way.:behindbar
I am not sure about the bipolar disorder thing. Is there anyone here with experience? Did her reaction after Caylee went missing seem to be bipolar? What about her actions before Caylee disappeared? Was she bipolar then too?

Maybe she is but there are a lot of bipolar people who do not steal or kill their children. KC is just evil.

If bipolar is the defense, I can not wait until Cindy is on the stand & they ask her if she EVER noticed any signs of mental illness or risky behavior that would have been red flags. She will either have to admit, NO, KC always seemed normal OR yes, but being the type of person that wants to project the image of the perfect family, she didn't get KC help b/c she didn't want anyone to know KC had a problem. IF Cindy ever saw any signs of KC being bipolar, she would have said something to her mom I would think. I bet grandma says she never heard Cindy mention a word about it. In LE, George would have dealt with people who are bipolar. He also didn't notice?

Even if they use she went into a "manic" state after Caylee was lost, that doesnt answer what the hell she did with or to Caylee in the first place.:behindbar
There you are! I was waiting for you to jump in. I'm in total agreement. In fact I'll eat your other arm if it makes it to court. Er, um that didn't sound quite right, did it? :crazy:

She would be on meds in jail if she Baez was going to use that.
ITA. As has been discussed before, Psychosis consistantly "looks" the same regardless of it's cause or what a persons diagnosis (or lack there-of). It looks nothing like a hot body contest and stealing checks from friends. More like isolation, poor self-care and a whole lot of incoherent.

perhaps then jail with protective custody is just the states way of helping her out??????????????? we've seen the tapes--whole lot of incoherent runs rampid in that family...:doh:

hours and hours of tips on a cd made for defense, and they have been sitting
Which just goes to show that no, the emphasis is NOT on Caylee. All any of them cares about, at this point, is saving Casey's skin.

Odious, horrible people. All of them.
I also don't think she is Bi-Polar....I think that is a copout...She is just a cold hearted, spoiled little Biotch who was having a major temper tantrum and unfortunatley Caylee was caught in the crossfire. MOO
She's not bipolar. Mania does not have that happy Fusian face. There is a desperate quality, fear, and paranoia associated with it. Casey has simply been far, far, FAR too controlled in her responses to be considered manic. She does not demonstrate pressured speech. She does not demonstrate any of the features.

Sorry, I don't buy it--not even for a second.
never had to much experience with psych---except what I have read & experienced first had with my mom when she was dealing with the effects of her dementia....

I know when she was in the senior behavior unit (just a nice word for psych ward)---she had options to take or not take meds--HER CHOICE--she didn't know who she was---or where she was but had that choice---they had to ASK her

She wasn't mentally competent at all---there were times there was a "medical hold" on her---before the hearing they withheld meds from her due to her "legal" rights--they couldn't just give her the meds--(she eventually took them--but it was her choice--)--even after she was declared "medically incompetent" she had the same rights---they couldn't force them on her--could offer them--but it was up to HER...(trust me for what they gave her and what it took to finally get them to work was always amazement--the frustration level! ) I did have to testify her at one point for but they still couldn't give her meds---(heck after one incident in particular--I would have taken her meds! :innocent:)

As for ca's mom and aunt--thru out the disease my sil alwas blamed MY FAMILY for any psychois that came out---at one point even diagnosing mom (who she didn't really even like)--as schizo-which to this day I am still saying to all whom as "NO" wasn't the diagnosis--she had psychosis episodes-but that was it...I think we just hear about the mental illness of the wek and since our behavior would be nothing like it --- we want to deem it that way--heck even my kids know kids who dream of being bi-polar...

imo--mental illness isn't a story of the week--it is an illness that we try and try to define but still continue to sweep it away..(shameful)--unless someone can cling to it for a "defense"


I'm sorry for what you went through with your mom. Psychosis sucks horribly-often more-so for those of you who love us that are prone to it. We are protected by our insanity often becoming unaware. You have to live with it! :hug:

I notice talk of forced medication.. although it is illegal to force a person to take meds other than to return a person to sanity to stand trial, there are ways around it that are used. I was forced by law to remain in treatment with my PDoc and take my medication or my probation would be revoked and I would be forced to serve my 15 year suspended sentence.

I am not saying I agree OR disagree with this practice, I am just bringing it up so that it's known that people can be forced to take medication or be put away.

perhaps then jail with protective custody is just the states way of helping her out??????????????? we've seen the tapes--whole lot of incoherent runs rampid in that family...:doh:


LOL I don't mean that kind of incoherent.

1. If a prisoner is diagnosed with personality/mood disorder, are they MANDATED to take meds?
2. If yes, then does this vary by state?
3. Could a prisoner refuse say chemo treatment, because it is their choice, vs. refusing psych meds that will impact their behavior in prison, and possibly during additional legal proceedings?

There are no medications approved to treat personality disorders.
The bipolar defense may actually work against her in the long run. I just can't see a jury being sympathetic toward her given her actions (partying, stealing, lying etc.) bipolar or not.

What I found interesting on NG tonight was the clip of CA asking KC if she was speaking to a psychologist. KC says, yes, everday, that is who she was just speaking with. CA asks if she has opened up to the psychologist. KC replies no. CA responds "understood." KC clearly needs help with her pathological lying and CA knows it. It appears to me that CA was relieved that KC is not "opening up" to the psychologist. What is that all about?

Good catch. I noticed this as well and thought they they (CA and KC) were speaking in code about something. CA knows SOMETHING and she's not talking.
The bipolar defense may actually work against her in the long run. I just can't see a jury being sympathetic toward her given her actions (partying, stealing, lying etc.) bipolar or not.

What I found interesting on NG tonight was the clip of CA asking KC if she was speaking to a psychologist. KC says, yes, everday, that is who she was just speaking with. CA asks if she has opened up to the psychologist. KC replies no. CA responds "understood." KC clearly needs help with her pathological lying and CA knows it. It appears to me that CA was relieved that KC is not "opening up" to the psychologist. What is that all about?

Lacey C I think that the perp not talking with the psychologist and being approved by CA is more about the fact that the perp will NOT be found incompetent. Only immature, narcissitic, and spoiled. Doubt it is to hide family anger/abuse, or harm to Caylee.
I guess....I mean...

If Casey were bipolar, and her disorder was so severe at times that it caused her to exhibit such extreme behavior, WHY didn't any friends come forward and say that they noticed these signs? Especially in the last month? I mean, it seems like if mania were so severe as to warrant, say, partying at Fusian while her daughter is dead or missing, it stands to reason that other symptoms would have manifested itself in other ways, and that someone would have noticed?

It just seems awful convenient that the only symptoms of this disorder she showed were the symptoms that caused her to lie, cheat, and steal in secret. Did no friends notice any of those symptoms in the month she was missing from Cindy's?

I mean, admittedly, I don't know much about Bipolar disorder- I am very close with someone who was diagnosed with it, but she acts nothing like this...hers is more of mood swings, manic depression at times, times of extreme happiness, and feeling invincible, then exploding...but is noticeable. It's not like she lies and cheats in secret, and is totally normal on the surface, to all of her friends.

Maybe I just don't know enough about it.

Maybe that's what the defense is counting on...the jury not knowing enough about it, or there being a wide range of experiences with people having it...

Just my thoughts. Who knows.

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