NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #4

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Does anyone here think that James Parsons has credibility problems? Or do you take him at his word?

His primary claim has turned out to be unequivocally true: Erica disappeared without a trace in 2011. Do you believe he's said anything suspect? Yes, there were references by CP regarding Erica being "buried in the backyard," but we don't know if he ever actually said that. In any case, they built a well and some manner of deck construction occurred, so LE would have been honing in on that area regardless of the claim.

If anything, and I credit this observation to an earlier commenter, I apologize for my lack of direct link—but JP has stayed clear of the media this whole debacle, despite being of age to address them, and despite the numerous sound bites floating around regarding his bipolar disorder, violent tendencies, etc. Whether it was at the advice of a lawyer or not, he hasn't been remotely defensive, and I think that's redemptive at the very least (if we're to assume he stayed silent for a good portion of Erica's disappearance).
Does anyone here think that James Parsons has credibility problems? Or do you take him at his word?

Obviously some of what he has said is the truth.She is missing and not one person has seen her in over two years. Where is Erica?
thank you for this timeline recap!! i appreciate this as i sometimes get the dates confused -i would like to know more about the Trexler Loop incidents regarding SP - the violence against CP, and i seem to recall in the facebook messages between CP and Carolyn that CP asked Carolyn not to tell "big Sandy" that they were talking... i am starting to feel, imo, that perhaps he is way more involved than what i originally thought

In my opinion she was already laying the ground work to set SP up to take the fall if it ever came down to putting blame on someone.
Does anyone here think that James Parsons has credibility problems? Or do you take him at his word?

I think it's too hard to call based on the info we have. I'd want to hear how well his illness was being managed and more about the family dynamic. I'm considering the possibility that after moving out of his parent's he has stabilised. If someone has been mentally unwell and then begins recovery, it's common to start reflecting and only then be shocked at what has really happened. That's why the risk of suicide is still high after someone gets better, as they get more insight.

I take his theory about burying Erica in the backyard with a grain of salt. That part may be revenge driven. So a psych and family history might help to disentangle truth from fiction and what his motivations are. What else has he done with his life? Had a job? Any other bad behaviour outside of his family? Don't know much about him. The mental health stuff might be less of an issue than Casey says. Basically I think the better any mental health issues are and the further he is from his parents, the more I think he is credible. Either way he reported her missing, which is true, and that's more than anyone else has done.
Does anyone here think that James Parsons has credibility problems? Or do you take him at his word?

If I had to choose between believing James or Casey, I would put my faith in James! NOTHING CP has said has been true. At least with James, we know he did speak some truths, Erica is missing and hasn't been seen in 2 years. I'll trust his word for now. I'm very grateful he came forward. No child should ever be wiped off the face of the earth. :furious:
I'm wondering if LE's investigating "days gone by" into the past isn't to try and verify with other witnesses or get hard evidence to back up whatever Jamie told them, and even including what Casey's one sister told them.

Just thinking about this case, what "IF" Jamie is their only eye witness whose willing to testify to anything that happened inside that house. Not that he's lying, but he has had arrests for obviously violence involving the family. Casey claims he's Bi-polar and that he was admitted to a hospital at one point.

Nothing justifies violence but we don't know what triggered Jamie's outbursts those few times he was arrested. And he may have had other outbursts that did not involve LE.

And obviously Casey and Sandy feel they have Brook in their pocket so at this stage it's three (them) against one (Jamie). And we don't know where the older brother, Sandy Jr. (Wade) stands at this stage either. So unless LE can get some hard evidence on exactly what to charge Casey and Sandy with, it's going to be Parsons vs Parsons, and Stones vs Parsons on Casey side of the family.

It's veeery early so I could be not recalling the Parsons last court appearance (9/26/13) correctly, but wasn't Sandy Jr., in addition to Brook, along to support CP and SP?

O/T I wanted to thank you for all you've done on your website for Erica. You've done an amazing job of gathering information, updating constantly and making it easily accesible. You're good. Da** good. In more than one sense of the word. To say "thank you" seems woefully inadequate, but thank you.
I have no idea if Jamie has any sort of mental problems, other than what CP may have implied, but I do know he's opened up a big can of worms. Without Jamie, when would it ever have come to light that Erica has disappeared?
It was mentioned before, but I want to bump it again because of your post. Jamie goes to bed, we assume at night, and that Erica is home. He wakes up, assuming the next day, and Erica is not home. So, sandy and Casey figure that a midnight drop off of an 11 year old to Mcdonalds is a good idea?

A question that comes to mind here is when the other children noticed Erica was missing. Where were the other children when they left to take Erica to "the drop-off"? Wouldn't they have noticed if they'd been awake? Did Jamie ask where Erica was in a private conversation? Brook denied she was with her parents when they "dropped Erica off at McDonalds", but you'd think she would be able to remember when Erica was no longer around. As for the two younger children I really don't think they'd be able to remember a specific date but maybe a general period of time.
Does anyone here think that James Parsons has credibility problems? Or do you take him at his word?

he went to police and said Erica was missing at the hands of his parents. and whelp, she actually IS missing at the hands of his parents.

seems pretty credible to me.
Wow, that is interesting.

On that online complaint (Mobile Home Loan - Complaint) I found that Sandy Parsons wrote in 2007 b-itching about Vanderbilt loan company, he said in the complaint that they had bought a house in 2005, which I assume would be the 275 Trexler Loop address since court records (Speeding Ticket 05/03/2005) show that is where they lived in 2005.

The Neazer St house was before that, and you're right, because court records (Failed to notify DMV address change) for Sandy Parsons for Nov 28, 2001 show they did lived on Neazer in Rockwell.

What kind of probable cause could LE have found to even get a "consent search" on Parsons residential address that far back !!

Regarding the recent "consent search of a home in Rockwell":

Well, it seems to appear that Sandy and Casey Parsons are no strangers to "Packin' and Movin'" and in my opinion, no strangers to being ungrateful to their families either. I'm starting to get a much bigger picture of why Casey and Sandy are on the outs with both sets of parents, the senior Parsons and the senior Stones. It looks like both sets of parents tried at different times to help Casey and Sandy by buying a house and then giving them the options of rent to own, and now it seems like history repeating itself.

In my opinion, they basically kicked both sets of parents in the teeth. :banghead:

335 Neazer Street, Rockwell, NC 28138 (Mobile Home) Rowan County

This Mobile home was purchased 02/24/1999 by Casey Parsons parents, James Irving Stone and his wife, Shirley. Note, that the date is Erica's birthday, she would be one year old on this date.

I "assume" it was either purchased for their daughter Casey and her husband, either as a rental, or as a rent to own. I'm "assuming" rent to own. Parsons apparently lived there for six years and then the motor home was sold at a sheriff's sale 06/02/2005, but the deed was still in Casey's parents names.

Rowan Co Property Records -




275 Trexler Loop, Salisbury, NC 28144 (Mobile home) Rowan County

This Motor Home was purchased 01/27/2005 by Sandy Parsons (Casey is not listed on the deed) and was financed through Vanderbilt Mortgage, but apparently in April 2008, the motor home was then sold 04/07/2008, again, at a sheriff's sale. Erica would be age 10 by this time.

Rowan Co Property Records -


I think it's a good idea to try to check areas the adoptive parents are familiar with.

I agree, if I decide to kill my step-daughter, or anyone else for that matter, I wouldn't want to bury the body too close to home. But rather, somewhere a little farther away, that I was familiar with. You know that house we used to live in, with an abandoned well, that house with the trash dump near-by, that house with the cow-barn near, that smelled so bad, that we never saw anyone around.
There are a million places to hide a body, and people seem to have gotten good at it. Some of the stupidist people I've ever seen, seem to be able to kill someone, get rid of the body, and get away with the crime.
I'm keeping this child in my prayers, she really got short-changed in this life.
I agree, if I decide to kill my step-daughter, or anyone else for that matter, I wouldn't want to bury the body too close to home. But rather, somewhere a little farther away, that I was familiar with. You know that house we used to live in, with an abandoned well, that house with the trash dump near-by, that house with the cow-barn near, that smelled so bad, that we never saw anyone around.
There are a million places to hide a body, and people seem to have gotten good at it. Some of the stupidist people I've ever seen, seem to be able to kill someone, get rid of the body, and get away with the crime.
I'm keeping this child in my prayers, she really got short-changed in this life.

Well, I wouldn't want to try to get rid of a body in a place that was closely associated with me or my family. I'd be thinking more of an out of the way place I have some familiarity with. Like near a lake, river, etc. (Let me clarify, I'm just theorizing, I don't have any intention of doing away with anyone.)

The only one that has stated that Jamie is bi-polar is c/p so who's to say he is?
Good catch, neither Casey nor Sandy ever volunteered to say what time of day it was when they took Erica to McDonalds. Was it before breakfast, or lunch, or a midnight run?

We don't really even know if it was November or December 2011 based on Jamie's memory so leaves open a possible 60 day window :)O). We can't even assume what Jamie's daily or nightly pattern was, especially since he was home schooled. We don't even know what the normal pattern or rules were in the Parsons home for the family or children.

Jamie has two Facebook accounts (that I know of), an old one and a new one and both of them include years 2010 and 2012 but year 2011 is empty but for one only entry and that was December 23, 2011 and he posted that "he was enjoying the weekend."

If we're believing Casey, :banghead: it was December 17, 2011 (which was a Saturday) for the big-o drop off, or as folks in the South call it "the delivery." LOL obviously I'm not from the South!

reveals a pattern IMO, of giving lots of details but not the important ones and the ones that are given do not check out.
reveals a pattern IMO, of giving lots of details but not the important ones and the ones that are given do not check out.

I agree. CP is like a lot of habitual liars, talks much and says little of value.
I think it's too hard to call based on the info we have. I'd want to hear how well his illness was being managed and more about the family dynamic. I'm considering the possibility that after moving out of his parent's he has stabilised. If someone has been mentally unwell and then begins recovery, it's common to start reflecting and only then be shocked at what has really happened. That's why the risk of suicide is still high after someone gets better, as they get more insight.

I take his theory about burying Erica in the backyard with a grain of salt. That part may be revenge driven. So a psych and family history might help to disentangle truth from fiction and what his motivations are. What else has he done with his life? Had a job? Any other bad behaviour outside of his family? Don't know much about him. The mental health stuff might be less of an issue than Casey says. Basically I think the better any mental health issues are and the further he is from his parents, the more I think he is credible. Either way he reported her missing, which is true, and that's more than anyone else has done.

IIRC it was Casey who stated that JP has bipolar, and also CP who claimed that he told LE they killed her and buried the body in the back yard. Since I don't believe a word of what CP says, I don't believe he has a mental illness, nor do I believe the she said he said stuff :)

Re: Esquires question: I do believe that CP will try to blame JP or anyone and everyone else for EPs disappearance, I also believe JP 100% because his only documented claim is that Erica has been missing for 2 years. That has been proven as true. He has not stated anything else that I am aware of, so no reason to disbelieve him :)
Waiting to hear updates on Erica's case.
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