NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #3

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5. the stories that the parsons have told LE have been said to be untrue, according to LE

Yes LE have used that broad statement ... too bad they don't give more specifics. In my opinion
LE have interviewed BDG's old girlfriend Strawberry & it would be insightful to hear how that went.
Yea it has ... a lot of stuff is being posted more than once lately.

ok. well it is easy to miss things, as there is a lot to read and digest. it is common for things to be double posted (and not lately but for any case)...its certainly not done on purpose.

Excellent, thanks! This is post #229 from this thread.

Not exactly what I was looking for, but I think it'll do. Just go to the 2:40 mark:

Please let me know if there are any other facts you would me to verify. Here is another helpful link. In it, a different reporter says she reached out to Carolyn to talk about her meeting with detectives. Carolyn did not talk about it, but said she was planning to go back to Louisiana. Start at 1:30.
Catching up... This is a crazy case.

I'm not sure if this has already been asked or not, but if there WAS a Facebook account, wouldn't that be discoverable? And IF it was discoverable, they could pinpoint the IP used to create said account. If the account never existed, then case closed on Nan and they can throw the P's in jail and continue to look for the body. Why this has dragged on baffles me.

Also, was the arrest of the suspected father last month covered? What a mugshot!

Sorry if I am repeating, lots to go through.

Re the IPS absolutely.... I suspect if the FBI hasn't already they will. They won't let us know though till a trial or indictment.
I'm not sure if this has already been asked or not, but if there WAS a Facebook account, wouldn't that be discoverable? And IF it was discoverable, they could pinpoint the IP used to create said account. If the account never existed, then case closed on Nan and they can throw the P's in jail and continue to look for the body.

Yes, if there was a Facebook page for Irene 'Nan' Goodman, LE will be able to trace that through Facebook. They will also be able to recover that Facebook account. You cannot entirely delete a Facebook account, you can only make it 'inactive'. As soon as the owner logs into it again, it reactivates the entire account. It's my belief that LE has already researched this and that is why they are stating that the foster parents' story is untrue.JMO
There is literally one thing that CP and SP could've done to make me possibly consider any angle of their story, and that's acknowledging its absurdity. A simple "Yes, I know how it sounds, it's been just as frustrating for us" would have gone so much further than this emotionally stunted insistence that the story would hold up if only the rest of the world weren't so mean and skeptical and making an issue out of nothing. But I suspect they don't have time to put themselves in our shoes as an audience, because they're listening to themselves for plotholes, not plausibility.

Anyyway. My blood boils every time I think about these two overgrown babies who should have never been entrusted with even a single living, breathing baby of their own. I wonder, throughout all their previous residences, what they did with the bodies of deceased animals (as a result of old age, sickness, etc—not trying to suggest animal abuse). The manner and location of the disposal might be worth looking at, not to suggest LE hasn't done that already.

O/T, but Esquire, is your username a reference to a certain Saul Goodman? I don't mean anything by it, of course; was just catching up on Breaking Bad last night and hadn't caught Saul's middle name until then.

I am way behind on TV shows, but I have heard for years that Breaking Bad is right up my alley. A character's middle name is Esquire? That is an interesting choice for a middle name!
Is he funny like my namesake, Bill S. Preston, Esq.?
scmom- public doesn't know why Carolyn was with LE_ of her own accord or at their behest...they haven't said nor has she.
I guess her just being there has gotten some folks all a lather.

Esquire, I would be interested in what your theory on this case is....assuming you care to share- it can be done without naming names ...try third person narration...and with the qualifer that it is your opinion/this is my theory/what about...

it is my observation that CarP is of some interest to you

Carolyn Parsons is my person of interest du jure. I think there is more to be learned about Carolyn, but I have been talking about her because that is the only person who has been publicly named as having direct knowledge concerning Erica's disappearance other than Casey and Sandy Parsons. She's been in the news lately, so she is on my mind.

I don't think she is the only person I think should be examined further.

Very serious charges were taken out against James Parsons in fall of 2011 during a time when Casey says she was in the hospital a lot. These were not his first set of charges involving violence against children. The charges were dismissed around the same time Erica was last seen, Nov.-Dec. 2011. It sounds like the tension was palpable in the Parsons house in late 2011. It appears he remained in the house until recently, when he was kicked out for further unruly behavior. All of this, including that he is the first one to point out that she was missing make him a player in this, be it as a hero or as a cohort.

It sounds like Strawberry/Janice Jackson is a real person. She is a mystery right now, but has to be on the radar because she appears to be a real person, Janice Jackson.

I'll throw Billy Goodman's name out there, because of his background alone, but he seems to only be a peripheral character right now. First, it sounds like Erica really didn't cross his mind very often, if at all. Secondly, his type is likely to admit to things to avoid a longer sentence (his type thinks the quickest way out of the system is to sing like a bird). Finally, if LE was taking the easy route here, he would be an easy person lay a quick charge on.

I do have a theory that these folks were all duped by experienced human traffickers. It is not my only theory (I think that Sandy and Casey are the most likely suspects right now). But, I think that Carolyn seems to be easily swayed. The parents, inexcusably, may have seen an easy solution to their late 2011 household issues: by sending Erica off with "other relatives" who were actually human traffickers. It's not a popular theory, but I can't rule it out. It's my first alternative to the prevailing, popular theory that Casey and Sandy are guilty, plain and simple.
I've been following this case since it aired on Dr. Phil and I hate to think that this poor girl is dead at the hands of these idiots, I've been racking my brain trying to think of other possibilities.

One thing that jumped out at me and has been in the back of my mind is that on the FB page that has been set up for Erica, a person on there has commented a couple of times that they are sure they have seen her, I think they said in one of the neighboring counties, on the streets looking like she was strung out on drugs. They commented on the age progression photo that it looked just like her only a lot thinner. I have seen people speculating that maybe she ran away. I suppose this could be a possibility and her so called "parents" didn't bother to report her missing, figuring she would eventually come home but the more time that went by as they continued to cash her checks they decided they couldn't go to the police because it would look bad for them not reporting her in the beginning. So Casey concocted this "Nan" story to tell the relatives and then the authorities. The only problem with this would be someone would have to had known/seen her after all this publicity and the reward $$ and would come forward. Also, from the reports and interviews, it sounds like this girl wasn't very mature or the type that would runaway, so IDK.
Another possibility that crossed my mind is what if this "Strawberry" person, who has been rumored to be Billy Goodman's significant other, is behind this, was trying to get back at Carolyn Parsons for having an affair with her man, and has always resented the child he had with her. Seems like a pretty elaborate scheme to get back at someone for cheating on you but people can be so crazy, who knows? I would like to know how far the authorities are going as far as investigating the Goodman clan. Seems fishy to me that BG would deny to the authorities that he even has a kid, if that's even the truth.

I know the most logical and probable truth is that CP and SP are ultimately responsible for whatever happened to her, whether it be they killed her (intentionally or accidentally) or they sold her to human traffickers. CP has told so many lies now, maybe she is pulling a Casey Anthony and thinks the more she lies and changes her story, the more confused people will be, not knowing the truth, and she'll get away with it like CA did.

I haven't been able to get the bolded part out of my head. Was the person who said that encouraged to report that to LE? I certainly hope so. No stone unturned...
Interesting about the runaway part- personally I hesitate on that, as I don't imagine Erica had very good street smarts and would have quickly been eaten up and spit out.
I could be wrong, but I dunno.
I am trying to figure out how the Parsons would make contact with human traffickers...aside from getting in touch with an ad on, say backpages for example, and offering her up for sale to someone ON there , I an stumped as to how they could pull it off.
Unless they were pimping her out and third time WASN'T the charm and they couldn't do /say anything out of fear to cover their own hineys.

ohh I don't like that I wrote that hmm. oh carp.
so...did we ever figure out if there was more than one McD's in Mooresville??
now could a john shower a young girl with gifts??
A new wardrobe, shoes?
has anyone looked at uid's in the area?

I thought about that, but I feel like a UID that young would already have an active thread? Not saying it's not worth following up on, that was just my thought process. I don't fully know how the UID thing works--maybe someone would have to actually look for her in those systems. (I probably have an idealized view of every UID having their own thread here...)
I believe that we really won't hear a lot more until some of the test results on the items removed in the search warrants come in. Even then, I doubt LE will tell the public anything till it's time for an arrest. If that time ever comes. So far, the local media are doing everything they can to keep Erica from being forgotten. Her adoptive family, not so much.
I checked a couple of databases and so far nothing is jumping out at me as possible. I'll keep digging though.
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