NANCY GRACE ~ Tuesday, 12/30/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Looking at the dates, it looks like he read the meters on the 11th of the month.
August 11- he makes his first call saying that he was on his route and saw something suspicious
December 11- he finds the "right bag" and discovers the body of precious Caylee.

You're right, I wonder why he wasn't on that route in Sept, Oct, and Nov?

I thought I heard he was transferred out of that area in August and then was transferred back into the area in December.
they estimate usage

actually check the meters every 3-4 months

saves man hours

I live in Florida and they read the meters every month. The only time they don't read the meters is when a hurricane hits hard somewhere and they need the personnel to go to the areas to get electricity up and running.
I sure hope that when this is all over and done with, Mark Fuhrman writes a book about it!!
Was he even asked to take a polygraph or was that another piece of LP fiction to show how important he was?

I'm pretty sure LE confirmed the poly & it was them (not LP) that said the FBI would do it in CA if necessary..The location didn't matter but I don't think it was done there or in Orlando the many times LP's been back.

I said in another post it may have been all a ruse but we'll never know anything about the poly unless LP spills (likely) but that probably won't happen until after the trial is over.
OK ... I HAVE to ask about LP! Why does he give information that he seems to have known all along, NOW? Why didn't he give that information THEN?

Tonight, if I heard him right, he said something about somebody telling him ... let's go get the body, and he asked if she was alive or not, and they said no, she's dead.


Did I hear him wrong? I can't believe that he throws out information that he seems to have known all along, but didn't tell it at the time, and tells it now.

I'm truly confused about him. Is he just making this stuff up as he goes along, or has he truly known all of this all the time? If he has known, wouldn't he be in trouble for not telling THEN?

OH! my head hurts!!! :banghead:

Because Nancy will never let him talk.. she cuts him off purposely... she knows that a break is coming up in less than a minute, so that's when she puts him on. He has to talk too fast, and then he iss cut off in the middle of a sentence. And most of the time she doesn't go back and let him finish what he was saying.
Actually, I don't know what to make of this info he gave last night. I take a lot of what he said with a bucket of salt... but sometimes he makes sense.
One thing that struck me was, he said Dominic Casey never worked for Baez... that he was associated with the Anthonys when Casey was out of jail that first time.
I recall him announcing on NG a few weeks ago that we shouldn't be surprised if the FBI or LE hit us with the news that they have the body... then just a couple days later the remains were found. I wondered then what he knew.
I just read the transcript of last night's show. It was an entire hour of wasted time.
No one said anything that meant anything. All just a bunch of baloney, and that
includes LP imo.
How can they do an entire show on nothing? Oops, forgot, it's been done before.
LP also said he thought LE had already found the body a few days before the MR actually did :waitasec:

He said on NG one night to not be surprised if LE or FBI hits us with the news that they have the body.... then a few days later, the MR found the remains. I am VERY curious how he predicted that. If someone in LE had found the remains, they would NOT have let it sit there for two or three days and allowed someone else to stumble on it. They would have called CSI in immediately and declared it a crime scene.
I for one am tired of his meddling in this case. I can't recall anything useful that he has done. Nancy Grace needs stopputting him on her show.
IMO of course.
I think he's stirring the pot because he's an ego-maniac who likes to pretend that he knows more than he does just to make himself seem important.

Leonard told "dateline" that ..."He Loves the media attention."

He's dropping these "Bombshells" because it makes him seem knowledgeable about the case or that he has inside information & the more inside information he has the more he will be invited back to the show.

LP told us everything he knows about the case months ago...anything "New" is pure BS made up to serve himself.

Well, I would bet that he has more knowledge about the characters in this case than most people here do.
And I think, just like us, that he learns new details every day. He just doesn't always explain them because NG keeps interrupting him.
I think he must have SOME value to be invited back to NG's show every night. And if nothing else, he makes it interesting.
Besides...... tell us how he knew that the body would be found BEFORE the meter reader stumbled across it.
You and me both. I am shivering just thinking about how I would explain all the searches on my computer if one of my family members suddenly met an untimely suspicious death! Just cuff me now....:eek::behindbar

Save a chair at that 12-step program for me, too! I'm hiding my hours on WS from DH ... guiltily skulking around doing "laundry" only really reading here. MUST..... STOP......:computer::computer:

Words that never were true.
Spoken to help nobody but you.
Words with lies inside,
But small enough to hide
til your playin was through. ah!
The Monkees "WORDS"
I just read the transcript of last night's show. It was an entire hour of wasted time.
No one said anything that meant anything. All just a bunch of baloney, and that
includes LP imo.
How can they do an entire show on nothing? Oops, forgot, it's been done before.

It might be a waste of time to some people, but a lot of folks find it fascinating to watch all these people discussing the different aspects of the case.... just like we discuss it here. That's all it is, a discussion forum about this and other cases. And I found a LOT of it to be meaningful.
And yesterday he said there was a "daisy chain" from Casey to Lee to the meter reader leading to the discovery of the body. What will it be tomorrow for LP's blockbuster du jour?

Will someone please explain to me what a "daisy chain" is?:waitasec:
Does anyone remember a comment by JB in which he said something like it is not in KC best interest to reveil where caylee is. If someone else remembers this to then I will go back and look for the statement.
He said on NG one night to not be surprised if LE or FBI hits us with the news that they have the body.... then a few days later, the MR found the remains. I am VERY curious how he predicted that. If someone in LE had found the remains, they would NOT have let it sit there for two or three days and allowed someone else to stumble on it. They would have called CSI in immediately and declared it a crime scene.

I am curious how he was able to predict that too TXLady2. Strange coincidence that on DEC 09, 2008 LP made these statements LINK:

I'm not sure what to think about LP sometimes. Does he have inside info? Or is he like a broken clock which can be right twice a day?

To the poster that asked what is a daisy chain? I think LP was using it in the figurative sense in that he believes that there is a connection between the MR and someone within the A camp. I think he may be intimating that KC told where Caylee was to LA and LA told so-and-so and so-and-so told the MR and then Caylee was found. I could be wrong, I haven't given much thought to LP's predictions and comments. daisy chain ~ daisy chain ((figurative) a series of associated things or people or experiences)
Will someone please explain to me what a "daisy chain" is?:waitasec:

There are a variety of explations for "daisy-chain" but the standard would be connecting A to B; B to C; C to D. Sort of like connecting the dots.
A - Casey
B - Casey connects to say Lee
C - Lee connects to etc., etc.
Does anyone remember a comment by JB in which he said something like it is not in KC best interest to reveil where caylee is. If someone else remembers this to then I will go back and look for the statement.

Yup, I remember it!
probably not a shrine, imo, but a marker, so she wouldn't have to go looking if she wanted to go back to the scene of the crime?

I think the "round white object" the meter reader said he saw was the skull.
There are a variety of explations for "daisy-chain" but the standard would be connecting A to B; B to C; C to D. Sort of like connecting the dots.
A - Casey
B - Casey connects to say Lee
C - Lee connects to etc., etc.

When LP first said "daisy-chain", I recall some very brief smirking from Nancy and the others on-screen (I smirked too :crazy: ). I agree with you that on the surface LP meant it the way you explain it above but I also think his choice of THAT particular expression was also to thumb his nose at KC because I wouldn't doubt that she's had personal experience with the naughtier version of this expression. :camera:
He said on NG one night to not be surprised if LE or FBI hits us with the news that they have the body.... then a few days later, the MR found the remains. I am VERY curious how he predicted that. If someone in LE had found the remains, they would NOT have let it sit there for two or three days and allowed someone else to stumble on it. They would have called CSI in immediately and declared it a crime scene.

When you make thousands of predictions and only one is even remotely close, you can chalk it up to the blind squirrel finding a nut every so often. LP is almost never right and it is a shame that he is still getting the publicity.

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