NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #2

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I wonder if it would be just as to procure a dog from the family kennel as it was for Nan to get Erica, no-questions-asked. Literally, no questions. Let's see, I facebook CP, tell her everything I know about her other dogs, meet her in a fast food parking lot, and disappear off the face of the earth with no indication whatsoever that the defenseless animal I just bought will be provided for. I'll even tell her she can keep the AKC papers—why, I'm rich enough to just re-register them myself as needed, and CP is nice enough to take my word for it with no proof of income, no curiosity regarding my intent.. Maybe I'll send her some stock photos of a big, sunny yard—make it so they self-destruct after a few days.

According to the kennel website, though, it's allegedly a bit more involved when it comes to the non-human family members.

If only that sentence ended where I bolded it, just for the slightest suggestion that CP was capable of any empathy whatsoever.

JMHO I feel that Casey thought less of Erica than she did her dogs and hedgehogs and she "exchanged/valued" her as such. Why are there almost no pictures of Erica for the Parsons to share with LE, none since December 2010, right?
Okay, I'm going to pick a couple of little things here out of the search warrant items that were seized.
1) Correspondence with birth mother. One would guess that this would likely be at least one letter Carolyn wrote.
2) note with "Carolyn found" Now why would there be a note with Carolyn found unless CP had been trying to find her?
I thought of something else ... in JUST 4 months Erica with turn 16 !
Where I live, a 16 year old can decide for themself where they want to live.
So maybe "Nan" & Erica only think they have 4 months of hiding to do ...
& that if they go public after her 16th birthday, Erica will be able to decide
where she chooses to live without the courts having any say in the matter.

that's all good and well but that REQUIRES one to believe the words of casey. there is zero evidence that Erica was ever handed over to anyone. only casey's word. that's it. nothing else. casey has already been proven to be a liar, a thief and an all around criminal.

I personally wont even entertain the idea that some joe schmo has Erica.....I still believe casey and probably sandy is 100000000000% liable for the disappearance of Erica.

fool me once. shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. we have all been fooled once already.
I agree that CP has told some lies ... but that doesn't mean she lies about everything.

casey has a long resume of lieing. she didn't just tell one little fib......she has a loooooooong history of being a liar and manipulator and all around bad human.

I guess my standards of people's behavior is rather high.....because casey has flunked big time in my book.
You can't charge someone with murder without a dead body.

You are simply just wrong.

corpus delicti: the body of evidence that proves a crime occurred

This list is for cases where the defendant was convicted or pleaded guilty or no contest to causing the missing person's death. Insanity pleas are included here as well, since an insanity plea does not dispute the defendant's actions, only his or her responsibility.

No Body? No Problem Convicting, 90 Percent of Time

My table of "No body" Murder Trials lists over 300 "no body" murder trials in the United States.
also: in her interview the adoptive mother claimed that Erica received medical treatment at a hospital while at "nan's" but she could not get the information because of privacy laws.

This is also not possible and not true.

if it was an emergency situation she "could" have received treatment but the parents would have been notified. She repeatedly said in interviews that she did nothing legal re: nan and Erica.

I am sure LE has already checked into that allegation however, with that being said.

Yep I can attest to that. I paid the bill but before I could find out what the Dr. told my son about his broken hand he had to sign the paper allowing me to be one they could share his info with. Hand x rayed day before his birthday they could tell me it was broken... next day when he was in pain and his whole arm was hurting he had turned 18 they could not tell me anything because of that law. But...before he turned 18 no problem.
I want to bump up all the transcriptions of those interviews and give some kudos to the member who did them! I need to go back and find them however. (thank you to the member that did that transcription!)

The adoptive mother even gave the name of the hospital. I was reading the info at the time from my phone so could not map out the location of the alleged hospital.

Yes, absolutely the parents would be able to call and get information on their child's medical treatment if said treatment even happened in this case. As far as I know Erica is not an emancipated minor or we would have heard about that and there would be legal record of it.

Nursey, the hospital is called Memorial Mission Hospital. We actually have two one used to be called St. Joseph and the one across the street was Memorial Mission. They were independent and separate hospitals. They are across the street from each other in Asheville,NC. They are now all under one system called the Mission Health System. We old timers still say St. Joseph and Memorial Mission but they are all under the Mission Health Care system. They are very close to downtown Asheville on Biltmore avenue.

I will give her a tiny bit of credit for the hill part because one hospital (Memorial Mission) is up on slight incline and could actually be called a small hill. My humble opinion...she's lying.
You are simply just wrong.

corpus delicti: the body of evidence that proves a crime occurred

This list is for cases where the defendant was convicted or pleaded guilty or no contest to causing the missing person's death. Insanity pleas are included here as well, since an insanity plea does not dispute the defendant's actions, only his or her responsibility.

No Body? No Problem Convicting, 90 Percent of Time

My table of "No body" Murder Trials lists over 300 "no body" murder trials in the United States.

:clap::clap::clap: Many of those we've observed here on Websleuths!
I think there were just bumped a few days ago by SamanthaR.

I looked this up for you.
There is now a Mission Children's Hospital but it did not open till June 2013.
So it must be Mission Hospital 509 Biltmore Ave. Asheville, NC 28801

This sounds about right because "Nan" was supposed to have lived
about 15 minutes from the famous Biltmore House.

I live in this area. The Children's unit at the time Erica was allegedly reported to have been there was part of the Mission Hospital Campus. There is a diagram of the hospital systems listed below.

There's St. Joseph Hospital and Memorial Mission Hospital all under the Mission health care system. The two hospitals are across the street from each other.
The hospital is about 10 min. from the Biltmore House on a traffic congested day.

It is my opinion that it does not matter where the alleged "Nan" lived because the hospital system serves a lot of surrounding counties. I've spent a lot of time there with loved ones in the heart tower, dialysis unit and surgery and intensive care units. So feel free to ask me a question.

There are also clinics sponsored by the Mission Health care system all around Buncombe County in each little town that see patients for emergency illnesses such as flu, strep throat, broken arms, cuts, etc. Anything that you or I might have to go to the Dr. for suddenly without going to a hospital.

That would make more sense to me that Erica went to one of these little clinics. I know of several in different locations in Asheville alone one in the Biltmore area, then east and south Asheville. They also are in towns like Weaverville, Leicester, Arden, Enka, etc. Usually they are walk-in but they are under the Mission Health Care system and they are Mission Health Care clinics.

Like I said the clinic makes more sense to me IF Erica was really seen by a Dr.

One thing about Asheville- it's not a big sprawling metropolis. Asheville downtown, the hospitals, Asheville High School and even Biltmore House are all relatively close to one another.

Hope this's the map of the Hospitals campus.
I asked someone else about it & was told that at age 16 the teenager can choose where they live but
there has to be some type of approvable guardian (typically a relative) present in the home until age 18, whereupon the courts have no say. Not sure what the law is in North Carolina, but nobody would approve "Nan" because of the fraud.

My ex husband's sons could choose at the age of 12 in North Carolina.
Originally Posted by nursebeeme
also: in her interview the adoptive mother claimed that Erica received medical treatment at a hospital while at "nan's" but she could not get the information because of privacy laws.

This is also not possible and not true.

if it was an emergency situation she "could" have received treatment but the parents would have been notified. She repeatedly said in interviews that she did nothing legal re: nan and Erica.

I am sure LE has already checked into that allegation however, with that being said.

Actually, depending on the state, the child has to give permission to speak to the guardian/parent after age 12-16. In Washington, my sister (a physician) cannot legally let the parent into the room after age 12 without the patient's permission.

Here in Alabama, at age 14, my kids can withhold any medical information from me they desire- even in an emergency. Ironic considering the age of minority is 19 and younger here...
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