NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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He claimed he took her with CP but waited in the van and couldn't identify anyone. That was the time that Nan supposedly, according to CP, had all the new clothes in the back of the car.

Yes, the infamous "I'm a pattin' daddy" line.
I have a theory.
As previously stated, I think this family is incredibly dysfunctional. Effective communication between them is nonexistent. However, I do not think CP and SP intentionally did anything to Erica. I think that, in the end, those who are wanting blood from them will be proven wrong. I think they made mistakes, but nothing as bad as what people think.
However, I am losing hope for Erica. I think the earlier quote about human trafficking kind of takes the wind out of my optimistic sails. The Parsons went on national freaking TV and gave a wild story about Nan. However, the details of there story should be examined. They said that they were contacted by Nan's crowd, and they knew everything about the Parsons. These folks got a couple of weekend visits with Erica, treated her well, then convinced her to come with them for a longer period of time. Gave her lots of things, made her feel special. They gave her the attention she could not get in the crowded home.

These were not good people. They sold her. They are the criminal masterminds. No one I've seen on TV seems to fit the description of "criminal mastermind." They fit the role of rube.

And they used Carolyn Parsons for information.

Just a theory. I hope I am wrong.
How long will it be before LE cracks down on these people?
But, would human traffickers want an abused, starving child? That's my only hang up on CP selling Erica. If Erica had been healthy, then I would say, good possibility. Those computers have got to hold some type of information, and I pray whoever is going through them does a better job than the one that went through Casey Anthony's computer!!!

Unfortunately, I think that traffickers prefer children that look younger than they are as that is what many of the perverts prefer. :sick:
I have a theory.
As previously stated, I think this family is incredibly dysfunctional. Effective communication between them is nonexistent. However, I do not think CP and SP intentionally did anything to Erica. I think that, in the end, those who are wanting blood from them will be proven wrong. I think they made mistakes, but nothing as bad as what people think.
However, I am losing hope for Erica. I think the earlier quote about human trafficking kind of takes the wind out of my optimistic sails. The Parsons went on national freaking TV and gave a wild story about Nan. However, the details of there story should be examined. They said that they were contacted by Nan's crowd, and they knew everything about the Parsons. These folks got a couple of weekend visits with Erica, treated her well, then convinced her to come with them for a longer period of time. Gave her lots of things, made her feel special. They gave her the attention she could not get in the crowded home. are basing all of your theories on people who have factually lied and shown to be almost psychopaths void of human emotion.
I may have missed it...but did CP & SP go to the vigil or just clean up after it??
They were advised by their lawyer not to attend any vigils, according to reports. Besides, stated by SP, "She ain't dead."
He claimed he took her with CP but waited in the van and couldn't identify anyone. That was the time that Nan supposedly, according to CP, had all the new clothes in the back of the car.

When he told that tale and said they were too far away across the parking lot and he couldn't see, that just made me go :banghead:. What man would let his daughter get into a stranger's car in a parking lot of a fast food restaurant to travel over 100 miles away and not get his lazy rear end out of his car and introduce himself even if his wife knew them well? This is only my guess from observing her in interviews; but, I think that CP always insists on "guiding" the social "events" for the family.

Then again, the whole meeting could be a lie.

Erica may not have had a learning disability - the parents may have deliberately kept her uneducated so they can pretend she has special needs and get more money. Just a possibility I thought of.

Also, I don't believe Sandy is the quiet, submissive man he appears to be. His silence and lack of facial expressions is sinister. I feel HE wears the trousers and Casey does the talking for him, because he knows she's better at it.
Question...while the FBI and LE were searching the home, would they have been able to put a 'bug' in the house? Or would that be illegal? Because as much as CP likes to talk, I'm willing to bet she's said things to SP since all this started. Things he is suppose to say, etc. Could that be possible? Or just wishful thinking on my part>?
I don't know anything about home schooling. Is NC super uncommon in its laxity? Is it likely to change because of this?


Is it likely to change because of what's happened with Erica? I wish I thought it would. It didn't change because of Budde, though. If it had, maybe Erica wouldn't be missing.

Search for Jordan "Budde" Lee Clark (aka Jordan "Jordy" Bradshaw) who was murdered by his step-mother, Robin Gosnell, in Rowan County in 1997. Budde was "home-schooled" by his step-mother. Just an FYI, I know several people in Salisbury/Rowan County who home-school and unlike these examples, they work very hard at it.

A couple of links about Budde...,973768

Erica may not have had a learning disability - the parents may have deliberately kept her uneducated so they can pretend she has special needs and get more money. Just a possibility I thought of.

Been thinking exactly the same thing.
When he told that tale and said they were too far away across the parking lot and he couldn't see, that just made me go :banghead:. What man would let his daughter get into a stranger's car in a parking lot of a fast food restaurant to travel over 100 miles away and not get his lazy rear end out of his car and introduce himself even if his wife knew them well? This is only my guess from observing her in interviews; but, I think that CP always insists on "guiding" the social "events" for the family.

Then again, the whole meeting could be a lie.

LOL, I think you're being too kind to call it "guiding" the social "events" !!

But yes, I think Casey is the dominant control factor in that house. I doubt that anybody would dare to yell "how high" when she said "jump," they just jump. She admits on her "Meet My Family" page that she's a clean freak, so combine clean freak with control freak and my guess is there better never be one itty bitty nothing out of place in that house. She is the puppet master.

The question is how did she do it, when did she do it, and where is Erica right now?
:eek:hwow: Coming soon to a neighborhood near you...

Monday evening, the couple could be seen at their home on Miller Chapel Road, loading personal belonging into several vehicles, leading some neighbors to wonder if they were planning to move. After Sandy Parsons finished loading the back of a truck he relaxed on the porch but refused to answer any questions from NBC Charlotte

WCNC must have someone watching their house day and night. I heard a helicopter early this morning and the first thing I did was look to see if it had Channel 6 News or WCNC written on it.
Wnder if they gsthered bank records the yr Erica went missing or if they bought something expensive, like maybe a vehicle..
But, would human traffickers want an abused, starving child? That's my only hang up on CP selling Erica. If Erica had been healthy, then I would say, good possibility. Those computers have got to hold some type of information, and I pray whoever is going through them does a better job than the one that went through Casey Anthony's computer!!!

I've been wondering about this over the past few days. Then t
A thought came to me but I was scared to put it into writing....could it be that a pedophile purchased Erica? I hate to think it, but they said she was small for her age. And if that is the case, whoever purchased her and is exploiting her will NOT be willing to come forward. I'm starting to think that Nan was a real person, but not a relative and that CP knowingly or unknowingly passed her off to Nan who then sold her on the black market? EP could be anywhere in the world if this scenario is true :(

Erica may not have had a learning disability - the parents may have deliberately kept her uneducated so they can pretend she has special needs and get more money. Just a possibility I thought of.

Also, I don't believe Sandy is the quiet, submissive man he appears to be. His silence and lack of facial expressions is sinister. I feel HE wears the trousers and Casey does the talking for him, because he knows she's better at it.

I couldn't agree more about Sandy. In the south more than not the men do wear the "pants" in the family,(Well we let them think they do. Shhh) but the woman runs the house and the children as far as day to day stuff. Watching them that's not what I see at all. I see something very disturbing in their relationship.

I have a theory about the learning disability. I think she did have a small learning disability. Something as small as dyslexia if not handled well can be crippling to an education. If you're not taught how to compensate and deal with it.

Family of Erica Parsons: We just want her home

"The woman who feels like a "big sister" to Erica Parsons is joining the chorus of voices questioning where she is.

Crystal Owensby, 25, lived with Erica on and off for two years while Carolyn Parsons, Erica's biological mother, lived with her father.

Erica was born while Carolyn lived with Owensby's family. Owensby was 10 at the time, but her father is not Erica's father.

"She was a happy baby," recalled Owensby. "I remember when dad would bring her in there, we would cuddle up and go straight to sleep. She was a really good baby."

Erica was adopted by Casey and Sandy Parsons shortly after she turned two, but went back to live with Owensby and Carolyn Parsons for a short time after that, before Casey and Sandy Parsons took her back.

Carolyn Parsons shares a last name with Casey and Sandy because she was once married to Sandy's brother, before Erica was born.

Owensby said Carolyn Parsons lived with her father for about five years, and became like a mother to her. The two still have a mother-daughter relationship today."


Casey gave the impression in the Salisbury Post interview that she got Erica at 4 weeks and still had her until they adopted her at age 2. But this interview from Crystal Owensby sounds like Erica stayed with Carolyn and Owensby's father and was being passed back and forth until Sandy and Casey actually did the formal adoption.

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