Nancy Grace - Thurs., 1/29/09

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Isn't it odd that kc is not afraid of anything?
She can look the Judge in the eye and say I'm not going into court today?
kc seems entitled to a queen status!
I guess no one ever had the guts to tell her she is 'NOTHING'.............IMO
No one ever said NO to her until now.
That's not what I learned as a girl friday for a lawyer in Philly. Of course that was when I was 19 & was interested in such things. I'm not referring to all legwork, only considering JG's dna test regarding the paternity of Caylee. I know for a fact it's supposed to be provided to the defense, as long as the defense requests it and pays for it. Lest we not forget that the prosecution already made it public knowledge that another young man's death certificate is included in the docs. This opens up the door for the defense to ask for the copy of said dna/paternity test and be supplied with such requested evidence. I wouldn't be surprised if the defense is provided all requested info on the same day that the trial date is set, probably tomorrow. That in turn would give the defense less time to investigate. It's a strategy that's been used for years & years.

C. The state has an affirmative and continuing duty to disclose to the defense certain information within the state's possession, including the results of scientific tests and any tangible evidence that the state intends to introduce at trial. McArthur v. State, 671 So.2d 867 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). STATE'S DUTY TO DISCLOSE
I wish some of the callers would know how to talk a little better, and leave out the uh's and the um's, and get to the point a little quicker....I am so annoyed with NG for some reason tonight....

Sometimes I wish they would screen these calls. Some questions are really good and others are ridiculous. I cant count the amount of times during this case a caller has asked who the father of the baby was.:waitasec:
I agree. I about fell asleep waiting for the last one to finally get to her question.

I wonder why Casey doesn't want to go to court. I'd think anything that gets her out of that tiny cell for a while would be a welcome change. Could it be that she's ashamed? :rolleyes:

LOL Casey ashamed?? I doubt it, in her mind she has done nothing wrong and she is a victim, she said so herself , the victim part anyways:)
I know I"m slow but why is she making such a fuss about appearing in court? Attention seeking?

IMO yes and kc isn't used to having ANYONE telling her what to do!
kc has always had the CONTROL, and now she doesn't have any!
My DH is a Sergeant in Corrections here in NY and they use force to take them to court. Would love to be a bug on the wall tomorrow when KC says she aint goin!!!

I'd love to be a bug too so I can see her go :crazy: when they use force..What would that be exactly..did DH say?
I agree. I about fell asleep waiting for the last one to finally get to her question.

I wonder why Casey doesn't want to go to court. I'd think anything that gets her out of that tiny cell for a while would be a welcome change. Could it be that she's ashamed? :rolleyes:

You have a good point!!
Most inmates love the opportunity to get out and take a car ride. :crazy:
I agree. I about fell asleep waiting for the last one to finally get to her question.

I wonder why Casey doesn't want to go to court. I'd think anything that gets her out of that tiny cell for a while would be a welcome change. Could it be that she's ashamed? :rolleyes:
I think she doesn't like everyone seeing her in the jail house garb, and no make up.
I agree you would think she'd want a chance to get out, have a change of scenery.
I know I"m slow but why is she making such a fuss about appearing in court? Attention seeking?
I personally think she doesn't want to face CA due to the evidence that has came out and after GA being admitted to the hospital. I guess it could be just because she is used to getting her way all time and doesn't see this as any different.
LOL Casey ashamed?? I doubt it, in her mind she has done nothing wrong and she is a victim, she said so herself , the victim part anyways:)

She doesn't like being on camera without make up and her hair done. You have to break it down to really superficial levels.
I'd love to be a bug too so I can see her go :crazy: when they use force..What would that be exactly..did DH say?

DH says whatever force is necessay to fulfill the court order. ie. shackles and handcuffs and a not so nice piggy back ride upside down by 4 of the largest CO's you ever saw. :woohoo: lol
She doesn't like being on camera without make up and her hair done. You have to break it down to really superficial levels.

Oh yes, must have on make-up and hair fixed, well she has been told she is going to court, wonder if she will get all purtied up??
DH says whatever force is necessay to fulfill the court order. ie. shackles and handcuffs and a not so nice piggy back ride upside down by 4 of the largest CO's you ever saw. :woohoo: lol

Talk about a Kodak moment!!!!!!!!!!
DH says whatever force is necessay to fulfill the court order. ie. shackles and handcuffs and a not so nice piggy back ride upside down by 4 of the largest CO's you ever saw. :woohoo: lol

I would hope it would be some very large women deputies. She likes male attention way too much!
C. The state has an affirmative and continuing duty to disclose to the defense certain information within the state's possession, including the results of scientific tests and any tangible evidence that the state intends to introduce at trial. McArthur v. State, 671 So.2d 867 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). STATE'S DUTY TO DISCLOSE

Yes, that's correct and I already know that BUT the prosecution entered into evidence a young man's death certificate that happens to bear the same name of the person that KC apparently told her parents was Caylee's bio papa. Upon having entered such info into evidence, they opened the door for the defense to request and be provided all docs regarding supposed or questionable paternity. I'd have to look through case law in order to cite this but this is what I learned...respectfully speaking:)
In the show at the 15 min mark, showing Cindy talking with her at jail, Cindy says, " Why didn't SHE pick up the car:eek:? Since I have Tivo I listened about 6 times....did anyone else hear this....Going back to listen to that jailhouse visit, it was one of the first. Maybe KC told Cindy that Zanny ditched the car??
In the show at the 15 min mark, showing Cindy talking with her at jail, Cindy says, " Why didn't SHE pick up the car:eek:? Since I have Tivo I listened about 6 times....did anyone else hear this....Going back to listen to that jailhouse visit, it was one of the first. Maybe KC told Cindy that Zanny ditched the car??
Yes I heard that.! She evades the question completely, and wails "Mom", like she's so good at doing. :mad:
Has anyone heard if TruTv will have the hearing on in the morning?
Yes I heard that.! She evades the question completely, and wails "Mom", like she's so good at doing. :mad:

Yes, I listened to the video before & thought she asked why didn't YOU pick up the car? But, clearly she says "Why didn't SHE pick up the car, it makes no sense"
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