NANCY GRACE ~ Tuesday, 12/30/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I actually cant see the connection between the meter reader and the private investigators to be honest- I just wondered if this was always his assigned area to read meters- seems like I always have the same guy reading the meter here- wonder why he was there in august and then again in December- wonder why someone else would fill in between august and December to read them and not Roy?

Looking at the dates, it looks like he read the meters on the 11th of the month.
August 11- he makes his first call saying that he was on his route and saw something suspicious
December 11- he finds the "right bag" and discovers the body of precious Caylee.

You're right, I wonder why he wasn't on that route in Sept, Oct, and Nov?
I did hear them say tonight on NG- I think Mark Williams said it- that they have determined a time of death or very close to one but it has not been released as yet but in time it will be
I actually cant see the connection between the meter reader and the private investigators to be honest- I just wondered if this was always his assigned area to read meters- seems like I always have the same guy reading the meter here- wonder why he was there in august and then again in December- wonder why someone else would fill in between august and December to read them and not Roy?

I don't think there is a connection. I think the PI was there on a tip, but found nothing. I think the MR was there, saw all the trash the first time, and decided to go back later when he was either in the area again...or when the water and foliage were less dense. I don't think there was some vast conspiracy or "daisy chain" involving these two people. If there was, there would not have been such a long time frame involved. MR started out there in August, the PI in November, and the MR found the body in December. If they were working together with some tip from Lee or someone else in LP's mind....they would have found the body much more quickly IMO. It's bunk.
Looking at the dates, it looks like he read the meters on the 11th of the month.
August 11- he makes his first call saying that he was on his route and saw something suspicious
December 11- he finds the "right bag" and discovers the body of precious Caylee.

You're right, I wonder why he wasn't on that route in Sept, Oct, and Nov?

they estimate usage

actually check the meters every 3-4 months

saves man hours
Did they actually say on NG tonight that there was a "time of death?" If it is, I wonder why that information has not been released yet.

On JVM it was stated that both 'time of death' and 'duration' the body had been at the crime scene were back but not shared. I'd suspect they both feature date(s) in June.

LE has a LOT of cards they are playing with right now that is making everyone nervous as to what they have and it is unfurling -- with A family immunity requests, PI videos, etc. The A house of cards is toppling.
I was wondering if they ever got around and talked about the As wanting Casey to be at the funeral?
I actually cant see the connection between the meter reader and the private investigators to be honest-

I agree- if MR was somehow involved and told to report the bag, he tried three times in August and was not successful.

Why would "whomever" asked him to report this in August ask him to do it again in December?

If three calls didn't yield a find, I would think that the "person" could have found someone else to make the December call.

And if that "someone" was desperate enough to engage someone to call in the body, why would they wait three months to find someone to report it?

Some very simple things are made so complicated on this forum.
Guess before we jump to any more conclusions, we should wait until Roy gives us the whole story- which may be friday- he did say he would talk after the new year comes in-it may fill in alot of the gaps- we may really get surprised- who knows
I actually cant see the connection between the meter reader and the private investigators to be honest- I just wondered if this was always his assigned area to read meters- seems like I always have the same guy reading the meter here- wonder why he was there in august and then again in December- wonder why someone else would fill in between august and December to read them and not Roy?
I heard on one of the shows that he was assigned to a different area for several months and just lately reassigned back in the Anthony area. Thats probably why he hadn't checked with LE until he started working the Anthony area again.
You can bet she will come into the court looking as cute and perky as possible. Wearing her "Mother of the Year" sash.

Lets hope those Jail bras dont make you look to perky......:eek:
On JVM it was stated that both 'time of death' and 'duration' the body had been at the crime scene were back but not shared. I'd suspect they both feature date(s) in June.

LE has a LOT of cards they are playing with right now that is making everyone nervous as to what they have and it is unfurling -- with A family immunity requests, PI videos, etc. The A house of cards is toppling.

At any point is the prosecutor compelled to share that forensic information with the defense?
I don't think there is a connection. I think the PI was there on a tip, but found nothing. I think the MR was there, saw all the trash the first time, and decided to go back later when he was either in the area again...or when the water and foliage were less dense. I don't think there was some vast conspiracy or "daisy chain" involving these two people. If there was, there would not have been such a long time frame involved. MR started out there in August, the PI in November, and the MR found the body in December. If they were working together with some tip from Lee or someone else in LP's mind....they would have found the body much more quickly IMO. It's bunk.

ITA -- otherwise it is too orchestrated by too many players. Too many players risks someone talking to the media or LE and spilling the beans on the others. You keep things in a small tight circle, . . . so why not just an anonymous call into the tip line rather than involve the MR?

This was not orchestrated, it dragged on for months and the MR just had a hunch that he followed up on. You had to be in the precise area and facing the right way, since the remains were obscured and if you were not positioned correctly you could walk right by, literally!!!

Also, the remains were scattered over an acre so you are not looking for a bag with a body as we think of it, most of the remains are gone so it is a collapsed compressed weathered bag with only a few remains under some scrub --- so it would not look like a body unless it stuck out to investigate further -- as it did in Dec. when more of it was exposed.
He was talking about having seen the video the PI took. He said that PI Casey had called PI Hoover and told him that they knew where Caylee was. PI Hoover asked PI Casey if she was alive and he said no...but they were going to get her right then. They went with a camera and filmed. LP says they found nothing. He also said they were at least 200-300 yards away from where she was ultimately found. I think he dismissed the video and the "tip" because nobody found anything. For some reason...the story of the video has re-surfaced again. LP was just trying to say that it doesn't show anything because they were in the wrong spot.
Well, the one thing that's missing from all this...did he report it to LE?
I agree Txrose about your theory on the P.I.'s, and meter reader- no connection.
I heard on NG that the time of death and duration will be first released to the defense, into discovery and then released to the public so guess we may hear that soon- looks like we will be awaiting to hear alot in the near future- the meter readers whole story, time of Caylees death, LE going to crime scene and not finding anything- the P.I. reason for going to crime scene- alot on the horizon
He ALWAYS does that, and it does seem like he's inserting himself. He's rarely right when he tries to "predict" something. On this, however, he did tell another sleuther that the body had been found... BEFORE it was actually found by the meter reader. This was during a conversation between LP and the sleuther. This particular sleuther posted the information several weeks ago. I'm hoping that sleuther will post about that again.
Well, if he told someone not related to the case, then he sure as heck better have told LE. BTW...can you link to that post? Sorry if it already has been, I'm making my way through all the posts.
That's kinda what I've wondered from time to time, too. That he's willing to get out there and plant whatever needs planting, perhaps to shake up the perp or others who may have helped/been involved to the point that someone cracks, but maybe on his own from info he develops from sources as opposed to on behalf of LE.

He does seem to have a pretty big "in" with the FBI, if anything he says can be trusted. ;)

ETA: He seems the type to me that would be willing to suffer public disparaging or the possibility of being sued in order to keep rattling the cages to try to get something to give.

Thanks for saying that! ITA! I never said I believed everything the man said, I just think there is a method to his madness. Sometimes he seems WAY out there but, if nothing else he has helped keep this case in the headlines.. so I am just waiting to see what or who shakes out and he does have a way of shaking things up. Who knows? For all his naysayers..stranger things have happened in this nightmare of a case, haven't they?...I'm sure plenty will disagree with me, but's that's just my own personal opinion. One thing for sure, he is relentless and that's ok with me. :)
Is it possible that LP could be working with LE and SA somehow? Perhaps being told what he can and cannot say during his tv appearances?

He sure does stir the pot and he speaks so certainly about things that I can't imagine LE would want him to say. I would think he would have been muzzled by now if they didn't want him talking.

I can't rule out he's a mole for LE..A BH can be very useful & this one fell right into their lap..Why not take advantage of it?

He's never taken that LD test LE made a big deal about..It could've been nothing but a ruse..Maybe searching BP was too but I admit that would be a major stretch :)
YES - you would think. LP says he thought they went and filmed it because they wanted to be able to sell the video to the media. Hmmmm. I am not sure I buy his entire story detail by detail, but the basics could be true. That PI Casey got a tip and they went to check it out. Perhaps LP *embellished* the part where he said "we found Caylee".
I think it more likely they got a tip they thought might be promising and that's it.
It would also help to know if the MR phoned any other tipline...KWIM
Neither PI worked for Baez after 10/1/08. PI DC worked for him prior to that date on the KCA case. PI DC is NOT covered by the attorney/client privilege but does fall under the attorney work product privilege vis-a-vis any reports etc. he may have produced and Baez can assert the privilege to protect his work product. Baez can not tell the PI anything that falls within the A/C privilege. KC can, but by doing so destroys the privilege.

The (A/C) attorney/client privilege NEVER expires, the attorney is bound to the privilege for life or until he/she is released from the privilege by the client. (sometimes being sued by the client extinguishes the privilege if the confidential matters establish a defense to the client's suit). We take your secrets to our graves. We do not tell the PIs anything of a confidential nature, we instruct them to perform XYZ for us, but never anything told to us in confidence by a client. Not everything a client says is privileged but I have never heard an attorney discuss a client by name or tell a client secret.

I do not understand, nor can I follow, the daisy chain. I can only assume that it is being surmised that someone tipped off someone who tipped off someone to the dump site but none could find the right spot. MR was 6 football fields away in August per LP.

LP made the "I wouldn't be surprised if they have the body already" statement on 12/9. The "we found Caylee" statement by Hoover to LP was on 11/15 but Hoover couldn't find the spot either. Apparently the tip was vague.
Guess we will see at the end of this trial why certain people said what and why and who was correct - we may only know half of it all but thats better than where we are at now, and thats guessing- alot of things will come out and we can refer back to the posts and put it altogether. Hopefully we wont be here another 2 yrs waiting for that trial like we had to wait for Jessica Lunsfords. At least he stood up to the podium and told what he did- we didnt have to guess. I dont think I could last 2 more years trying to figure this case out-

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