Nancy Grace - Wednesday, 12/10/08

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DNA Solves
That's my biggest problem believing the credibility of any of these look-alike sightings. The woman who took the picture of this little girl in Orlando said they watched her for 20 minutes. 20 minutes.. In all that time, the young child never interacted with a supervising adult? Not one minute was spent discerning who was watching over the child?

That can't be the case, because these ladies then go on to say that they followed the "adult" woman with the child as she was leaving the mall to go to her car. They said she saw them trying to take the child's picture and started covering the child's face from them. Ya think!?

But in all of the what 20-30-40 minutes they spent stalking this woman and her child did either of these super-sleuths think to just get a picture of the woman with the child? The child who is at least a full year older than baby Caylee who would only have just turned 3 a few months ago? A child who has a much more pronounce chin and nose than baby Caylee? A child I can clearly see is not Caylee even if her grandparents can't? It's insulting.

I have caused a bigger scene at the mall when I didn't get enough hot sauce for my burrito....believe me if I thought for 1/2 a second that I saw Caylee, all of OrLawnDo would have known about it, 911 being the first.
<Preface: this is not directed at you Salome, but rather the claim>

And?? You know how many friends I had growing up in S. Fla. from various cultures and backgrounds whose parents didn't speak a lick of English though my friends spoke perfect English? I had friends whose parents regularly spoke their native tongue in their home to each other, but the kids could only understand it - they couldn't speak it themselves. My friends would argue with their parents in front of me in English, and I couldn't understand what the heck the parents were saying. I had other friends who had to decipher the English language back to their parents in their native tongue as well. Everyone's got reasons for the dynamic in their family. Doesn't mean their child doesn't belong to them.

I agree with you totally -- I don't know why they would make a big deal out of this. But I'm sure the As will use it somehow (or someone in their clan) to mean something important -- when there are plenty of reasons this could be so.
I wish someone would call Nancy Grace or some talking head bring up the fact that the kid on the video looks nothing like Caylee. Nancy acts as if it does. Kid has a giant nose. Caylee had a little pug nose. Kid looks 4 or 5 years old...much taller than Caylee. Kid has a big jutting chin. Basically she just doesn't look anything like Caylee and yet these people talk as if she's her twin. Really irks me.
I sure hope that wee girls parents never hear your description of her!! They will never come foreword!!lol:)
First let me thank all of you WSers for the 'blow-by-blow' account of NG show since I could not watch tonite. Sounds as though JB and the A's reason for for fighting gag order is clear now--so they could spread their bs. That poor little girl having her picture on tv is devastating I'm sure to her family and they should look into the A's out there stalking little girls. This girl looked to be at least a couple of years older than Caylee. All of this bs JB is concocting is a last ditch effort to put some doubt in peoples minds. It will not take away KC not reporting her disappearance for 31 days, KC's lies, death band on hair, KC's lies, decomp in trunk, KC's lies, cadaver dogs hitting on trunk, KC's lies and yard for decomp, and that KC was a terrible and irresponsible parent, if she did not have her parents taking care of her KC would have been a prostitute or in jail for some kind of crime that she would have been ripping somebody off. KC was lacking in morals and used people for her advantage. KC should fry for the horrible death she caused her daughter.
I sure hope that wee girls parents never hear your description of her!! They will never come foreword!!lol:)
I hope they come forward tomorrow and have Gloria Allred leading the way!!! That poor innocent little girl's photo needs to stop being posted everywhere!
The trial is scheduled to start in 25 days.

Kobi hasn't examined the physical evidence.

JB hasn't picked up the package of "sightings".

The SA dropped the DP.

The A's are playing for reasonable doubt, so they can tell the jury of all the sightings they are still investigating. I would put the A's on first as witnesses to set the stage and then load up on the evidence that proves death.

"31 days"
"da*m car smells like a dead body"
"it smelled of decomp"
I have caused a bigger scene at the mall when I didn't get enough hot sauce for my burrito....believe me if I thought for 1/2 a second that I saw Caylee, all of OrLawnDo would have known about it, 911 being the first.
LOL I agree. (I cause scenes over not enough hot sauce for my burritos, too.)
OK first time poster and I'm not sure if I'm reading this right but did anyone else catch this on Nancy Transcripts regarding the Matt Laur show....

JB said:She's innocent. Absolutely, 100 percent innocent. And we`ll have our day in court. We`ll be able to tell everyone the full story. Not just a fraction of it where people have been assuming the worst.

And quite frankly, you -- can`t judge someone`s life based on a fraction of the story. Currently, right now, what we`re doing is doing the research and the different areas, different media markets to see exactly where`s the best place to see if we could possibly try this case.

That we should be submitting to the court shortly.

We believe that Caylee is alive. And what we want to do -- as her attorney, I have a responsibility to Casey. And that is to do the best job possible. So it`s not an issue of rushing to get a trial, just because we expect a body to be found.

Welcome to WS, Imagine~ Yes...I did notice JB said that (it was actually from his interview on the Today show played back by NG, IIRC).
Thanks, I have been lurking for couple months. I hope I posted right.
Very Interesting forum.
As far as getting the video, I can tell you what happened to me about 2 years ago.

I was leaving Home Depot in Arnold Mo, through the contractors/pickup entrance. If anyone has ever been to a Home Depot, you know this area is seperate from the parking lot and road goes around it. In other words you have to intentionally drive in to be in the area. Anyways, as I was leaving with a bulk item, my daughter walking by my side, she sees something shiny on the ground in the middle of the area and runs ahead of me through the doors to go see what it is. Take in mind I am right there and go after her because I DONT let her wander. At the same time someone in a white Ford sedan sees apparently sees her bent over, revs his engine, intentionally whips into the area then slams on his brakes stopping right in front of her, then starts reving his engine, like he was going to run her over, making a big joke about it. Another person loading wood grabs her, I run over and reach into the car and grab this guy by his shirt and face, wherever I could grab, he wrestles free and takes off. We go inside, inform HD and call the police. They (police) refuse to do anything saying it sounds like it was some kind of misunderstanding, and if anything I assaulted this guy, they said they arent even going to take a report. (To protect me from being charged, of course they say) The other guy tries telling them just as ferishly as me, NO this guy did this intentionally, like he was making some kind of sick joke of running down a child. But it all fell on deaf ears. I tried to get them to at least go look at the surveilance tape. They kept asking why. I asked why they wouldnt at least try to track down the guy and talk to him. NO NO NO. So my next step was to try to get the tapes from HD myself. I talked to the store manager, thought it might happen, two days later was told I wasnt getting anything unless the police themselves supeona d them. Crap about privacy laws and such.

So I can relate to the runaround about business's releasing these tapes. They arent going to unless they absolutely have to. And if the police wont get involved, you are pretty much out of luck.
I was wondering why the woman with the phone only took
a side view of the little girl if she really thought it was Caylee
she should have took a picture of the front view also and
the people around her I think this little girl looks nothing like
Caylee and if I were her parents I would be very upset having
my childs picture all over the net and TV the Anthonys seam
to bring a lot of people into their mess and don't care who
gets hurt though this mess
I wonder if the reason we have not heard from the girls parents is because it was a set up deal to start with ?
I was wondering why the woman with the phone only took
a side view of the little girl if she really thought it was Caylee
she should have took a picture of the front view also and
the people around her I think this little girl looks nothing like
Caylee and if I were her parents I would be very upset having
my childs picture all over the net and TV the Anthonys seam
to bring a lot of people into their mess and don't care who
gets hurt though this mess

I want to know why they didnt start yelling "HELP - THIS IS CAYLEE ANTHONY. CALL 911. DO NOT LET THIS KIDNAPPED BABY OR THESE KIDNAPPERS LEAVE!!!" Why didnt they yell that over and over standing right next to the supposed "Caylee".

Thats exactly what I would have done if I REALLY believed it was Caylee I was looking at playing in a public place with hundreds of people around.

I will tell you why they didnt, cos they would have looked CRAZY cos they KNEW it wasnt really Caylee and the kid does not even REMOTELY look like Caylee.
I said it before as well: the little girl in the FL picture has a significant upturn to her nose and a more prominent chin.

What we need is a PROFILE of Caylee next to this photo (which is already in profile) so that we can examine the differences with a better degree of accuracy.

Does anyone have a picture of Caylee in this complete profile?

I know we can't post the FL child's photo on here.
No matter what the reason, I don't think the child's parents should be in the position of having to identify themselves. Why should they have to defend their right to privacy?
I wonder if the reason we have not heard from the girls parents is because it was a set up deal to start with ?

This girl's family might have their own issues. An estranged parent or something -maybe this child is even adopted or in foster care. Now the Anthony's have her picture on the news telling everyone she's in Orlando.
By the way, Cindy is saying that there is a credible sighting in Orlando, California, Tennessee, etc. This girl sure gets around!

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