NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #5

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The only person who has volunteered any information as to the time Erica was last seen is Jamie. None of the other family members have said anything that I've read or heard of.

Do you think they've been instructed to keep silent by either their parents, lawyers, or LE, or if they're doing it of their own accord? I can't imagine what it's like to be in their shoes, especially if any of them had already been fed the Nan story and made themselves believe it, and are now having to face the reality of what their own parents may have really done.
I'd also be interested in knowing if there are any ties to the Goodmans or Carolyn in that area. It would make sense if Casey is trying to pin Erica's disappearance on her other side of the family. On the other hand, there doesn't necessarily need to be any family connections to that area if they just picked some random place 2 states away to divert attention away from themselves. And the farther away they can get her, the less they have to think about it. MOO.

Exactly!! If the Parsons did farm Erica out on one of those "re-homing" network deals, we have no clue where that could be, other than here on earth. And the child could have been passed on and on and on to various new re-homing persons.

Erica could very well end up in 2 states away or further than that.
Do you think they've been instructed to keep silent by either their parents, lawyers, or LE, or if they're doing it of their own accord? I can't imagine what it's like to be in their shoes, especially if any of them had already been fed the Nan story and made themselves believe it, and are now having to face the reality of what their own parents may have really done.

I don't know where the eldest son was when Erica disappeared, but the other four biological children were still living at home as far as I know. The two youngest children may have had blind faith in whatever story they were told, but I can't help but think the two older children would have, at some point, begun to question the veracity of the "Nan" story. The older daughter knew for sure she had not gone to Mooresville with her parents to drop Erica off. Jamie certainly knew his parents had continued to receive checks for Erica for months after she was no longer around. I'd have to guess that the older daughter would have the same knowledge and probably more since CP seemed to rely on her backing up the drop-off story.
I would imagine LE would have told the family not to share information that might be critical to the investigation.
^ it didn't really sound like they had gotten test , had they?

This interesting- I had the link up and thought well, post it here too- for your perusal.
Children were drowned and shaken, beaten, poisoned, stabbed, and suffocated. These methods betray a certain "craziness" in both genders—they betray an intense passion and a lack of planning. But a study by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children shows that fathers are far more violent. And mothers frequently dispose of the corpses in what researchers call a "womblike" fashion. Bodies are swaddled, submerged in water, or wrapped in plastic. Moreover, the NCMEC study showed that while the victims of maternal killings are almost always found either in or close to the home, fathers will, on average, dispose of the bodies hundreds of miles away. All these behaviors suggest that women associate these murders with themselves, their homes, and their bodies.
^ it didn't really sound like they had gotten test , had they?

This interesting- I had the link up and thought well, post it here too- for your perusal.
Children were drowned and shaken, beaten, poisoned, stabbed, and suffocated. These methods betray a certain "craziness" in both genders—they betray an intense passion and a lack of planning. But a study by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children shows that fathers are far more violent. And mothers frequently dispose of the corpses in what researchers call a "womblike" fashion. Bodies are swaddled, submerged in water, or wrapped in plastic. Moreover, the NCMEC study showed that while the victims of maternal killings are almost always found either in or close to the home, fathers will, on average, dispose of the bodies hundreds of miles away. All these behaviors suggest that women associate these murders with themselves, their homes, and their bodies.

I wonder if the adoptive mother would have the same maternal drive toward a non-biological child? I know that Eliza Baker certainly didn't dispose of Zahra in a swaddled fashion.
I would imagine it depends on how the 'mother' views herself? CP seems to imagine herself a wonderful mother, in spite of that distaste for
Eliza was pure psycho...I don't know how similar she is/was to CP, Eliza's problems seem far darker than running purported scams and making a buck...imho
maybe take the study in generalities
Not to get too far OT but didn't Baker have children of her own also? Of course she and hubby were into drugs, prescription and illegal IIRC. I'd think CP might get some Rx but there hasn't been a word about any kind of illegal drugs.
I believe Baker's were older out of the home IIRC?
No I don't think or haven't seen any mention of illegals with CP & SP them selves.

I find myself wondering if Erica was just too much 'work' for CP...if indeed she needed some extra encouragement and guidance with her work. Thus a reason for the resentment.I have home schooled and know families who do. I have seen the good , the bad and the ugly. And unless I am otherwise informed, I am not very confident the education going on in that home was of high caliber, either in academics or direction.
I believe Baker's were older out of the home IIRC?
No I don't think or haven't seen any mention of illegals with CP & SP them selves.

I find myself wondering if Erica was just too much 'work' for CP...if indeed she needed some extra encouragement and guidance with her work. Thus a reason for the resentment.I have home schooled and know families who do. I have seen the good , the bad and the ugly. And unless I am otherwise informed, I am not very confident the education going on in that home was of high caliber, either in academics or direction.

Yes, none of Eliza's kids lived with her.
As far as homeschooling, I did it myself for a little while only because I knew it was the only way my child was going to receive the motivation to realize his potential. As for the homeschooling provided by CP I can't stop myself from doubting the quality of education she'd be able to provide.

On the fourth page "clothing and accessories" it says shorts,sweatshirt with a snowman on the front. I had never noticed this before and wanted to share

Just jumping off your post..I also noticed at the link provided ^^ under " Transportation Method " no vehicle info entered. Did CP ever give a description of the vehicle driven by "Nan" when they would meet at McD's?
I haven't read that in any article. Another piece of the puzzle missing. I hope
Erica's found soon.:please:

On the fourth page "clothing and accessories" it says shorts,sweatshirt with a snowman on the front. I had never noticed this before and wanted to share

Wow, that's interesting!! Wonder where that come from, and why isn't it on the FBI site?

Not that it's going to help two years later, and especially with all the new clothing purchased by "Nan" and "Strawberry." :banghead:

But seriously, the only remote description we got was when Casey said on Dr. Phil that Erica had her new Christmas boots (black velvet) and her purse when they skipped her across the parking lot to "Nan's SUV" at McDonalds.

Speaking of Dr. Phil, by the way, off topic but for anybody following the case in Cleveland of the three woman kidnapped by Arial Castro, apparently Michelle Knight is giving a three part interview on the Dr. Phil Show, Nov. 4, 5, and 6th. :loveyou:
I know one thing, for a older lady , Nan sure was full of vinegar, driving every where, having horses, being all internet savvy, shopping....amazing lady.
I know one thing, for a older lady , Nan sure was full of vinegar, driving every where, having horses, being all internet savvy, shopping....amazing lady.

Well, I know somebody's full of something, but I don't think it's "Nan" and I don't think it's vinegar.
Wow, that's interesting!! Wonder where that come from, and why isn't it on the FBI site?

Not that it's going to help two years later, and especially with all the new clothing purchased by "Nan" and "Strawberry." :banghead:

But seriously, the only remote description we got was when Casey said on Dr. Phil that Erica had her new Christmas boots (black velvet) and her purse when they skipped her across the parking lot to "Nan's SUV" at McDonalds.

Speaking of Dr. Phil, by the way, off topic but for anybody following the case in Cleveland of the three woman kidnapped by Arial Castro, apparently Michelle Knight is giving a three part interview on the Dr. Phil Show, Nov. 4, 5, and 6th. :loveyou:


Thanks ACandyRose for that minor detail CP managed to slip out on National TV with the famous doctor.
IMO CP seems to add more fabrications for Dr Phil's sympathy.
Okay, so, speaking of the vehicle, I have wondered why there isn't a description of the vehicle given. Light color, dark color, new, old, large (Suburban), small (Edge), etc.

AND, why isn't there an artist's rendition of a description of "Nan" - and Kelly & Strawberry for that matter?

I mean, I know "Nan/Irene" doesn't exist, but if there is the slightest, most remote possibility that some lady portrayed herself to be "Nan" for the purpose of trafficking shouldn't we have a description in case somebody else is dealing with her right now?
uh oh we are being naughty
it is so difficult not to
yes windstorm, even the slightest possibility should have created an urgency to put some kind of sketch/description out there...imo
I wonder if Sherrill has considered hypnosis for his clients?? Would that help?
yes windstorm, even the slightest possibility should have created an urgency to put some kind of sketch/description out there...imo
I wonder if Sherrill has considered hypnosis for his clients?? Would that help?


The opposite of possible is impossible - and it's not impossible, so where's the APB and all that on "Nan"?
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