NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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If this comes out through the lawyer as the next excuse, then I'm placing bets he is reading here and might be posting here!

This story just makes my head and heart hurt.

There is no doubt he or someone in his office is reading here because the only options tossed out as possibilities that even got a hint of consideration was that possible connection of Carolyn telling CP about Nan.

I find it interesting that CP has said over and over Nan contacted her(CP) via facebook. Now this deflection. Why would anyone believe one word to come out of CP's mouth is my question? She is a master manipulator who is still trying to manipulate all of us.

My opinion is this...CP has disappeared Erica and no matter how much I hope and pray otherwise I fear Erica is dead.

If not, why wouldn't CP show us Erica is not dead?

I think this precious child is dead because CP would be the first to show us she's alive! She would flaunt it in everyone's face saying "See here is Erica, I told you all she was ok"! If she has sold Erica then she better be fearing for her own life but I don't think that's the case. All just my opinion.
If as Casey claims, Carolyn introduced or somehow connected these fictitious relatives to Erica and the Parsons family, why then did Casey feel it necessary to perpetuate the lie that Erica was with her and send emails in response to Carolyn's inquiries about Erica's well being that were full of lies and false updates about Erica's life with the Parsonses?

If Carolyn was the person who led the false relatives to Erica, why would Casey not simply tell Carolyn that Erica was spending time with those same "relatives"?

Why the big lie over the course of several emails and several years?

It makes no sense. I can't bend over far enough to make this somehow Carolyn's fault when there are others that have repeatedly lied and have every motivation to continue doing so right in front of my nose. No bending needed KWIM?

Where's the applause button????? :clap::clap::clap::clap:
More contradictions in FB messages from CP to Carolyn:

November 2011: On FB, CP tells Carolyn that Erica went camping with T, CP’s sister.

24 February 2013: CP tells Carolyn via FB that Erica has spent time with CP’s aunt and the aunt has been helping Erica with her school work.

20 March 2013: Last FB message from CP to Carolyn. CP tells Carolyn that Erica and BP (oldest daughter of the Parsons) are in Asheville with CP’s aunt.

So CP tells Carolyn that her AUNT is the one helping Erica with her schoolwork, i.e. tutoring? Wasn't her original story that it was Nan's next door neighbor that was supposedly helping her? Are these two stories not related?

And furthermore, doesn't CP realize that Brook would deny being in Asheville with Erica in March 2013 when the last time Brook saw Erica was in November 2011???

This *#@%^ is just lying her a$$ off, I'm so done believing anything she says!


Casey said she didn’t want her husband to know she was communicating with Carolyn. In the conversations, Carolyn asks for updated pictures of Erica, which Casey eventually provided. In January 2011, Casey said she believed Erica was ready to meet Carolyn. Casey told Carolyn she wanted Erica to “see with her own eyes that you love her and you didn’t give her up because you didn’t want her.”

I never noticed this in the MSM links from yesterday, so is this what Casey's incentive was for contacting Carolyn in May 2010, just for Erica to meet Carolyn for the above reason? I find this very hard to believe, there's some sort of underlying motive of Casey's that's not being said out loud here.
So CP tells Carolyn that her AUNT is the one helping Erica with her schoolwork, i.e. tutoring? Wasn't her original story that it was Nan's next door neighbor that was supposedly helping her? Are these two stories not related?

And furthermore, doesn't CP realize that Brook would deny being in Asheville with Erica in March 2013 when the last time Brook saw Erica was in November 2011???

This *#@%^ is just lying her a$$ off, I'm so done believing anything she says!


I never noticed this in the MSM links from yesterday, so is this what Casey's incentive was for contacting Carolyn in May 2010, just for Erica to meet Carolyn for the above reason? I find this very hard to believe, there's some sort of underlying motive of Casey's that's not being said out loud here.

Didn't Brooke deny being with CP and Erica during one of the drop offs with Nan? It was a 2 hour drive, a year and a half ago. Seems like you would remember if you we're alone or had an extra passenger. Separate SP and CP and tell them both to give you a physical description of Nan, Strawberry, and the other girl. Detailed description.
Didn't Brooke deny being with CP and Erica during one of the drop offs with Nan? It was a 2 hour drive, a year and a half ago. Seems like you would remember if you we're alone or had an extra passenger. Separate SP and CP and tell them both to give you a physical description of Nan, Strawberry, and the other girl. Detailed description.

Exactly!! Why don't we have an artist rendition of what "Nan", "Strawberry" and "Kelly" look like?
Nothing groundbreaking here but at least we know LE has come to the official decision that CP/SP have been lying and they're publicly acknowledging it at this point.

"OFFICIALS: Adoptive Parents' Story About Missing NC Girl Not True"

I suspect LE has a LOT of info and they are just getting their ducks in a row. I would imagine they want CP talking on tv as much as possible.

Does anyone know if SP is still staying at the home?
Exactly!! Why don't we have an artist rendition of what "Nan", "Strawberry" and "Kelly" look like?

We do have an artist's rendition going on here, except it's a con artist.
Exactly!! Why don't we have an artist rendition of what "Nan", "Strawberry" and "Kelly" look like?

Maybe it's because no one saw them...:banghead: I'm really glad daughter B is not lying for CP or at least does not appear to be.

Strawberry allegedly has red hair. I must have missed this.

I have not seen any public comments from Carolyn on Strawberry though -just Casey saying that Carolyn knew Strawberry.

"Red hairs" actually. If one loon replies to that post as being Strawberry, that's proof of reasonable doubt. Lawyer sets up the post. Has someone post that they are Strawberry and that Nan accidentally killed Erica and then disappeared or some story like that. Lawyer prints up the post and gives it to police and says. See, nobody is going to come forward because she is dead and they are all in on it. Good find.
There was an Ice-T song where Strawberry was the neighbourhood ho...
Any explanation as to the make believe story that is taking Erica to drivers education class? Either have a reason, or assume that your client Casey is delusional. If delusional, than anything she has said could be fantasy. Here's the thing. If Casey was duped, why would Nan return her the first time and risk being discovered? If Erica was going to be kidnapped, seems like pictures with her on horses and continued communication would possibly leave nan susceptible to being discovered as a fraud, especially since Carolyn is who introduced her. Finally, if Nan and Carolyn are in cahoots, why would Carolyn continue to ask Casey where Erica is, getting hostile as to erica being her daughter and letting her stay where she wants plus completely making up stories about camping and driving classes. Doesn't add up

I believe Casey disposed of Erica. Period.

since we have no new info and this has come to a standstill, I started thinking about the psychology of Casey and her reasoning for things.

So here is my question. Why would Casey paint this elaborate and illogical story about what happened to Erica instead of simply saying...........Erica was a rebellious teenager and ran away and we couldn't find her.

It is the simplest lie to tell and the most believable as there are tons of teens running away and living on the streets of LA, Portland, Seattle, etc etc...
Police would have believed her. Family would have believed her. The media and society would have.

But instead the most ridiculous and most unlikely story is told.

Ok, so she wanted to keep receiving the checks, so after she disposed of Erica she didn't call police and tell a logical lie. However, she could have told her kids this who were not even witness to the alleged handoff to "nan". They just took her word. Except for James recently saying that Erica was butchered and buried. Which leads me back to either she was butchered and buried and her son is witness to it or why the elaborate illogical story?
Curious as to what Erica would do to cause her to be spanked to point of bruising. Or what would cause Casey to be furious with not be able to look at her face. I never hear anything bad about Erica. Has Casey described Erica in a negative light besides the whole calling her a ***** comment. Has anyone said Erica was a burden?

don't underestimate the power of parental anger and abuse.

as a kid, I continually had bruises all over my legs, butt and back thanks to my mother (as did my brothers). I was not a bad kid/teen. in fact, I was so afraid of my parents that I was so freaking straight laced until I turned 18 and left their house. for me to get my *advertiser censored* kicked all I had to do was have the wrong look on my face or not be sitting up straight in church with the appearance of be thrilled to be there. or any other little thing that my mom just happened to disapprove of. I never talked back. I never did drugs or steal anything or fight with my brothers or do anything that really deserved punishment. it was all superficial stuff that just pissed my mom off.

for some f'd up parents it really doesn't take much for them to take out their own issues on a kid.
Curious as to what Erica would do to cause her to be spanked to point of bruising. Or what would cause Casey to be furious with not be able to look at her face. I never hear anything bad about Erica. Has Casey described Erica in a negative light besides the whole calling her a ***** comment. Has anyone said Erica was a burden?

Abusers don't need a reason to punish their victims.
You're welcome to your "Just a different point of view"...

Here's mine...

It doesn't make any difference if Carolyn searched the sewers of Mooresville for somebody who would pretend to be "Nan" in some conspiracy to get Erica away from Casey Parsons.

Bottom line is that Casey Parsons stated she was in contacted with "Nan" via "Nan's Facebook" and that "Nan" knew everything about the Parsons family, so she says, this person must have really been Erica's real "Nan." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to learn just about everything they want to know about Casey Parsons and her children by going to her "Meet Our Family" web page or her online diary about her Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery in 2003 where she lists all her children names and birth dates.

Casey stated in TWO major media interviews that she willingly drove Erica to Mooresville THREE TIMES to met this "Nan" person for the so called "drop off" of Erica, for TWO weekend trips (in September and November) and the final trip in December. Sandy Parsons stated on Dr. Phil that he was with them the third trip in December 2011, although he stated that he stayed in his vehicle, patted Erica on the head, and just watched as Erica, with her purse and new boots, and no suitcase, was taken to "Nan's" SUV across the parking lot, where, according to Casey, somebody named Strawberry, another named Kelly, and "Nan" were waiting with a new wardrobe for Erica.

And apparently off they drove to "Never Never Land" with Erica.

Casey stated after Erica was gone to live with "Nan" that she did not keep any phone numbers, no e-mail address, no facebook link, no photos she claimed "Nan" sent her of the farm and horses. Nothing, ZIP!! Casey even said they were invited by "Nan" to visit the farm and Erica but Casey clearly told Dr. Phil and millions of viewers that neither she nor Sandy ever visited "Nan" or Erica at the farm.

I don't doubt that Casey blew Carolyn off, looks like she did it successfully for two years, and apparently that didn't just include Carolyn but all members of both Casey and Sandy's family!! So who was duped by whom?

In my opinion, Casey washed her hands of Erica, but she didn't get rid of those monthly checks, did she? Casey wasn't duped. Follow the money...

IMO. There was no Nan. Ever. There was no meeting someone named Nan. Ever. There was no hand off of Erica to someone named Nan. Ever.

To believe the Nan story, you have to believe that Casey is a law abiding honest person. And facts are, she is not. IMO, the Nan story is a major distraction....a "look over there, not over here" situation. While everyone is running around looking for a person called Nan who is suppose to have Eria....I believe Erica was disposed of years ago at the hands of Casey and the entire story revolves around Casey and Casey alone (well, maybe her husband helped). IMO, Casey knows where Erica's body is, as she put it there.
I can't help but wonder if Zahra was the inspiration for Erica's demise and or disposal ??? It was here in NC and Casey would definitely think she was smarter than E Baker. Wonder if Erica was last seen around that time?
I believe Casey disposed of Erica. Period.

since we have no new info and this has come to a standstill, I started thinking about the psychology of Casey and her reasoning for things.

So here is my question. Why would Casey paint this elaborate and illogical story about what happened to Erica instead of simply saying...........Erica was a rebellious teenager and ran away and we couldn't find her.

It is the simplest lie to tell and the most believable as there are tons of teens running away and living on the streets of LA, Portland, Seattle, etc etc...
Police would have believed her. Family would have believed her. The media and society would have.

But instead the most ridiculous and most unlikely story is told.

Ok, so she wanted to keep receiving the checks, so after she disposed of Erica she didn't call police and tell a logical lie. However, she could have told her kids this who were not even witness to the alleged handoff to "nan". They just took her word. Except for James recently saying that Erica was butchered and buried. Which leads me back to either she was butchered and buried and her son is witness to it or why the elaborate illogical story?

I'd love to see a profile on this woman like they do on Criminal Minds.
I am convinced that Casey is Erica's murderer. I just don't see any other reasonable alternative. Those FB message to bio mom from 'Erica' had to be written by creepy....makes my skin crawl to read them.
Casey's electronic trail of lies may not be enough to convict her of murder but surely a clever prosecutor can find enough to put her away for awhile.
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