NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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Didn't someone say CP angrily removed posters of Erica and whatnot after the vigil a few days ago? I bet she's mad about the vigil, hence moving and hoping the new neighbors won't make her look at posters of Erica.

YEP, and the REAL family Goodman showed up for the vigil right outside their house!! How embarrassing is that?

Casey's big mistake trying to cover up Erica's disappearance is she picked the wrong Goodman family to blame.
I've been wondering about this over the past few days. Then t
A thought came to me but I was scared to put it into writing....could it be that a pedophile purchased Erica? I hate to think it, but they said she was small for her age. And if that is the case, whoever purchased her and is exploiting her will NOT be willing to come forward. I'm starting to think that Nan was a real person, but not a relative and that CP knowingly or unknowingly passed her off to Nan who then sold her on the black market? EP could be anywhere in the world if this scenario is true :(
Yes, I also have had that thought as a possibility. :maddening:
I can not believe they left their other children and moved 2 hours wow!
Apologies if this video clip has been already posted, but I hadn't seen it. It's Erica's bio mom talking about why she gave her up and the last time she saw her.

I just watched that video also, and transcribed it !!

Carolyn: "I'm in somebodies nightmare and they will not wake up and let me out."

Carolyn: "My heart dropped to my feet. Whether I raised her or whether I didn't, she is still my biological child."

When Erica was just a few months old, Carolyn said she gave the baby to her in-laws, Casey and Sandy Parsons, the same Casey and Sandy Parsons that are now facing mounting speculation over Erica's mysterious disappearance.

Carolyn: "No mother wants to have children and just give them up. I didn't want to. She didn't deserve the life that I had, being bounced, being put in foster care, in children's homes, emergency shelters. She didn't deserve that."

Parsons said the last time she saw Erica was January 5, 2011, almost an entire year before Erica allegedly went to live with her biological grandmother. But as we were first to report, that biological grandmother died in 2005.

Carolyn: "I was tickled to death to see her in January (2011). I was tickled to death that we were going to have some kind of bond. She didn't have to call me mama. She didn't ever have to say I love you," Parsons said.

But that bond quickly ended after Parsons told us Casey and Sandy kept her away from Erica after that January 2011 meeting.

The next time she heard anything about her daughter was about three weeks ago when she said authorities told her Erica had been missing for two years.

Carolyn: "I hope she's still alive. I hope she sees this, and just knows that I do care, that I am concerned and that I do love her."


Why am I not suprised to read they have split town when I logged on :shakehead:.............

I agree with the attorney that they are doing nothing wrong, they can move anywhere they want, but I mean seriously? wth is wrong with these people, 2hours away from their kiddos that CPS has,everything they have done screams guilt if I have ever seen it.

This case reminds me of Caylee A, Kyron,and Gabriel Johnson case's in some sort of weird way, these people are out of their minds jmho............
Media is something CP can't control. I would imagine that is very frustrating for one who rarely faces accountability.
Here's another puppy site

​A little aboutour family:
I'm a stay-at-home mother of 5 kids and one daughter-on-law. We homeschool our kids and we love it. My kids ages range from 6 years to 21 years old. We have 3 boys and 2 girls. All my kids have taken their love for animals from me. My kids make sure that each puppy gets plenty of attention. My little boy, 6 yrs.old, loves to dress the dogs and puppies in a leather biker coat and he tries to take them a ride on his scooter. My 8 year old little girl loves to pull them in wagons and baby strollers. My dogs love this attention. Being around people of all ages helps puppies not to be scared of small kids and they tend to fit in more faster at their new home.
Sandy & Casey Parsons

(sorry if this was previously posted)
Abandoning an animal is also against the law! But I guess if they didn't love and care for a HUMAN, can't expect much more from these people. :(


I agree that its not surprising that they left the dogs, but that picture of those poor dogs at the fence is heartbreaking. These people don't deserve to breathe imo!!!!
i could have written this! it took 7 hours to get my 13 yr old to do ONE TEST TODAY. °floridamomma falls into a heap in the sand°

I'll admit i resorted to bribery... if he gets the two assignments done in the morning, we will go swim. :facepalm:

eta, you could not hs a child that you don't love to the moon and back times infinity...


Floridamomma, if you check the definition of bribe or bribery, you will find that a bribe is an inducement to do something illegal or immoral. School assignments are generally neither! (I suppose that does depend on the kinda' school you're operating, there....) Providing an incentive for desired activity is what you describe.

Think about a paycheck -- is that a bribe? Nope. Swimming after assignments is the same as a paycheck, incentive for desired activity.

Sounds like you're a competent educator to me!


Now, back to our regularly scheduled topic:

Where's Erica, you two???


RadBerky ‏@RBerkywcnc 3h
Parsons may have moved but there are still two dogs left in the yard. @wcnc #EricaParsons.
Do they not realize this speaks volumes of their character and morals??

Yeah, it's quite the iconic image, isn't it?

Reading about Casey Parsons omitting Erica from her list of children reminds me of a blogosphere scandal early this year: The step-mother of a biracial girl with Down syndrome had a blog where she blithely recorded how much she hated being the girl's stepmother. It was chilling. (I cannot link or name names as she was never charged with a crime, as far as we know, although one entry strongly suggested she had assaulted the little girl and had LE called by her best friend as a result. In the end she took her blog offline, but screenshots still exist in various places and probably reddit.)
Is there something wrong with Twitter, I can't get it to load correctly?

I can't view that photo either.

Yes, twitters domain was hacked today and there were outages on it's photo server. Might be more or less, here's a snip and link to the story. IT is probably tweaking it's server.

Twitter later issued a status update saying that its Domain Name System (DNS) provider had "experienced an issue in which it appears DNS records for various organizations were modified, including one of Twitter's domains used for image serving," As a result, "Viewing of images and photos was sporadically impacted."

The outage lasted about an hour and a half but was restored by 7:29pm UTC (3:29pm ET), Twitter said.
Abandoning an animal is also against the law! But I guess if they didn't love and care for a HUMAN, can't expect much more from these people. :(


Its ok......."Nan" will pick it up later. That was rude but I couldn't resist.
Can you just imagine having to be any of the neighbors to CP and SP Parsons right now? My condolences to them all!
Even though I can't see the photo, that's pretty rotten leaving two dogs behind. :banghead:

That house still belongs to Sandy Parsons' father so perhaps he'll show up over there and take charge of the property and find the dogs. Were they fenced in or tied up outside? So much for caring about animals!

I wonder if the motivation to leave so suddenly had anything to do with Friday nights vigil outside their house with the REAL Goodman family showing up along with that photo of Erica's REAL grandmother that has since passed. Plus the bio mother was there also, and no doubt with her own support team.
Even though I can't see the photo, that's pretty rotten leaving two dogs behind. :banghead:

That house still belongs to Sandy Parsons' father so perhaps he'll show up over there and take charge of the property and find the dogs. Were they fenced in or tied up outside? So much for caring about animals!

I wonder if the motivation to leave so suddenly had anything to do with Friday nights vigil outside their house with the REAL Goodman family showing up along with that photo of Erica's REAL grandmother that has since passed. Plus the bio mother was there also, and no doubt with her own support team.

I suggested earlier that it may be linked to the vigil, especially since it was reported that Casey was throwing away items from the vigil including Erica's picture the next day. I definitely feel it was the case, they're trying to escape the press coverage, the opposing side of the family, and the neighbors who know what's going on.
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