Nancy Grace - Monday, November 3, 2008

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DNA Solves
How could anyone question if she had a job or not? Where can you work and spend this amount of time either talking or texting on a cell phone?

I hope they had a package that had free texting.....and I thought my kids texted alot. :crazy:

I don't think she had a package becuase she used Amy's money to try to pay a $500 cell phone bill to AT@T. Geez I have unlinited everything with my plan and it is $80 a month.
Holy cow...that is alot of phoning!!! Chilly, what are you saying about the ping differences?
I think between LE and the Telecom expert, they know EXACTLY what KC was up to. Geez, they can even tell when and how much she was sleeping !
Unbelievable. She was texting so much she was only sleeping 3 to 4 hours a night. This girl had problems. I don't understand why Cindy and George did not do something about Caylee. Why did they not take her and throw Casey out. I am sure they are feeling so much guilt they do not even know how to deal with it. They had to know some of what was going on.
Do most sociopaths have a need to be on a phone nonstop?? ie Scott Peterson.
I think between LE and the Telecom expert, they know EXACTLY what KC was up to. Geez, they can even tell when and how much she was sleeping !

Those cell phones will get you every time! Given the amount of time she used her cell phone, I have to guess that FL doesn't have a law about not using a cell phone while driving a car
Cindy broke down at vigil. I had not heard this before.

I posted this in the media links & daily thread.:blowkiss:

Cindy Anthony Becomes Emotional While Hugging Little Girl At Vigil:
Monday, November 3, 2008 – updated: 11:04 am EST November 3, 2008


Emotional Cindy A. Video:

Interview w/GA & CA after Vigil:

Video Report:
Do most sociopaths have a need to be on a phone nonstop?? ie Scott Peterson.

ITA HE had four on his person when he was arrested.

He also was on his phone all the time EXCEPT the day she went missing. He checked his messages at 7:08 that moening nad then did not use his phone until he was on his way home from the Marina.
I don't think she had a package becuase she used Amy's money to try to pay a $500 cell phone bill to AT@T. Geez I have unlinited everything with my plan and it is $80 a month.

I forgot all about that.......I guess it doesn't matter what plan she had; since she never used her own money to pay for it.:crazy:
Cindy broke down when a little girl from the vigil came up and hugged her. She misses her grandbaby, and her arms long for her. How could she not have broke down?
I forgot all about that.......I guess it doesn't matter what plan she had; since she never used her own money to pay for it.:crazy:

Did she EVER use her own money for ANYTHING? Given her history, I would say not.
I posted this in the media links & daily thread.:blowkiss:

Cindy Anthony Becomes Emotional While Hugging Little Girl At Vigil:
Monday, November 3, 2008 – updated: 11:04 am EST November 3, 2008


Emotional Cindy A. Video:

Interview w/GA & CA after Vigil:

Video Report:

Oh, thanks. I found it myself. I don't usually remember to check the media thread. That'll teach me.
Snipped from Starks post.
Casey just popped into Chris Stutz house to say hi for 2 hours—no Caylee. Casey has TonE jeep and said her car broke down. They talked about Casey parents pending divorce George having a gf; Casey and her mom where moving buying a house near the dump off of Curry Road.

This just stood out to me like a red flag!!!!! Remember how it has been said that Casey does tell a little truth in her lies? Could it be she slipped up (or the dump was on her mind) mentioning the dump, because she was just there being rid of Caylee?
Man, that got to me, when NG asked LP how he would feel if he came upon any remains of Caylee ... and he started to choke up, very emotional He's a ole bear on the outside, but a gentle man on the inside.

Also, she only slept very little most nights, then 12 hours on the one night, forgot the date ... sooo she was very tired from something.
What I don't understand is why they are focusing on the texting. How could she text and burry Caylee at the same time?

They are looking for a gap & with as much she was texting/calling it helps to pin point where to look for Caylee. My guess is if she didn't use it as much as she did it would actually be harder to find something out of the ordinary. JMO

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