Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #3

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I have a different take. If Mossimo originally really said a plea “would ruin both of their careers," I think he was wrong at that point. I think Huffman’s career will recover. Lots of famous ppl have recovered from scandal & jail time. Martha Stewart! Their original crime was fraud, but their downfall is stubborn pride, IMHO. I don’t think either will recover from their pride at this stage of the game- even if they do throw each other under the bus! JMOO
I totally agree. People are forgiving if someone did something wrong and then took responsibility for it and handled it with a maturity, self-depreciation, etc. An apology does wonders!

With her sweet persona as an actress, I think Lori could have recovered and continued with her Hallmark-type roles. No one sees her as sweet and cute anymore, imo. When you lose respect, you lose your looks too, in my observation.

They all handed this in all the wrong ways, imo, except the oldest daughter. There isn't much wrath against her and I hope she is as sensible as her silence seems to indicate.

The entire family is a legal nightmare:

She feels awful. Lori Loughlin is apparently remorseful about how the college admissions scandal impacted her daughters, Bella and Olivia Jade Giannulli. “Things aren’t fully healed between them,” an insider said. In particular, Olivia Jade, is worried about rebuilding her brand and is “resentful” about it. In addition, she’s been the victim of some online bullying, which is “devastating for Lori.”

After mostly staying quiet on social media in the wake of the scandal, Olivia posted a photo of herself on Instagram on August 11 — with several media outlets tagged — where she’s giving the camera two middle fingers, and an insider said that may have been a bad move legally. “Her lawyer’s begged her not to post anything,” they revealed, “because prosecutors are going to question her about it and show everything to the jury.”

But now she’s seeking a new plea deal, a source said in August. The actress “has asked her lawyer to work out a plea deal that would involve no jail time but home confinement with monitoring via ankle monitor,” they said. “She’s willing to pay a substantial fine, over $2 million.” Unfortunately, that may not be in the cards. “Any deal would involve significant jail time,” the insider revealed. But her husband still wants to try going to trial. “Moss doesn’t want any plea deal and is expecting to be fully exonerated,” the source added.

Lori Loughlin 'Devastated' the College Admissions Scandal Hurt Her Daughters Bella and Olivia
The entire family is a legal nightmare:

She feels awful. Lori Loughlin is apparently remorseful about how the college admissions scandal impacted her daughters, Bella and Olivia Jade Giannulli. “Things aren’t fully healed between them,” an insider said. In particular, Olivia Jade, is worried about rebuilding her brand and is “resentful” about it. In addition, she’s been the victim of some online bullying, which is “devastating for Lori.”

After mostly staying quiet on social media in the wake of the scandal, Olivia posted a photo of herself on Instagram on August 11 — with several media outlets tagged — where she’s giving the camera two middle fingers, and an insider said that may have been a bad move legally. “Her lawyer’s begged her not to post anything,” they revealed, “because prosecutors are going to question her about it and show everything to the jury.”

But now she’s seeking a new plea deal, a source said in August. The actress “has asked her lawyer to work out a plea deal that would involve no jail time but home confinement with monitoring via ankle monitor,” they said. “She’s willing to pay a substantial fine, over $2 million.” Unfortunately, that may not be in the cards. “Any deal would involve significant jail time,” the insider revealed. But her husband still wants to try going to trial. “Moss doesn’t want any plea deal and is expecting to be fully exonerated,” the source added.

Lori Loughlin 'Devastated' the College Admissions Scandal Hurt Her Daughters Bella and Olivia
So the lawyers told Olivia not to post on SM and then she posts that photo of herself giving two fingers trying to look bad-*advertiser censored*?

They really are dumb. imo

The entire family is a legal nightmare:

She feels awful. Lori Loughlin is apparently remorseful about how the college admissions scandal impacted her daughters, Bella and Olivia Jade Giannulli. “Things aren’t fully healed between them,” an insider said. In particular, Olivia Jade, is worried about rebuilding her brand and is “resentful” about it. In addition, she’s been the victim of some online bullying, which is “devastating for Lori.”

After mostly staying quiet on social media in the wake of the scandal, Olivia posted a photo of herself on Instagram on August 11 — with several media outlets tagged — where she’s giving the camera two middle fingers, and an insider said that may have been a bad move legally. “Her lawyer’s begged her not to post anything,” they revealed, “because prosecutors are going to question her about it and show everything to the jury.”

But now she’s seeking a new plea deal, a source said in August. The actress “has asked her lawyer to work out a plea deal that would involve no jail time but home confinement with monitoring via ankle monitor,” they said. “She’s willing to pay a substantial fine, over $2 million.” Unfortunately, that may not be in the cards. “Any deal would involve significant jail time,” the insider revealed. But her husband still wants to try going to trial. “Moss doesn’t want any plea deal and is expecting to be fully exonerated,” the source added.

Lori Loughlin 'Devastated' the College Admissions Scandal Hurt Her Daughters Bella and Olivia
I know this isn’t funny but all I can do is laugh at this family. And with tracking Dorian, it’s destruction and devastation I needed the laugh today.
The entire family is a legal nightmare:

She feels awful. Lori Loughlin is apparently remorseful about how the college admissions scandal impacted her daughters, Bella and Olivia Jade Giannulli. “Things aren’t fully healed between them,” an insider said. In particular, Olivia Jade, is worried about rebuilding her brand and is “resentful” about it. In addition, she’s been the victim of some online bullying, which is “devastating for Lori.”

After mostly staying quiet on social media in the wake of the scandal, Olivia posted a photo of herself on Instagram on August 11 — with several media outlets tagged — where she’s giving the camera two middle fingers, and an insider said that may have been a bad move legally. “Her lawyer’s begged her not to post anything,” they revealed, “because prosecutors are going to question her about it and show everything to the jury.”

But now she’s seeking a new plea deal, a source said in August. The actress “has asked her lawyer to work out a plea deal that would involve no jail time but home confinement with monitoring via ankle monitor,” they said. “She’s willing to pay a substantial fine, over $2 million.” Unfortunately, that may not be in the cards. “Any deal would involve significant jail time,” the insider revealed. But her husband still wants to try going to trial. “Moss doesn’t want any plea deal and is expecting to be fully exonerated,” the source added.

Lori Loughlin 'Devastated' the College Admissions Scandal Hurt Her Daughters Bella and Olivia
I saw the middle finger pic. Takes the vid of her just wanting to party & go to football games to a whole new level. She filtered comments to those that said things like “there she is”, “she back”, “say it”, “UmHmm”, “Yayzzz”, etc. Nauseating. If that’s her plan to turn the tide & generate support... good luck!
As Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, continue to navigate the college admissions scandal, Us Weekly reports that "her friends think she should leave him," noting that the couple has reportedly disagreed on several major decisions related to their case.

The first thing they disagreed over was rejecting a plea deal that they were offered this spring -- the same one that fellow defendant Felicity Huffman agreed to. Apparently, if Loughling had had it her way, the couple would've accepted the deal.

"Lori was included to take the deal, but Mossimo said it would ruin both of their careers," a source told Us.

Additionally, to get to their most recent court appearance in Boston at the end of August, Loughlin and Giannulli took a private jet from Los Angeles, which was something that "the couple was advised by their lawyers not to do." While Loughlin, agreed, her husband "insisted, saying it would be a 'zoo' if they flew commercial."

Even though "their daughter Bella is extremely concerned they're going to get divorced," sources say that "Lori refuses and says the ordeal has made them stronger."

Lori Loughlin's daughter 'extremely concerned' her parents are going to get divorced amid scandal

Are Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli Headed for a Divorce?

That PR company sure is earning their keep! Make the husband the bad guy! Poor lil' sweet innocent Lori is just doing what her big mean man tells her - this is all his fault! (Pout, twirl hair, and angrily stomp foot wearing $800 Louboutin shoes)
That PR company sure is earning their keep! Make the husband the bad guy! Poor lil' sweet innocent Lori is just doing what her big mean man tells her - this is all his fault! (Pout, twirl hair, and angrily stomp foot wearing $800 Louboutin shoes)

That PR company needs to talk their clients and get them to stop speaking to their "friends" right quick. Also, these two need some sort of "Come to Religion" moment and start some very quiet community service or community action that they can do on the d/l in order to get their heads in the right place. They are a mess and their kids are a mess. If they aren't going to follow advice the PR firm needs to ditch them as a client b/c their situation spiraling in an ongoing fashion can't be good for business.
Parents who have pleaded guilty to paying Rick Singer are set to be sentenced beginning next week. Fifteen parents, three college coaches and two other co-conspirator of Singer are expected to be sentenced this fall.

First up is actress Felicity Huffman, whose sentencing is set for Sept. 13. In a deal with prosecutors, Huffman pleaded guilty in May to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud for paying Singer $15,000 to have someone correct her daughter's SAT answers.

Huffman was originally scheduled to be the third parent sentenced in the case. But the sentencing hearings of two other parents who have pleaded guilty, Devin Sloane and Stephen Semprevivo, were pushed back to later this month.

Both sides are expected to file sentencing memos to the court that will make final arguments to the Judge ahead of next week's hearings. They will include their final sentencing recommendations.

Because no parents have been sentenced to date in the admissions scandal, it's tricky to predict what's in store for Huffman and those sentenced after her.

Felicity Huffman to kick off sentencing of parents in college admissions case: Will judge 'send a message?'
That PR company needs to talk their clients and get them to stop speaking to their "friends" right quick. Also, these two need some sort of "Come to Religion" moment and start some very quiet community service or community action that they can do on the d/l in order to get their heads in the right place. They are a mess and their kids are a mess. If they aren't going to follow advice the PR firm needs to ditch them as a client b/c their situation spiraling in an ongoing fashion can't be good for business.

Actually, many times these "unnamed sources" and "friends" are PR plants/flunkies who feed the big magazines the stories they want. So we can only presume that this IS the image that the PR company wants to present - or the one they're forced to go with because community service is hard! Can't we just fake some pics with me handing out my used rags to the dirty poor?
The entire family is a legal nightmare:

She feels awful. Lori Loughlin is apparently remorseful about how the college admissions scandal impacted her daughters, Bella and Olivia Jade Giannulli. “Things aren’t fully healed between them,” an insider said. In particular, Olivia Jade, is worried about rebuilding her brand and is “resentful” about it. In addition, she’s been the victim of some online bullying, which is “devastating for Lori.”

After mostly staying quiet on social media in the wake of the scandal, Olivia posted a photo of herself on Instagram on August 11 — with several media outlets tagged — where she’s giving the camera two middle fingers, and an insider said that may have been a bad move legally. “Her lawyer’s begged her not to post anything,” they revealed, “because prosecutors are going to question her about it and show everything to the jury.”

But now she’s seeking a new plea deal, a source said in August. The actress “has asked her lawyer to work out a plea deal that would involve no jail time but home confinement with monitoring via ankle monitor,” they said. “She’s willing to pay a substantial fine, over $2 million.” Unfortunately, that may not be in the cards. “Any deal would involve significant jail time,” the insider revealed. But her husband still wants to try going to trial. “Moss doesn’t want any plea deal and is expecting to be fully exonerated,” the source added.

Lori Loughlin 'Devastated' the College Admissions Scandal Hurt Her Daughters Bella and Olivia

I’m not surprised Olivia Jade is acting entitled and Mossimo is in for a big reality check.

I expect Felicity will get six months home confinement and an insignificant fine. In my opinion it would be far better getting her to teach underprivileged kids acting or something as lengthy community service.
Prosecutors call for Felicity Huffman to spend a month in jail

The federal prosecutors recommended that after spending a month in jail the actress should also have a year of supervised release.

I agree with the prosecution that spending a few months under house arrest in a luxury mansion is not a sufficient punishment. In my opinion Felicity is unlikely to serve more than two weeks in jail though. I’m glad she is hopefully going to do some community service helping young people.

There was a comment online that given what the prosecution are asking for Felicity it means Lori and Moss should have to serve 33 months in prison and pay a $666,000 fine. However that is with Felicity admitting her guilt and issuing a public apology which Lori and her husband have obviously not done so their punishment should be worse than that. It will be interesting to see what happens. They are foolish to not take a plea deal I would never gamble it if I was in their shoes.
Actually, many times these "unnamed sources" and "friends" are PR plants/flunkies who feed the big magazines the stories they want. So we can only presume that this IS the image that the PR company wants to present - or the one they're forced to go with because community service is hard! Can't we just fake some pics with me handing out my used rags to the dirty poor?

I’ve done community service. It’s a great thing and very humbling. I doubt any of these Bozos are willing to lower themselves to help others. All imo

Sneaking in the back door of the courtroom is a demonstration of "taking some responsibility"??

None of this is REAL for them - just a situation to manipulate for show.

Well last time she was in front signing autographs and posing for pics and treating it like a red carpet event, LOL. Pretty pathetic she needed to pay someone to tell her she should keep a low profile and sneak in the back!
Why pay lawyers and image consultants if you aren't going to listen to anything they say!

Olivia Jade Giannulli reportedly went against the desperate pleas of her lawyers when she posted a photo to Instagram of herself flipping off the press amid coverage of her parents’ alleged involvement in the nationwide college admissions bribery scandal.

“Her lawyers begged her not to post anything … because prosecutors are going to question her about it and show everything to the jury,” one insider told Us Weekly.
William H. Macy, Eva Longoria pen letters of support for ‘victim’ Felicity Huffman

“I find Motherhood bewildering,” she admitted in her letter.

Um, okay. I thought she was taking responsibility. It sounds more like something her tv character Lynette would write!

And I like Eva Longoria, but these letters read to me like such fluff.
Thanks for posting that sc. From your link:

“But Huffman, 56, argued for one year of probation and shared her own tale of woe, claiming her decision to pay college-prep expert William “Rick” Singer to inflate had daughter Sophia Grace Macy’s marks “haunted” her.”

“I find Motherhood bewildering,” she admitted in her letter. “

“In my desperation to be a good mother I talked myself into believing that all I was doing was giving my daughter a fair shot.”

“My own fears and lack of confidence, combined with a daughter who has learning disabilities often made me insecure and feel highly anxious from the beginning.”


ETA: I just read the rest of the article. Double gag!
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